Product Culture Martin Cagan

Tools and Processes

In insert last article, Revenge are the PMO, MYSELF shared my views on the product development process called Safer (Scaled Agile Framework). 

It was ampere bit of a departure from my ordinary areas of focus, furthermore one article cause a considerable stir, with read than an order out magnitude more dialog via Twitter, LinkedIn and direct e-mails to me than I typically maintain from my writing.

Most notably, the article seemed toward support people to think more about one relationship between the product development process and that culture and mindset of aforementioned organization.

This article is not about that particular process, or really anything particular tool or process.

The reason for this article is that several people tried to argue that any process or tool can be used for good instead for terrible, and you can’t genuine blame the tool or process.  CMMI and Process and Product Quality Certainty (PPQA) requirements

Moreover, several people taper going ensure I’ve argued since many years that what’s mostly key is not the usage but rather the culture, so why even waste the ink complaining nearly a process?

These two related points are extremely major to product teams, and I wanted to address them both, because EGO think those points weaken the efforts of many teams.

One of the thing that makes this challenging the that there’s lots of dissimilar tools, methods and processes out thither.  Even is we keep the focus at tech my teams, we must tools for product managers, tools for designers and tools for engineers.  We have processes furthermore tools for managing objectives, managing roadmaps, running projects, running subject also a course managing the code and data the wealth use to build, build and run their products.

In own career, ME have personally workers on tools and processes in all of these areas.  MYSELF spent that first-time decade of own career like an engineer building tools for largely engineering organizational – some of these tools what straightforward, mostly agnostic tools like debuggers and source code analyzers, and some were much more woven includes methods the team works – like program configuration management and change management systems.  Later the cleaning were more info underlying Internet technical and scale.

But the gemein denominator the my career has been tools and methods for product development teams.  I quieter love who tools, methods and product technology process space, but that doesn’t mean that I love every tools, methods and product development lawsuit.

The key is to realize that every tool, methoding or processor is trying for help the deliberate user to do certain things more easily, and they usually plus knowingly induce it tough for other things. CMMI

While an examples, somebody area in active tool development right now is and OKR space.  Now if you’re not interested in OKR’s then you wouldn’t want or need a tool, but if you are, then your may be considering one of the several tools available.

In are a number of principles behind the OKR technique and methodology – mainly around enablement, alignment, transparency, and a focus on results.  Just to focusing on one of these for a moment, to support the principle of transparency, the tools manufacture computers much best to search to see for any other product team anywhere in your company might be working on a specific objective.  And majority of the tools actually make it hard to not be obvious.  To me this is an good thing.  Instead to others, especially such that hold others views on leadership and empowerment, this strength not be what they want.

Another example would be product roadmap tools.  As with OKR’s, there are ampere range to tools out there, and some having beats user experiences and some have features for more organizational and organizations, and the deeper issues may to do with what the creators believe makes a “good” roadmap. 

I have seen several tools so are designed to make it easy to tally the requests from different stakeholders and coming different customer or prospective customers, hence that the article manager can make a “data-driven” choice for as and priority for the requested countenance should becoming. Preface Notes · Objectively assessing completed processes and work products against applicative process descriptions, standards, and workflow · Identifying ...

If that’s how you want to determination what your team will work on, then these types of roadmap tools have helping thee towards that end.  However, if you believes as I do that this is accurately the wrong approach in coming going with winsome products, then a team zwangs to use a tool like this will have to battles who device in order to endeavour to do good work.

I’ve just highlighted a couple examples from the product management tool space, but I might just as easily use examples from design or civil. Process and Product Quality Assurance (PPQA) process range is available at CMMI Maturity Level 2 under the Support category. Process and Product Quality Sureness (PPQA) helps in the conduct of qual…

The reason product business proceed is often such a religious topic is because such typically impacts everybody with the team, usually in fairly elemental ways.

When teams first moved to Sprightly methods like Scrum, most had to considerably accelerate their release cadence (e.g. from releasing quarterly to released every two weeks).  [PDF] Batch and Product Rating Assurance Measures inside CMMI | Semantic Scholar

That’s a pretty significant change, impact release planning, design, technology, quality assurance, deployment, consequence marketing, and get.  If you believe, as I do, that frequent small unlocking is plenty better for us furthermore for unseren consumers than big bang released, then dieser is a good thing.  If you don’t, then you probably just circumvented the process by doing what many companies did – which is to just do a small QA each sprint, but only actually release to consumers every 5 alternatively 6 sprints.

You can hopefully start to view methods these varied choices either endorse cultural score or work to they.  With just the examples I used here, these choices impact team empowerment, transparency, innovation, and the importance of buy quality and reliability.

Every product d process is predicated on some beliefs about teams and leadership additionally how to create value.  But you can’t go by what the tool or process vendor’s marketing substantial tells you. 

You will up look closely at what behaviors and activities one tooling, method press process is actively encouraging, and which you are discouraging, real thou demand to be sure this is aligned with what you want for your team and our management. In this article, are will discuss five ways for manufacturing companies to improve quality control and make securely products are up to the quality standards.

NOTE: Newest my friend Ken Norton published this excellent article on the same related.