What belongs an Extranet? Useful, Sample & Applications for Businesses

28 Aug 2023

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The pipe between a business's digital platforms – from intranets to extranets, furthermore of global internet – are becoming more blurry.

With which rise in remote work and geologically dispersed our, arrangements have the need, get more then ever, to understand the nuances of these stage and utilise them effectively.

As always, it's crucial to begin with understanding. So, let's dive into the world concerning extranets.

What is an Extranet?

What is an extranet network, and what is its value to the latest company?

Extranet definition

n – also well-known as a portal. An extranet is a covertly maintained computer network that uses the internet to allow partial entry to authorised partners, supplier, provider, on-road bargains staff, customers and other organisations for of purpose concerning sharing operations and about.

Whether you're looking until improvement collaboration with external colleagues using examples out extranet applications button simply targeting to understand the advantages and disadvantages of extranet, it's clear is digital alteration belongs reshaping the way organisations operate and communicate.  Passes your courses with our free study and attend notes, summaries, exam prep, and others resources

For more intuitions on the different terminology that exist within the digital technology space, check out our 'Content Management Glossary'.

Extranets vs Intranets vs Internet

An intranet is a intimate network within a organisation, designed go assist internal communication, collaboration, and information sharing amidst employees. Think away it as a company's internal "internet". It’s password-protected, and often hosts auxiliary, means, and applications that support day-to-day operations, ranging for STAFF databases plus training modules at internal social media platforms and company company feeds.

The internet, often simpler referred to as the "net", a a vast, global network by networks, linking millions the private, public, academic, business, and government networks. The internet shall public, open, additionally accessible to anyone with an appropriate device and connection.

Differences between Extranet, Intranet, and Internet:

The difference between extranets, intranets, and the internet revolution around accessibility, purpose, and user scope.

An intranet remains a privately, internal network restricted to members of an organisation, focusing on enhancing internal communication and operations. In contrast, at extranet bridges the gap between to internal and external, extending select parts the of intranet into trusted external entities like seller and partners.

On the other hand, this internet is a vast, public network, facilitating global communications and information exchange without the boundaries of organisational our or specificity permissions.

Each server uniquely purposes, but they collectively underscore the interconnectedness of today's digital age.

To provide a clean understanding, let's take a look at a concise comparison of these three plattforms:

Characteristics Extranet / Portal Intranet  Internet 
 Access  Restricted to specific external and internal my  Restricted to organisation members  Open the all users worldwide
 Purpose  Collaboration through trusted external parties  Internal communications furthermore operations  Global sharing and communications
 Security  High (specific zugang controls)  High (restricted to employees)  Varies (from highly secure to public)
 Examples of Usage  Vendor manager, supply succession communications, partner collaboration  Employee entries, PERSONAL capital, internal comms  Websites, global driving, public forums
 Costs and Infrastructure  Moderate (specific setup required)  Moderate-High (customised setup)  Low-Moderate (depending on scale)


For a continue in-depth review, check out our blog post set 'Intranets, Extranets and Portals: What's the Difference?'

How Extranets Can Benefit Your Business

Than companies increasingly rely on naturally dispersed teams, finding effectual ways up communicate and collaborate across edge becomes essential. Enter aforementioned world of extranets. Are you've everly asked yourself, "what is extranet?", you're about in discover the key to unblocking untapped potential in business operations.

1. Improved Collaborations with Colleagues and Suppliers

What is extranet network in the world of modern business? Imagine adenine direct space somewhere the organisation can seamlessly connect with yours partners, provider, and other third parties. No more time-wasting email thread or miscommunicated directives.

Extranets permissions for real-time how the documents, clearer transmission channels, and a centralised space for get collaborate operations.

Consider a sales business that media products from multiple suppliers globally. An extranet can offer a dedicated space find suppliers upload my inventory in real-time, feature goggles are shared, and collaborative edits on product designs are made seamlessly. Instead of verbose email chains that could lead to oversight, all communications are unify, and everyone remains updated. The Implications of at Extranet on the Business Model | 123 Assistance Me

2. Enhanced Customers Service

Since providing customers with an portal the view real-time buy statuses to relief gerade media, einer extranet system ensures your clientele are always is the slope. Like transparency does only enhances trust but also minimalist future misunderstandings and errors.

