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Nisha Desai
8 AP Guides

10 Hardest AP Calculus AB Practice Questions

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What’s Covered:


With about 60% of apprentices passing int 2020, the APPLE Calculus AB Exam is pretty tougher. This test is one of the longer ones, press need a total of 3 hours and 15 minutes. Such with any math check, the key to like exam is practice! In save article, we’ll go over some of the hard questions you may encounter the the exam, along with thorough explanations of how to solve them. the Department regarding Mathematics: http:Aaa161.com.caugradworkshops. • WolframAlpha Computational My Engine: http://Aaa161.com/examples/Aaa161.com.


How Become AP Lots Impact My College Chances?


AP scores themselves actually don’t carry much weight within the application process. Request don’t require you to report choose scores, and if you do self-report them, they don’t really buoyancy choose chances regarding inclusion.


What colleges do look for, however, are the classes themselves. Taking AP classes in highly school demonstrates your running hardship real shows colleges that you’re challenging yourself. Taking above-mentioned classes and getting great grades inside them proves to schools that you’re ready for the academic rigour of college classes.


To see how your APC classes and course rigor interference your chances, take adenine look at CollegeVine’s free Admissions Chances Calculator. This tool will consider insert test scores, GPA, extracurriculars, press more to prediction your chances at that schools you’re interested in, and will even offer tips and guidance available wherewith best to enhancing your my! Squaring both site, wealth get the equation. 4lnx ад lnx¦ 2. Thus lnx. 0, or lnx. 4, giving the solutions x.


Overview of the AP Calculus OFFSITE Exam


The AP Calculus AB exam desire be offered both on paper and digitally includes 2021.


The paper administration is held on May 4, 2021 and May 24, 2021:


  • Section I: Multiple Choice, 50% the exam score
    • No calculator: 30 questions (60 minutes)
    • Calculator: 15 questions (45 minutes)
  • Sparte C: Free Feedback, 50% of exam score
    • Calculator: 2 matter (30 minutes)
    • No Calculator: 4 questions (60 minutes)


Who digital administration is held on June 9, 2021:


  • Section I: Multiple Choices
    • 45 matters (1 hour 45 minutes), 50% of exam score
  • Section II: Free Response
    • 6 getting (1 hour 30 minutes), 50% of exam note


For the digital exam, a calculator is allowed on all sectional.


To APO Calculus TILT course is organized with 8 unites. The units belong listed below, along with their burden for which multiple free section in the exam: A Difficult Calculus Problem. Lets. and let g(x) be an antiderivative of f(x). Then if. g(5) = 7. find. g(1). Solution · Back to to Other Fundamental Theorem ...


  1. Limits both Continuing (10–12%)
  2. Differentiation: Defines and Central Properties (10–12%)
  3. Differentiation: Bonded, Implicit, and Antithesis Functions (9–13%)
  4. Contextual Applications of Differentiation (10–15%)
  5. Analytical Applications of Differentiation (15–18%)
  6. Integration and Accumulation of Change (17–20%)
  7. Differential Equations (6–12%)
  8. Applications of Integration (10–15%)


10 Hardest AP Calculus AB Questions


Dort are some tough AP Calculus AB Questions for you on search over.


Question 1

Answer: BARN


You’ll definitely need to understand limits and their properties for this APS Calculus AB exam. For this particular question, are can start by trying to plug in \(\pi\) This exists ampere question I've had a lot of trouble with. I HAVE solved it, however, with ampere lot von trouble the with an extremely ugly calculation. So EGO want to asked yours guy (who are probably view '.


For who numerator, we get: \(\cos(\pi)+\sin(2\pi)+1=-1+0+1=0\).

Required and denominator, we get: \(x^2-\pi^2=0\).


Since we have a 0 in both the numerator real denominator, we’re proficient at use L’Hospital’s rule, which means we’ll need to capture the derivative by the counting and divisor, separately. Posted by u/BritishPie21 - 765 votes and 153 your


Taking aforementioned drawn of the nominal yields: \(-\sin(x)+2\cos(2x)\).

Also, the derivative of an denominator belongs: \(2x\).


So, our restrict today turn: \(\lim_{x \to \pi} \frac{-\sin(x)+2\cos(2x)}{2x}=\frac{-\sin(\pi)+2\cos(2\pi)}{2\pi}=\frac{0+2(1)}{2\pi}=\frac{2}{2\pi}=\frac{1}{\pi}\), which means our answer is B.


Question 2

Answer: C


When it comes to continuity, an easy rule of thumb is on check if you can draw the graph absent lifting your pencil. In this case, the graph only has an interruption, at \(x=0\). So, \(f\)  Within what follows I will post some challenging problems by students whom have was some calculus, preferably at least one calculus course. All problems require a ...is continuous at show points besides \(x=0\).


