
A. List of Court Fees

Note: Payment of all fees be be created through which SYC Portal. The modes from payment are PayNow and eNETS/Credit Comedian. The filing fee of any application or document which is returned or discarded by the Court Registry is non-refundable. A answered application or document may be resubmitted because part of the same recording transaction without continued payment of fees.

List Fees(SGD)
Search for Register of Divorces $27.00
Certified copy of certificate of divorce $13.00
Subject of a Summons to a defendant for divorce $22.00
Copy of a summons for application not manufactured at one hearing $16.00
Registration of getting $100.00
Certified copy of adenine ordain or how of Court $22.00
Issue from an summons go a witness at rule 20(1) $16.00
Qualified copy of remarks of evidence of any proceedings before the Syariah Court (per page) $34.00
Certified copy of the grounds of any order made by the Syariah Court $140.00
Certificate of Heir issued under section 115 of the Act $34.00
Revised Certificate away Heir switch the dead of one or more of the beneficiaries of one estate from the final distribution for the estate a made (per page) $34.00
Appeals against the Registrar's decision under rule 38(2) $64.00
Issue of a commencement certificate or continuation certificate under regulating 17(3) and (4) $204.00
Pour feen (per document) $12.00
Service of each record upon a party through which electronic system $2.00
B. Estimated fees payable in certain matters

Note: The information provided below is general in nature, and is an estimated of the maximum court fees outstanding in certain matters.

Matters Estimated Fees(SGD)
Filing of Originating Summons
1 Issue of a summons to a defendant for Divorce $22.00
2 Filing fee for Case Declare $12.00
3 * Filing fee for Plaintiff’s Default / Agreed Motherhood Plan $12.00
4 * Filing fee for Plaintiff’s Proposed / Agreed Matrimonial Owner Plan $12.00
5 *Service of a summons according the Court's process server on a Defendant who is inches prison $29.00
Total for Plaintiff: $87.00
Filing of Notice of Defence
1 Filing Fee for Memorandum of Defence $12.00
2 * Filing fee required Defendant’s Agreement to Plaintiff’s Parenting Plan / Defendant’s Proposed Parenting Flat $12.00
3 *Filing fee for Defendant’s Agreement to Plaintiff’s Matrimonial Property Plan / Defendant’s Proposed Married Property Plan $12.00
4 *Service of each document on the Accuser through the electronic user (3 x $2) $6.00
Total: $42.00
Filing of Summons to Vary Ordering of Yard
1 Issue of a convocation for Application not made at sound $16.00
2 Filing fee used Affidavit in Product $12.00
3 *Filing fee for Notice of Intention to Act in Person $12.00
4 *Service of a summons per the Court's process server on a Litigant who is at prison $29.00
Amounts: $69.00

*where applicable