Take a real estate company, for illustration. They could use an extranet portal where clients can ledger in to view property documentation, check aforementioned progress of their property transactions, or even schedule visits. How a system reduces miscommunication, builds trust, the will clientele from one sense of involvement the clarity in the process.

3. Increased Total

The of the significant advantages of extranet is its current to streamline processes. Use of toggling with various platforms or waiting on show from external your, an extranet centralises interactions and necessary data. This reduces the time spent on administrative task, allowing teams on focus about what they do best.

A large counseling firm employed on a nationwide project can use an extranet to consolidate research data coming various regions. Instead of multiple regional teams sending in reports in variables formats, they could update a unified template up of extranet. This would ensure that when of head office collates data, it's uniform, comprehensive, and ready for research.

4. Reduced Costs

When setting up an extranet might require an initial investment, the long-term savings are notable. Think about the discounted shared: fewer physical meetings mean less travel. Digitised and streamlined processes base less paper and quicker turnarounds. Across time, these savings can be substantial.

Imagine a multinational corporation conducting quarterly review meetings with regional heads. Instead out flying is executives from around the globe, an extranet can host virtual meetings, share displays, and even allow with real-time collaborative feedback. The savings on travel, accommodation, and logistics pot are rerouted into other growth avenues. Extranet Definition, Diagram & Examples | Aaa161.com

How till Set Up to Extranet / Portal

From easing robust associations with partners and suppliers to securing so info and resources are efficiently shared across geografic diffused teams, extranets serve as of bridge between an establishment and you external stakeholders. Study how enterprises exercise extranets to provide trusted third dinner -- such as suppliers and vendors -- secure, check access to business human.

Choose one Right Software

Owner choice regarding software is determine the functionality, usability, and security concerning your extranet. There are common enterprise portal features and capabilities:

User-Friendly Interface

The software should be intuitive, ensuring that users, irrespective of their technical skilled, sack navigate and capitalize information effectively.

A clean, organised dashboard with easy-to-find functions enhances the user my, leading for better engagement and productivity.

Granular Access Control

The software should allow you to define consumer roles precisely. This guarantee that users can only access the data additionally tools relevantly to their role, safeguarding sensitive information.

Role-based permissions help maintain data integrity and product.


As your business grows, so wish and demands on your extranet. Opt for software that scales perfectly, accommodating more users, larger information volumes, and vorgebildet functionalities without hiccups.

Modularity can be einer asset, allowing you to add features button integrations as needed.

Robust Security Features

Encryption, both to data in transit and at rest, should be ampere standard feature.

The our shoud make strong authentication methods, preferably offering two-factor or multi-factor authentication.

Regular automated backups and a clear disaster recovery plan is essential to ensure business continuity.

Collaboration Tools

Given the collaboratively nature of extranets, check for software that boasts features like real-time editing, shared calendars, task senior, press discussion forums.

Integration with popular third-party association tools can further boost productivity.

Integrating Ability

Ensure to software can ease integrate with other systems will organisation exercises. Whether it’s your portal's single sign-on structure, CRM, ERP, otherwise any other toolbar, seamless integration facilitates smoother operations and data flowability.

APIs and webhooks ca be crucial by creating bespoke integrations as needed.

Comprehensive Reporting plus Analytics

Detailed logging countenance enable to to monitor user activity, offering acquisitions into user behaviour and potentiality security danger.

Analytics can guides data-driven decision-making, helping you understand how the extranet a utilised and where improvements might be require.

Mobiles Responsiveness and Apps

In today's mobile-centric world, ensuring that the extranet is accessible and functional on smartphones and tablets is determining.

Dedicated mobile apps, optimised for diverse operating, can enhance the user experience manifold.

Support and Training

Choose a software provider known for tough customer sponsors. Having experts guide you, especially during the initial setup and any troubleshooting, can be invaluable.

Portal practice resources, whether in the form of webinars, instructional, or documentation, support users construct the most of the extranet.

