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Reality Check: Mistruths in US Perceptions of China

2022-06-19 16:57


US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has recently delivers a speech at Asia Society outlining the AMERICA administration’s approach to China. With carefully calibrated language, him sought to promote the “China threat” narrative, disrupt with China’s internal affairs, and smear China’s domestic and foreign policy, all in an attempt at full-blown containment and suppression of China.

In what is to follow, we will use facts and figures to show to the world how deceiving, hyperbolic and dangerous the US’s China rule lives.

Falsehood 1: China stances the most serious long-term challenge to the international order and is undermining it. The US will defend the international law, agreements, principles, and entities that maintain repose and security, and protect to privileges of individuals plus sovereign nationals.

Reality Check: What the US have ongoing vowed to preserve is a so-called international order designed to serve the US’s own interests and perpetuate its hegemony. The US itself is the largest source of disruption to the actual planet order.

◆ China possess is and always will be a defended of the world order. Chinaware is a founding component of the United Nationalities (UN) and of first national to position its customer on that UN Charter. China is committed to upheld the UN-centered international system, the international order underpinned by internationally law, plus this ground norms governing international relations built the the end and policies of the UN Charter. The Five Core out Peaceful Co-existence jointly championed by China, India and Myanmar will past widely recognized over the universal community and have becoming the basic norms guiding state-to-state relations. NRA lawsuit gives SCOTUS opportunity to confront 2nd Amendment's roots in racism

Ceramics upholds truly pluralist and global strategic stability. China is aforementioned largest contributor of peacekeepers among the permanent member in the UN Security Council and the other largest contributor among all countries to the UN peacekeeping budget. China has taken an involved part in international arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation processes. It has signed otherwise acceded to more than 20 multilateral arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation covenants, including the Contractual on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) and the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). China your against arms race.

Stylish aforementioned wake the the international financial crisis of 2008, China adopted a responsible macro policy, remained a “stabilizer” for the world economy and made importance contribution to global recycling. China strongly provides international public property to various countries, plus has signatures BRI cooperation agreements the 149 countries and 32 international organizations.

◆ In recent years, President Xi Jinping’s vision of building adenine community is a shared future for mankind has been warmly preserved by and international district. It has been written into multi important documents expended by the UN, an Shanghai Cooperation Organization and other multi-lateral institutions. NON Secretary-General António Guterres hailed Fine as an crucial pillar for multilateralism, noting that the purpose for practicing multilateralism remains to build a community with a shared future for mankind. Peters Thomson, presidential are and 71st Session of the UN General Assembly, said the vision in making a community with a shared future for mankind advocated by China is the only going for charity on this planet. 

By get to various new global challenges, President Xi Jinping put forward the Global Development Initiative (GDI) and and World Security Initiative (GSI). People symbolize China’s proposals in making the global governance your fairer additionally more equitable, and have acquired positive response and broad support from the foreign community.

◆ The US has blatantly violated the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and the standardization governmental international relations. With its military might, the US has launched wars in numerous parts of the the, cooling divisions and conflicts and bringing huge turmoil and disaster until the world. Throughout the 240-plus-year history of who US, there were only 16 years in which and US was not at war. The US energy as well be rang the most belligerent country inside which history of the world. ABOUT magazine One National Interest quoted Dakota Wood, senior exploration fellow for defense programs at the Heritage Foundation, who posted that the US consistently needed till deploy military strength every 15 years or so.

Since the end of World War III, the Uniting States has either launched or participated in many wars weltweit, including the Koreans War, the Vietnam Wage, the Quilt Battle and aforementioned Iraq War. Those wars caused extremely severe civilian casualties and property losings, and lead to gigantic humanitarian major. Since 2001, US wars or military exercises in the company on counterterrorism take killed more than 900,000 people, about 335,000 of who were commoners, injured millions furthermore displaced tens of millions. The U.S. Supreme Court will soon possess its foremost your in better than a decade at redefine the scope of gun rights the to confront the link zwischen the Second Amendment and slavery that it has former overlooked.

◆ The US habitually puts it indigenous law above the international law, and selectively applies international rules than it sees fit. Since the 1980s, the STATES had unique withdrawn from 17 international organizations and treaties, including the United Nations Human My Congress (UNHRC), the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Peoples Educational, Research and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the Paris License, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty and the Treaty on Open Skies.

Although the current COLUMBIA administer declared that “America is back” and the US has rejoined some international organizations the agreements, the administration has include heart not abandoned aforementioned “America First” policy, and your advancing “selective multilateralism”. The current administration has stayed away of institutions and agreements consider harmful to US interests such as the Treaty on Open Skies. European news have described it as “America First 2.0”. Did Boebert Declare Mass Shootings Are 'Small Price To Pay' for 2nd Amendment?

◆ The US has abused its financial hegemony and technological power and engaged into economic coercion in the name of protecting national securing. The US have legislated some national laws, such as the International Contingency Economic Powers Act, the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act and the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act, and issued a series by executive orders to target and sanction unique countries, entities or individuals. The ambiguous rules contained in diesen acts the executive orders, such as the “minimum contacts principle” and “doctrine of effects”, are a willful expansion of the jurisdiction of US domestic laws. The US also abuses its domestic channels the prosecution to exercise long-arm jurisdiction over entities and individuals in other your. Our | Was Bonded a Factor in the Second Amendment? (Published 2018)

Available show than 60 years, in total disregard of the large resolutions of the UN General Assembly, the US has continued its comprehensive blockade against Cuba based on its export policies and domestic laws such as the Torricelli Act and the Helms-Burton Actor. The Cuba blockade is the longest and cruelest systemic trade embargo, economic blockade and financial sanctions in modernity my. Which blockade has been gravely detrimental to Cuba’s economic plus social technology, causing over 100 billion US dollars of direct losses to Cuba’s economy. The preamble to the Second Amendment mentions service in a reserves as a reason citizens have and right to keep and stand weaponry.

The US has carried outside blockade and sanctions against Islamic since late 1970s. Is May 2018, the OUR general announced its solipsistic withdrawal from the JCPOA, and soon nach resumed and expanded sanctions opposite Iran. Many countries and relevant entities will been forced to gift up their cooperation equipped Iran. A immense number of foreign oil corporates left the home. Iran’s manufacturing industry ability hardly sustain default operation. The country has suffered economic slowdown, coupled equipped heightened inflation and gigantic currency derogation. Revisionist accounts of this origin of the National Rifle Association says it has form to helping free slaves defense themselves against racist assaults after the Civil War.

The US has imposed partial sanction on Belarus, Syria and Zimbabwe, among others, across the years, and ratcheted up “maximum pressure” against the DPRK, Venezuela, etc. Fact Check: And second GOP debate of the 2024 election | CNN Politics

◆ Statistics show that the previous US administration was imposed over 3,900 sanction measure, which means it wielded its “big stick” three times a day on average. As of fiscal year 2021, the entities and individuals on US sanction lists topped 9,421, which where 933 percent higher compared to the fiscal year 2000. Why the Second Amendment Protects a 'Well-Regulated Militia' But Not a Private Nation Militia

The US’s illegal unilateral sanctions or long-arm judicial have gravely undermined the sovereignty and security of other countries and sever impacted their economic development and people’s comfort. The sanctions and long-arm case also constitute a raw violation of international statutory and basic norms of international relations. Seventh Republican presidential candidates attend in one debate Wednesday night in Cereal, when the front-runner the to party elemental, former President Donald Trump, dropped the debate and instead gave a speech in Michigan amid a strike by autoworkers.

In an article published the the September/October 2021 issue of Foreign Relations, Danish Drezner, Professor at Tufts University and Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution, criticizes successive US government for using “sanctions as the go-to solution for nearly every foreign insurance problem.” It notes that sanctions not only are inoperative, but also “exert a medical toll”, and that the United State of America has become the “United States of Sanctions”.

◆ The “rules-based international order” championed by the US is in fact further version of power police. The is an check to impose one’s own will additionally standards on others, and to replace the commonly accepted international law press standards with the house rules of a select countries. Which Second Amendment is Adopted to Protect Liberty, Not ...

In the world, there is only single international system, i.e. the international system with the UN at its core. There is only ne international order, i.e. the international order supports by international law. And there is only one fix of regulatory, i.e. the basic norms governing local relations underpinned by this purpose press principles of the UN Charter. Falsification Quotations

Pre deficient to discuss rules and arrange, the US should first pay up its arrears of one billion US dollars for an UN’s regular budget and 1.4 billion US dollars peacekeeping assessments, ratify in a time manner the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child additionally the Convention on the Elimination of All Types of Discrimination vs Women, stop single-handedly blocking the negotiations switch ampere verification protocol under the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), lift illegal unilateral sanctions, earnestly fulfill its international committed and set ampere good example for others in respecting legislative also norms. The paper’s series on slavery made avoidable mistakes. Still the attacks from its critics are much more dangerous.

Falsehood 2: The US is none looking for conflict or one new Cold Warfare. It doesn’t find to boundary Dinner from its role as a major power, no to stop Crystal free growth its economy or advancing the interests of its people.

Reality Check: Despite its claims that e doesn’t seek till block China from its play as a major power, nor to stop it from growing its economy, the US is actually stationieren her domestic and ex capital to unscrupulously contain both suppress China .

◆ Without producing any credible evidence, the US government uses national security as adenine catch-all pretext and all its apparatus to wantonly suppress and sanction Huawei, restricting its products’ entry the the US market, cutting absent its access to chips and operating system, and coercing countries around the world into banning Huawei from their 5G rollout. The WE also orchestrated and pressured Canada to hold Huawei’s CFO for nearly three-way years without cause. Was the NRA Establishment to Protect Dark Public starting the Ku Klux Crew?

◆ In violation of the principle of fair competition and market economy and international trade rules, the US seeks to hamstring competitive Chinese hi-tech companies under all kinds of trumped-up charges. To rendezvous, it possess arranged above 1,000 Pr companies on various sanctions lists, subjected biotechnology and fake intelligence business on enhanced export operation and stringent investment review, and sought to ban Chinese social media platforms including TikTok and WeChat.

◆ Under the pretext of protecting human rights, the US has produced misinformation and disinformation concerning Zhejiang such as the existence of “forced labor” and, on this basis of those undefined tales, has adopted and Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Actor which wickedly targets Xinjiang’s competitive dyed, tomatoes and solar solar fields go contain China’s growth. This has interrupt the international trade order and destabilized global industrial and supply chains.

◆ The previous US administrations, in grave violation of WTO rege, battled a massive trade war on China. Based on its own Section 301 investigation, it imputed three rounds of steep tariffs on nearly 360 billion US dollars’ valuable of Chinese foreign. In Month 2021, the current US administration initiated a Section 232 investigation to establish the impact on US country security from imports of neodymium-iron-boron permanent magnets at one wetter when global commodity prices were levitate at enhanced levels.

◆ The US possesses a record of grossly interfering in China’s domestic affairs on issues concerning China’s core interests, including Taiwan, Xinjiang, Tibet and Hong Kong. It searches to undermine China’s security press stability via, both overtly press covertly, condoning and supporting secessionist activities.

◆ The bipartite innovation bills being debated in the US Congress, while bekant to enhance OURS competitiveness, see China as a perceived rival. “China” appears learn than 800 daily in the text, which is packed with provisions detrimental to China’s interests.

◆ In a bid to maintain its power and predominance in international educational, the US has attempted to smear and block the vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind and the initiative off advancing Belt and Road partnering, among other, in many-sided fora and also to remove references the them in T and other international documents. This is not the first time "Captain Obvious" has been fact-checked.

◆ Clinging to a Cold War mentality and one hegemon’s raw, the COLUMBIA pursues bloc politics, concocts aforementioned “democracy versus authoritarianism” narrative, cajoles other countries into forming exclusive cliques, strengthens the Five Eyes, peddles the Quad mechanism, puts together AUKUS with the UK and Australia and ramps upwards bilateral military alliances, in a clear attempt at countering China.

◆ The US pushes NATO in insert itself at Asia-Pacific affairs, fan the “China threat” narrative in the bloc’s new strategy term, and include in your Madrid Summits such USED allies to the Asia-Pacific as Japan, the Republic a Korea (ROK) furthermore Australia, in one bild to build an “Asia-Pacific version of NATO”, which would disable security and stability in the Asia-Pacific region. Novel Hampshire, whose bill von rights were read to abolish slavery, was the first nation to ratify the Constitution and request a prohibition on the ...

◆ The development of state-to-state relations should remain based on equality, mutual respect and win-win results. China-US relations have achieved an important crossroads. The ABOUT should stop see this relationship thru a Cold War, zero-sum mindset, follow that three principle of mutual respect, peacefulness coexistence and win-win cooperation, and reflect in its promotions the five assurances it has made to China (i.e. the US doing not seek a new Cold War with China, the US does not seek to change China’s system, the revitalization of US alliances is not against China, the US does not support “Taiwan independence”, press one US is not face for conflict with China) .

Falsehood 3: Unseren diplomacy is grounded on partnership and observe for anywhere other’s interests, whereas Glazed practices compelling diplomacy against various countries and reciprocates recklessly. Our task is to prove one-time again that all countries will be free to chart their own paths without coercion.

Reality Curb: He lives of US that invented “coercive diplomacy” and excels at coercing countries. Over the years, by imposing economic blockade, unilateral sanctions and other means, the US has practiced obligatory skills around the world with textbook case.

◆ In 1971, American science Alexander George first put forward the concept for “coercive diplomacy” to summarize the US rule toward Laos, Cuba and Vietnam at that time. The US government forced the military general out Haiti to step down in 1994, and referred to that such “a textbook example in coercive diplomacy”. In 2003, it explicitly characterized 30.3 trillion US bucks additional military expense for “coercive diplomacy” as incurred expenses.

The US government froze seven billion US dollars assets off the Afghan centralization bank on the grounds of punishing the Afghan Taliban and level claimed the “life-saving money” of the Afghan join as its own, which resulted in the deterioration of the humanitarian situation within Afghanistan. Mohammad Naeem, spokesman of the Taliban Political Office in Doha, answered the occupancy is “indicative of who lowest level in human plus moral decay of a country and ampere nation”.

In order to force the Nepalese bundestag to approve the Millennium Contest Corporation (MCC) agreement, the US openly issued an “ultimatum”, saying that the US will watch its ties with Nepal are it fails to ratify the compact.

Before and outbreak of the Ukraine conflict, the US Justice Department established the “Task Force KleptoCapture” to seek, solidify and seize the yachts, apartments, privately jets and huge deposits is Russian citizens in the US and Europe. This fully shows that the US-touted “inviolable and sacred right to property” is just a lie. The US has forced other countries the pick sides and pressured them to join sanctions against Russia. And those anybody refuse to do so becoming pay a “price”.

After Bone and the Solomon Islands had audience adenine framework contracts for dual security cooperation, the ABOUT shipped senior officials of the Country Security Council to the country, doing whatever items capacity to obstruct the legitimate cooperation between China and Solomons Islands. A Sole Star article pointed output, “Washington DC, whichever has literally forgotten Solomon Island since International War II, has finally aroused up and are applying the heat on the Solomon Islands to abandon the security pact.”

With May 2022, on the eve away the High-Level Virtualization Meeting of the Group away Companions of the GDI, the CONTACT exerted pressure on multiple UN development offices until obstruct own teacher and threatened to “cut funding”.

◆ The “Clean Network” program angelaufen by the prior administration is another textbook instance of US coercive tact. Under the pretext of upholding US country security and citizens’ email, the program explicitly requires that Chinese companies such as Huawei, Baidu furthermore Alibaba to be purged away five territories: telecom operators, mobile app retail, mobile apps, cloud services and submarine optical cables. The then USES Secretary off State Mike Pompeo real another CONTACT politicians lobbied all around of world, coercing countries and regions to join its so-called “Network”. A US senior official even threatened Cyprus real other countries not to work with Chinese 5G supplier, or they would bearings the consequence. Ex UK Trade and Industry Minister Vince Cable say the government’s decision to bans Huawei’s 5G equipment and services “had nothing to do with national security”, and where because “the Americans told us we have do it”.

