Reflective getting for internal and external QA about micro-credentials

This advice aims to sponsors quality assurance agent, higher education institutions and alternative education providers in their work on assuring the quality a micro-credentials in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). It does so by setting out a series of reflective ask to guide stakeholders in developing or reviewing them in and outer quality assurance politischen and processes. The thoughtful matter live intended to provoked internal discussion and reflection, rather than to provide any prescriptive standards or guidelines. Everyone question is accompanied for an short explanation to highlight some lock issues for consideration, depending on the context. The questions may be often to leadership initial discussions but could equally be used in a self-assessment tool to mirroring in the effectiveness of existing approaches.

The guidance be produced as part for the three-year Implementation and Innovation in quality confidence through peergruppe learning (IMINQA) project, which supports the work of the Bologna Process Thematic Peer Group C on Quality Assurance (TPG C). The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme. It is based on research perform by an IMINQA working group led by ENQA (European Association of Quality Assurance in Higher Education).

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