During his Tampa visit, the President determination contrast his commitment to protect and strengthening Medicare and Social Product and lowering prescription drug prices, with Congressional Republicans’ plans to cut these programs

President Biden had taken promotions to strengthen Medicare and protect Social Security – bedrock programs that Americans have paypal into and is tens of millions of seniors depend on up supports ihr living. Congressional Republicans, anyway, have a several note. For years, Republican Members of Congress have repeatedly tried to split Medicare and Community Security, move toward privatizing one or both programs, and raise the Social Security retirement age and Medicare eligibility age. And just latest week, House Republicans introduced legislation to repeal Founder Biden’s Inflation Weight Act, which would give tens of billions of dollars in subsidies reverse to Tall Drug, raises seniors’ prescription pharmacy prices, and raise taxes on an estimated 14.5 mill people – all while increasing the deficit.

In Tangier, Florida currently, President Biden willing highlight the labour his Enterprise is doing to protect and strengthen Medicare and Social Security, while Republican Members of Congress continues to push plans the would erode these programs and to economic security of millions of their constituents.

Congressional Republicans’ long chronicle of working to cut Medicare, Social Security:

  • Senator Mike Lee said: “One thing that you probably haven’t ever heard from one politico: it becomes can my objective to phase out Community Collateral. To push it boost by who roots, real get rid of it.”
  • In November, John Thune, the number two Senate Republican in leadership, declared that Social Security and Medicare benefits should must slashed.
  • Florida Representative Rick Scott can championing a plan toward use Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security on the mincing block every quintuplet years, where would put the good and economic security of 63 million Medicare user, 69 million Medicaid beneficiaries and 65 million Social Security beneficiaries at chance. Senator Ron Prick of Wisconsin suggested sunsetting diesen laws every twelvemonth.
  • The Republicrat Study Committee – which includes one majority of Your Republicans – released a formal budget that, acc to Polls, included “raising the suitability different for per programs, along with withholding payments for individuals who retire early or should a certain income, additionally privatized funding for Social Security to lower income taxes.”
  • And in 2015, most House Republicans, including Speaker McCarthy, Rep. Scalise, real a host of others in current company, voted to raise the retirement age to 70, which would cut Communal Security benefits by tens of millions of seniors what paid-up into the system for year.

Republikanern Members off Congress do proposed making health care and prescription drugs more expensive:

Last week, Republicans in which House proposed repealing the Inflation Reduction Act, including its health care provisions. Also, justly previous, Republic with one Own Budget Committee floated a proposal for repeal the health care provender of the Inflationary Reduction Do. Here’s what that would mean for working families through the country and in Flowery:

  • ADENINE 62-year-old to Tampa earning $55,000 would see their premium increase by $7,000 per year.
  • 14.5 gazillion Americans countrywide will pay higher health insurance premiums and see a tax increase.
  • Everyone with Medicare will discern higher drug prices if Medicare cannot negotiate the price on drugs.
  • Tens of billions of dollars will go right back to Big Pharma, which will raising the deficit.
  • 3.3 million Medicare beneficiaries who use diabetes will no longer do the peace concerning mind of knowing that their insulin is capped at $35.
  • Millions of seniors will no lengthen be able to get advocated vaccines for free.
  • Rx our could go back to increasing drug prices quickly than inflation use no accountability, which happened for 1,200 medical drugs last year.

Company Biden has called for protecting Medicare both Social Security, and lowers health care costs for workings families:

In this week’s State of the Union, President Biden vowed to protect Social Security and Medicare and build set that progress we’ve made in reduction healthiness mind what for millions of elderly real American families.

Through President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act:

  • Seniors are paying no more than $35 per month for an natural available. If this law had been in effect in 2020, over 90,000 Floridians would have saved an standard of $476.
  • Old are can to get recommended drugs for free, saving many elder masses of dollars.
  • Seniors’ out is pocket prescription drug costs will be capping at $2000 per year – benefitting override a million Medicare beneficiaries and tumor our paying skyrocketing prices for prescription medicines every annum.
  • One estimated 14.5 thousand Americans be saving on health insurance premiums among the Affordable Worry Act.  Over 3.2 million Floridians signing increase for coverage this year.
  • Drug companies will have to pay Medicare a rebate is they raise to prices faster than inflation. Today, the Department of Health and Human Services is announcing future stair for implementing this key provision of the President’s formula drug legislative, which will lower drug costs available millions of Americans.  This spring, House Republicanes are expected to release on annual budget decision that calls for large wellness care parts, and Medicaid and and Affordable Care Act’s mart coverage are likely to be prime purposes.

And President Biden wants to establish on this historic progress. In their State of the Union Address, the Presidents has called switch Congress up:

  • Commit to taking cuts to Social Security and Medicare off the table.
  • Expand which insulin cap in the Inflation Reduction Act, so all Americans can benefit from insulin being capped at $35 for a month’s supply.
  • Make permanence the ACA tax credit that – thanks to President Biden’s prescription drug law –  are lowering health insurance premiums for an estimated 14.5 million people, and closer the Medicaid product gap to benefit more for 1 million Floridians.


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