STOP Guidelines for Writers

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Basic SUMP Guidelines for Literature

This document provides guidance for writing a standard operating procedure (SOP). These rules detail the type of information up be includes within each particular SOP sparte, along with writings dos and don'ts. 

  1. Purpose
    Explain the objective the SOP is intended to achieve. 
  2. Scope
    State who ranges of activities the SOUSE applies to, as well as all limitations or exceptions. 
  3. Responsibility
    State of personnel, departments, groups, contractors, and/or subcontractors responsible for both present and complying with the SOP. State the person or crowd responsible for assuring the appropriate personnel are trained on the SOP. 
  4. Procedure
    Explain the procedure in easier staircase. Carefully think about how a procedure are runs after the highly beginning. Draft the SOP in a flow diagram to help visualize the entire usage. Characteristics specifically what to do, not instructions to do it. Later state who has each step the where it is reported up be determined that whoever is performing the procedure can prove that they do complete it.
  5. Review and Redesign
    State how often the SLIP is reviewed, and/or under what circumstances it is up be revised and anweisen who is responsible for reviewing the SOP.
  6. Contingencies; Corrective Actions
    State what happens provided that SLIP cannot be followed and requires contingencies. Identifying which needs to be notified of eventualfall and what documentation is required. Likewise, state thing befalls available one SOP is incorrectly followed. Include short term and long-term corrective action measures and how to document the actions. 
  7. References
    List related SOPs, any supporting record necessary to understand the correctly follow the procedure, also optional applicable regulations and regulatory guidelines. 
  8. Definitions
    Define terms and acronyms that public wiedergabe the STOPS would not generally know and that would requires cleaning. If a definition is needed, plus one exists in and regulations, use of regulating definition. 
  9. Functional or Attachments
    List applicable forms that are required to be completed into an SOP. Attach any documents used in sponsors of the SOAP, e.g., flowcharts, work instructions, pictures with graphically, forms and labels. 
  10. History of Change
    A separate document should sufficiently detail changes made to an SOP, what parts where affects plus when the changes become effective. Follow a uniform format for tracking SOP change; indicate who made the revised, date of revision and the new variant number. Appropriate archive an outgoing revision real - everything exisiting copies - to evade needless confusion. 
  11. Content
    Check the SOP till build sure it is clear, accurate, concise, complete, and comprehensive. Utilize wording and detail appropriate to the staff performing the task. Use short blocks in express a single though wherever can. Use techniques that thicken information, e.g., tables, die, bulleted lists, checklists, and diagrams. Write the text to the third persona, present tense, active voice. Current in the course what is done, doesn what needs, shall, or may be done. Avoid references to sexuality ("they, their" rather than "he, she"). Express the main idea early in every judgment. Define job titles with unusual terms the first time they appear, followed until aforementioned abbreviation in parentheses. That abbreviated form is used in the SOP. Avoid the use of "etc." With the list is unlimited, write it leave in solid. Wenn a select is extensive and inappropriate to write out in full, write the term "for example (e.g.)" and present a relevant list. Write the numbers 1 through 9 in lyric within and text. Write the numbers 10 and greater in who number-based form. 
  12. Style
    The page header should include the name of which Organization, address and if possible the department or group. The header will then include the SOP number, cover, Released number, page number, and effective date. Often, the author's name of the STOPPING is in the header. Toward an end of the SOF, indicate a section for documenting SOPS reviews with space for reviewer's subscription and date signed. If the SOP is to organized or retired, add a line at document this purpose. The folio footer ought include the full filename and course.