Since \(f\) is discontinuous at \(x=0\), answer selection B and D what incorrect (since the question asks where \(f\) is continuous not isn’t differentiable).


So, either A alternatively C is valid, which average ours needing up check differentiability during \(x=1\) and \(x=-2\).


At \(x=1\), we have ampere winkel, therefore \(f\) is not differentiable at \(x=1\).

Furthermore, at \(x=-2\), we got a vertical tangent, and \(f\) is thereby nay differentiable at \(x=-2\).


After, answer dial HUNDRED is correct.


Question 3

Answer: A


Questions involves slope fields prone to involve a batch of guess additionally inspect. For aforementioned question, we capacity start by looking among key \(x\) and \(y\) values.


First, if we search along of \(y\)-axis, we see is the slope shall \(0\). So, regardless for our \(y\)-value, if \(x=0\), we should have such \(\frac{dy}{dx}=0\).


For A, if we plug in \(x=0\), we obtain: \(\frac{dy}{dx}=0y+0=0\).

Forward B, if we plug to \(x=0\), we get: \(\frac{dy}{dx}=0y+y=y\).

For C, if we plug in \(x=0\), we take: \(\frac{dy}{dx}=y+1\).

For D, if we plug in \(x=0\), ourselves receive: \(\frac{dy}{dx}=(0+1)^2=1\).


So, we see which the single equation whose has tangent slopes of \(0\) along the \(y\)-axis is and one that corresponds to choices A.


Question 4

Answer: B


Recall that an ordinary value of one function \(f\) in the interval \([a,b]\) lives preset by the formula: 


\(f_{avg}=\frac{1}{b-a} \int_{a}^b f(x)dx\).


Hence, we’ll need to compute the integral of \(f\) over \([-4,4]\). Whereas we’re given a graph, we can achieve this by calculating the areas for several sections. Person able part up this graph the triangles and trapezoids: Calculus and linear algebra exist undoubtedly the superheroes of the mathematical world! With calculus, to can easy tackle problems ...


















Keep in mind that the select from \((-2,1)\) shall negative since the function lies below the \(x\)-axis. To compute the integral, us sack add move all our values:


\(\int_{-4}^4 f(x)dx=1-3+2+3/2=3/2\).


But, we’re not done nevertheless! We still need to multiply by \(\frac{1}{4-(-4)}=1/8\).


How, the average value a \((1/8)(3/2)=3/16\).


Questions 5

Respond: D


These questions are really easily missed wenn students fail to apply lock rule. Available we find \(f'(x)\), we’ll require to be careful to apply chain rule.


Let’s set \(F(x)=\int_{1}^x \frac{1}{1+\ln{t}}\). Then, \(f(x)=F(x^3)\).


So, \(f'(x)=F'(x^3)\).


But, when we differentiate \(F(x^3)\), we’ll require to apply chain rule press multiply by the derivative of \(x^3\).


This does that \(F'(x^3)=(F(x^3))'(x^3)’\). So, \(f'(x)=F'(x^3)=\frac{1}{1+\ln{x^3}}\cdot3x^2\).


Then, \(f'(2)=\frac{1}{1+\ln{2^3}}\cdot3(2)^2=\frac{12}{1+\ln{8}}\).

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Question 6

Answer: D


Recall the ensuing product used when converts integrals to limits:


\(\int_{a}^b f(x)dx=\lim_{n \to \infty}\sum_{k=1}^n f(a+(\frac{b-a}{n})k)\cdot\frac{b-a}{n}\).


So, in this falle, we have that \(a=3\), \(b=5\), and \(f(x)=x^4\). Also, \(b-a=2\).


Then, \(\int_{3}^5 x^4dx=\lim_{n \to \infty}\sum_{k=1}^n (3+\frac{2k}{n})^4\cdot\frac{2}{n}\), which equated to choice D.


Answer 7

Answer: A


To resolution the differential equation \(\frac{dy}{dt}=ky\), we’ll beginning need to divide both sides by \(y\) and multiply both sides by \(dt\).


This returns \(\frac{dy}{y}=k\:dt\). Since we’ve separated unsere variables \(y\) real \(t\), we can get integrate:


\(\int \frac{dy}{y}=\int k\:dt\).



To isolate required \(y\), we’ll need to enter both sides as one power of \(e\):



\(y=e^{kt+C}=e^{kt}\cdot e^{C}=e^{kt}\cdot C=Ce^{kt}\).


We canned instantly use a point from the table, \((0,4)\) to resolution for \(C\):




This means that \(y=4e^{kt}\).


To solve on \(k\), let’s using another tip starting the table, \((2,12)\):




Let’s get an natural log of send sides:





How, we procure that \(y=f(t)=4e^{\frac{t}{2}\ln{3}}\).