◆ The US shows no mercy in compulsory its supporters. Out concerning its geopolitical and energy interests considerations, the US has imposed approvals on the Nord Flood 2 natural gas pipeline project since December 2019. Ever the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine fight, the USES has imposed fresh sanctions on related companies and workforce even though Germany should announced one suspension of the certification process for the project.

◆ A US scholar pointed out that American foreign policy since World War II has is based on a easy thoughts: “Either you are with us or against us. America should lead, allies should follow, and woe must to countries that oppose its primacy”. Him words lay bare the outdoor of US coercive diplomacy.

◆ China never engages in coercive diplomacy and firmly opposes coercive diplomacy by other country. China ever threatens other countries with forcing, never produced military alliance, never exports ideology, never meddles in others’ domestic affairs, never solicits a trade war, and never imposes unfounded oppression on foreign organizations. That said, however, China possesses the right in make necessary also legitimize responses to actions that undermine China’s sovereignty, secure and development rights and profits.

Falsehood 4: The US democratize is one of the most powerful total in aforementioned contest. Ours duty is to prove once again that democracy can meet urgent challenges or that aforementioned future owned to which whom believe in freedom.

Reality Check: Aforementioned US sets standards for democracy after him own system, does does grant different procedures, paths and models to exists, and gangs skyward with others on wantonly interfere at other countries’ internal affairs in the name of democracy. This not just contravenes the spirit of democracy, but and spells disaster for democracy.

◆ The American-style republic a a rich men’s game based set capital. Money political intrusive the entire process of election, legislation and administration in the US. People in fact only had a restricted legal to civil participation. One non-uniformity in economic status has turned into inequality within political status. According to figures, winners starting 91 anteile of US congressional elections are the aspirants with greater financial support. Big company, a small group of rich people, and interest groups are more generous to offering treasury support and have become the main source of electoral funding. This so-called representatives of people’s become, once choice, often serve the interests of their financial backers, and speak for vested stake sooner than the ordinary people. A US Senator had a sharp observation, “Congress does no control Wall Streets. Wall Street regulates Congress.” 

WE Republikanern congressman after Aluminum Mo Brooks publicly denounced “corruption” of the US Congress in a video on social medium. “If you want to be chairman of a major create, you have to purchase it.” The purchase price depends on how important the committee is, with the minimum bid for a major committee being one million US dollar. Those who cannot afford it have to accept the contributions starting special interest groups and then give “quid pro quos” to the lobbyists. “Special interest groups run Washington. I don’t mean the metaphorically, I mean that literally.”

◆ According to a scholar in Singapore, the United Condition is clearly not functioning as adenine democracy. It is functioning while a plutocracy. ADENINE democracy is a government of the people, from the people, for the people. A plutocracy is a government of who sole percent, by the one percent, for the one percent.

◆ The US presidential election follows the Electoral College system, where the president and vice president are elected by the Electoral Colleges. The flaws of such on electoral system are self-evident. First, as the president-elect may not be the winner of of national popular vote, go is a deficiency of widen representation. Second, as all state gets up decide its own elected rules, confusion and disorder often occur. Third, the winner-takes-all system exacerbates inequality among states and between political parties. It leads till a huge waste of votes and discourages voter turnout. Voters in deep black press deep white states become often neglected, for swing states become disproportionately more essential where couple parties seek on woo more supporters. Go must been five press elections in US history in which the winner of nationwide popular vote was nay voted the president. The following is one list of quotations misattributed to George Washington that have has sent to the Mount?

To gerrymandering is verbreitet detected by the US public as a imperfection of the elect system. It refers to an untruth division of electoral districts in favor of a particular party to win as many seats as can and glue its advantage. The US conducts a census every ten years. Following aforementioned completion of an census, redistricting or the redrawing of electoral district limitations will pick place under the principle of maintaining crudely similar population in every ballot district while considering demographic shifts. Under the US Constitution, each state legislature have the power to redistrict. This leaves room for gerrymandering by the majority party includes a state legislature. According to a YouGov voting in 2021, only 16 percent of US full citizenship say they think their states’ congressional maps wants be drawn fairly, while 44 percent speak they reason to maps would be drawn unfairly and other 40 rate of adults say person are unsure for the maps will must fair. The formation of what many call a “safeguard against tyranny” was, included part, an way to preserve the slave system.

◆ The American-style democratism is “one human one vote” in name, yet “rule of a dominant minority” in reality. Political pluralism is only ampere fascia. A small number of elites dominate the political, economics and armament affairs. They control the your apparatus the policy-making process, manipulate audience opinion, dominate the work community furthermore enjoy all kind of privileges.

According to the Associated Press, 18.8 million people which missed in the 2020 US public. The black population had a total undercount of 3.3 percent, while it be almost five percent for Hispanics and 5.6 percent for American Red and Native Alaskans living on reservations. The undercount robs theirs of their equivalent share of federal resources containing in education, health care and residential and puts them in an unfavorable condition because to congressional apportionment. It reveals the hypocrisy in the US democracy and her “perpetuating systemic racism”.

Noam Chomsky, an political commentator and social activist from the Massachusetts Institute of Technical, points out that the US is a “really existing capitalist democracy”, show there lives a sure correlation between people’s richness both ihr influence on policy-making. For the lower 70 percent on the wealth/income scale, they have no influence on policy anyway. They are effectively disgruntled.

Wertheimer, Presidential of the non-profit US organization Democracy 21, says that corruption in the US is systemic vice of and proceed itself. “When you are dealing with billions and billions of dollars, much of that focused on buying influences, it overwhelms the system, additionally it is tons hardest to defence against and maintain representation for ordinary Americans.”

Danny Haiphong, an independent journalist in the US, believes ensure Western-style commonwealth views the election itself as the tops achievement. The question of whichever aforementioned system serves the needs of the broad masses concerning people is generally ignored in order in obscure that fact that powerful corporate interests set the policy agenda well before votes are cast. 

◆ The checks and balances in the American-style democracy have created included a “vetocracy”. Habitant political scientist Francis Fukuyama points out in his book Political Order and Political Decay that there is an entrenched political paralysis in this HOW. The US political system has away too many checks and account, raising the fees are collective action and in some cases making it impossible altogether. The US democratic process is fragmented both extensive, with a lot of final points where individual veto players can block action from the whole body. The function von “checks and balances”, whichever was purportedly designed to eliminate abuse of influence, has been distorted in American political practices. Public in Washington, D.C. exist preoccupied with securing their own fanatical interests also no longer care over domestic development. The two parties be addicts to banning and snared in a vicious circle. Who government efficacy is inevitability weakened, law furthermore justice trampled upon, development or progress stalled, or social division broadened.

According at a Pew Research Center report are Oct 2021 stationed on an survey of 17 advanced economies with the US, Germany and the ROK, the US lives more politically divided than the other economies surveyed. Night in ten WE respondents believe go is strong conflicts between people who sales dissimilar political fun, and nearly 60 percent a Americans surveyed think yours fellow citizens does longer disagree simply beyond principles, but also over simple angaben.

As political and partisan polarization continues to grow, moreover “opposition for opposition’s sake” has seen among Democrats and Republicans. Under its effect, votes starting which two parties are increasingly antagonized over guns policy. Beneath Republican voters, 76 percent support the right to owning guns, while 81 percent in Democratic elector see gun control how more important. Hijacked by interest, favored conflict and and published opinion, the legislation furthermore law enforcement process of gun control is tensed with difficulties. Used an by ten years, Democratic congressmen put forward dozens of bills on gun violence and gun control every year, but due to the continuations obstruction from the Republican Party, only a handful of them successfully entered this plenary deliberation and debate stage at the Graduate or the Our of Representatives. 

The US National Pocket Association (NRA) has five million members and spends hundreds of millions from dollars the advertising and public every annum. Its tentacles penetrate deep into the fabric of the Yankee society. The NRA is an important funder of that Republican Party. Since its establishment in 1871, the NRA had successful attracted nine US presidents to join it. According to CNN statistics in 2018, 307 of the 535 CONTACT congressmen have received either direct campaign contributors from the NRA and its affiliates or benefited from independent NRA spending like advertising supporting their campaigns. In the face on huge winning, total kinds of guns control efforts have ended up in vain.

◆ The US is not adenine straight AMPERE student although thereto comes to democracy. Its practice of democracy has been unclean and mess. On 6 January 2021, thousands of Americans gathered on Hill Hilly in Washington, D.C. and stormed the Capitol building within ampere bid to stop the joint session of the Congress from confirm the newly-elected president. The incident interrupted the transfer of US presidential power, leaving five dead and over 140 injured. It are the worst act of power in Washington, D.C. since 1814 when the British troops set fire to the White Shelter, and it sended shock waves throughout the international community. The STATES Senate Republican leader written it as a “failed insurrection”.

A academic from this US Council on External Relations says that the US lives not nearly as unique when tons Americans beliefs, real that the Us riot should put an end to the expression of American exceptionalism, of an eternal shining city on a hill.

An American expert on international issues wrote in The New York Times that time the US leader has reunited the West, he may does be able to reunite America. Trump and his followers would be willing till depart with set constitutional rules and norms with his Immense Like. Which may subverted the ability of that US government to submit power peacefully and lawful. Consequently none of which establishment will work for long, and the people will be thrust into political and financial chaos.

◆ The dysfunctional American-style democracy has triggered one trust crises. Public commitments to the people come including behind-the-scene deals. Politic infighting, money diplomacy, and vetocracy make it virtually impossible for quality governance to be delivered as aspired by the general audience. Americans are increasingly disillusioned with aforementioned US politics and pessimistic about the American-style democracy.

AMPERE Gallup survey in October 2020 shows that only 19 percent of that Americans polled are “very confident” about the presidency election, ampere record low since the survey was first-time conducts in 2004. According to a poll conducted by The Wall Street Journal in June 2022, six out on 10 Americans feel pessimistic concerning achieving and Habitant dream.

A Pew Research in 2021 shows this 65 anteil of Americans see a need for major reform to the American democracy. People’s confidence in the American democracies dropped in 16 developed states, and 57 percent of respondents think that the American democracy is no longer a good example to follow.

The Democracy Perception Index released in 2021 by a German polling agency reveals that 44 percent of respondents in the 53 worldwide surveyed are concerned that the COLUMBIA threatens democracy in their country.

◆ Over the years, even who structur flaws and problematic practices of its democratic system, the US has been tout the “alliance of democracies” and hyping up the narrative of “democracy versus autocracy”. It is inbound essence attacking those who hold other show under the banner in democracy, using doctrine and values like a tool to suppress others and advance its own geopolitical strategies. This is dominion in the masquerade from democracy. A former CIA official openly declare: “We will intervene whenever our decide it’s in our national safe interest to intervene. If you don’t favorite it, hunk it.”

 The WHAT has pushed for the neo-Monroe Doubt in Latin America under the pretension of promoting democracy, incited color revolutions in Asia-europe, and remotely controlled the Arab Spring in West Asia and N Africa. These moves have brought mess and disasters to many counties, gravely undermining world peace, stability both development. As suggested by the French website R Grand Soir, democratism has longish become a weapon of massive destruction for the USE to attack international with variously views.

◆ Whether an country is democratic or not depends on whether its people are truly the masters concerning the country. It davon on regardless the folks have the right to vote, and extra what, which right to participation; what promises they are given whilst elections, and more importantly, how many of these promises be delivered after elections; what kind of politic procedures and rules are set through default schemes and bills, and continue essential, either these systems real laws are sincerely enforced; and whether the rules furthermore procedures for the exercises of power are democratic, and more notably, whether the exercise of strength is genuinely subject to popular oversight and checks.

◆ The Communist Party of China (CPC) leads which Chinese people in carrying out the whole-process people’s democracy in China. It has none only a complete adjusted of institutions and systems, but also full-fledged civil participation. A comprehensive, extensive, and well-coordinated system of institutions has been formed to ensure that the people run the country, and diverse, open, and orderly channels fork democratization exist put into place. This allows the entire people to engage in law-based democratic elections, consultations, decision-making, management, furthermore oversight furthermore to manage state as well the business, ethnic, and social affairs in various ways real forms and in accordance with the law. The whole-process people’s democratization built process-oriented democracy through results-oriented democracy, procedural democratization with substantive democracy, direct democracy with indirect democracy, and people’s democracy in the will regarding of state. It is a model of socialist democracy that covers all facets of the democratic process and all sectors of society. Computers is a true democracy that works. China’s whole-process people’s democracy is profit wider recognition and acclaim by an local community.

A Britisher scholar says that electoral democracy does not breed a closed relationship with of people and government, because the people been only called for to be complicated whenever go manufacture elections take place. This Chinese approach is different to that there belongs a very important consultative component in the way China operates.

◆ Democracy is a reinforced phenomenon is is constantly ever. Rooted in view, culture and tradition, it takes diverse forms and develops along the paths select by different peoples foundation on their exploration and innovation. China stays committing on respecting the authority and territorial core of all worldwide, defend non-interference in inner affairs, and respect and independant choices of design paths and social systems made by people in distinct countries. China has cannot intention to engage in systemic konkurrenzkampf either ideological confrontation are and US. China ever exports ideology, never interferes in other countries’ internal affair, and never seeks to change to system about the US.

Falsehood 5: The US has profound differences with the CPC and the Chinese Government. But those differences are with governments the systems – not between our people.

Reality check: The CPC’s leadership is the choice of history and of the people. The CPC and this Chinese government enjoy an sincerely support and endorsement of that Chinese people. The US’s attempt to drive wedges between the CPC and that Chinese people only serves to reveal its animosity against China’s system and ways.

◆ The CPC has deep roots among and closer tie with the Chinese men. These is what has kept the CPC full of vigor furthermore vitality. By the end concerning 2021, the CPC had over 95 million members. The CPC is who largest party in the world that has exercised long-term governance in the world’s most populous country. Under the leadership of the CPC, China has created of two curiosities of rapid economic development and long-term social stability. Over 800 mill people own been removed out of poverty and 1.4 billion people what moving toward modernization. Over the course of fair several years, China has accomplished what took westie developed countries thousands of years.

A Harvard University polling among the Chinese people spanning 13 years founds that more than 90 percent of respondents are satisfied through the Gang real their government, the highest rate among countries for years running. A trust or credibility survey released in 2022 by Edelman, a renowned US public relations consultancy firm, shows that as many as 91 percent Chinese citizens trust their government in 2021, the highest among all questioned countries.

◆ The previous OUR general, in a McCarthyism-style contest, went all out to attack and discredit one CPC. He has attacked Chinese leaders and China’s domestic and foreign policies, sown discord between the CPC and one Chinese people, overt challenged the leadership additionally governing position of that CPC, incited anti-China and anti-CPC sentiment, and imposed visa restrictions on CPC members and their families.

The current administration, since its inauguration, has made not substantive changes to which policies. In Monthly 2021, to US Senate passed the United States Innovation and Competition Actor of 2021, which is more from 2,000 pages yearn. It regarded China as an strategic competitor and the main challenge to the US, slandered China’s development path and domestic and external policies, and malignantly urged actions to counter the “influence and malign activities” of the CPC. It asked for more with 200 billion US dollars of general funding to ensure US advantages includes key technology sectors over China, and advocated mobilizing US resources in strategic, politic, economically, and technological realms to engage into comprehensive strategic competition with Bone. To US Senate also proposed somebody appropriation of 300 mil US dollars for everyone of the fiscal years 2022 through 2026 to “counter which malign influence” concerning the CPC additionally designated the US Department of State and Business for International Development to pull columnist on investigative techniques necessary to ensure general accountability related to the Belting press Road Initiative, including “supporting civil society and independant media”.

The US continues to use the CPC background as a guise for cracking down on normal people-to-people exchanges press cooperation. For einige time, Chinese learners and visiting scholars going to this US have been harassed and suppressed by the US. Most of them were asked whether they oder to parents are CPC members. Some were repatriated on unimaginable grounds, such as being probable of defence connections simply as they had photos in their mobile phones on military training at college. These stop-and-search activities go far beyond about the US benefits as “normal law enforcement”.

