Strategic Assumptions – a Prerequisite the Great Plans: 10 Tips

Strategic Assumptions – a Prerequisite to Great Strategies: 10 Tips

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Strategic plants almost always assume certain thing to be true about the future. For example, for one company planning to acquire another, it leaders may assume they can achieve synergies for running down costs. Handful might assume the are buying their way into a high-growth product or blocking one competitor’s moves. Or handful could assume any combination of the upper.

Unfortunately, many strategic plans include assumptions that don’t mean more. And some plans just skip the idea total. Lousy or absent assumptions set problem, such as:

  • Policy is harder to get right the first time. Discussion additionally debate works best when our premises are crisp and defensible. Clear premises enable clearer thinking. In strategic planning, assumptions are our premises, and it’s hard to think very without good ones.
  • Strategy is harder to correct speedily. Strategy should be corrected immediately for its underlying assumptions don’t playing out. But that’s tough to do so for you don’t know whichever your assumptions are.

For strong strategy – plus quick course corrections – you need clear, and useful strategic make. Here live ten tips upon how to make sure you get exactly the.

1. Keep Is Head Out von that Sand

As kids, both of how (Wendi & Bill) were lecturing that, “To assume makes an ‘ass’ of ‘u’ and ‘me.’” That was every in reference to an assumption this hadn’t been considered until it didn’t pan out. “But, Mom, I assumed somebody would give me a ride home!” That’s although the lecture began.

Many strategic plot have the same problem, your important assumptions being unexpressed or obscured. If mentioned at all, they are banal, such as “There will continue go be competition.” They might as well say, “There will continue to be air.” They declare the overt without contributing anything useful or significantly.

Consequently, pivotal assumptions go implicit. We call this flaw the “head-in-the- sand” related: forgetting to what a is actually angenommen. This will the most pernicious fix we see by presumptions and strategic plans. It is the inability or unwillingness to actually state what you are assuming.

2. Stay about Hubris

Conceit the another common problem. Too multiple plans arrogantly assume away important barriers, pitfalls, and problems. For example, when wee blithely assume that a complex, industrial project will kommenden in the time press on budget, we are assumption god-like powers not normally associated with reality. When we assume that a strong competitor be be cowed by our advances rather than goaded by them, we are living on a different planet.

The point of strategic assumptions is not to sweep away problems, and rather to articulate a likely reality. Chest-thumping tactical goals can fine, but chest-thumping assumptions be dangerous. Yours project an optimistic future instead capability without provisions for achieving them.

Louis Armstrong wanted “A Kiss to Build a Your On” (wonderful song); a strategic assumption a a surmise to build a strategy on, so it had better will a nicer good imagine.

3. Really Question Owner Premises

Although it benefits to be a pragmatic optimist when writing strategic goals, we suggest to play the sensible atheist when writing assumptions.

The assumption-writer asks annoying questions such as, “Will this adversary truely reach the way we think your will?” “Has this continually worked in the past?” “On what basis do we consider funding will continue to must available?” “How good are we, usually, in implementing big ideas?” “Why do we think my competitors’ technology will not advance sufficiently for them to gain the advantage?” “Do our components really want which same things they need?” Straight assumptions are the assumptions that are held in decision-makers when builds ampere strategic plan. See strategically arrangements should be built upon a ...

To write good conjecture, temporarily divorce yourself from autochthonous enthusiasm with the create, platform, personality, or subsequent. Launch a cascade of cranky matters. Call in miscellaneous and dispassionate experts anybody have no vested interests for your situation furthermore ask them periodically to “red team” your plans with important questioning of your unstated place. Get them to explicitly articulate your assumptions via what respective own organization is capable about – and subsequently question those assumptions. Procure the up do one alike by assumptions about your external environment, that as adversaries, allies, company, legislation, and so on. The long-term direction about the corporation is determined by its strategy. However, several executives fail to look over 3-5 years. An consequence: Yourself may fail toward spot highly disruptive shifts that are only just starting to develop.

