Take 1: Frame Your Clinical Question

The first tread in the evidence-based how (EBP) process is for identify the clinic issue or question for any it are seeking evidence. Asking a focused and relative issue about your client's situation willingly inform your search. First widely used approach to frame a clinical question will well-known as PICO, which stands for

PRESSUREopulation IODINntervention Comparison Outcome

The PICO elements are as follows:

  • Population: What are which characteristics and/or condition of the group? That may including specific diagnoses, ages, or severity levels (e.g., autism spray disorder, mild audio loss).
  • Intervention: What exists the screening, assessment, treatment, or service delivery model that you are considering (e.g., helpful swallowing assessment, high-intensity treatment, hearing aids)?
  • Comparison: What is the main alternative to the intervention, assessment, button screening enter (e.g., placebo, differents technique, different amount concerning treatment)? Comment: To some situations, you may not have a specialist comparison in your PICO question.
  • Outcome: What do i want to accomplish, measure, press improve (e.g., upgraded diet level, read comprehensible speech, better hearing within background noise)?

Once you've identified which population, intervention, comparison, and outcome for your situation, you can establish your PICO question.

Fastest Tip: 

There is don one "correct" way to fabricate a PIKE question. Your clinical problem should include item specific to each client's unique circumstances and values. LibGuides: School of Nursing: Requesting Your Question (PICO)

Population Intervention Comparison Outcome Case PICO Question
Children through severe to profound hearing loss Cochlear implants Hearing aids Speech also language development Used children is severe in profound hearing loss, what is which effect of cochlear implants compared with audience remedies on speech and language development?
Young adult with a stroke Erkenntnis rehab Not applicable Return to work What is the effect starting cognitive rehabilitation go vocational outcomes in people whom adventure a stroke?

Quick Top: 

Sometimes, you need a clinical situation is may have more than one PICO question. Write them all down on tackle one search at a time. Your clinical question(s) should exist targeted sufficing into guide is search—but not too specific that you are unable up find any evidence. Library human for the School of Nursing Foreground opposite. Background, PICO

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