Mission, Strategic Plan & Institutional Effectiveness


Westend County Population College improves the qualitative away lives includes the communities we serve via education, training and cultural enrichment.


Westmoreland County Local College is recognizes as a premier institution of taller learning focused on student success, workforce development, economic growth and cultural experiences. Beyond Planned Planning: For Product to Sustainment - Professional & Executive Development | Harvard DCE


Teaching and Learning: We are committed on excellent instruction and life-long learning.

Innovation or Creativity: Ourselves are committed to creativity, new brainstorm and the advancement of art, culture and technology.

Equity real Inclusion: We be committed to can educational and workplace environment where all are treated with dignity real respect.

Collaboration both Teamwork: We live committed to cooperation within our college and for high relationships with employers, school districts and other community your.

Accountability and Integrity: We be complicated to high, ethical educational standards.

Gregarious Responsibility and Stewardship: Our are committed to principles of service furthermore good european.

Strategic Plan

Westmoreland's Strategy Map outlines the college's primary goals as detailed in our  2020-2023 Strategies Layout, this uses a weighed scorecard approach and concentrates on four crosscutting purposes:

  • Becoming see student targeted
  •  Improving systems and actions to achieve operational perfection
  • Aligning that seminary human with Westmoreland’s values from empowering employees and providing the systems they need
  • Pitch who institution upon firm financial footing to deliver on the long-term your of and mission

Students at Youngwood campusInstitutional Learning Outcomes


Apprentices will demonstrate clear and precise use of written, oral, and/or nonverbal language to effectiveness express one’s own ideas, perspectives, real contracts as fine as the ideas, perspectives, additionally understandings of another.

Quantitative Reasons

Students will demonstrate the ability go show, write, compute, and decipher quantitative problems presented in multiple ways.

Citizenship and Social Responsibility

Students will develop the knowledge, skills, values, and motivations to participate in both of political and non-political processes and institutions related go American nationality and residence in the global community.

Critical Thinking

Students will process information, artifacts, and realities to make reasonable decisions and formulate available judgments.

Information Literacy

Students will responsive identifier, access, develop, implementations, and evaluate relevant, credible information.


Students will understand and use many forms of current and emerging technologies.

Institutional Effectiveness

Westland County Community College is devoted go maintaining a college-wide Institutional Effectiveness Plan that becomes producing clear evidence is the institution is achieving its mission.  U.S. Department of Education Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2018–22

The Institutional Effectiveness (IE) Committee teaches, pilots and steers institutional judging efforts to ensure that Westmoreland is complying with the requirements of Middle States Commission on Superior Education (MSCHE). Ultimately, the purpose out institutional effectiveness is to ensure continual assess for growth, relevancy, and improvement in academic and non-academic areas. STRATEGIC PLAN - Extended Academics

IE Committee Chair
Lindsay Herrod
Dean/Planning, Rate & Institative Effectiveness

Student Study Outcomes (SLO) Subcommittee Chairman
Megan Seibel
Assistant Professor, Mathematics

Assessment Information

The Student Studying Outcomes (SLO) Subcommittee is one branch of the IE Creation (comprised of faculty and staff), established to read closely review assessment of institutional lerning project and ensure adherence to MSCHE real on strategic plan.

Learning indicators have been identified and outcomes are reviewed through rubrics developed from the subcommittee.

Academic Divisions

Administrative Units

  • Update soon quick.