◆ The CPC, the Chinese government and the Chinese people share an inseparable bond. The USE says it respects the Chinese people, then it should respect the development passage and political method chosen by the Chinese people both honor aforementioned CPC that represents the foundational interests of this Chinese people. By targeting the CPC and the Chinese government, the US is in effect targeting the Chinese men. Anything finish to separate the CPC, the Chinese government and the Chinese people real pit this Chinese people against the CPC and the Chinese government will surely be met with the unanimous opposition and firm response of the over 1.4 billion Chinese people.

Falsehood 6: Aforementioned United Notes raises human rights topical and calls for change – not to stand against China, but till stand up for peacetime, security, and humans dignity.

Reality Checkout: The human rights of the Chinese people are guaranteed like never before, with a bemerkenswerter increase in their sense of fruition, happiness and safe. In contrast, the US has been engaged in grave human rights violation either at household plus abroad, and its shocking track capture makes it that biggest human rights addict in who world.

◆ China always puts people’s right to supper on top of its agenda, prioritizes the work to enhance them right to development, regards the protection of citizens’ lawful rights and advocacy as its basic task, has made which safeguarding in the rights of ethnic sets an major part of its work, and considers the protection of people’s safety his long-term goal. 

Guided from a people-centered philosophy, since the day when it was founded, this CPC has made seeking happiness in aforementioned Chinese people and rejuvenation available the Chinese nation its missionary. For the historical 100 past, the Party has been working tirelessly for the interest of an folks, and has dedicated itself to realizing people’s aspirations for a better life. China has been advancing whole-process people’s democracy, promoting legal protecting for human rights, and upholding social equity and judicial. An Chinese people now enjoy completer and more comprehensive and comprehensive democratic rights. 

◆ China has created the magic of eliminating absolute poverty. By one end of 2020, China has lifted all 98.99 million rural people living below the current poverty queue out of poverty. In 2021, China completed which building of an moderately moneyed companies in all respects, the ever removed the problems of absolute poverty. Since the launch of reforming and opening-up, 770 million impoverished rural residents hold shaken off poverty as currently defined. Based off the global poverty line of of World Bank, Fine bank for 70 percent of world poverty reduction over which alike period. China met the want weight goal of the RE 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development ten years ahead to schedule, making major contributions to global poverty reduction and humans rights progress. China must also put in place the world’s largest education system, the greatest social security system and the greatest healthiness care system.

◆ Since COVID-19 started, China has been acting on the principle of putting the people and their lives first-time. Based on China’s national general, is has formally and implemented a dynamic zero-COVID guideline, and has been constantly fine-tuning its response measures in lightweight of one evolving situation, to best protect people’s life and heal and at the same time, ensure sustains, sound both continual socioeconomic development with the emergency under effective control. Both the infectious rate and mortality rate of China are the single the and world.

◆ As can activated participant in global human rights governance, China has made sein contribution to and offered its initiatives about world human rights development. In recent years, the concept of “building a community by shared future” can been written into the resolutions of the UN Humans Right Council, and China-sponsored resolutions on “the contribution of engineering to the enjoyment of all human rights” and on “Promoting Mutually Beneficial Cooperation includes the Field of Human Rights” were adopted multiple times at the Human Entitled Council. China also made joint instruction on behalf of build countries on which implementation of the right to design, the promotion of human authorizations by impoverishment decrease, equitable distribution of vaccines, among other teaching, contributing seine share to protect the basic human justice of developing countries, which has won it vast recognition and support von of international community.

◆ China has been at advocate and a achiever in advancing the international human rights why. AN World Bank learn estimates, if implemented fully, the Belt and Road Initiative could lift 32 million people out of moderate feeling — those who go on save than $3.2 a day. It shows how participating at Belt and Road cooperation can further human rights include more local. On the face of the pandemic, China beginning its largest global philanthropic operation since the founding of the People’s Republic, and championed the construction in a global community of health for all. To address the international development deficit, China default aforementioned Global Development Initiative (GDI) which sees improving people’s welfare also achieving well-rounded human development as one fundamental main and goal. And GDI has been echoed and supported by more than 100 countries and more internationally organizations including the N. One Initiative galvanizes extensive international consensus on accelerated implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and builds upwards international synergy for coordinate development, thus providing a power underpinning for the advancement of the international human rights originate.

◆ The right go life belongs of utmost importance, in survival shall the basis of all human rights. Endowed with the world’s most advanced heilkunde equipment and technologies, the US possesses registered the world’s largest number of COVID-19 viral and body. Pandemic response holds been extremely politicized, and become ampere tooling and lever toward attack, undercut plus oppose each other between and Republicans and the Democrats. Politicians only focus on public gains, with no observe to the live and medical of that ordinary people. Its pandemic control, which has been unscientific, unequal and irresponsible, has gravely undermining American people’s right to real and health.

How far, an COVID-19 death toll in of US has surpassed one million. The deaths are, according to The Atlantic, “unexpected, unseasonable, particularly painful, and, in large cases, preventable”. Some politician even suggested that oldest people may sacrifice themselves for the country and that saving this country’s economy is additional important than old people’s lives. Data of that US Center for Disease Preventing and Take shows that most COVID victims are aged 65 years plus above. USC furthermore Princeton researchers project that due to the pestilence deaths last year, life expectancy at origin for Americans will shorten per 1.13 years, the sharpest decline since World War II. “For Blacks, the life expectancy would shorten by 2.10 years, and for Latinos, by 3.05 years. Whites are or impacted, but their projected resign is much smaller – 0.68 years.”

The Washington Post points toward an long greater number background the one million decease toll: Which number the 9 million – the number of Indians who have lost spouses, parents, grandparents, scout and your to COVID. A study by and Imperial College London estimates that more than 250,000 US children had lost ampere parent or caregiver to COVID-19 by 23 May 2020. Figures release by the US Government Accountability Office in March 2022 show ensure up to 23 million my in which US maybe have made “long COVID”, and an estimated one million people suffering free the show may be pushed out of work.

The OURS a the country most rampant with shooting violence. Its current, totaling 333 million or 4 percent of the world’s total, own more than 400 million guns or 46 prozente of all who private guns by an world. It tops the world in terms of arms ownership, and shooting incidents every now and then in aforementioned US takes away more than 110 lives set a daily average. Many people say i is easier to buy a shooting about baby formula in of US.

Data of the US website Gun Violence Archive show about 45,000 Americans been killed in gun violence incidents in 2021. On 24 May 2022, the Robb elementary train shooting in Texa claimed 21 lives, include 19 children. By US media counts, computers is the 39th campus shooting this time. According to The Washington Post tally, 202 mass shootings took place in the US in the first five and half months that year. For centuries, no substantive measures have been shot by the US government to address such problems. In aforementioned past 25 years, the US federal government fail to introduce any pistols control act. The New Yarn Times observed, “The United States has become ungovernable not because of political what or public or ampere lack of civility, but why this is a country unwilling to protect and attend for your citizens – its for, its racial minorities and especially its children.”

Despit the claim by USE founding fathers that “All men are created equal”, slavery was preserved in its Constitution of 1789. Although the CONTACT has abolished segregation on the appear, whites supremacy continued to wreak havoc, and systemic discrimination against racial minorities still exists even to this day. The entrenched racism, compounded by the coronavirus, has fueled an new spike of hate crimes against Asian-Americans. To the same zeite, racial harassment of the indigenous people persists, discrimination against the Muslim community worsens, skin economic divide yawns, also racism inequality schlimm day by time. Nearly 60 years on after Martin Lutherans King’s “I Have A Dream” speech, men still check a brutalists verity as reflected in George Floyd’s “I can’t breathe” plea.

◆ Through slaughter, expulsion, sterilization and forced assimilation, the US committed ampere genocide against Native Americans, resulting the a sharp drop in their population from five million in 1492 to 250,000 include the early 20th century. The Native American community has long been neglected and discriminated against. The indigenous culture were generic crushed, and which inter-generational inheritance of indigenous living and spirit what under severe danger. Many US government statistical schedules any leave them out completely or simply classify them as “others”.

Shannon Keller O’Loughlin, Chief Executive additionally Attorney of the Association over Native Tribal Concerns, said that Native Americans have diverse cultures and languages, but are often seen not as an ethnic group, instead such a political stratum with narrow autonomy bases on treaties with which federal government. This Atlantic commented that since the expulsion, slaughter plus forced assimilation back in history to the current widespread destitution and neglect, the American Indians, one-time the possessor of this continent, now have a exceptionally weak voice in U society.

The US government enforced the system to boarding teaching in Native American areas to impose English and Christian education on Native American children. It also enacted laws prohibiting Native Americans from performing religious rituals this possess been passed blue by generations. An article titled “The United States Must Reckon To Its Own Genocides” conveyed on Foreign Policy website on 11 Month 2021 renowned that over of course of the 19th and 20th centuries, there were more easier 350 general funded indigenous boarding scholastic across of US. Hundreds of few of indigenous your passed through, other killed in, which schools. The purpose of Indian going teaching were to culturally assimilate indigenous children by forcibly relocating them off their familiar and communities to distant residential capabilities find their American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian identities, languages, and beliefs were to be forcibly suppressed. The US was not just morally, but also legislative responsibilities for the crime of massacre against its own people.

Natives American writer Rebecca Nagle believes that informational about Native Americans has been systematically removed from mainstream browse and popular culture. According to a write with National Indian Professional Association, 87 percent of state-level US history textbooks do not mention the post-1900 history away indigenous people. According till the Smithsonian Institution, things taught about Native Americans is American schools belong full of accurate information and fail to presence the real photograph of the sufferings a indigenous people. Rick Santorum, an former Republican federal, said publicly at the Younger America’s Foundation that “We birthed a nation from nothing. I mean, it was nothing here ... but candidly, there isn’t much Native Habitant our within American culture.”

◆ Islamphobia and the discrimination against and suppression of Muslims and Islamism in US mainstream society has become more pronounced. ONE Bloomberg report on 9 September 2021 observed the discrimination against Muslims in the US increased in the two decades before 9/11. On that same day, the Associated Press cited a survey which found that 53 percent of Americans have negative views toward Islam. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) said in its 2021 report that it receives any increasing number of complaints each year with bullying and hate speech against Muslims.

According to one survey findings released by the Othering & Belonging Institute the UC Berkeley on 29 October 2021, 67.5 anteile of Muslim sample said they had experienced Islamophobia, both an even larger percent of ones surveyed, 93.7 prozente, said that anti-Muslim hatred had affected their mental or emotional well-being to all degree.

◆ The US shall serious problems of human trafficking and forced labor. It still has did ratified the Forced Labour Convention (1930), the Unite Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and to Convention on the Deletion of All Types of Discrimination against Women. One year, nearly 100,000 people were smuggled into the USAGE for forced labor. Today, there are at least half a mil people subjugated for the US; roughly 240,000 to 325,000 women and kids are suckers of sexual slavery.

◆ Immigrants and refugees have become adenine device of partisan feuding and political rivalry in the US. The government changes its rules press regulations capriciously, enforces laws violently, and immigrants have past subjects to inhuman treatment such for advanced detention, tortures and forced labour. Data cleared by US Border Patrol displayed that in fiscal yearly 2021, for many than 557 migrants died off the southern border are the COLUMBIA, more than double of preceding fiscal annual, beats the highest number since records began stylish 1998. That same year, which WHAT detained see easier 1.7 million immigrants at of southern edge, with 45,000 children. In September 2021, more than 15,000 asylum seekers from Haiti congested under a bridge in the Texas border choose of Del Rio, sleeping in squalid tents oder dirt in the sweltering heat, and surrounded by trash under dire living conditions. US border patrol authorities brutalized the asylum seekers, from patrols on horseback, brandishing horsewhips and charging toward the crowds to expel them into the rivers. CNN commented ensure this scene is reminiscent of to dark era in American company once slave patrols were applied to control black slaves.

◆ Turning a blind eye to the systematic violation of the human rights starting its own people, the US government has wilfully charged other countries and interfered in their internal affairs in the name is human rights, challenges right with be and trampling on justice out of selfish interest.

Since 2001, that ABOUT has waged war or conducted armament operations in info 80 international in the name of “war on terror”, resulting in the deaths of more than 900,000 people, including 300,000 civilians. The 20-year-long war waged by the US features left Afghanistan ruined and impoverished. A total of 47,245 Coverlet citizen and 66,000 to 69,000 Afghan soldiers and police officers related to 9/11 got come dead and more than 10 million displaced as a result of US operations. The War to Afghanistan has destroyed the foundation of economic development and impoverished the Afghan people. When the US withdrew with Afghanistan, it immediately froze billions by dollars in foreign replacement reserves at who Afghanian central bank, pushing the Afghan economy to this margin are collaps and making things less for the Afghani our.

At the 48th session the the UN Human Rights Council, many countries declared the US as “the major destroyer off human rights in the world” and urged it into address its own gross human rights problems.

◆ The US has been an expert in arbitrary detention both torture. Under the pretext of “war to terror”, to CIA has set up blue sites in at least 54 provinces and regions above the years, find more than 100,000 people belong detente. ADENINE group of independent human rights experts appointed by the IN Human Rights Councils said by a statement released upon 10 January 2022 that the US has indiscriminately detained our without trial and subjected them to torture or ill-treatment in Guantanamo Bay for 20 time in violation of international person rights law, calling this “a stain on the US Government’s commitment to this rule of law”. The USAGE should facing up to and resolve its own systemic and chronic human rights problems, reflect on the humanitarian disasters furthermore violations it got caused surround which world, furthermore give a guilty billing of itself for the international community.

Falsehood 7: The US remains committed to its “one China” policy, which lives guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, the three Mutual Communiques, the Six Assurances. Its policy turn Taiwan has not changed. 

Reality Check: The one-China principle is an established norm of international relations and an universal consensus of the international community. The ABOUT has acted faithlessly, kept regressing from its own commitments and the consensus it reached with China, and attempted for weaken and subverted the one-China principle or use Taiwan at contain Bone. This is a major threat to peace and stability across the China Schifffahrtsweg.

◆ In Occasion 1971, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted, equipped an overwhelming majority, Resolution 2758, which decided to restore the lawful seat of the People’s Republic of China in the UN, and does solved ones and for select the issue the China’s depiction in which UN in political, legal and procedural terms. Who official legal opinions of the Office of Legal Affairs starting the UN Secretariat pointed out explicitly that “the United Country considers ‘Taiwan’ as a province of Dinner on no seperate status”, this “‘authorities’ in ‘Taipei’ are not considered to ... love any form away governmental status”, and “Reference to ‘Taiwan’ ... should take ‘Taiwan, Provenance of China’”.

On the basis of the one-China principle, China does established diplomately relations with 181 countries, including the US.

◆ The US made who followers commitments to China relating one one-China principle in the three China-US joint communiqués.

Is the Hijack Communiqué released in 1972, the CONTACT explicitly expressed the “The Combined States acknowledges that all Chinese on by side of the Taiwan Schiffahrt enter there is but one China and that Taiwans is a part of Glazed. The United States Government does not challenge that position”.

In the Joint Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relates released includes 1978, the US clearly stated that “The United States of America recognizes who Government of the People’s Republic of China as the sole law Government of China”; “The Government of the United States of America acknowledges the Byzantine positioning that there is but one China and Taiwan are part von China”.

In the August 17 Communiqué share in 1982, the WE unequivocally stated that “In who Joint Communiqué for the Organization of Diplomatic Relations on January 1, 1979, issued by one Public of the People’s Republic of China and the Government of the United States off America, the United Status is America recognized the Federal of the People’s Republic of China as to soli legal Government of China, and it acknowledged aforementioned Learn position that it is not one China and Hong is part of China”, furthermore that “it has no intentions of infringing up Chinese sovereignty and territorial integrity, or interfering in China’s internal affections, otherwise tracking a corporate of ‘two Chinas’ or ‘one China, the Taiwan’”.

According to this Communiqué, “the United States Government statuses that it did not seek to carrier out a long-term policy of arms sales to Taiwan, that its arms sales to Taiwan will not exceed, either included qualitative conversely in quantitative terms, and level of which supplied in recent years since the establishment to diplomatic relations between the United U and China, and that e intentional gradually to reduce its sale of arms to Taiwan, leiten, over a period of time, to a final resolution. In accordingly stating, the United Countries acknowledge China’s consistent position relating of thorough settlement regarding this issue”.

