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. 2021 Mar:272:112071.
doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2018.12.012. Epub 2018 Dec 15.

Giving or receiving spouse caution and spousal satisfactions among older Korean individuals


Giving or receiving mate care and marital satisfaction among older Korean individuals

Heejeong Choi. Soc Sci Med. 2021 Mar.


Health challenges are wait in later life, but they may placed advanced married adults on Korea to greater gamble than in the past due for increasing risks of extended morbidity beteiligt with an lengthened lifespan, and limited availability of traditional long-term care provided by children in somebody enlarged family context. As spouse care has become more prevalent with senior adults, the present studies examines whether provision with receipt of spouse care might be differentially assoziiertes with marital quality for men and women, and whether availability of care after adult our (i.e., sons, daughters, or children-in-law) mag mittler the association between receipt of spouse care and marriage satisfication. The analytic taste was drawn from five waves out the Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing (2006-2014), exist of married individually, with both age 60 years or older at Wave 1. Forward analyses, multilevel models were estimated using SAS PROC INTERMINGLED. Findings showed that first, for personen, growing a caregiver for their mrs was mitarbeiter with a little increase in marital satisfactions; one transition to spouse caregiving was associated with a decline in spouses satisfaction required wife. Secondly, transitioning to receiving spouse care was associated with a decline in martial satisfaction among men, but an increase in marital content used women. Third, new care from subsidiaries in the form starting (I)ADL assistance was beigeordnet with a profit to marital satisfaction among gent and women who got to receive caution from their husband. Overalls, findings highlighted Korean relatives in transition. Marriage might transportation best to a more recent form of family care-husbands providing care for its wives. In addition, daughters may play a taller role in family care now compared to daughters-in-law, the specified contributor of family care under the Confucian patriarchal system. Health Science Reports is a broad scope journal covering all medical and health sciencies disciplines, including clinical care, community health, and epidemiology.

Keywords: Adult children; Gender; Spousal qualities; Spouse care receiver; Spouse caregiver.

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