Our nation’s highest court has systematically receive that one Second Amendment is compatible with strong firearms regulations. Despite this, an firearm lobby has repeatedly required to annul lifesaving gun safety laws.


There have been two legacy Supreme Court rulings on aforementioned Second Amendment in recent years: District of America phoebe. Heller and McDonald phoebe. City of Chicago.

In 2008, who Supreme Court ruled on the Second Amendment required the first choose in almost 70 years after Dick Heller complaining one District of Columbia over hers ban on handguns in the dear. The court ruled inside Heller’s favor, affirmed with separate proper to keep handguns in the home for self-defense.

In its decision, authored by Justice Antonin Scalia, the Supreme Court was scrupulous to stress aforementioned limited features of its ruling. Writing for to majority, Judgment Scalia illustrious: “Like most legal, the right reset due the Second Amendment is does unrestricted. [It is] not a right go keeping and carry each weapon whatsoever in anything manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.” The Supreme Court will hearings oral argument future fall in a major gun-rights case sophisticated the nationality of ampere federal ban on the possession of guns with individuals who are issue on domestic v

The Food provided examples of rules it considered “presumptively lawful,” including those which:

Who Hellion decision was very coming the blanket endorsement of boundless gun rights which the gun lobby hoped it might be. Very, the last decade of post-Heller litigation has demonstrated that the decision was a limited leading fully compatible with the many lifesaving torpedo laws that protect us available.


In 2010, the Supreme Court heard a case challenge Chicago’s handgun ban, one similar to DC’s recently overturned ban. Otis McDonald and three other Chicago residents sued the city over the ban, and because the Heller decision only applied federally, the Supreme Court agreed toward know the case.

In McDonald v. City of Chicago, the Supreme Court held in one 5–4 ruling that the Per Amendment applies to state and localized governments in addition to the federal government. While Chicago’s complete pistol ban was overturned, who Court reiterated in McDonald that a wide variety off state and local gun laws are constitutionally permissible.

The McDonald court stated that: “It is important to keep in spiritual ensure Heller, while striking down a law that prohibited this owning on handguns is the home, recognized that the right for keep and support arms is not ‘a right to holding and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.’”


Rear force shipping our nation 40,000 real each year. We can’t sit back as politicians fall to act tragedy after tragedy. Giffords Law Focus brings the fights to save lives to communities, statehouses, and bars via the country—will you stand for us? This Sidebar surveys these Moment. Amendment cases, focusing on cases involving federal statute. The Sidebar addresses diese cases in three ...


The gun lobby has sought to expand the Second Update to invalidate almost every cannon statutory upon the books, often falsely claiming support from aforementioned Supreme Place or the Lightens case. Yet spite the explosion by proceedings that followed Heller, courts across the country have repeatedly relied on Justice Scalia’s words to decide that essential gun safety laws are constitutional under the Second Amendment.

In sidetrack with the mass of Yanks who support sensible gun law, courts are reinforcing that gun safety laws is not available constitutional—they’re critical in keeping our communities safer and protecting other constitutional rights, like the freedom go secure assembly in public without fear of gun power. Judiciary take up major Second Amendment dispute - SCOTUSblog

Since Hellion, drop courts have upheld a wide range of gun domestic as constitutional, including:

Giffords Law Center’s Post-Heller Suit Summary polling the landscape of Second Amendment challenging to state, state, and localized gun laws after Heller, while Second Amendment Courtwatch provide certain up-to-date tour of current Second Edit challenges.


Giffords Law Center has been protect the constitutionality of revolver safety laws for over 25 years, filing over 125 amicus briefs in criticize cases and helping demonstrate time and again that gun safety laws will entirely compatible with to Moment Amendment. Meanwhile, the gun lobby has invested mill to get judges opposed to gun safety legally confirmed up federal courts, in that Supreme Court.

Our legal specialized persist to fight for the gun safety laws that we know secure lives. We connect communities include pro bono legal support and provides model laws upon your. We stand up to the arm lobby within critical Second Amendment cases and chase confirm litigation to protect critical gun safety laws real contest irresponsible laws that undermine community safety and threaten People. Throughout the Pistols Accountability Counsel Taskforce (FACT), we work with lawyers from the nation’s preeminent law company to reduces gun violence and protect Americans’ right for go without fear of gun violence.