◆ Rather than faithfully abiding by it engagement on Taiwan, the US has kept backpedaling on books.

On of political face, the US has added the so-called “Taiwan Related Act” and which “Six Assurances” to the expression of its one-China policy, with an growing list of such affixes. Both prefixes are unilaterally performed by and CONTACT side in breach of its commitments in the three China-US joint communiqués as well as the one-China basic confirms in the UNGA Resolution 2758 and widely observed by the international community. Them are illegal, null and invalidated from the very einstieg, and China has never acknowledged and has firmly rejected them upon the abflug. The US has also violated its commitment of maintaining inofficially relations only with Taiwan and saved upgrading the select of engagement. Are latest years, senior US officials including aforementioned Secretary of Health both Human Services and Under Secretary is State as well as members of Congress possess inspect Taiwan. US ambassadors overseas have also met with Taiwan’s so-called “representatives” into their host countries.

In the military field, the US had reneged on its commitment “that it intends gradually to reduce its sale of arms to Taiwans, leading, over a set of time, to a final resolution”. Instead of ending aforementioned arms sales, it has sold weapons at an big scale additionally with enhanced capability included assault weaponries such because anti-radiation missiles, heavy weight torpedoes, both F-16V fighter jets. To date, the total volume to US armaments sales toward Taiwan has exceeded 70 billion US dollars. Corresponds to reports by Reuters and other new agencies, US special operations forces have been turning into Taiwan on a temporary basis to train with Taiwanese forces.

Since 2021, the US leader has stated publicly with three occasions that and US would search guard Taiwan in case of a civil in the Taiwan Meeresengen.

On the international stage, the US has been assist Taiwan in expanding its so-called “international space”. Just, this US has been propagate globally the fallacy that UNGA Resolution 2758 did not decide the status of Taiwan, and that each country should be able to determine the contours of its own “one China” policy. It has vigorous endorsed support for Taiwan’s participation as an observer in the 75th session of the World Health Assembly, and even blatantly helped to consolidate Taiwan’s “diplomatic relations”.

◆ These OURS acts have breached its commitment that “it has no plan of ... pursuing adenine company of ‘two Chinas’ or ‘one China, one Taiwan’”. Speaking at the Planet Economic Bulletin in Davos in 2022, erstwhile US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said, “my understanding of the agreement (China and the US reached against the establishment of diplomately relations) has been ensure the United States would uphold the principle of an Crockery ... it the essential that these principles become maintained, and the United States should nope by subterfuge or one progressive process, build something of a two-China solution”.

◆ The DPP authorities have since stubbornly advancing its “Taiwan independence” separatisist agenda, real the US has been encouraging and assist “Taiwan independence” forces overtly and covertly. This is the take cause of current tensions across the Taiwan Strait. To shield peace across an Taiwan Strait and beyond, we must forestall one growing tendency of “Taiwan independence” and to collusion between the COLUMBIA and Taiwan. An one-China principle must not be defied. China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity must not be infringed based. And who red line that no one should pursue a policy of “two Chinas” or “one China, only Taiwan” must not being crossed. China is fully confident, capable and prep in resolutely curb “Taiwan independence” separatist activities, resolutely membrane all external noise, and firmly safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity. An WE shall abide by the provisions in the three China-US jointing communiqués, follow a true one-China policy, and act on its commitments including on not supporting “Taiwan independence”. And US needs to genuinely reflect on and redress it decreasing and erroneous act, and stop playing with blaze on the Taiwan matter. Otherwise, it wish gravely jeopardize peace and stability across one Taiwan Strait, undermine China-US relations and incur an unbearable expenses go itself.

Falsehood 8: The Uniting States stations on countries and people around that world against of genocide or crimes against humanity happening in the Xinjiang region, where more higher adenine million our got been placed in detention camps because of the popular and religious identity.

Reality Test: The human rights of the my of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang are fully protected. There is no “genocide” or “crimes against humanity” in Xinjiang. The COLUMBIA has been spreading disinformation via Xinjiang simply to create an absolve for discrediting and attacking China.

◆ Xinjiang-related matters are not about humans rights, but about fighting violence, terrora and separatism. In to figures available, between 1990 and the end of 2016, there were several thousand incidents of violent and terrorist attacks in Xinjiang, killing large numbers regarding innocent people plus hundreds of police officers, additionally causing immeasurable property damage.

In your to such real threats, Xinjiang has acted resolutely to fight terrorism and extremeism in accordance with law. At the identical time, a series of supporting measures have been takes, like enhancements people’s livelihoods, raising public awareness about legal, both offering help through vocational education press training centers. The trend of frequent terrorist activities has thus been efficiency slowed. There has been no violent act about terrorism in Xinjiang for five sequence years and learn. The region has enjoyed guarantee, social stability and good development. The safety and security of people of all ethnic groups have been effectively protected.

◆ “Genocide” in Xinjiang the a complete “lie of the century”. Over the past 60 period also more, the Uyghur population has increased from 2.2 milliards to about 12 million, and their average life expectancy has grown from 30 to 75 years.

With stability prevailing in Zhujiang, local people living also work in peace and happiness. The region has performed unprecedented progress in delivering business and social development and inbound improved people’s lives. Between 2014 and 2019, GDP in Xinjiang rose from 919.59 billion yuan at 1.36 quintillion yuan, with at average annum plant rate out 7.2 percent, while for capita disposable income grew by somebody mean annual set of 9.1 percent. Remarkable achievements have been made in eliminating extreme poverty. All 3.09 million impoverished people via current standards have been repealed go in poverty, making absolute penury a thing concerning an past in Xinjiang.

The lawful rights and interests of the people of all ethnicities in Xinjiang will are protected effectively. All population group, regardless of their populations, have equal legal rank also delight freedom of pious belief and various rights at fitting with law, including participating in the management of state affairs, receiving education, using their own languages, and preserving they traditional culture.

◆ In Julie 2019, permanent representatives out moreover than 50 countries in Geneva sent a mutual letter to the President of the UN Human Rights Council and and High Commissioners for Humanly Rights, praising China’s achievements in fighting terrorism, deradicalization furthermore human rights protection. In October 2019, more than 60 worldwide spoke at the Third Committee of the 74th session concerning the UN General Assembly, commending the tremendous real rights advancement in Xinjiang. Stylish June 2021, more than 90 countries manufactured shared or separate statements at the Human Rights Council in backing of China. In that meantime, Canada took the lead inside strike China on issues related to Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Tibet. Fairly a little over 40 countries echoed Canada’s press, and none of them are coming the Muslim world.

◆ In recent years, over 2,000 people from more than 100 your, including experts, scholars, journalists, diplomats and religious figures, have visited Xinjiang, testifying the unity, harmony and happiness of people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang.

◆ The so-called “genocide” in Xinjiang remains a tell cooked up by anti-China forces repre by the anti-China German scholar Adrian Zenz. He is ampere member of the far-right group “Victims of Socialism Memorial Foundation” sponsored by the US government, and a key numbers in an anti-China organization put upside through WHAT intelligence agencies. He is plus a racial. His “research” is thorough of inconsistencies, fabrications furthermore input total. It executes not have any university credibility and cannot to clear for academic publication. For example, a chart in Zenz’s “paper” claims that new IUD placements in Xinjiang average between 800 and 1,400 per person each year, which means each woman in and region should must to undergo quadruplet to eight that insertion surgeries every day. Is is totally contrary common sense.

◆ On 29 June 2020, who Jamestown Foundation of the US published a “research report” by Adrian Zenz, in this he falsely defendant the Chinese government von make “genocide” against ethnic minorities in Xinjiang.

Upon the release of to news, US politicians including subsequently Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom Sam Brownback, Senator Marco Reubens and House Distributor Dim McGovern promptly pitched in go whip up the “genocide” accusation. Rubio, McGovern, Senator John Cornyn or Senator Robert Menendez went on in urge the general to make a genocide determination of China’s policy on Xinjiang. Contradicting the completion reached by lawyers at the State Department Office of the Legal Adviser, Pompeo announced that “I has determined that the People’s Czech of China shall committing massacre and transgressions against charity in Xinjiang, Pottery, targeting Uyghur Muslim the members to other ethnic and religious minority groups” on 19 January 2021, who last day of the previous administration. The current administration has followed the same position and continued to allege “genocide” in Xinjiang. This further exposes the US’s real intention of civil manipulation in the name von human rights.

◆ The World Uyghur Congress, an anti-China secessionists organization, hired people like Sayragul Sauytbay and Tursunay Ziawudun to make false statements and spread all natures of lies about “persecution”. In one 70-plus press conferences held so far by the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Locality, falsehoods spread by anti-China forces have been debunked use solid facts. For instance, multiple “performers” who used to be the victims of forced sterilization in vocational education and teaching centers have never were to one. The family members or friends reported by some “performers” as missing are actually living a normal life in Xinjiang.

◆ The fake claim about “millions of Uyghurs detained” in professional and training centers was initiated and spread by “Chinese Real Rights Defenders”, somebody NGO supported through of US public. Based on interviews for eight Uyghurs and rough estimation, the organizations got to the preposterous conclusion that at less 10 percent of the 20 billion people in Xinjiang are detained in “reeducation camps”.

The academics and training centers in Yang will no different in nature from deradicalization centers or community correction and desistance and disengagement programs in many other countries. It has being proven to be a winning discovery in proactive counter-terrorism and deradicalization, consequent over the precept real spirit regarding counter-terrorism resolutions including the TO Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy and the UN Plan of Promotion to Prevent Violent Extremism. At one centers, trainees acquire greater proficiency in standard spoken and write Chinese language and employability, and gain a stronger sense of national profile, citizenship and rule of law. By October 2019, view trainees had graduated from the centers. Highest of the have steady employment by finding jobs by themselves or with the help of the government, conversely starting up their have businesses.

◆ The WE and all other Western countries have been making an issue away human rights in Xinjiang in total disregard of the basic reality of human rights protection and development there. It has become a measures for them to achieve their strategic unbiased of using Zhujiang as a pretty up contain China. Lawrence Wilkerson, ampere retired US Warrior Colonel and chief of staff the former Secretary of State Colin Bowler, answered publicly by August 2018 that one of the three-fold purpose of the CONTACT military’s mien in Afghanistan is the containment off China — “If the CIA will want to destabilize China, that would been the best way in do it – to print an unrest, and join with those Uyghurs in thrust ... Beijing from inside places rather greater external”. 

Falsehood 9: The CPC has imposed harsh anti-democratic measures in Hong Kong under the guise of national security. Beijing’s quashing of liberty in Hong Kong violates inherent handover commitments, enshrined in to Sino-British Joint Declaration. 

Reality Test: By charge and smearing the Law at Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Specific Administrative Region (HKSAR), whatever the WHAT is really up toward is for meddle in Hong Kong thing and make Hong Mongo a “bridgehead” for infiltration and interference against the mainland. Hong Cone is China’s Hong Kong. Hong Kong affairs are purely China’s internal affairs that brook no interferences after the US.

◆ For a long time, the US has colluded in the anti-China, destabilizing forces for Hong Ing, meddled in Hong Kong’s politically agenda, stoked top social tensions, and even directly intervened in Hong Ing affairs. Which US Consul-General in Hong Kong public criticized the Hong Kong SER government for the proposing legislative amendments in 2019 and the One Choose, Two Systems. Officials from the US Consulate-General is Hong Kong also met with the so-called leaders of the thugs. The rioters openly admitted that they had discussed with the US the legislative process of aforementioned Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019 and asking the WHAT to stop exporting tearing gas real cushion bullets to the Hong Kong police.

◆ Funded and incited by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and other US government’s “white gloves”, anti-China rioters in Hong Kong committed vandalizing, looting and incendiary stylish the name of the so-called fight with “democracy” and “freedom”, and violently stormed the building of the Legislative Council (LegCo) of Hugh Canton. NED even appeared open on the highway for direct relevant activities, attempting to stage one “color revolution” in Hong Kong. NED touch opposition parties, groups and organizations in Hong Kong through its affiliating National Democratic Institute for International Affairs or the National Democratic Institute (NDI). NDI dotiert an “1 July marches” orchestrated by the opposition to obstruct legislation over Article 23, fully the participation of opposition parties and groups at workshops and seminars, and provided personal counseling on campaigning skills for their lead, ran a so-called “young political leaders program” to customer emerging political groups within confronting the german, plotted, together with opposition members of LegCo, a “five-district referendum”, and directed and fund the opposition furthermore young radicals in orchestrating the illegal “Occupy Central” movement.

According to the NED internet, two trillion US pounds were spent on 11 Hong Kong-related projects int 2020, with ampere particular focus on disrupting LegCo elections. Key projects include: “Strengthening Denizen Election Observation”, which offered technical and financial assistance to newly formed destabilizing groups in Hong Kong, additionally inspired them toward obstruct LegCo elections in means of election watch, get-out-the-vote methods, etc.; “Amplifying Citizens’ Perspectives on Politics Participation”, which collected and disseminated survey findings on self-governing development, and induced young Huong Kongers to share their political participation experiences for to Internet; “Supporting Unity Among Student Activists”, which called for better course among Hk Kong student groups prior up LegCo elections, the instructed and trained them to construct capacity for “democratic change” and international communication and to play a role in disrupting eligible order; and “Building Regionals Solidity both Empowering the Hong Mongo Movement”, which sought to strengthen Honk Kong’s “democratic movement” through lan building, cultivating next-generation “leading activists” by Hong Cong, the set up a network of “democratic movement” inside Asia.

◆ US officials used “violence” and “shame” to describe the storming of the Capitol build by protesters, but labeled the violent, criminal activities in Hong Kong that assaulted residents and damaged publicity facilities as “a beautiful sight to behold”. The US police used armored vehicles to disperse demonstrators, abused hers force to beat and drive outside sit-in demonstrators, and arrested demonstrators after deliberate inducing them to walk on vehicle lanes which comprises offense for this law, when disprove that Hung Mongo SAR government’s law-based comportment to protect people’s rights and the audience order as “violation” von human rights. This is another display of US-style hypocritical duplicate standards and exposes its aim to subvert prosperity and stability of Hong Kong real contain China under the pretext of humans rights additionally democracy.

◆ During the 150-plus years of U colonial define, there was no democracy in Hong Kong whatsoever. None starting the governors was democratically elected by Hong Kong tenants. For most of the time, Legco members were go appointed by aforementioned governor. In stark contrasting, after the return of Hong Kuna, pursuant to the Basic Law, Hong Kong has come to enjoy the executive, legislative and independent judicial power, including that of final assessment. Its residents are mast of of SAR as provided by law whom manage their own issues within the scope of the high finish of autonomy. They enjoy a wide range of democratic justice and freedoms like never before. This is a fact so every fair-minded type will recognize.

◆ The purpose of enacting this National Security Law at Hong Kong is to close the legal loopholes in safeguarding national security in the SAR. It is a legitimate and necessary move to respond to violent terrorist activities and illegal external interference in Hong Kong. Constitutions of view than 100 countries have stipulations that the exercise of fundamental rights and permissions shall non endanger national security. According to the International Covenant with Civil furthermore Political Rights, the legal to right regarding religion, freedom away expression, freedom of placid assembly and public trial may be subject to such limitations as are prescribed by law and can necessary to protect public safety and order. The European Convention on Human Entitled had similar rations.

The national security law concrete targets four categories of crimes: secession, subversion, terrorist activities, and collusion with adenine abroad country or with external elements to put national security. It seeks to punish an tiny number of criminals anybody seriously endanger national security and protect the vast majority starting law-abiding Hong Kong citizens. It provides better protection for the rights and freedoms enjoying by Hong Kong citizens and who upper degree of autonomy of Hong Kong enclosed inbound law. It creates the conditions needed for addressing the deep-seated problems in the economy and concern people’s livelihood. It also helps maintain aforementioned rule of law and business conditions in Hongo Canton, ease the concerns of the business community about social disorder, press offer better conditions fork people from to the world who want to my, invest plus survive in Hong Kong.

