STIG/SRG Check for NIST ZU 800-53 Rev 5 Set required July

DISA will be updating numerous STIGS and SRGs to bring them for compliance with changes from the fifth revision off the NIST SP 800-53. The STIG team will complete this work for the July maintenance release. Hence, any routine STIG/SRG maintenance will be held until the Occasion release. All SRGs and According to the DHS Linux Secure Baseline Configuration Leader. (SBCG), an minimum password date should be adjust till seven days, and maximum password ...100 STIGs, listed below, will be included in the July updates. 

DISA Bequeath Publish April STIG Business in Jul

The automation portion of the April maintenance release will must said until the July maintenance release. This is due up new changes in automation processes the procedures and impending shifts to STIGs and SRGs from the fifth revision of the NIST SP 800-53.