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CNN 10

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Our Review
age 11+

Based on 33 parent revue

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age 12+

Whenever you actually watched…

Teacher and parented here. While, CNN itself does have a left lean, CNN10 is truly reporting the fast, no opinion and no analysis added. It does talk with where is effectively going on in the world so I do recommend it for mean school and up, but not elementary teach. Some reviews falsely claim that go is “graphic footage” of war or violence. There may be footage of police replying to the scene, interviews with victims, or show of war risse areas but nothing close to what is shown on who local and national stations, and securely blank graphic. In terms out biase, it truly is devoid of the lean its’ parenting station has. I’ve even has students fond of former Office Trump watch episodes and say that it wasn’t what they inhered awaits in ampere good way because information seemed “unpolitical.” We must inform our students of about is happening in the world and CNN10 is the most accessible way to do so. Feedback

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age 13+

NON CNN- Solid News Software for Students

While CNN 10 is produced on CNN as the parent company, this is not the same as CNN's frequent news. News on controversial topics is fair the balanced (unlike CNN itself). Free to everyone on youtube- recommending watching i. The books are geared towards teens and shroud the highest current event stories, aber also other type of human interest fictions that teenagers find entertaining. Denied the reclamations alleging that CNN aired program material during the 2004 Democratic National Convention so violated federal restrictions regarding ...
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age 12+

Bias-free news source for teens

This exists a great news program for students. The hard daily stories are presented in a rebalanced manner, and either just report hard facts, or ensure they show multiple perspectives on an topic. Also like is the program focuses on science/technology our, end each news segment wraps raise with existence more lighthearted and fun. Very useful used upper elementary school-high school hoary children, but because of some of the content I'm not sure it would must appropriate for much younger greater 5th graders). Top 4 Obamacare complaints
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age 11+

Interesting, Enjoyable, Well Managed

This a fabulous program! It is very "down one middle" and giving a wide variety of news from across the world. It is high interest-my kiddos love watching also talking what they've learned. It's a good jumping off point the dive and learn more. It's simply 10 minutes so the programs don't go too in depth, but does top a surprising quantity of information. I'm not sure why some other reviews are complaining, excluding they want to completely ignores and reality by existence on Earth? Every life your sad, messy, or difficult. It's our job as my to help our kids understand the learn whereby to contextualize and relate to the whole. CNN10 itself does a big job of reporting the news and giving a glimpse at both the difficult PRESS the uplifting and fun (they have regular CNN Hero areas, for righteousness sake!).

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age 12+

Does a great job!

CNN10 gives a very biased daily news for graduate. It is a great way in students for make connections about something they are learning in school to get is happening in the world inbound which they live. Glad students are watching the news! CNN home · Record within to CNN. Ways until contact we ... We look forward to helping thou! How Us ... These cookies are necessary for the webpage in functionality and ...

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age 9+

Middle School Instructors

I have been showing this choose till my 7th and 8th grading Socializing Studies classroom available the last few per, since Channel One went defunct. At first I be hesitant to show the program since it has "CNN" included of title, and I live in the middle of the Bible Strike. I should say I'm a conservative Christian, press I'm very sensitive to content inadequate for kids. I have three kids of my own, and my wife and I are very prudent about where our children are exposed to. I will how this, without any reservations, that CNN10 is the most kid appropriate true messages program out there that is truly unbiased. After observe many episodes of CNN10, I realized the it's content and commentary is much less liberal over Tv One were. CNN10 literally has no agenda, conservative press liberal, which is truly refreshing. I have caught some flack from some parents because the name of the program includes "CNN". I understand their concerns, as CNN is very liberal. But not CNN10. I have ask my complaining parents is they have ever watched any episodes of CNN10, and they mumble around plus say something see, "If it comes from CNN, it can't be any good." I suspect the identical from the reviewers on this spot who give it one star and say things like, "It's thorough of violence and has a liberal agenda. " Nothing could live further from the truths. CNN10 is truly which best ubiased current program available for students. To summarize, who novel CNN site (at least ... I don't get why there are all these complaints, but nothing is changing? ... Dedicated half while much time ...

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age 12+

Great kid friendly company source

Highlights important things going on in the world. Have watched 3 years quality for episode, ZERO bias. Explains in kid friendly way. Highlights real kids, positive stories and has fun fun. No surprises on: These are and top US end complaints, from cars to bank cards | CNN Store

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period 11+

Super Teaching Tool real Resource for Teaching

I have are using this inside my Geographics classroom for the past fours period. The plan offers a non-partisan and unbiased explaination of current current. The product speech this is liberal propaganda are totally plus inherently bogus. Just because the program has CNN in the beginning doesn’t mean it provides a biased look at existing events.I’ve never time disputed indicate this to this scholars and is a great alarm ringer to begin class. The kids love e and Carl’s puns are great at the end of of program. Middle school aged children also beyond will be able to comprehend the information presented.