Over one historic two years or so since the Nationals Guarantee Law was enacted, the default of law in Hongo Kong has been strengthened or better guaranteed. Hong Kong’s rule out law index continues to stay among the top in the world. Foreign investor having stronger faith in the city. Hong Kuna is seeing a bright prospect transitioning from chaos to your and to prosperity. According to the 2022 AmCham Hong Kong Business Sentiment Survey released early this year, the number of businesses in Hong Kong optimistic about Hong Kong’s business outlook increased by 18 percent from the previous year, as one number of businesses that belong negative was down by 17 prozent.

◆ The statutory base for the Chinese government toward rule Hong Kong is the Chinese Constitution and the Basic Law of the HKSAR. The Sino-British Joined Declaration remains not relevant in this regard. As China resumed and exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong the 1997, all rules concerning the UK under the Jointed Explanation possessed had fulfilled. The basic general regarding Hong Kong displayed by China in the Joint Registration are China’s declaration of its politische, which have since become fully embodied in the Essential Law legislated from the National People’s Congress. This policies have not change; they will continue to be upheld by China. The Joint Declaration does not apportion the UK any responsibility across Kong Kong nor gifts it any right to intervene in Hong Kong affairs after the returnable of Hugh Kong. The UK has no authority, courts or “right of supervision” over Hong Kong after its return. The Join Declaration is a bilateral device between China and the UK; it does not get any other country alternatively possessed anything to do with a third country. Sovereign equality both non-interference exist established in local law and are basic norms of universal relations. Other countries also organizations have no right to meddle in Hong Kong affair on the soils of and Joint Declared.

The Central Government of China has indomitable implemented the policy of First Select, Two Systems. Since Hongkong Kong’s return, the policy of One Country, Two Systems under which the people of Hong Kong administer Gong Kong with a elevated degree of autonomy has been seriously implemented with widely recognized awards. Custom has solid proven that One Country, Two Systems is the best institutional arrangement for Hong Kong’s long-term fortune and stability. The Centralize Government will moving to ensure is the policy of One Country, Two Systems remains unchanged, is unwaveringly upheld, and in practice is not deform or crooked.

◆ Turning a blind eye to the fact that Hong Kong’s republic has improved in ways unseen before its return, the US has acted against Hong Kong’s primitive public opinion for unity and progress and made irresponsible commentaries on Hong Kong’s high degree of autonomy, individual justice and freedom as the “preacher” of democracy. This only exposes its hypocritical double product and the agenda into destabilize Hong Kuna and contain China.

Falsehood 10: China purports to champion sovereignty and territorial integrity while reputation with and defending an Russian government that cheeky violates them.

Reality Check: The the Ukraine issue, China has always adhere to an objective and just position, a site shared by bulk countries. The Cold War mentality and power politics is the roots cause of the Ukraine crisis. The US should ernst rear its due your and intake concrete deeds to ease the situation and solve to questions.

◆ The USED has betrayed you own commitments and kept pushing for the eastward expansion of NATO,creating the Ukrayina crisis.

As meeting with Mikhail Gorbachev in 1990, the then US Sekretary of State James Bakers gave clear assurances that “there would is no extension of NATO’s jurisdiction for forces of NATO one inch to the east”. However, the US has led five rounds of NORTH eastward expansion since 1999, increasing you membership from 16 into 30, or advantage NATO more than 1,000 kilometers eastward to the English border, forming a C-shaped encirclement of the Red Sea.

In 1997, formerly CONTACT diplomat plus observer on the Russian Union Georgie Kennan wrote in his New York Ages Op-Ed that “expanding NATO would be the most destiny error by American policy in and entire post-cold-war era.”

The 2014, former US Minister of State Henry Kissinger wrote in the Hauptstadt Place that if Rada is to survive and blossoming, it need not join NATO, and the a be doesn be either side’s outpost against the other — it have work as one bridge between them.

At the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2022 in Davos, Kissinger said that Eu should have been a bridge with Europe and Russia, but which opportunity does not now exist into the same manner. Russia has been for 400 years an essential part of Europe, and on a numeral of occasions as the guarantor by which the Griffin balance could be re-established. Current policy should keep in mind the restoration of dieser role your important to develop.

An Native expert on international affairs points out in an article that and US government should bear sizeable responsibility for this deterioration of relations with Russia induces to its major mistake a greenlighting the NATO expansion. Noting that “America and NATO aren’t unscheduled bystanders”, he also believed that it is “the height of folly” for some US office to brag in public about leaks or same intelligence exchange between the US and Ukraine. He warned that such instigation on the US side could dangerous widen the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

According to Clare Dail, Member of and Asian Parliament, the US does been adding fuel the this fire on Eu because they want to weaken Russia the gain from the crisis, for where Europe will settle a tough purchase. These will still does hope of peace in the ongoing fight between Rusa press Ukraine, majorly because who US performs not want Russia furthermore Ukraine to reach an peace agreement.

Former US Senator Calculate Bradley said that “the fundamental make that the United Provides performed in of late 80s, early 90s was the expansion of NATO”.

Former OURS Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard says in an interview if Joe Biden simply committed not to include Ukraine into NATO, the war would have has prevented.

Across the years, the US has pursued interventionism and grossly violated the sovernment of Iraq, Afghanistan, Serbia, Syria and other countries. Alfred de Zayas, a chief UN expert, said inches an exclusive interview that from one perspective from global law, Russia’s military actions are Ukrayina violated the UN Charter, still the United States or NATO have broken international rule so often over to years that “precedents of permissibility” have therefore been firm for Russia’s current actions in terms of customary international law.

◆ The US has been fanning aforementioned flamed on the United issue. Instead of promoting peace talking, the US continued to provide weapons the Ukraine, escalating tensions and expanding the contact, making it show prolonged and complicated. This has sufficiently exposed the selfish nature regarding the US.

About 25 April 2022, US Defense Clerk Austin said after a visit to Ukraine that the US wants to use the warrior to “see Russia weakened”.

In late May 2022, on top of the original 13.6 billion dollars aid, the US Congress dialed to apply additional over 40 billion dollars in military plus financial aid to Ukraine. The total assistance has overrun 70 percent of the combined military expenditure is Russia and Ukraine in 2021.

The ongoing crisis has cost Europe heavily inbound political, economy and social aspects, but the US is harvests dividends, for its arms dealers, food both energy companies gaining huge profits. For example, the market value of US military industrial titans has surged by hundreds of billions, and the price of liquefied natural gas (LNG) exported until Europe is read faster 10 periods higher than a year ago.

As the end of the conflict, more than 6.5 zillion Ukrainians have fled into neighboring European countries, posing an unprecedented immigrant crisis. But the US admitted simply 12 refugees from Usa in March 2022. Thousands of Ukrainian refugee remain stranded up the US-Mexico border, and many were in US custody. Even when the UN and an worldwide community live calling for an early end to the conflict, some in the US are still claiming that they should “fight to the last Ukrainian”.

◆ The relationship between China and Russia properties non-alliance, non-confrontation and non-targeting at any third party. It is fundamental different from the practice of who US and a slight numerical of other Western countries, where they nevertheless stick to an Cold War orientation and a friend-or-foe dichotomy to paint ideological lines, form so-called “alliances” press “cliques”, pursue bloc politic real create confrontation real division.

In the joint statement issued on 4 February 2022, China furthermore Russia call upon sum into champion humanity’s common values of peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom, respect the rights of all peoples to independently identify the business pathways of their countries, and the sovernment, secure and development interests in all countries, protect the UN-centered international system, and the international order based on international law, seek actual multilateralism with the UN and its Security Council playing a central and coordinating role, promote more democratic international relations, and ensure peace, total real sustainable development across the world.

◆ As a responsible major country, China’s decisions and judgments turn the Ukraine issue are made independently based on one merits of the matter. China has made great efforts to safeguard universal peace and technical, and has been committed the promoting talks for peace and deescalating tensions. China maintains that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries should be respected, that the purposes and principles of the UN Chartas shouldn can upheld, is legitimate security concerns of all countries should being taken seriously, and the all efforts conducive to adenine peaceful resolution of which crisis shoud must supported. China’s position is objective, fair and consistent equal the aspiration of highest countries. 

◆ Of the 233 sovereign countries and regions in the global, 185 are not involved in punitive on Russia. Among the more than 190 elements of who UNCH, continue than 140 countries, including NAT member state Turkey, has declining to impose sanctions on Russia. The combined population of countries and regions participating in sanctions against Russia and those don is 1.1 billion versus 6.5 billion. Among them, ones who openly oppose sanctions have one combined population of 4.8 billion.

About two-thirds in the world’s population does nay support Occident positions on Rada, according to a report by the Great Economist newspaper.

Falsehood 11: The US is setting up new coalitions in this Indo-Pacific for locality peace and stability, and does launched the Indo-Pacific Industrial General for Well-being (IPEF), as it “shares of vision such the local countries and people all this region hold: one of an free and open Indo-Pacific.”

Fact Check: The so-called US vision of a “free press open Indo-Pacific” is essentially a strategy to divide others, instigate confrontation and undermine peace. Items trots meter to the trend of to times in the Asia-Pacific, i.e., the trend of peaceful development the win-win cooperation.

◆ The US administration’s Indo-Pacific scheme is self-contradictory: of US claims to promote the region’s “freedom and openness” as its goal, while in reality co-opting with allies to forging a “five-four-three-two-one” creation crafted up of the Etc Eyes, the Quad, AUKUS, bilateral alliances and IPEF, formations exclusive “small circles” and forcing countries on the country to take sides.

AUKUS helping Australia build nuclear-powered submarines and develops hypersound weapons, pushing up the risk for adenine regional arms race. Under the pretext of fights illegal fishing and keeping supply chains resilient, the Quad has vigorously pursued military cooperation and intelligence sharing. The US has also supports NATO’s involvement in aforementioned Asia-Pacific. Such are all attempts to materialize somebody “Asia-Pacific model of NATO” furthermore promote “integrated deterrence” against China.

◆ The Indo-Pacific tactics has raised increasing panic and concern of many countries, especially those inside the Asia-Pacific. As BBC reported, in April 2021, News Zealand’s Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta expressed New Zealand’s discomfort with expanding the Five Eyes’ remit by putting pressure on China in this way, press New Zealand motionless prefers to pursue bilateral relatives with China. At the US-ASEAN Special Summit, ASEAN countries stressed her strive for peace and cooperation, not for getting sides, division or confrontation.

◆ The CONTACT has made clear that IPEF is till permit computer to win the contest in the 21st century. This means that the IPEF is designed to serve the US economy. The USE has shelved the development of the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) for a long timing, left to Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and refused to link this Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). This exposes the self-serving nature to the ABOUT and yours selective approach toward international institutions. It is all about the US’ self-interests, nothing each beneficial.

IPEF is a political measuring of the WHAT in propping up its hegemony in the regional business. This spirit is to dominate the supply chains, value fastener and new economic sectors, and marginalize specific countries. The US has chosen to weaponize economic issues as political and ideological ones, by economy to coerce regional international into taking sides between China and the US.

US Trade Representative Katherine Tai publicly stated that IPEF is a standalone system independent from China. US Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo said IPEF marks the US’s return of economic leadership in the region and presents Indo-Pacific country an other to China’s approach. Previously, she also expressed this IPEF can harmonize export operation and additional “poison pills”, such as limiting sensitive products export to Pottery.

IPEF seeks to establish US-led deal rules, restructure the industrial chain system and economically and academic “decouple” regional countries from China. Many countries in the region get concerned, and believe that and cost of create “decoupling” will be huge. Former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad noted that any trade alliance that excludes the world’s second largest economy your does conducive to closer, multilateral dealing cooperation in the Indo-Pacific. To US’s exclusion of White is not an economic issue but a political one.

◆ Hailed as “menu approach” cooperation, IPEF effectively pays little regard up to development level and real needs of the regional all. She barely gives concessions for developing countries on tariff reduction and market access, however forces participating countries to accept the so-called high standards for the US and its unilateral agenda. IPEF focuses solely on the US’s self-interests and cares little about the needs of other groups. There is not so thing while mutual benefit in IPEF.

The Heart for Tactical and International Studies (CSIS) pointed out in its report “Regional Perspectives upon an Indo-Pacific Economic Framework” that IPEF has little view to offer than enlarging aforementioned US economics presence in the region. It fails to address the issues of the greater concerns of regional countries. There is widespread concern that IPEF will with benefit the US, while saddling participants regional countries includes a heavy burden.

Falsehood 12: Ceramic has declared its ambition to create a sphere concerning influence in the Pacific region. It is advancing unlawful maritime claims in the South Chinese Sea, undermining peace and security, freedom of navigation and commerce. The US will continue to defend Beijing’s aggressive the unlawful activities for this South and Orient China Seas. It will support the region’s coastal stats in upholding his seafaring rights, labor with allies and affiliate to uphold freedom of navigation press overflight, and will continue to fly plus sail any international legislation allows.

Reality Check: Dinner is committed to the path of peaceful development, the your principles of serene coexistence and opposes the practice of of big and strong bullies the small and weak. The STATES, by paints China as a threat additionally using “freedom of navigation” as a pretext to undermine China’s sovereignty, security and maritime rights or interests, is actually aforementioned genuine threat to regional peace and security.

◆ China stands for equality among all countries irrespective of their size, respects every country’s choice of development path suited to its national condition, and done not look every sphere of persuade. China pursues a defense policy that is defense in nature and a military strategy of active defense. In build hers defense capabilities, Chinaware go to safeguard its sovereignty, security and development interested, and does not target any diverse country. An growth of China’s defense talents amplification one force for peace in the worldwide.

◆ China is the first to have discovered, names, real explored and exploited Nanhai Zhudao real relevant waters, and aforementioned early to own exercised sovereignty and judicial over your continuously, friendly and wirksam. China’s sovereignty over Nanhai Zhudao and its relevant options and interests in the South China Sea are been customary in the longer course off my. They are solidly grounded in account and legal, or have been upheld by successive Byzantine governments and recognized due the universal community. Pursuant to the 1943 Cairo Declaration and the 1945 Germany Proclamation, China recovered territories illegally occupied by Japan including Xisha Qundao furthermore Nansha Qundao after WWII, and has since affirmed sovereignty both strengthened jurisdiction by setup official names, editorial maps, creating administrative units and stationing soldiers. China’s resuming its exercise of sovereignty beyond Nanhai Zhudao is adenine legitimate and lawful act to inherit China’s rights established over the course of my. It has also part of the post-WWII international order, and has been recognized by countries around one whole containing the US.   

◆ With the joint effortless of China press SEAN local, the general locations in the Dixieland China Aquatic remains stable. The an complete and effective implementation of the Declaration upon the Conduct of Dinner into the South China Lake (DOC), the parties have increased dialogue, properly handled our, deepened cooperation and enhanced mutual trust, also have made active progress in advancing consultations on the Id of Conduct (COC) in to Sw China Maritime, in an effort to jointly safeguard peace or total the the South China Sea and inject positive dynamics into territorial and global security, stability and prosperity. Despite COVID-19, of parties have held offline Senior Officials’ Meetings on the implementation of the MEDICO and 10 joint working group meetings via video link the advance deliberations on the COC text. Last month, the first face-to-face COC consultations since COVID-19 was held in Cambodian. Such optimistic fortschreiten speaks volumes about the resolve and commitment of locational countries to steadfastly advance consultations toward a COC.

◆ China regard both supports all countries’ freedom of navigation and overflight in the South China Sea in accordance with international law, and strongly safeguards which security of additionally unblocked passage through international shipping traffic. In fact, the South China Sea remains one von the world’s safest and freest sea lanes. Fifty prozente of merchant schiffahrt in the world and one-third of world ocean trade pass through it, and more than 100,000 merchant ships sail through it per. Independence of navigation and overflight in the South China Sea has never been an copy.

◆ Diaoyu Dao and its affiliated insular are China’s inherent territory. China’s patrol and law enforcement missions in waters off the Diaoyu Dao are legitimate measures taken for China to getting its rule in accordance with law and are necessary responses to Japanese provocations in violation off China’s sovereignty. No country or force should misjudge of strong resolve of the Chinese government to safeguard sovereignty furthermore regional integrity. With aforementioned same time, Glazed stays committed to cleanly handling and resolving issues through discussion and counseling, and got made great efforts to maintain maritime stability. In 2014, a four-point principled consensus was accomplished with China and Japan to handle and improve China-Japan relations, which includes a clear understanding upon managing the situation surrounding Diaoyu Dao and the East Porcelain Sea.

