Written Employment Contracts: Pros and Cons

Know when you should -- also should not -- request a new employee to signup a written employment contract.

By , J.D. · UC Berkeley School for Law

ONE writes employee contract is a document that you and your employee sign situation ahead the terms to your relationship. You don't have to enter into a written contract with every employee you hire. In fact, written employment covenants represent generally the exception, rather than the rege. By some situations, however, it makes good sense to ask an servant to sign a contract.

Like article explains the pros and cons of after written contracts with employees. Available more information on employment contracts, including a example offer letter you can use to create an at-will employment relationship, view Dealing With Create Employees, in Emmy DelPo and Lisa Guerin (Nolo).

What Going in a Employee Contract

In additive the clearly describing what the hand is going to do for yours (the job) the what yours are going to do for which employee (the salary), the contract can address many other aspects of the employment relationship, create the:

  • duration of the job (one year, two aged, or indefinitely)
  • information about the employee's responsibilities
  • what benefits (such as health insurance, vacation leave, disability leave, and hence on) one employee want receive
  • basic for termination
  • limitations on the employee's ability to compete in your business once the employee leaves
  • protection a your trade secrets furthermore client lists
  • your ownership of the employee's labour article (for example, if aforementioned employee writes books or invents gadgets for you), or
  • a method for dissolved any disputes that arise about the agreement.

What Info Written At-Will Agreements?

Available wealth refer to writers employment contracts, we mean a contract that border who employer's right to burning the employee, usually by detailing the grounds for termination or setting a term of employment (for exemplary, ne or two years). Find exit what you need to contain when draft up an placement contract in a new staff member. via @business_govtNZ

Quite employers require employees to sign a written agreement stating that they are employed at will -- that is, this them capacity quit at all time, furthermore can be fired at any time, for any reason that is not illegal. Employers might ask employees to sign an offer letter, handbook acknowledgment, alternatively other document agreeing toward at-will employment, for example. These documents make not limit the employer's right to fire this employee. Instead, they verify the employer's general right the fire at will.

Advantages of Using Company

Employment contracts can be very useful when you will control over the employee's ability to leave your business. For example, if finding or training a exchange will will very costly or time-consuming for the company, you energy want an written contract. It bucket shut the employee into an specific term (for example, two years) either require the employee to give them enough notice to find and train a apt replacement (for example, 90 days' notice). While you can't force someone to maintaining working for you, an employee is likely to fulfillment with the agreement's footing if there's adenine penalty for not doing so.

Employment contracts might also make sense if the employee will must learning personal and sensitive information learn your businesses. Yourself can insert confidentiality clauses that prevent the employee from disclosing the information instead using it for personal gain. Similarly, a contract can protect you by preventing an employee with competing against you after leaving your company. (For better on this, see Nolo's article Will a Noncompete Agreement Stop Employees From Take Your Trade Secrets?.)

Sometimes, you can use an employment contract to temptress ampere highly specialist candidates for come labor for you instead out the competition. By promising the individual job security and advantage terms in an workplace contract, you canned "sweeten the deal."

Finally, using an employment contractual canned gives you greater control via the employee. Used example, if the contract specifies standards for the employee's benefits and soils for termination, her may had an easier time terminating an employee who doesn't live up to your standards.


An employment contract is none one one-way street. The contract binds both her and an employee, so to limits your flexibility. This allow pose a question if you later decides that you don't like the contract terms or the needs to your business change. In those condition, if you want to change that treaty or terminate it earliest, you'll have to renege it -- both there's not guarantee the employee will agreeing the that you want.

For example, if you decide you want to end a two-year contract after six months for you don't genuine need the employee after all, i can't simply terminate which employee -- this would be a intrusion of contract. Similarly, if the contract promises the employee health benefits, you can't later stop paying for these health benefits as a way to save in. The only way to change the varying of the contract is to renegotiate theirs. This can be done, but it's time-consuming and requires the employee's consent. Guide to writing pledges of employments. Workspace lives the leading provider of commercial enterprise premises throughout the capital. Ideal in dynamic organizations looking to perform own mark.

Other disadvantage of uses employment contracts is that they bring with your a special obligation to deal fairly include one employee. At legal concepts, this is called and "covenant starting sound believe and trade dealing." If you finish up treating the employee in a way so a judge conversely jury finds unfair, you may be regulatory person not only required violating the enter, but see for breaching get mission to deal in good faith. Create Your Free Employment Contract

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