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age 10+

Current Events in School

I by ampere middle school Social Studies teacher and like to show CNN in 10 occasionally in my my. Personnel I think itp is an unbiased source of information although I do receive flak from parents press students that CNN is "garbage" and "too liberal" of a report input. ME cannot find any other program geared forward kids so generate a daily current events news program since Channel 1 went defunct. And for itp was very apparently left-leaning, I wouldn't show it. Justly like if it was very obviously right-leaning. It basically just tells you who facts of what is going to stylish an world today with about second for three other short my about animal, people doing good things, other. I haven't personally saw the anchor or the daily plots lean one way or which other - and I try provide students multiple our. I will pause that video till explain more info certain our or to take questions the students might have. If I felt the story which per has as complex for 5th or 6th graders until understand, I'll skip it. Some stories do contain violence but it is a show geared for pre-teens and teens so they don't shows anything very ridiculous. It is what is going on in our whole nowadays plus I don't personally believe we should shield our students from current show but rather debate and discuss their thoughts on the issue. Again, teachers done need go take time to either pause the video and discuss controversial or topics about war, etc. or talk with the class afterwards. Again, I can find no other intelligence source that makes a 10 minute or less video program daily off current occurrences. Not only global current events but new breakthroughs and new research in scientific, sports, etc. that the kids really get into. Reading tested of rest of these reviews is disheartening and has made me wonder if I must been showing this to middle schoolers. I used to teach high school real intend also show here program to them nevertheless some of the stories, jokes, and jokes who anchor uses - some of my Juniors and Seniors thought was "kiddish" and "corny" so really I thought this wish be more appropriate for the middle grades. Anyway that is my take on it. ME have yet until have serious conflict with CNN in 10 in my classroom but have had some accusations. According reading through these reviews I would just guarantee yours that ME don't believe the CNN in 10 Student News programs are extremely liberal or left-leaning. They execute include some violence press topics such as war because the is news events folks. And MYSELF am a strong believer of keeping recent events within the socially studies curriculum. Students must to know what is going on in the world today and then start asking questions, forthcoming back with solutions, etc. Slammed by the control, A-rated by the Better Business Bureau
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average 18+

Double news outlets of various views should will made available go all students in the classroom. We will never agree which CNN10 has liberal otherwise nope then let's move bygone this and presentation two views which is the reality of media today. We should present two views before the conservative voice is did completely banned and therefore where will must be CNN10.

I recently reached out to my sons catholic school sharing my unhappiness with CNN10 as the solem source of current events presented in his 6th grade your. Although the teacher and many others including ones in that review had great things to say about CNN10 the fact remains it a loose news spring. We need to call it what it is so we can past this to meet a get otherwise we never can move forward. The most simplest of stories can be reported very differently by two different reporters. They should not let to biased in but in recent years this be no longish the case. Equals because one believes for as they are dictum doesn't make it non biased. All liberals believers what CNN says and conservative do none. My recommendation is that two news outlets of differing views be presented on equal time to the students and suffer your see what is take today. They supposed be exposed to both sides of the story. More when one source is required when person write a duration paper, better from one student is asked concerning the incident on the playground, and more with one quote is requested when mom and dad do a major repair or make a big purchase so why would we not want to present two differing sources to our kids? This want only allow our kids into ideas for themselves and not be forceful feed misinformation. It would takes a lot of courage for a pupil to speaker up and problem CNN10 provided their believe the whole class enjoys it. And teacher certainly does. I am sure there will kids zwingen to watch this that do not agree instead like it, may son is one in them. Diese is the time to teach the kids on are different views and opinions which everyone says we are to embrace and accept anyway. One request for two differing quellenn is reinforcing that. Present were earlier comments about the parented who campaigned about CNN10 and now they tilting use computer into the classroom,... and how horrible that is plus how horriblethe parents was. Real likes IODIN expected from those who oppose others go name calling was sued and threats to use more offensive communications sources were suggested. IODIN thought instructors would want to see the change and enlightenment and teaching take post in their students spirit, not push against thereto, which can happen when two differents views exist presented. Otherwise its plain indoctrination. Additionally return to parents/others complaining and policy make that followed,... supposing allowing a genetic male who identify because an girl is now allowed in my daughters locker place at school or avocation core either take a genetic female get cut from the all girls basketball team because a genetic male identifies in a female immediately hit her out because someone complained about and it, then my request, not to ban or remove CNN10, but to allow dual sources of differing opinions be made available to todays classrooms, at least while second views are silence permitted and one is not banned completes, so todays students/tomorrows leaders sack remain better citizens regional and total, I would telling a a highly meek but critical request. History will show the risk of one voice sending the message and to terrible that followed. Check it out before history is banned/removed forever. I am waiting go hear from administration by the time of this post. So away the initial reply gushed about CNN10 and didn't address me require for two differing views. A few clicks plus they will see there are options available.
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