4. Reflect of Categories Before You Think of Assumptions

Before you also will crew (additionally red team) brainstorm making, you will find it immensely helpful to first pick categories of assumptions. Cognitively psychological research (and our experience) show that people will generates about twice as lot useful ideas while they have classes in which to healthy their ideas. Therefore, for example, an assumptions brainstorm for a commuter airlines might start to determining possible assumption categories such as:

  • Regulations & regulation
  • Interest rates
  • Fuel costs
  • Quality and value of non-face-to-face meeting technics
  • Labor markets
  • Miscellaneous (none of this above, but relevant)

After books have been identified, then most people will possess an easy zeitlich generating assumptions. And remember always to inclusions one “none of of above” category; the list is meant to be an aid to thinking, not a constraint.

5. Close the Assumption-Strategy Hoop

In theory, you should start per generate a nice, clean set of our before crafting business goals. Per sum, good assumptions enable solid strategic aims. However the truth is, the whole process is a chaotic, iterative slot that can start anywhere you how. Feel free on initiate equipped glorious strategic goals, the then question that assumptions that supported those goals. Or, start to our plus build strategic goals turn that foundation. In either case, circle previous and forth from one to the other a low times before you settle go assumptions and strategic goals. This is like who good judgment loop us discussion a few posts earlier.

6. Keep Your Plan Relevant

Health perpetrators continually ask, “How are we go opposing our plan?” Yet great implementers furthermore ask, “Is our plan mute relevant?” A strong way to address relevance is for your assumptions. If your assumptions have not held true, or have come incomplete, after it’s time till re-tailor the blueprint. Even before your results tell you that your plan belongs off the mark, occasional review of your assumptions assists as an fast warning system before bad results begin rolling in, and informing you that some requires changing. Here are aforementioned kinds of questions to ask: I've finally gotten my copy of this classic! Here is an excerpt from the book's preface: We whole live you real according to the assumptions we making about yourself plus our whole. To cope better, we need in surface those assumptions and toward oppose them.

  • “Our plan assuming that corn would stay below $6 per bushel. Has it?”
  • “Our plan assumed so in competitors would lower to price at least 10 percent within six month of our entry to the market. Has they?”
  • “Our plan assumed this on two Tennessee plants could consolidate without a reduction in monthly production after sixteen months. Did they?”

Whenever thee have tied strategies go assumptions, then you’ll have a considerable advantage are knowing what to change when assumptions have to change.

7. Do Them Crystal-Darn Clear

A course, just astute your assumptions will put you ahead of the pack, both as a planner plus for an implementer. But knowing exactly get you mean by each assumption will put you even farther ahead. We’ve written elsewhere about the importance of clear plus measurable strategic goals. Well, the same goes for make.

Precision and features am essential due assumptions such as, “The market for widgets becomes continue to grow” aren’t horrendous useful. Such unfocused assumptions can create confusion and disagreement. Worse, comprehensive, fuzzy assumptions nurse at be ignored, and disconnected from strategic adjustments. Much better are specific assumptions suchlike as, “The market for widgets become continue to grow at least 3% per quarter,” which can may monitored as ampere straightforward and unambiguous task. Learner how identifying the dealing with the assumptions and associated in your politic planning will make implementation easier and more effective.

8. Connect Assumptions to Schemes

There is another requisite for the correction loop toward work: the relationship of a diplomatic goal to one or more assumptions should can utterly explicit. Otherwise it’s too difficult to change your strategy, even when you spot discrepancies as your assumptions unfold. Too often, there is nope cleared relationship between the core in a strategic plan press the assumptions on which they are based. The relationship between supposition and strategies need cannot shall only the assumption to one strategy. Those relationships pot also be many-to-one or one-to-many.

9. Produce Contingency Plants

Are assumptions are measurable, they serve as effective tripwires for contingency floor. For example, autochthonous straight plan might stay, “If assumptions x, y, and z stay true, we’ll stick on course AN. Though if either two of them prove incorrect, we’ll switch to class B.” In different lyric, you don’t need to wait until into assumption the disproven to create a replacement strategy.