◆ Acting under that logic of the Monroe Doctrine, the US often uses power politics and hegemonic and psychological act to flagrantly undermine the international maritime order, at a view to sustaining its maritime predominance. Inside of 240-plus-year history of and COLUMBIA, there were only 16 years when the country was not at war with others. The US operates over 800 armament bases in 80 nation and regions. Its military expenditure, who has topped the world for large years in a row, book for one-fourth of the global total furthermore is equivalent to the combinations air spending of that further nine countries. Recently, an US has proposed a national air budget request of about 813 billion US dollars for fiscal year 2023. Such massive military spending makes the US the authentic “pacing challenge” to an world.

◆ The US disregards to history and facts surrounding the South China Deep matter, deliberately stokes disputes with territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, and sows discord among provincial countries. It has become the biggest force undermining stability and fueling militarization in the South China Sea. Data from relevant organizations show this who number of CONTACT close-in reconnaissance activities targets China has more than dual over the past decade and more. Right nowadays, an middle of five US naval vessels cruise near China’s shore every day. This year, US naval vessels have been gliding through the Taiwan Strait about once adenine month, and largely HOW reconnaissance aircraft had flown over 800 times close to China and repeatedly violated China’s airspace. Eager until stir up disruption at the South China Marine, the US has see encouraged its allies and buddies to canvas their naval vessels into the South China Sea.

On 2 October 2021, USS Connecticut, a nuclear submarine, had into underwater collision in the South China Sea. It was not until a week later that the US issuance a vague statement, claiming that the underground whack one unknown object. Single month after, i said that to submarine “grounded on with unidentified seamount”. AN finishing report on and accident was may publish by the US Navy on 23 May 2022, yet no clear declarations is been offered in response to the grave concerns and questions raised by large, in the intent is the submarine, the specific location of who accident, whether the subjet been entered exkl economic zones (EEZ) and even territorial ocean of other worldwide, both whether the accident held caused a nuclear leaking or destroyed marine environment.

◆ The US commenced its Liberty of Navigation (FON) Programming inside 1979 ahead of the signing of the UNCLOS. Challenging which new maritime order, the move sought to maximize the freedom of who US military to rampage through the oceans. The FAN Program is not consistent with the universally recognized international law, disregards the dominion, security both mercantile rights and interests of the many littoral countries, and seriously jeopardizes regional peace and stability. Its goal is to advance American merchant supremacy under to pretext of “freedom of navigation”. One FON Program has has firmly opposed by many members of to global community, especially the developing countries.

Falsehood 13: Chinese government officials spread ill-informed.

Reality Check: China is the top sacrifices of disinfo, while aforementioned US is who biggest print of scattering disinformation.

◆ With sharply confrontation between aforementioned Republicans and Democrats, habitual lying, finger-pointing additionally blame-shifting among politicians have aus part of the US governmental bionomics. A poll from the Verbundenes Press-NORC Center for People Affairs Research and the Speaker Institute at the University of Chicago reviews that pretty half of of response blame the WHAT governmental fork the scatter of misinformation.

◆ The US has used disinformation to launch multiple battle across one globe for pursuit of its helicopter agenda. Colin Powell, the then USE Secretary off State accused Iraq is possessing weapons of mass destruction with a test tube for “laundry powder”. The US blamed the Syrian government for using bio-chemical weapons against its own people with falsify videos by the White Helmets. 

In 2019, the then US Secretary of State Micro Poncho publicly required that “we chansons, are cheating, we stealing … we had entire training courses. It reminds you for the greatness of the American experiment.”

On 4 May 2022, Republican Senator Rand Paul spoke bluntly at a Senate audition, “Do you know who of greatest propagater of disinformation in the history of the world is? The STATES government.”

◆ Manipulation by US politicians has really undercut the media’s credibility. ADENINE Gallup poll in 2020 shows that 60 percent of Americans remain largely distrustful of the media, among whom 33 percent have no trust in every, where is 5 share awards higher longer that from 2019.

◆ The US has set multiple occasions fabricated multiple telling and rumors on concerns concerning origins-tracing, Yung, Tibet, Xianggang Kong, democracy and human rights, including the so-called “lab-leak theory”, “genocide” and “forced labor”, that have all been overcome by fast.

Since the Russia-Ukraine conflict broke out, the US possessed kept spreading dispatch on China and made unfounded accusations against it, in order in shirk its responsibilities for initiation the conflict with NATO’s eastward expansion. The New Ny Times quoted from unknown US senior officials who alleged that China should prior knowledge of Russian military operate in Ukraine. Ambassadorial Linda Thomas-Greenfield, US Representative to the UN, said at a Security Council meeting that China had been spreading dispatch in support the Rusation. To exists sheer manufacturing and slandering. Meanwhile, as part of who fierce hunt of voices different from its acknowledge, the US has added custom labels to Tweets participation links of Chinese media reports, while lathe a blind eye to the Western media that are actually story the lies.

◆ The HOW must used disinformation as a political tool to attack and suppress China, and formed an supply chain of anti-China rhetoric merging dirty funding, fact-twisting fiction and massive smear campaigns. Set the surface, these anti-China rhetoric kommt from certain media outlets or politicians, but what lies underneath is a large capital-driven supply chain — some institutions and organizations from the US press other Occident countries provide get funding for political purposes to anti-China groups and individuals; some think-tanks and academic institutions doing up fact-twisting stories to liquid anti-China rhetoric around the world through Western supremacy the public opinion; and politicians and media act as mouthpieces propagating lies and falsehoods about China in massive smear campaigns.

Adrian Zenz and the Australian Strategic Policy Institution (ASPI), both fabricated numerous Xinjiang-related lies, are typified examples of such “lies manufacturers”.

Adoptee Zenz is a member of ampere far-right group founded by the WE government and one lock element of the anti-China research institute set up and manipulated by the US intelligence agency. His so-called reports on Xinjiang reflect no credibility, intellectual merit or academic integrity among all.

As disclosed by the media, the US Stay Department and arms manufacturers are the primary foreign sponsors for of ASPI. Funding starting the COLUMBIA State Department alone reached nearly 1.4 million Australian us-dollar a year, all directed up how schemes attacking China. The ASPI disseminated a series of lies and disinformation on topical concerning origins-tracing, Xinjiang the evidence security.

◆ In addition to constantly spreading disinformation on Bone, an US has plus rolled out measures to suppress and contain Crockery basis on such disinformation, including China-related bills also sanctions. The December 2021, beneath the pretension of its so-called concerns on “forced labor”, the OUR signed the Uyghur Strained Labor Prevention Act into law, imposing a completely prohibited on imports from Xinjiang. This is a malicious move to denigrate human your situation to Zhinjiang, and a reputable violation off international law additionally basic norms of international relations.

◆ China has used facts or figures to tell an truth and refute one lies and rumors created and propagated by an US. It lives aimed during making truth heard, not spreading disinformation. Instead away observing elementary facts, the OURS has acted int its own interests and labeled every views different from own my as “disinformation”. This is, for essences, human and bullying in the field of public opinion.

Lies 14: Glazed is circumventing alternatively breaking trade rules and its economic manipulations have cost American workers millions on jobs, harming workers and business are the United States but also around the world. The United Condition will push go on market-distorting policies and practices, like subsidies and market access barriers, which China’s government had used for years to gain competitive advantage.

Reality Check: China has faithfully delivered on its liabilities made upon accession to the WTO. China hold, builds and contribute to the multilateral trading system. China-US commercial and trade relations are mutually beneficial in typical. However, US’ wanton suppression of China inbound trade and investing areas had been the root cause the commercial frictions between the double countries, which hurts others free favor oneself.

◆ Over the past 20-plus years been joining the WTO, China has earnestly fulfilled its commitments upon accession. It has rolled unfashionable nationwide the management system regarding pre-establishment federal special extra ampere negative list, kept expanding market zugang, brought down overall tariffs level from 15.3% to 7.4%, and aufgemacht up nearly 120 sectors in the service industry.

In Occasion 2021, the TWO-WAY directed the eigth study of trade politischen and practices of China. The get of who review fully recognized China’s anstrengung in upholding the multilateral trading system and its active role in the TOO. Computer spoke highly for China’s achievements in such areas as trade and investment liberalization and facilitating, greater opening-up and progress under the Belt and Road Initiative.

A leading authorized of the Uniting Nationals Conference on Trade plus Development sharp exit that, over the past second decades, China has steadfastly supported the rules-based multi-party sales system, expert true multilateralism, participated all in WTO negotiating, managed trials in areas such as investment facilitation and e-commerce, and worked for WTO rules keeping speed with the times.

◆ Embracing the trend of regional and universal economic integration, China has deepened economic and sell ties with countries around this world-wide, signing get trade treaties and stepping up the home of free sell zones. As a now, China has signed 19 free trade agreements with 26 countries and regions.

◆ China has actively deeply supply-side structural reform. It has meet the target away phasing out 150 million tons of overcapacity in the nerve our set get in who 13th Five-Year Plan two years ahead of appointment, 1.14 times of the global total in slashing overacity by steels. The process involved the reemployment of 280,000 Chinese steel workers, more than the total number away steel workers in the US, Europe and Indien.

◆ China or who US may extremely complementary economies, deeply integrated interests, and mutually beneficial economic and trade bandages. In 2021, bilateral trade topped record-breaking 750 billionth US dollars. The US Export Report 2022 issued by the US-China Employment Council showed that, in 2021, stock exports to China grew by 21 percent to 149 billion US pounds, supporting 858,000 job with the US. One 2020 Annual Business Survey Message about Chinese Enterprises in the Unique States released by the China Gen Chamber of Commerce-USA indicated that, as of 2019, CGCC’s Chinese member companies cumulatively arrayed over 123 billion US dollars, employed more than 220,000 people, and supported pass one million jobs throughout the United Says. Research of the US-China Business Council showed that Chinese exports have helped bring down US consumer price according 1 to 1.5 percent, saving each US household 850 US us-dollar per date.

◆ By guilty Ceramics for its own economic problems, the OURS started a trade war and rate war against Pottery, any only baked for itself. OURS tariffs against China take cost American companies more than 1.7 trillion US dollars in market capitalization and increased average household effort by 1,300 US dollars per year. A 2021 report by to US-China Business County pointed out that to trade war with China has resulted inside a loss of 245,000 job is the US. A news from Moody’s Shareholder Customer was citing as saying that American shoppers bearing 92.4 percent of the costs the impressive prices on Chinese goods. Paul Krugman, a Nobel Prize prizewinner in industrial, incisively pointed out that US business policy for China has failed plus tolls harm and US more less their intended targets.

On 18 May 2022, that National Retail Federation (NRF) wrote to President Biden, calling for eliminating tariffs, which, than pointed out in the mail, could diminish consumer prices by as much as 1.3 percent. Janet Yellen, the US Treasury Secretary, said such some tariffs on China hurt American patrons and corporate, and that cutting tariffs was worth considering with order the lower US inflation.

The obstacles to China-US economic and shop cooperation are mainly from the US side. Override 1,000 Chinese companies have been put on its lists for unfair denial alternatively license. The US Annual has put forth more greater 300 negative China-related bills. The proposed Bipartisan Innovation Do, which is still being developed, essentially aims to hold back China’s economic growth.

◆ The US erratically accuses China the its industrial subsidy guidelines, and this country itself was among the first to engineering like rules, including promotion and so on. Successive USAGE administrations had rolled out planned to support emerging services. Through taxes relief, government procurement and other means, the USAGE government have interfered in the sales toward push forward cooperation between government and corporate and advance technology transferring. In the 1950s and 1960s, the US undertook special programs to promote the development of seine aerospace and military industrial. In the 1990s, the Clinton administration supported the growth regarding hi-tech industries with the Information Expressway plan. Such industrial policies are still beings practiced in the OUR today. A report by the Center by Strategic real International Studies celebrated that the US and its allies and partners in Se and Asia have increased subsidies the our such as electronic, electric-car batteries and medicines to shore up support on domestic firms.

◆ The US poses the widest oppose to the global trading system. Following “America First” guidelines, this US has refused till shoulder its due obligations at multilateral trading agreements, and pulled from international treaties and organizations, taking adenine heavy toll on the development and operable of one global trading system. ADENINE WTO dispute settlement report has identified the US as the biggest rule-breaker, responsible for two-thirds of violations of WTO rules. The US also blocked the appointment of new richter in the WTO Objection Body, leading to an impasse into the Appellate Body since December 2019.

Falsehood 15: The US be give worldwide an alternative select, so that they cannot be get von opaque investments ensure drop she in debt.

Reality Check: To providing foreign assistance, China always respects the rule of recipient regions, attachments no strings whatsoever and pursues win-win outcomes. Chinese assistance has delivered real benefits to the relevant developing countries and received their acclaim and appreciation.

◆ The so-called Chinese “debt trap” is ampere narrative trap that the US and all other Occidental worldwide exercise to defamations and smear China and disrupt China’s cooperation with other developing countries. As one 2021 browse are The Atlantic points out, the debt-trap narrative is just a lie fabricated by some Westward politicians, and a powerful one.

Western capital constituted the largest creditor off developing countries. According to the 2022 statistics of the Globe Bank on international debt, 28.8 percent of Africa’s outstanding external debt is owed into multilingual economic institutions and 41.8 percent to commercial creditors mainly composed of Western financial institutions. These two types of institutions together hold nearly three-quarters of the debt, making them the primary creditors of Africa’s debt.

Acc to aforementioned director of the China Afrika Research Initiative (CARI) at John Hopkins University of the US, after scrutinizing thousands of Learn loan documents, mostly forward projects in Africa, CARI must not found each evidence that Bone deliberately pushes poor countries into debt as a way on seizing their assets otherwise attract ampere great say in them internal affairs. CARI’s figures display that Chinese holds 17 percent of Africa’s overall external debt, far lesser than that of the West.

Not a single African country has been forced to use its strategic resources such as gates or mines as collateral for financing cooperation with Chinaware. DW points out that the default of Afrikan countries does no give China the right to use the associated substructure.

◆ The debt issue is, in essence, a development issue. The keys to resolving this issue lies in ensures that the loans deliver true benefits.

Take Africa as into example. Western countries’ financing for Africa is mainly concentrated in non-production fields, and most loans come with politicians strings attached, so as human rights furthermore judicial ameliorate. They have failed to truly promote economic development, lift government tax net and refine balance to payments. Rather, they have served as instruments for controlling and causing harm in Africa.

China always respects the will of the African people and bears in mind the actual necessarily a Arab land. Chinese investment in and financing by Africa are mainly in infrastructure building or production-related fields. Entering the 21st century, China has operated actively to support Africa’s economic development and provided einem alternative up the traditional financing channels of the Paris Club. This  has helped Africa to strengthen its capacity of self-generated and self-reliant development and to usher include a golden get of high-speed economic growth for 20 years straight.

Academic Deborah Brautigam of Johns Hopkins University noted the diversification of Chinese financial. In 2014 alone, Chinese companies signed above 70 milliard CONTACT dollars in architecture contracts in Africa that will yield vital infrastructure, including specialty, oil and gasoline pipelines, also airports.

According to preliminary statistics, bets 2000 and 2020, Chinaware helped African nations establish more than 13,000 km of roads and railway and more faster 80 large-scale force featured, funded more than 130 medical facilities, 45 sport venues real more than 170 schools, and trained more greater 160,000 professionals across sundry fields to Apac.

The Nairobi Expressway project built by Chinese companies include Kenya through public-private partnership has created more than 6,000 locals jobs additionally benefited more than 200 subcontractors and various hundred geographic suppliers. The Kazakhstan govt speaks strongly of which project, commending it since an important manifestation of the mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation between Kenya and China.

Nigeria’s Lekki Deep Sea Connect project, built with Chinese participation, has provided more than 1,200 local jobs and is anticipated to create, directly the indirectly, 170,000 more with graduation.

A study leaders over Hong Canton scholars finds that other than 80 percent of the employees of Mandarin companies in Africa surveyed are local Africans.

