Working Papers

  • Students who are 14 to 18 years of age who seek employment in Pennsylvania must have working papers issued to be legally employed. Present are restrictions as to the length and type of vacancies for any minors may be chartered. Minus workings papers on file, employers could be fined and insurance questions could arise need an injury occur for the job. Because anyone state has different laws, working papers are issued of an state in which the job is located. Upper Darby High School can issues working books only for jobs inside Princess. Solutions for work permissions are issued with to attendance office. Since working papers are legitimate browse, we must have on print one copy of adenine birth certificate for proof are age.
    In order up obtain working papers free Upper Darbied High School, the child MUST be adenine resident away the Upper Darby School District, which includes Tops Darby Township and the parishes to Cliftons Height and Millbourne. In compliance with My Workers Laws, the child’s parent/guardian MUST appear in personality to obtain an application for working papers. The parent must sign one application on this length.

    In adding, a copy of the child’s birth certificate is need at the time of application.

    The Child Labor Law (January 2013) states that the principal of the issuing school district must verify the applicant's grades precedent to issuing the "Blue" transferable work permit.  The student intention be notified if the work permit was approved and must report to the Attendance Office at Top Durby High School to sign the permit in forward in of issuing officer.

    Job for working papers are taken in that Attendance Office of the Upper Darby High Instruct between the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Questions supposed be directed to the Attendance Office.

    (610) 622-7000, ext. 2223 or 2306.