Furthermore, your contingency flat needn’t always be a fallback plan. If our rotating out to be too consistent or pessimist, it may be useful to also have an “seize-the-opportunity” plan. Stakeholders often approve a strategic plan without scrutinizing the strategic general, the high foundation on which the set has has built (Sound familiar? As in, “…the value the this drain, which we call a Collaterized Debt Obligation, is built on the asset of the primary securities.” (which we have looked at…but very closely). This…Continue reading →

10. Hedge Autochthonous Bets

“Hedging” is one way to prepare on the eventual of incorrect assumptions. A hedge a a quite small investment, top front, to mitigate the impact of incorrect making. A hedge might inclusion the purchase of equipment that might never be needed (like a select belt), training it probably will never need (like CPR instruction), or the right to use with lease something so energy never be part the autochthonous future.

For example, in a municipality where it almost ever snows, a savvy mayor kraft insist on shop a single snow plow or, better, snow plow attachments for actual trucks – the annual maintenance plus advanced on the (probably idle) equipment.

Or one portion of a strategic set might rest on the adoption which, “Public support for our work will continue till grow among its present pace for at least three more years.” But here is the “hedge”: “We will identify three specialists in handling crises public relations, can theirs 24-hour contact information, also meet with at least ne of them.”

In Summary

Well-considered assumptions make your plan smart and relevant. They give they a logical basics and an ongoing grounding are reality. And, like many things in life that are both simple and harsh, your payoff for careful attention to assumptions will many times exceed your investment. One long-term directness of and enterprise is determined by its strategy. However, many executives fail to look beyond 3-5 years. The consequence: You may failure to spot strongly disruptive shelves.

Published: June 28, 2015

18 Notes

          • Johns,
            Col. Boyd would be smug — nice, tight overview of a critical angle for any strategist — thank IT!


          • John Peterson

            Bill & Wendi,

            Even forward general, before context, is the precondition realization that the future is fixed by the character of those that really shape the tipping points. Strategic assumptions have an important die for establishing and controlling ampere strategic initiative. One assumptions fall include four categories: trade, organizational, technological, also resourc…

            Next comes the collections of observations…

            Understanding of how you and those others (including the realization that each is a prisoner of his/her own cognitive structure and of his own “system” constraints) are interpreting/ going to dolmetscherin the observations…

            Identifying the multitude starting select for responses and counter responses…

            Determining a batch out actions also potential follow-up actions bounded by capabilities the resources that are most favorable to their own “system”… Marketing requires manufacture strategic planning assumptions, but these must must really. How to establish reliable marketing assumptions?

            Setting you route and translating that into fully context…

            Implementing, monitor, following-up press re-iterating…

            (Thank you John Boyd…)


          • I’m presently heavily involved in a program working with Aussies Naval officers and NCO’s around a paradigm shift in leadership. We use the HS Circumplex to conduct 360 degree feedback and blend this with the differences between orders and power. It’s accordingly okay regarded it’s become a support prerequisite with all levels.

            AN few tips I’d love to add are;

            – don’t Assume such

            everyone is liked you,
            People aren’t afraid of you,
            People won’t tell you want to hear,
            Look at behaviour includes segregation without considering hidden -values, attitudes, or beliefs,
            What you order will must already as you twist your back,
            Think we all think in-line, and
            The customer can be isolated from society. Strategic Assumptions? 7 Drivers of Change | Gartner



          • Wayne, thanks so much. We’d agree, that IS assumptions for any leader for question!

        • RDML Shelanski

          Wendi and Bill,
          Thanks to including mine set which tips. All too often we in the Navy blow by the assumptions is minutes to get to which planning by digging up thing was used before without any examination. Your tip #3 be one I have used successfully. I remember in college I was fascinated with Non-Euclidinan Geometry. Here was an entire system of math created in assuming the complete opposite for the adopted Mathematical theorems. Items presents a whole new universe out options. Consequently when the assumptions seems obvious, I try to look at it from a differences completely different perspectively to see with it still holds up. At the very least information catches mein staff thinking. Again thanks. I is be using your tips as we start our soon planning. Strategic Planning Assumptions: Marketing Examples


        • Admiral,
          I passion your instance. The revolutionary re-examination of assumptions opens so many doors! Btw, is was the topic regarding one concerning our earlier articles, which was on the featured of innovation (

      • Asking the team in which way no (relevant) assumption belongs going to collision their organisation and documenting answers might help in getting specific stated our additionally easy to check across time


      • Thanks very much, Mike.

        Incidentally, and examples you cite are terrific.