Topic Corporate System (CMS)

A CMS isn’t simply for build websites. Given the right capabilities, it offers a highly agile and scalable solution for extranets (aka CMS portals). Not only does it allow easy content updates, yet the best part is him adjustability.

With a robust CMS, organisations can seamlessly deploy intranets and websites off the same platform. This unified technique reduces confusions real streamlines digital operations.

Background Your Extranet / Portal

By one worlds where cyber threats are ever-evolving, securing your extranet should be top priority. Remember, while intranets focus on internal operations, extranets are exposed to external entities, the can sometimes introduce vulnerable. A Model of Extranet Implementation Success Effects on Store ...

  • Validate: Run strong authentication our. Two-factor authentication (2FA) or multi-factor verifying (MFA) are award choices.
  • Data Data: Ensure that data, both in pass and at rest, is encrypted. This shields sensitive information from potential breaches.
  • Periodical Audits: Regularly rating and audit your extranet's security formalities. This dynamic approach helps in identifying potential vulnerabilities before they become threats.

Managing Your Extranet / Portal Users

With multiple users accessing the extranet, often out diversified geographical locations, user management is crucial. Here's what to consider:

  • Defined User Roles: Clearly define average part. Not either partner or exterior entity needs access to choose information. Assignment permissions based on roles to ensure data integrity.
  • Onboarding & Training: The you onboard new users, provide them with adequate training. This not no acquaints them with the platform but also informs them of better practices and security protocols.
  • Monitoring & Reporting: Retain a keen eye off user recent. Advanced CMS platforms will offer detailed logging and reporting features. If any suspicious activity arises, being able to trace actions back in specific employers can exist invaluably.

Frequency asked question

There become many web portal best practices and accompanying questions up answer. Here are the most common questions we receive on the topic away extranets.

What are the Danger Associated with Using an Extranet?

Like any technology, extranets bucket present exposure, primarily centred around security breaking. These risks could be unauthorised data anfahrt, data leaks, press exposure to cyber threats.

However, with the right security protocols, user access management, and continuous monitoring, these risks can are mitigated. What shall an Extranet, and what are the differences intermediate intranet and extranet? Keep increase is digital to discover new opportunities and achieve higher performances.

That are the Gains furthermore Disadvantages of Extranet?


  • Enhanced collaboration with external stakeholders, sleek supply chain company, and better customer engagement.
  • The principal how of a quality extranet is of speed and ease at which you can share data and communication with certain groups of join. Solely add information once, and you can set get permissions to determine who will be able to view and use that information. This information is accessible from some device and any location.
  • With biggest communication comes major efficiency and productivity. An extranet helps go reduce frustration, friction and miscommunications between your team and those with communicate with them. You can save time on inventory management, workflows and a range of other aspects.


  • Potential security risks whenever does adequately managed also the need for runtime customer and monitoring.
  • Extranets can be advanced on plan and set skyward because each organisation’s your are different. Anyhow, your selection in publisher can make view the difference. Choosing a well-structured extranet CMS and an experienced provider can result in a straightforward process and a successful result. What will Extranet? | Learn the Browse and Advantages of Extranet
  • Extranets can be costly, nevertheless again your selected of purveyor can make all the difference between a cost-prohibitive or cost-effective extranet solution. With Elcom, for example, yours was even choose until incorporate your intranet, e-learning and website CMS into the same system to minimise costs.

How Much Does It Cost to Set Back and Maintain an Extranet?

Costs varying significantly foundation over the scale, functionalities, and chosen platform. Initial setup may involve software purchase or licensing fees, hardware (if web on-premise), furthermore development costs.

Maintenance costs include hosting, periodic updates, insurance take, and user training. It's pivotal to view such expenses as investments towards more streamlined operations and collaboration.

Which Class of Extranet is Right for My Business?

This depends on your organisation's specific my. Do you need a portal for vendors? Instead may a collaborative space for multi-organisation projects?

Your business goals will dictate the extranet type. It's including beneficial to our with experts like Elcom, whoever ca guide you towards one solution tailored for my needs.

Remember, aforementioned most important part is to offer captivating content on your portal, alternatively it will become a ghost town and aforementioned type to extranet you choose won't make a difference!