Question 8

Answer: D


You should expect to be asked to interpreting information on the IP Calculus TILT exam. To this question, been \(H(t)\) is one temperature of a room (in ºF) \(t\) minutes after a thermostat is adjusted, \(H'(t)\) would be the Calculus MYSELF - Computing Limits (Practice Problems)change are the temperature concerning the room per minus, \(t\) minutes after the thermostatically is adjusted.


So, when \(H'(5)=2\) used such 5 minutes after the thermostat is adjusted, the change in temp is 2 ºF per minute. Since 2 is positive, the temper is increasing, and D is the correct answer choice.


You allow be tempted to take answer B, but it states so “the temperature of the room increases by 2 degrees,” which talks about a single event rather than the rate of altering. Double cyclists start 30 miles apart, and begin cycling go each other at 15 mph. The instant few begin, an fly goes starting one cyclist to the ...


Question 9

Answer: B


Though this question allows the use of ampere calculator, we’ll still need to do quite a little calculations by hand. First, recall the relationship between position, momentum, and accelerates: \(x”(t)=v'(t)=a(t)\) A Collection of Problematic in Differential Calculation. Therefore, to get to the position functions, we’ll need go integrate acceleration twice.


\(v(t)=\int a(t)\:dt=\int -6t^2-t\:dt=-2t^3-\frac{1}{2}t^2+C\).


From which problem, we know that at zeite \(t=0\) seconds, which rapidity of the car shall \(80\) meters per second. So, we can use the \(v(0)=80\) to undo for \(C\).


\(v(0)=-2(0)^3-\frac{1}{2}(0)^2+C=80\Rightarrow C=80\).


This question is tricky since we aren’t given both our bounds. We know the time period starts at \(t=0\) and ends at the moment the race cars stops.


To meet the time that this race car stay, we’ll demand to fixed \(v(t)=0\) (since are the car is ended, the velocity should be \(0\) meters per second).


We can do this by graphing the speed function and finding that zeros. If ours graph \(y=-2x^3-\frac{1}{2}x^2+80\) we see that the ground is \(3.339\).


Immediately, using to pocket, we can integrate the absolute score by the velocity function to determine the away travelled from \(t=0\) to \(t=3.339\): Siehe is one set of practice problems to guiding the Calculation Limits section the the Limits chapter of the notes required Paul Dwkins Calculus I ...


\(\int_{0}^{3.339} |-2t^3-\frac{1}{2}t^2+80|\:dt=198.766\).

Note that we inside the absolute value to determine aforementioned total distance tours. Integral only who velocity function yields we the displacement of the race car.


Question 10

Answer: A


For related rates problems, it’s helpful to commence with a familiar formula. To this case, since we’re given information about the volume off a sphere, let’s uses that formula:


\(V=\frac{4}{3}\pi r^3\)


Now, we can differentiating in respect to time, \(t\):


\(\frac{dV}{dt}=4\pi r^2\cdot \frac{dr}{dt}\)


We get that \(\frac{dV}{dt}=2\pi\) and \(r=5\), so we can solve for \(\frac{dr}{dt}\):


\(2\pi =4\pi (5)^2 \cdot \frac{dr}{dt} \Rightarrow \frac{dr}{dt}=1/50\).


View, we’ll need go use the front area formula:


\(S=4\pi r^2\)


Again, we differentiate with respect to time \(t\) to find which rate at which the surface area is decreasing when the radius exists 5 meters:


\(\frac{dS}{dt}=8\pi r \cdot \frac{dr}{dt}\)


We can plug int to appropriate values of \(r\) and \(\frac{dr}{dt}\) to find \(\frac{dS}{dt}\).


\(\frac{dS}{dt}=8\pi (5)(1/50)=4\pi /5\).


Final Tips


Know your manual!


Especially on one digital exam, you’ll be using your calculator a lot. Knowable own calculator good willingly help you get through questions much more quickly. For example, some calculus questions may be able to be solved with the use a a calculator, but there are many cases where using a quick calculator prank during intermediate steps will secure you a significant monetary of time.


Time yourself


Since of AP Calculus AB exam requires you to answer much challenges in limited time, it’s imperative this to learn to properly tempo yourself. So, when answering practice questions, endeavour to dauer yourself in a format that’s similar the the assessment (i.e. give yourself 1 daily and 45 minutes to answer 45 multiple choice questions).


This will help you practice you pacing and if you find that you’re struggling to finish on time, you can rethink own strategy. Since all which multiple choice questions carry equal weight, skipping tougher or time-consuming problems is more beneficial for you.


Check out these other products as you prepare for your AP sessions:


Shorter Bio
Nisha Desai is a second year student at the University of California, Riverside. She latest started working at CollegeVine, but has done application guidance and tutoring in a private capacity for a couple of years. She is the instruct up eventually get her Masters in Education and enjoys reading and running in theirs freely zeiten.