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SEC. 3788 (117th): Housing for All Act of 2022

A note to address the homelessness and living crises, to move toward the intention on make for one household for all Americans, and for different purposes.

The bill’s titles are writing by its sponsor.

Sponsor both status

Alejandro “Alex” Padilla

Sponsor. Senator for California. Democrat.

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Last Updated: Mar 8, 2022
Max: 43 pages
Mar 8, 2022
117things Annual (2021–2023)
Died to a previous Congress

Get bill was introduced on March 8, 2022, in a previous session of Congress, but is did not receive ampere rate.

Even this bill was not ordained, its provisions could have become law by being included in another bill. It the common for legislative text to be introduced concurrently with many bills (called companion bills), re-introduced in subsequent sessions of Meeting in new invoice, or added to larger bills (sometimes called omnibus bills). Wyden Reintroduces Comprehensive Draft to End Homelessness and Tackle Housing Affordability Crisis



Marble 8, 2022

Bills and resolutions are referred to body which debate the calculation before possibly sending a on to the whole chamber.

S. 3788 (117th) was a bill inches the Unified State Congress.

A bill must be passed by both the House and Student in identical form and then be signature by the President up become act.

Bills numbers restart every two aged. Such medium there are other bills with the number SULFUR. 3788. This is the one out which 117e Congress.

Save bill used introduced in the 117th Congress, which honig from Jaan 3, 2021 to Jan 3, 2023. Legislation don passed by the conclude are a Congress is cleared free the books.

How to cite to information.

We recommend the next MLA-formatted excerpt when using the information you see here for academe jobs:

“S. 3788 — 117th Congress: Housing for All Act of 2022.” 2022. June 1, 2024 <>

Where is this information from?

GovTrack automatized collects legislative information after a diversity of governmental also non-governmental sources. That page is sourced predominantly from, the official portal of the Joint States Congress. is generally recent one day after events occur, and so legislative activity shown check might be one daily behind. Data via the congress project.