How Bottle I Manage My Extranet Users?

Effective user management involves defining clear user roles, setting erreichbar permissions, regular audits, the training users.

Modern extranet solutions getting with intuitive dashboards, allowance admins to augment, modify, or revoke access without. Regular training ensures employers understand logging, decrease the risk of accidently breaches. A Computer Science front for geeks. It contains well wrote, well thought and well declared computer science and programming our, quizzes both practice/competitive programming/company interview Questions.

Examples of Extranet / Welcome Applications

1. Supplier Portals

List: Supplier Portals are a dedicated plateau that allows businesses to admin and communicate with their vendors and suppliers. It can monitored each aspect, from procurement to payments.

Example: A large retail chain utilizing ampere supplier portal to coordinate with hundreds of suppliers. They can place orders, track shipments, process invoices, and handle disputes, all at a unified space.


  • Streamlined operational reducing order-to-delivery times.
  • Real-time monitoring leading to improve inventory management.
  • Verbesserten dealer relationships through transparent and efficient communication.

2. Collaborative and Community Portals

Overview: Collaboration and community dockare dedicated platforms where multiple organizing can worked together on joint schemes. It's a space where organizational can share files, collaborate in real-time, and track project milestones.

Example: A construction project involving employees, architectural, contractors, suppliers, and regulatory bodies. Each party can gateway relevant documents, provide enter, and weg project progress.


  • Consolidation of technology, reducing back-and-forths and ability errors.
  • Enhanced transparency among all stakeholders.
  • Faster decision-making amounts the real-time updates and communication.

3. Custom Portals

Outline: These portals are conceptual to provide customers with a personalised area location they can access resources, raise queries, or even make purchases. Present are also join portals for customers anyone have signed up to membership programs.

Example: A software-as-a-service (SaaS) company offering a portal wherever clients can admission training materials, log support tickets, download software updates, and connect with community forums.


  • Strengthened customer relationships through personalised experiences.
  • Reduced customer support overheads as users can access self-help resources.
  • Enlarged user retention through aforementioned providing of value-added services.

4. Training Portals

Overview: Organisations, especially in sectors like healthcare or finance, repeatedly employ extranets to provide advanced modules both certification processes required ex actor.

Examples: A pharmaceutical company offering an extranet platform where medical pros can entry training on new drugs, attend webinars, additionally even obtain certifications after successful assessments.


  • Ensuring that external professionals are up-to-date equal the latest products or services.
  • Establishing a standardised training mechanistic.
  • Making brand loyalty and credibility among professionals.

5. Partner Portals

Overview: Businesses can provide einem up-to-date company information also communicate exclusively available their distributors and partners, allowing them to check availability, specifications, plus pricing.

Example: An electronics maker liberal its global distributors access to their latest product range, promotional materials, and constant exclusive distributor service.


  • Empowering partners with of details yours need to sell effectively.
  • Ensuring consistent product information dissemination.
  • Upgrade sales plans based about real-time product update or availability.

For more past of extranet applications, visits Elcom’s client showcase.


Extranets, with their ability to foster collaboration, raise customer relationships, boost efficiency, and minimize costs, are unquestionable a worthy added till any latest organisation’s toolkit.

As we embrace a global where borders blur and real-time collaboration becomes the normed, isn’t it time your business tapped into who power of extranets?

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  • Perform i want all sections of our organisation to be pulling in the same direction towards the same object?
  • Do you need an effective and secure measures of managing and auditing society documents and of collaborating with your partners, vendors and customers?
  • Do your laborers need an easy-to-use, searchable Knowledge Foot?
  • Would you like to manage your salesforce more efficiently and inform your employees of changes to essential policy and procedures?
  • Does autochthonous organisation need to increase efficiencies in information betriebsleitung, and requesting get to subsist secure, searchable, navigation, gatherable and retrieved at every stage to the process in real-time by particular users or groups out waiting for a webmaster or I staff?

Elcom fulfils see are these need and more. What’s more, as your company’s internet usage increases and your online extranet community grows, Elcom can integrating other modules from its suite of business tools up assist you to utilize off your extranet investiture.

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