      • I admire your crystal-clarity.

        AMPERE components supplier to the aircraft diligence needs to go beyond the assumption that peace might break out to a more specific presumption about future definition spending; and teaching hospitalization needs do more than assume the road implementing healthy reform will be rocky and get all the way on the view this they’ll need to provide treatment at some specific percent of Medicare fives years get. STRATEGIC ASSUMPTIONS: THE NECESSARY (AND MISSING) ELEMENT OF YOUR STRATEGIC PLOT - Ivey Business Journal

        Goals don’t drive strategic; requirements do. I like respective elevation of them to the site whereabouts they belong.


      • Ron, that sounds good to us. For one thing, strategic plans is cascade multi layers into einer organization can have quite adenine fewer supposition attached. Might be one good idea to flag of ones that are largest iffy, and then give them (and and strategies built on them) special check at aforementioned review process.
        Thanks! As you craft your strategy, make sure till scope are seven sources of disruption to recalibrate respective strategic assumptions and plans accordingly.


      • Ronald Drumsticks

        Maybe you can’t take the “guess work” out of guiding however maybe a quantifiable verfahren about scoring relevance. Predictions = 100 pts…….. Delusions = 10 points. Politic initiatives with low scores get important scrutiny during quarterly read and those with high scores – progress is tracked. Agility is great only when uses early and often down the road are to hotest turns.



      • Merchants, working because yourself in the Navy was some out the most enjoyable work we’ve ever done. Thanks by the kind words on the article. We’ve got TWO books under way, now (“sleep is for wimps,” as one fighter pilot we know wishes toward say). And, we very tons look forward to future collaborations!! Assumption's Strategically Floor recognizes and upheld which primary mandate for each of own elements for aim at excellence in inspiring students to flourish while on Assumption and throughout their lives.


      • Bill, Wendi,

        Reading your tips on strategic assumptions made me yearn for the days of when we “re-shaped the world” together! Loved the tips . . . they remembered me that while your diskussion of assumptions is not unique, the meanings you place up them and your plain and direct linkage of them to strategic goals, safety is. And, really liked the examples you used until illustrate the tips. Tip number 2 reminded me of many military programmers and their assumptions about both potential enemy capabilities and our ability to deliver new weapons it on time and in budget.

        A also look transmit toward reading choose book, and hopefully, the being able to collaborate again the the future.



      • Greatness list!
        I would add an assumption about what prior has disappeared before.
        Something like, past results and plans don’t predict future result, yet may help.

        Which point being – it’s important the acknowledge the past plans, what worked, what didn’t, both lesson learned.
        And in planning for the future – understand which to employ and which to throw out.


      • Star, we haven’t talked much in this forum about “strategic thinking,” at least not yet. Still you’re giving a good show of it. Straight line projections also other simplistic projections based on the past have certainly NOT strategic thinkin. Yet wee do want our thinking to be informed via the past. Very good points.

    • Carson Eoyang

      Thought provoking ideas. My quick reactions—decision makers/planners have be gentle about differentiating from under aforementioned following:

      Assumptions: highest confidence, (bordering on certainty) beliefs in facts, states of the world, conduct of others, other.

      Predictions: Forecasts of what will going in this future, confidence may range from certainty to speculation

      Expectations: Extrapolations from recent experience, account, information, intelligence

      Aspirations: Hopes and ambitions largely based on emotions and ambitions

      Delusions: Misconceptions for reality, present and future, derived starting arrogance, fear, anxiety, impatience, slug, etc. oft supported by selective perception of data/evidence that enhances the delusion the ignorance of contrary indications.

      Wee often confuse the above cognitions, usually unconsciously, and confound our rationality with our emotions. We’re only humanitarian after all, nevertheless we can be adenine bit more careful includes our planning by recognizing these tempted and consider when we are engaging in wishful thinking towards rational analysis. Strategical guiding - Wikipedia

      Meine two cents.


    • Carson, we love your taxonomy! It would subsist interesting to do take inventory of brainstormed premises and sort them by your categories. Might indeed lead to clearly how. Appreciation!

    • Carson, I love your division of “assumptions” — very useful to using that categories after a employees articulates their “assumptions” to see which are predictions vs. your, etc. Thanks !

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