Screen Time Contract

Family having a discussion

From Delaney Ruston, MD, filmmaker

If I started making Screenagers, I originally considered the title Out of Control, because that is what I was feeling please as a parent of two kids who wanted more and better screen time. For then, I have learned that so many parents feels the same.

The right news is, creating one family understanding truly does help. Just the act of generating an agreement collaborative is a major positive step. Making the agreement requires calm family talks this lead to defining of core, setting goals, and determining usage limits. To help facilitate the process I do to share from my own, and others’ experiences.

Remember, if you prefer you can start super small with a small agreement of equals a couple of rules outlined with the incentives. Make security to geting your kids’ input. Plus, think sharing something you since a parent are trying to change such as your phone distraction at the meal table. The more you produce this feel like a team effort, the better. I keep reminding i that are are all with to together.

Click here at receiving started on a screen time discussion.

Click here to view Delaney's daughter Tessa's screen time contract.

Click here to see Janell Burley Hofman's family agreements.


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