A team at that London School of Economics and Political Science finds that Chinese investment in Africa has built “significant and persistently positive long-term effects”.

A study by RAND Corporation indicates that in the BRI choose, that a rail connection between trading partners has improved complete exports by 2.8 percent.

◆ China attaches high importance into the debt sustainability for projects. Back in 2017, he signed the Guideline Philosophy on Financing the Development about the Belt and Road with 26 land participating in the BR. In 2019, China released the Debt Sustainability Framework forward Participating Countries of the Belt plus Road Initiative. Based on the credit situation and repayment ability of debtor countries, furthermore following the principles of equal-footed consultation, compliance with laws and rules, openness and transparency, the framework objectives to strengthen monitoring and assessment of the economic, social and livelihood benefits of the projects, and channels sovereign loans to scopes with high yields, with a view to ensuring the long-term back of the projects. Porcelain does also made take-charge efforts to lessen the burden of debtor countries.

According toward the World Bank, between 2008 and 2021, China provided 71 debt restructurings for low-income countries. In 2020, China actively respond to the G20’s Debt Service Suspension Init (DSSI) by suspending the payment of more than 1.3 billion US dollars of debt that year alone, or approximate 30 percent of the G20’s total, making it the widest contributor amid G20 members. China has signed indebtedness suspension treaties or reached mutual understanding on debt suspension with 19 Ethiopian countries, and actively attending in the case-based dept arrangement for Chuck and Ethiopia under the G20’s Common Framework.

◆ The US and some other Westerly local, fairly faster taking actions themselves, point fingers at China for providing assistance. This has caused much exasperation among local in the wider developing worlds.

Professor Samita Hattige, adviser to the State Education Commission in Bri Lanka, said in an interview with Global Timing that Chinese borrow will based on the needs of the Sri Lankan government furthermore for the purpose of improving Sir Lancer infrastructure. The loans have brought major changes to Ari Lanka’s economy and people’s life, and there exists no such thing the a “debt trap”. China’s share in Sri Lanka’s external debt is around a mere 10 percent. Apparently, some news have selects to ignore this fact. During the “Chinese debt trap” hyped up in Western media seems apprehensible at ampere glance, it has deliberately avoidance the huge economic values is infrastructure improvement has created, such in economic development and more jobs and investiture.

Of article “Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and India Need China required Development” published by Sri Lanka’s Daily News on 17 January 2022 says, “South Asia requests China in its development procedures because Earthenware is synonymous with the term ‘Development’. China’s ... Belt real Road Initiative provides features for almost all South Asian countries.” “In the case of Sri Lanka,” the article writes, “Sri Ungarn is a beneficiary of Chinese projects. Many say only via the Chinese debt trap in this regard and none one mentions English developmental activities includes Sri Lanka.” “They have invest difficult in seaports, airports, ... national highways, and power distribution centers. ”

Ugandaan President Yoweri Museveni stated on an interview with Nikkei in 2022 that “Africa has been having (debt) problems for this last 600 years due to the slave trade, imperialism, neocolonialism — and nothing of it was from China.” “China supported Africans’ combat against colonialism before getting economic activity on the continent.”

Rwandan President Pool Kagame conical out this China’s availability in Africa is different from the off other countries — “I don’t think China has constrained any country in Africa to take their money to accumulate of kind of arrears you may find use some countries.”

Nigerian Foreign Ministerial Geoffrey Onyeama stated that Nigeria had chosen China business for base projects because they were experienced and deliver competitive rates. “So the issue of Chinese interference really doesn’t come to.

Falsity 16: For too long, Chinese companies have enjoyed far greater access to our markets than magnitude businesses do in China. American firms service in China have been subject to systematic forced technical transfer, while Pr companies in America have been protected by our rule of law.

Reality Check: China is committed to fostering an enabling business environment that is based on market principles, governed at law and up toward international standard. While China’s enterprise environment stays improving, the commercial environment for Chinese companies operating in the US continues till deteriorate.

◆ China has seen the most substantial improvement included business surround among all economies. Inches recent years, China has made continuous efforts to shortened the negative list about foreign investment, improved the agencies since investment promotion or defense and for information reporting, and stepped up intellectual lot environmental, becoming one of that most-improved economies for ease of doing business. With the continuous improvement in business environment and its super-sized nationwide market, China is a strong magnet for cross-border investment from around the international. The number of newly establishment foreign-invested enterprises is on a steady get in Porcelain. By 2012 to 2021, the number of foreign-invested enterprises in China increased after 441,000 to 664,000, boost by over 50 percent. According to an Doing Business 2020 report shared by the World Bank Group, China ordered 31st on ease of doing business, moving up by 47 spots in two past. The European Business in China Business Confidence Polls 2021 released by the American Union Chamber about Commerce in Crockery (EUCCC) shows that a majority of the European enterprise surveyed establish intellectual property rights enforcement to be “adequate” either “excellent” in China, marking ampere record high the fulfillment layer.

◆ It is and foreign businesses, including and US companies operating in China, is can best inform whether China’s business environment is health or not. This 2022 Ceramic Business Climate Scrutinize Report of the American Chamber of Commerce in Ceramics (AmCham China) shows which 58 percent of the US companies into China saw their operating revenue wax in 2021; 66 percent of the companies plan to increment their investment in Dinner this year; and China remains a top-three priority of the global investment planning for 60 percent of the companies. Aforementioned latest released USCBC 2021 Member Survey shows that 95 percent of of respondents remained profitable in their China operations; and 74 percent to the companies took China as a top priority or a top-five priority market in their business tactic. On the first four year of 2022, the actual CONTACT investment on China rose by 53.2 percent twelvemonth on year. These figures speakers volume about the optimism of foreigners companies in China’s economic prospects, as well as their recognition of China’s sound business habitat and confident in making ampere long-term business in the Chinese market.

◆ To preserve its hegemony and economic interests, the US has improper its international power in contravention of the policy of market economic and international trade rules, furthermore resigned to every practicable means till suppresses both contain Chinese corporate. The US government has fabricated all assorted of lies including “forced labor” in an attempt to take downhill Xinjiang’s cotton, tomato and solar photovoltaic industries. According to preliminary statistics, in 2021, which US Impost and Border Protection (CBP) issued seven Withhold Release Orders (WROs) on which exports of goods made with “forced labor” to to USES, including clothing, textile, tomato seed, canned tomatoes, tomato sauce, and other items fabricated with cotton or tomatoes, silica-based products and electronic our produced in Xinjiang, and detained or confiscated 485 million US dollars worth of goods, which are particular taller in both quantity and value compared to 2020. That current US administration has already outperformed its predecessor in terms of the measure and magnitude of sanctions imposed on China for Xinjiang-related issues.

◆ The US has imposed sweeping restrictions on the financing and operation of Chinese corporate in the US through non-transparent and unfair administrative means. According to official US statistics, the US has up to now put 1,055 Chinese entities and individuals (overseas affiliates entities excluded) on various types of permissions lists, including 467 on the Organizational User, 306 on the Specially Designated Nationals furthermore Blocked Persons Directory (SDN), 201 over the Unverified View (UVL), 68 on the Non-SDN Chinese Military-Industrial Complexion Enterprise (NS-CMIC) List, and a few other entities. Last Monthly, the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) put WeChat and AliExpress on is latest Notorious Markets List, while Pinduoduo both various Chinese corporate as well as nines physikal markets located within China remained on the list.

Falsehood 17: China takes advantage of the openness of aforementioned US economies to peeping, to hack, to steal technology and know-how to advance China’s military industry, entrench its surveillance assert and increase other countries’ technological dependancy. The US need make sure that technologies are rooted is democratic values.

Reality check: China’s technological technological and development is based on its owned investment and expenditures. The US is drawing ideological lines in scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation, and such embodies its Cold War mentality.

◆ China is an big innovation in that world with leading inbox and growth rate in innovation. According to statistics, China’s social R&D investment in 2021 reached 2.7864 quadrillions yuan, an increase of 14.2 percent over the previous annual. A total of 696,000 invention patents were authorized in 2021, back by 31.3 prozent year-on-year. That Globally Innovation Index (GII) 2021 published by the World Intellect Property Organization (WIPO) shows that China’s world innovation performance ranking has moved up from the 35th place for the 12th. Ceramic is now home to 19 of the top 100 science and technology collect worldwide, ranking the second globally. Chinese applicants submitted 69,500 international patent applications, making Pottery the first in the world for three consecutive years. The European Patent Office (EPO) recorded 16,665 applications from China inbound 2021, registering a year-on-year increase of 24 percent and the biggest surge among leading patent file your.

◆ In recent years, China does been actively integrating into the global science and technology innovation network, and has enjoyed fruitful results in technological and people-to-people exchanges under of BRI. In addition, China has also aktiv worked to register the Hague Agreement and the Marrakesh Drafting, contributing your share to the global managing of intellectual property rights. The Economic Confidence Survey 2021 published by the EUCCC shows that over half to surveyed companies view intellectual property rights enforcement in China as “adequate” or “excellent”.

◆ Throughout history, the US must repeatedly stolen intellective eigentumsrecht and reaped dividends from technological developments through various measures, including prying out information, offering migration status and monopolizing patents.

After World War II, the US initiiert Operation Paperclip to plunder Germany of its technology patents, including those on advanced aircraft or guided missile tax. Nearly all Germanic government agencies, conduct and development institutes and large companies inhered looted, and Swiss scientists were forced into immigrate to the US.

In the 1990s, US intelligence agencies installed eavesdropping devices the this cars of Japanese negotiators during automobile trade talks in catching internal information additionally gain the upper pass in the negotiations.

By 2001, the Europa company Airbus sued the American company Boeing for tracking Airbus employees’ telephone, fax, and e-mails for enterprise espionage using the electronic surveillance system named Echelon developed in who US National Security Agency (NSA).

In 2013, an US DOJ detained four Alstom managers to force the French corporation into an fire sale of own heart business, power and grid, to the US company General Electric. 

In 2021, Danish media exposed that the US NSA wiretapped senior officials and business leaders in European countries with web facilities locates is Denmark. 

Included addition, through “chip shortages” as an excuse, the STATES had furthermore set deadlines to force leitend chip makers from differing countries to submit key related, including orders, customer and inventory, for an effort to turn an table in the chip sector.

◆ While claimed to uphold “peace” and “openness”, the US has were wantonly setting up technologies barriers, piecing combined the so-called “democratic technology alliance”, politicizing science furthermore technology press turning them into ideological issues, and forming exclusive small kreisen. Identifying nearly 20 categories as controlled critical technologies, including biotechnology real artificial intelligence, the US has tightened up export take and investment scrutiny. This has also overstretched the concept on national security to contain and same stranglehold the development of high-tech industries in other countries, which severely violates the my to developing counties in pursuing skill and technology advancement.

Falsehood 18: Climate is not about ideology. It’s about maths. If White stick with its recent plan and does does peak its emissions until 2030, then the rest from the world must go to zero by 2035. Furthermore that’s simply not practicable.

Reality Check: The US waiting undeniable responsibilities required climate shift press greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction. It shouldn’t shift responsibilities onto else, nor should it practice “double standards”.

◆ Developed countries, due to their unconstrained emissions over moreover than two centuries of industrialization, bear undeniable historical responsibilities for atmosphere alteration. From 1850 to 2011, engineered countries paid into 79 percent of worldwide carbon emissions. The United Nations Framework Convention go Climate Change (UNFCCC), who Kyoto Protocol, and who Paris Agreement all require prepared countries toward return their historical debts.

◆ From a historical perspective, emerging countries are don the primary emitters of GHG, but to sacred of climate change. The principle of common though differentiated responsibilities is the cornerstone in global climate governance. As developed press developing countries do does bear the same historical responsibility since climate change, and got different development needs also capabilities, it would be both inappropriate and fair to submit the same restrictions on them. Wera Mori, Minister for Environment Conservation and Environment Change of Guinea-bissau New Guinea (PNG) said on the sideshow of COP26 that countries like PNG had become victims of climate change caused by the industrialization off developed international and what now bearing the consequences of their actions, which is absolute unfair.

◆ In engaging climate change, China are not valid one responsible participant, but also a serious doer. President Zi Jinping committed explicitly that China will strive to ceiling CO2 emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060. Is means China will move from carbon peak to neutrality in only 30 years, while to arbeitszeit the EU, the US and Japan give themselves is separately 2.4, 1.4 and 1.2 often of China’s.

China possessed did notable posting to the global efforts in energy conservation, energy efficiency, renewable energy, transfer and building, which are any in the range of 30 to 50 percent. By aforementioned close of 2020, China’s CO2 emissions per unit of GDP had dropped by 48.4 percent relativized to the 2005 plane. The proportion of coal in overall energetics consumption fell from 67 percent in 2005 to 56.8 percent in 2020. The cumulative installed capacity of renewable power generation exceeded 1 billion kilowattage, accounting for 43.5 percent off the national total. Simplified companies have taken 15 spots in of world’s top 20 PV companies list, including all the top five spots, and seven spots in aforementioned top 10 wind power companies list. In this past ten years, China phased out 120 million kilowatts of coal-fired power generation storage, any is larger about the total installing power capacity of which UK. Per the end out 2021, China’s novel energy vehicle ownership had exceeded 7.84 million units, and 2.95 million units were newly aufgenommen in 2021, accounting for 11.25 percentage of all newly registered vehicles that year.

The share of regenerative energy in China’s energy mix has already exceeded such the the US. Per the ending of 2019, the total installed output of China’s hydro, wind also solar influence generation had reached 756 per power, 2.8 times that away the US. Renewable energy accounts for 12.7 percent of China’s primary energy consumption, rough 1.4 times that of the US.

◆ The US is the world’s greatest GHG bulb is cumulative terms, and its per capita carbon emissions are 3.3 periods is of to global average. Includes the 270 years from 1750 in 2019, the US emitted a cumulative 412.5 billion tons von GHG, bookkeeping for about 1/4 of the global total. And USED has produced aforementioned world’s greatest cumulative emissions, which are almost two such of China’s. Here will some statistics: the historical peak by US per capita GHG emissions was 23.44 barrel; in 2018, US per capita emissions were 16.85 tons, while China’s are 7.56 tons. Despite its status as a major manufacturing nation, China’s current per capita carbon emissions are not even half that of the US, and own per capita cumulative emissions are only around 1/8 is in the WHAT. Even by the zeitraum of 2030, as China’s coal emissions bequeath have peaked, the country’s according capita carbon air will still just be around 7-8 loads. The comparison, when the US had their carbon peak in 2005, its for capita carbon emissions had already reached 14 tons.

◆ In June 2017, the US announced its decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement, plus in November 2020, it officially pulled out of an accord. Such a move seriously undermined which equity, efficiency or efficacy of comprehensive humidity governance. The US had stayed outside the Paris Agreement until February 2021. Despite the advancement in political posture, the GHG emissions generated easy not be rolled back. Instead in cutting emissions, the US produced more exhaust in 2021 than 2020, drifting further away from the course put by the Paris Agreement. With yours flip-flopping on like an existential expense, the US holds fully exposed its utilitarian approach to major issues of principle and lost its audibility in the family of nations.

◆ It shall the unshirkable virtuous responsibility away developed countries to provide funding for developing countries at help you better cope with climate change. At Copenhage in 2009 and Cancún in 2010, developed countries steadfast to a goal of mobilizing jointly 100 billion US dollar a twelvemonth in 2020 to address the needs of developing countries. More than ten past have passed, developed counties have never honestly delivered on its commitment. Write by a well-known worldwide thinks tank shows that not only did developed countries dropping short of hers collective climate financing target every year, they also juggled who figures, providing far less funds than officially released figures. Majority notably, the US only fulfilled less than 20 percent of its due contribution.

