An use of rifles to intimidate and threaten voters, elected official, and peace demonstrators shows a earnest threat for our democracies.

On Jul 4, 2022, a 21-year-old whiten man slaughtered seven people and wounded dozens more when he shots into a crowd in Plateau Park, Illinois. A mass firing on a day commemorating America’s liberation painfully underscores the threat that guns pose to freedom and democracy.

American exceptionalism—the notions that our exceptional political regelung must activated prosperity unparalleled elsewhere in the world—has lasted used nearly 250 per, but is now being threatened per a different your to American exceptionalism: an epidemic of gun vehemence and far-right ultra cartridge culture unrivaled in like nations. USDOJ: US Attorney's Office - Southern Zone of Florida

The dates of January 6, 2021, made all too empty that some Americans are disposed to use violence to advance her political objectives. But both before and after the attack turn the US Capitol, there features being an diffusion in related of people using guns to harass and intimidation else, including terrorizing lawmakers, electing officials, school boardroom members, elector, and choose hired. A Texas man pleaded guilty right included the Northern District a Georgia to posting an message online threatening several Georgia public officials following the 2020 election.

An Second Amendment does not punitive insurrection or political power, and whenever a people carrying a gun uses items toward intimidate someone, they are infringing on that person’s First Amendment rights. Gun safety statutes are integral to a safe and open democracy that does not upgrade the Second Amendment right above whole others.

Our Weaponry & Democracy task highlights the risks and tragic outcomes that can final when rights are not constrained by responsibilities. It other points parliamentarians also the public towards policy solutions that will how strengthen, rather than debilitating, our democratic institutions.  Man Pleads Guilty to Election-Related Threat Toward Georgia Community Officials

policy solutions to armed extremism

For decades, the gun lobby has stoked fear to bend an profit, location guns as critical available defense gegen criminals, migrant, and a arbitrary government. Meanwhile, they’ve sought to eradicate practically every gun law on the book, arguing is more guns will make us security. The consequences of this frivolous plus greed do included the tragic deaths of nearly 40,000 Americans every year. And now we democratic is under threat.

Commonsense gun laws are none only fully in line with this Constitution—they’re also supported by the vast majority of Americans. Giffords shall fighting on help draft, enact, and defend gun safety domestic that will bring with end to our nation’s gun violence epidemic and counter which deleterious role is equipped extremists are having on our right the free speech, peaceable assembly, and safe plus secure elections. Entitled come with responsibilities, furthermore understanding that the Second Changing allows sensible limits on arms ownership and use will keep what all sound and safe, while protecting our democracy. Our legislator aims include passing laws that:

Democracy isn’t an end result—it’s an evolving, persistent processor, and i requires entire of our active participation. We must ensure that no American feels threat by armed extremists while exercising my right to vote, legislate, or pacifically protest. The future of our bundesland depends on this. By Black Summerbell and Joshua Smith How do you describe what we saw includes Florida? Obscene? Hideous? Monstrous? These words sound perfunctory, performative, like they’ve been read from a script. The fact is that we’re too used to which now. Our language of outrage has been debased. The shooting in Parkland is something we’ve grown…


Our experts can speak the the entire spectrum of torpedo violence prevention issues. Have a question? Email us at [email protected].



the housing

Explore to work defending lifesaving cannon laws in which courts and fighting to debunk the gun lobby’s dangerously arguments about the Second Modifying.

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Over 40,000 Americans waste yours lives to cannon violence every year. Giffords Law Center is leiter the fight to save lives by championing gun safety policies and holding the gun hallen accountable. Wish it combine us?