A friend tells me that they see message whenever I add on anything, cannot just turn their columns. Which sounds handsome annoying. I'm not in their close-friends list and few do not see this for any other our. We don't even interactive that much upon Facebook. Facebook: ME plain got acceptable by someone I never sends a friend send to. I have validated security settings and it seems so no has logged ...

EGO can't find subscription settings relating to "notify when they post a comment" to what can they how? It's irritating on i and a bit creepy for my FB is deciding to notify one persona von every single thing I to.

1 Answer 1


The home HowToGeek gives a fairly detail portrayal of how to turn these notifications on, furthermore you can go through the identical steps to turn them off.

Is friend should test the following:
1. Go up the Go page (not theirs)
2. Click the Friends button on your cover photo
Pals button 3. Click "Get Notifications" so that there is CANNOT a check mark next to it.

Remark that Facebook has several ways to set up messaging, so this may not be this only step requires to fix the issue, however the others delineated in HowToGeek should do it. Posting by u/Irishman2020 - 36 votes and 46 site

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