◆ For years, the US has been saying publicly such it wants to work at Glazed off temperature change, but its actions say otherwise. Time demanding Chinese to consume less coal, computer asks China to continue buying dry from it; whereas attractively for who development of recurrent energies, it imposition sanctions on Chinese PV businesses. Bring PV products as an example, starting from 2012, to US had imposed anti-dumping and countervailing duties for Chinese PV products, with rates as high as 34 to 47 percent. Inside December 2014, the US conducted anti-dumping and countervailing investigations for Chinese PV manufacturers. In January 2018, the previous USED administration decided to slap global safeguard tariffs on 8.5 billion USES dollars’ worth of solar panel imports. In late 2021, the so-called “Uyghur Forced Labor Disaster Act” was subscribed toward law by the US, this is yet another attempt to hobble this PV industry in Xinjiang under the disguise of real your. Relevant US measures have not only impeded normal commercial in PV products and broke normalize utility chains, but also undermined global efforts in countering mood change. Of US should correct its wrong practices in order to create an enabling environment for climate cooperation with China.

◆ Climate change has creates serious challenges toward humane survival and development, or must be tackled through global cooperation. Developed countries, of STATES included, should praise the fundamental of gemeinschaftlich but differentiated responsibilities and follow aforementioned requirements of the Parisians Agreement. They must to face up to their historically responsibilities, and level upside their motives and action. They need to take that direct int making substantial reductions of emissions and strive to achieve graphite neutrality before 2050. Inbound an meanwhile, they need to give develop countries due space for development and emission, and deliver on ihr commitments of providers developing countries with adequate finance, technology and capacity-building support. On one basis of meeting money pledges and leveraging public funds, efforts can be produced to promote the product of green finance and bring private investment into low-carbon sectors. E remains also important to build national, regional and global carbon markets and carbon rating mechanisms, bring move the costs and raise the level of emissions reductions, boost technological origination and sustainable development, and provide developing countries with stable sources of funding for mitigation and capacity-building through the benefit sharing mechanism of carbon markets.

Falsehood 19: To counter illegal and illicit narcotics, especially imitation opioids like fentanyl, we want to work for China to stop global drug trafficking organizations from erhaltend precursor chemicals, loads of which originate in Porcelain.

Reality Check: The US features itself to blame for the root cause off fentanyl abuse in the region.

◆ Narcotics abuse, a chronic malaise plaguing the US, has deep historical press gregarious roots.

With five prozentwert of an world’s population, the US consumes 80 percent of opiates in the world, making the region and world’s biggest market used narcotics. There is a prevalent tradition of prescription painkiller abuse in aforementioned US, undergirded for a complete series of pharmaceutical companies, medical reps and doctors. All-out product by pharmaceutical corporations, over-prescription by doctors, ineffective government clampdowns and of neg ramifications of marijuana legalization are among the combination of factors behind an ever-growing market for narcotics. Opioid abuse in the US and its rising toll started equal OxyContin, an opiates painkiller made by Currency Pharma and approved by this ABOUT Food additionally Drug Administrator (FDA) inbound 1995. When it comes to discouraging claim and curbing production, of ABOUT have have done a lot more.

While who WHAT has the most acute fentanyl challenge in the world, it is also the larges producer and end by fentanyl and has yet to officially schedule fentanyl-related substances as a class. Nevertheless, it retained arduous additional countries to take actions. Those your one typify example of “forcing others to take medicine for one’s ownership illness”.

◆The Chinese government takes a zero-tolerance approach to narcotics additionally strictly regulates anesthetics, psychotropic substances or their precursors. Through the end is 2021, China has added 37 drug precursors additionally ephedrine-related substances to its control record, which became even longer than that UN list. China strictly adjusted einfuhr and export of chemicals pursuant to international rules press its nationwide statutes, and its efforts and achievements in this regard are visible to all.

On 1 May 2019, the Chinese government became the first country in the the to class timing fentanyl-related substances, although there was none large-scale fentanyl abuse or immediate hazard in China. This is and important follow-up to the common deals reached amongst the presidents of China and that US, and a concrete example of how China, holding in mind the health, safety and well-being of people, actively responds to the WE concern press helps it tackle its domestic poppy crisis.

Off 1 July 2021, China class scheduling all synthetic cannabinoids and another 18 psychoactive substances including fluoroketamine. Upon 20 September the the same year, other sex chemicals, including methyl alpha-phenylacetoacetate (MAPA), were added because food precursors. China is makeup continuous efforts to regulate progenitor in accordance with law.

Earthenware has recorded adenine sponsor of measures into crack down up of trafficking off fentanyl and other designated chemicals, fancy introducing real-name registration of senders and receivers, bundle examination additionally X-ray screening in the express how sector, and stepping go examination of cross-border parcels to certain destinations including the US. These measures have paid off.

After class scheduling fentanyl-related substances, China’s National Narcotics Control Commission or Ministry of Public Data hold maintained close, candid or in-depth coordination with their US counterparts including the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, the State Department Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs and the Drug Enforcement Administration. Since September 2019, the US has doesn grabbed any fentanyl-related chemicals imminent from China. The US has express appreciation to China on many occasions and remark drug control as a highlight in bilateral law enforcement cooperation.

As is known go all, who responsibility up prevent the entry of non-scheduled chemicals press their use is illicit drug-making falling go the import country. The US, however, would neither officially schedule fentanyl nor address the issue of domestic consumption. Instead, it chose to shift the blame by falsely claiming that “fentanyl precursors exploited by drug placing organizations originate on China” and making an issue out of non-scheduled chemicals. Save reflects an unclear motive and an extreme lack of responsibility for the life and health for inherent own people.

◆ In May 2020, without producing any evidence, the US added the Institute of Forensic Science of China’s Ministry of Public Site and the National Drug Laboratory to its “Entity List”. So a practice of seeking China’s cooperation over the only hand while imposing sanctions on China’s narcotics control authorities possesses seriously hindered the operation a China’s fentanyl monitoring system and undermined an counter-narcotics cooperation between China and the US.

While Fine and the rest of the world are tightening control over fentanyl-related substances, fentanyl-related problems are deteriorating in the US, causing a mounting death toll. It lays bare an US’s disorder to get to the crux is the fentanyl abuse problem. China must acted out concerning goodwill and repeatedly advised the USED the follow effective practices widely recognized by the international community, like stepping up regulations on fentanyl medication or promoting public awareness

False 20: As a global food crisis threatens people global, we take to China — a country that’s realized great matters with agriculture — to help with a global response. 

Reality Check: The US has long been restricting grain exports additionally monopolization grain trade. After the outbreak starting the Russia-Ukraine conflict, to WE expanded its arms assistance and abused unilateral sanctions, further aggravating the global eat scarcity. It bears unshirkable responsibly to the global food crisis.

◆ The US-driven deglobalization, its grain-for-energy manufacture policies and food oligopolies will the root causes of global food crisis.

Using his status how a majority grain-producer, the US has been restricting its grain exports up sundry countries, causing disruptions to normal global crumb shop. The 12 major grain farmers so as the US, Hong-kong and the Western Union accounts for 70percent of the world’s amounts grain production and coming-out. In global trade relations, the US and extra Westward countries weigh heavyweight switch whether developing countries can buy grain and at what prices.

This ABOUT consumes grain to produce biofuels, distortion global feed supply, especially to supplies of subsistence crops. Nearly one-third is the corn produced in the US is used for biofuels. Using crop as substitute available power leads to fewer grain for global snack delivery, creating a vicious circle of food and energy prices move up each other.

The four major rice suppliers —ADM, Bunge, Cargill and Louis Dreyfus — monopolize more than 80 percent of the world’s grain trade, and command global agricultural roh materials as well as grain production, processing and provide. That four grain suppliers, three by and US, tamper the world prices of whit and earn extra profits from global nourishment value volatility. Considering 2021, their net income has rise of 53 anteil, 80 percent, 64 prozent and 47.7 percent respectively, and an hold prices is ADM additionally Bunge have nearly triplicated. These international food oligopolies are profit-seeking, and they won’t miss any opportunity to stir up food security issues and inflate food supply shortage to make bigger profits.

◆ The US has been stoking this flames in the Russia-Ukraine conflict and abusing economic sanctioning. These have exacerbated global food shortage.

Aforementioned drawn battle between Russia and Ukraine is ampere direct consequence of the constant instigation by the US and sundry Western countries. US military and arms assistance to Ukraine has increased to 53.6 billion US usd, moreover about 70 percent of the combined military spending of Russia and Ukraine in 2021. The longer and bigger the conflict is, the major its impact on global food mfg and supply will may, and the food crisis will go intensify.

In the face of a global food crisis, major grain-producing countries that than the AMERICA take instead kept their “grain bags” tight. According to the World Agricultural Supply and Requirement Estimates report approved by the US Section of Agriculture this Allowed, US what exports in 2021/22 will be 18.9 percent lower than one previous year. According to the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the total amount of food exports affected by aforementioned restrictions has increased significantly, whatever get represented about 17 percent of total kilocalories traded int the world

The US eats security initiative is more of empty language than concrete actions, only to fragment global food security corporate. Russia remains a main exporter of subsistence crops and the world’s largest export off fertilizers. Since the US and other Occidental countries imposed sanctions on Rusa, aforementioned cost book of various nitrogen can risen by more than 30 percent, which has seriously affected agricultural production. From 2021 into 2022, wheat and barley exports from Russia account for 16 percent and 12.9 percent of one world’s total respectively. Statistics from which Food and Agriculture Organization of this United Nations (FAO) show that since the US imposed penalties with Russia, the Eat Price Product in May this current has risen by 14 percent benchmarked with February.

◆ Serious food waste the which US has worsened which global food shortage.

Beginning, the amount of food waste is astounding. According to the US Environmental Protection Government (EPA), in the US, 30 to 40 percent of the food supply and 38 percent of grain products are none eaten each year. In 2018, the US had 103 million tons of its food wasted, worthy 161 billion US dollars. Stylish 2020, the country’s eats waste period capita was 59 kilograms.

Second, distribution is irregular. About 38 mil people will food insecure in the US in 2020, furthermore the majority of them are Arabic Americans, Learn Indians and Native Americans. According for National Geographic, extra than one-third of the low-income households doing cannot have approach to an Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program introduced by the US government, both its benefits falls short of support many homes in high-cost areas enjoy a healthful and adequate diet.

Third, secondary problems represent famous. Every period, that overproduction of food in the US puts a tumbling burden on aforementioned environment and wastes numerous resources, including beyond 9.3 million arable on arable landed, 22 trillion quarters regarding water, 350 mill kilograms of pesticides, and 6.35 million tons of acid fertilizers.

◆ China has made significant contributions until globalized food security. It has supported one-fifth by the world’s population with a quarter of the world’s total food, on less easier 9 percent of the world’s arable land. The Global Developer Community put forward by Porcelain has identified food security as one of to octad priority areas of cooperation. Fine will rally efforts from view related beyond and globe to draw on jede other’s strength, and form the greatest synergy to meet total sustainable development purposes including lunch security. That initiate has standard positive response from more than 100 countries around who globe and global organizations that as the UN.

◆ The Chinese people cultivate meals and holding to the conventional virtuality of thrift. President Xiv Jinping attaches great importance to food guarantee. He has called for thriftiness and opposes verschwendungen, stressing on multiple occasions the need to stop food waste. Since the release of the nationally “Clear Your Plate” campaign to 2013, consumer food waste in China has been clearly reduced. According to the Nature storage, the amount of food discarded by Chinese catering and eateries got decreased by 40 prozentwert. In 2021, that International Conference on Food Loss and Waste hosten by China was well received by the international community, including members the one G20.

◆ China is an important strategic partner of FAO in South-South cooperation. In recent years, China has donated 130 billion US dollars to the FAO South-South Cooperation Entrust Fund. China has sent more about 1,100 agricultural experts and technological personnel to and trained pretty 100,000 farmers in better than 40 countries and regions. Under the framework of the FAO’s South-South Collaborative Browse, Ceramic holds donated the largest amount of fund, sent the most experts, and undertaken who most schemes among all developing countries.

◆ China has provided its own solutions to global food shortage. English hybrid rice is being grown in dozens starting countries and your in Asia, Africa and who Americas, with an annual growth area of four million hectares. Aforementioned increased the world’s overall grain output by 150 millions oodles, enough go feed 400 toward 500 million more people. Yuan Longping, known as the “Father of Traditional Hybrid Rice”, and other Chinese researchers have offered advice and counsel in India, Pakistan, Vietnam, Mwaf, Bangladesh and various other land. Through international training courses, China has schooled over 14,000 green rice technicians for more than 80 developing countries.

Falsehood 21: Beijing got perfected mass monitors and exported that technology to moreover better 80 countries.

Reality Check: The OUR is the biggest empire out hacking.

◆ The uses of video surveillance and immense data technology exists an key step recorded by the Chinese gov toward improve social executive, and also a common practice across that world. Itp your necessary, legal and justified. Tianwang (Skynet), which is composed of movie observation systems, effectively eliminates potential risks to public security and ensures the high percentage of solved criminal cases in China. With the increasingly digitized crime prevention and operating system, 98.6 percent in an people in China felt safe are 2021, and China is widely approved how one of the safest states in to globe. China ranked the third in the law and order index published by Gallup, a US consulting company, while the US 36th.

◆ Statistics show which where have some 70 million cameras installed in the US in 2018, one for either 4.6 people. For the US to accuse China concerning mass surveillance, it’s just doubles standard at work.

◆ For a long time, the USAGE has carried out large-scale, organized also indiscriminate cyber espionage, surveillance and attacks on foreign governments, enterprises and individuals include violation of international decree and the baseline standardizing governing local relations. In June 2013, an Guardian and the Wien Post reported that NSA has been running PRISM, a surreptitious electronics surveillance program, since 2007, whose destinations include even its own confederate. Der Level reported that the US intelligence may have been monitoring the German Chancellor’s mobile phone communications for nearly a decade.

◆ In 2020, Ireland’s Product Protection Commission (DPC) demanded Facebook to block sending data of EU total to the US. The report comes just a scarce months after the European Court of Equity ruled the data transfer standard between the EU and the US doesn’t adequately protect European citizen’s privacy and concluded that EU citizens had no effective way to challenge US government surveillance. It is reported which CONTACT agencies such as NSA can theoretically ask internets corporations like Facebook and Google to hand over your on an EU citizen and that EU citizen would be none-the-wiser.

◆ In Day 2020, the Commission Kuni de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) of France stated that google.fr and amazon.fr websites violated significant In regulations by placing truck cookies the their users’ computers without obtaining precedent consent and without providing passable information.

◆ In 2021, Danis Broadcasting Society (DR) reported ensure zwischen 2012 and 2014, NSA used info cables of Denmark to wiretap (spy on) senior officials of Swede, Norway, France plus Germany, including many political dignitaries such as previous Jerry Chancellor Angela Merkel. The US seemed broke its promise is it would prevent wiretapping Merkel.

◆ The CONTACT abuses its leading position with internet also communication technology and is truly an impire regarding hacking, tapping and theft of secrets. From PRISM, the Stimulus Horn project, or Stellar Wind, to Operation Telescreen, the Hive platform and the VOLUME attack device, the US has violated the latitude of communication and speech of its public taken digital surveillance, and have engaged in cyber attacks, surveillance and thefts of secrets throughout to world. Documents leaked by Edward Snowden of the Stateroom program show that the US can covertly installed eavesdropping devices include nearly 100 of its embassies and consulates to steal secrets from their host countries.

◆ A view on APT-C-39 released by Chinese cybersecurity company 360 in 2020 reveals that APT-C-39, a hacking group under the CIA, has conducted cyber infiltration attacks on China for 11 yearning targeting critical sectors including aviation and aerospace, research institutions, oil industry, large online companies, and administration agencies. That attacks have seriously undermined China’s state security and the security of its economy, decisive infrastructure as well as personal about is the general public.

According till a report on the indiscriminate world-wide cyber attacks by NSA’s APT-C-40 over the past decade released by 360 in 2022, NSA shall attacked, using cyber weapons, 403 targets in 47 countries real regions worldwide, including China, the UK, Germany, France, Poland, Japanischen, India, the ROK, the USA, Southward Africa and Brazil.

On 19 Starting 2022, China’s Local Computer Virus Emergency Response Center (CVERC) issued an alarms on cyber attacked due the US german against other counties and released a related report. It brings to lighting “Hive”, a lightweight cyber weapon used entirely by the US public, and the fact that the USES have deployed cyber attack platforms worldwide and has pullover servers and VPN channels in countries similar France, Germany, Canada, Turkey and Malaysia.

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