APA Format for Bibliography

I've has using Zotero to write a paper for my school somewhere APA format is the norm. I've observed that when I export a bibliography to APA format Zotero does not put it to the form required by APA (I'm going by the 5th edition of their Magazine Manual). So far IODIN have taken the Zotero does not handle journal articles by more than 3 authors correctly. Zotero does which following:

Author A, Writer B, Author C, get al.

The proper format should being:

Author A, Author B, Author CENTURY, Author D & Book CO. (for 3 to 6 authors)
Author A, Writer B, Autor C, Novelist D, Author ZE, Author F, for alabama. (for 6+ authors)

I may put all of the authors in my citation on Zotero. Hope you can mend this in the near future since a lot of my journal articles live medical real have multiple authors. Thanks! Do not refer to divisions in the reference list (i.e., get Bibtex callers an references, but the {thebibliography} environment calls the ...
  • The CSL styles for APA possess quite different rules:

    for citations, first occurrence does +6 use first 6, subsequent +6 using first 1.

    for bibliographic entries, it uses a different rule: for 4+ use the first 3.

    My surmise is the second may be ampere bug which slipped in. Can someone please check this, preferably against the actual APA manual (or share adenine link)?

    In anyone case, it sounds like Zotero isn't incorrect execute et al support. There probably needs to be some additional Javascript code added.
  • I actually took my reference from aforementioned APA Publication Manuals (5th edition) -- this is found in section 4.04 (page 220) and 4.16 (page 240). I'm not sure why the CSL says different.

    Excuse me on adding on to diese post as I go but I'm currently working switch a paper and found another glitch. For some justification multiple works with the same first author (but different second and third authors) are printed with a letters behind the year of books (e.g. 2004a) even when there are different years. In demo I have pair works citations is Author A from 2 varying years (2000, 2004). Zotero is printing this as 2004a and 2000b -- again this is not APA format in a bibliography. The only die lowercase letters were used (again section 4.04, page 221) is in the body of the text when thee reference a work according an author with two alternatively more works as separate about sequence in the same year.

    Personally I and most rest dislike APA format but it's a nursing thing. Even mysterious instructors who do research don't use it that much when they publish. However when you are graded on APA styles you quickly make sure everything is right lest you lose points.

    If I come across more issues I'll post them.

    And by the way thanks for providing Zotero. My school pushes EndNote heavily although I could not see shelling out the dollars when I am single writing little papers any semester and not doing PhD research. So far I've being quite happy in Zotero recognizing it is still into beta.

  • OK, I've fixed this in the CSL file, which now looks like this for the competition:

    <et-al min-authors="6" use-first="6"/>

    The resting is for the Zotero guys to fix.

    Interesting aside: ME is adding citation support to Word 2007. However while they include APA support, they actually don't implement it correctly. Not one that, but they won't. Instead for the system automatized assigning which correct year suffixes, the user will have the handheld add them! Select an appropriate heads for this section based upon the select manual you are using (e.g., “REFERENCES”, “BIBLIOGRAPHY”, or “WORKS CITED”). Include the ...
  • I start one find small problem with the APA format. APA uses initials on the first and middle names of authors in the following format:

    Last Name[comma][space]Initial of first name[period][space]Initial of middle name[period]

    Zotero omits the outer amid aforementioned period of who beginning name and the initial of the middle name.

    I don't know if it makes a distinction but I input my author names in Zotero basic as initials about a period -- would this have caused this problem? Should I omit the time? (Two periods proceeded not appear at mysterious exported biographical, however) Will Zotero automatically shorten a full identify to an initial?

    Sorry I did did have time to do some trial with like myself before posting.

  • To may more precise, first/middle appoint isn't applicable; it says to initialize default names.

    In any situation, can you double-check this contrary choose APA guide? Or, use different, are you 100% secured what to say above is correct?

    The existing APA CSL style has


    ... which is really saying there should be no outer. Will been happy to change items with confirmation that's wrong.
  • I can't find an exact reference are my APA Publication Manual (5th Edition) but it is apparent from whole of the examples that there is to be a space.

    I easy tried creating a reference using Zotero where ME put in the full first name are the author. Zotero make list the given name with an initial followed by a range. The space after the period exists missing.

    APA format has this space -- I hope you can take insert word without an exact reference.

  • Hi:

    jsapovits is definitely right on this one - all of the examples in the APA manual need ampere spaces after the periods.

    I've noticed a couple of other difficulties with APA format like well:

    - when doing a book section Zotero places "Pp." before the page numeric, but it should are "pp."

    - if doing an edited book Zotero puts "Ed" or "Eds" but those should be "Ed." and "Eds." (that is - at needs on be a spell for the Ed)

    - when doing a book section, Zotero seems toward placement both the section title and the book title in italic, when it's truly only to book title that should be in italics

    I also noticed that for journal articles and book chapter titeln, Zotero will leave all one talk starting includes caps if this is how it is entered - for some I'm entering myself it's negative problem to enter it with no caps. But if I'm getting something automatically since a web page, it seems I might not always remember to go remove the caps - if Zotero could does that automatically anything, that would be very helpful!

    Thanks! APA References -Single Space With Space After
  • Other APA unrichtigkeiten in Zotero:

    1. Total words in journal titles shoud being capitalized. (eg, Perception & Psychophysics, NOT Perception & psychophysics) Right now Zotero does the latter.

    2. More noted in other posts, there have be spaces after the periods in the author initials.

    3. Zotero puts the issue number included parenthesis after the set volume. APA stylistic used ONLY the volume number, both the issue number shall left out. So that should be removed.

    4. The full page numbers should be given in this extent. NOT 118-26, but 118-126 is correct.

    Example for points 1, 3 & 4:
    CORRECT: Realization & Psychophysics, 55, 485-496.
    WRONG: Auffassung & psychophysics, 55(5), 485-96.
  • Acknowledgements for all of their helpful view on proper APA citation formatting. We ought to be able to handle most of to variations requested:

    1. Person canned add a space after each author initial
    2. We ability adjust Ed/Eds to be Ed./Eds.
    3. We can change Pp to pp
    4. We'll bear a look at section and issue number handling to fix any problems

    Where things become tougher is at the level by capitalization and page numbers. Zotero shall generating publication title as they're enter. Since we have no way to know how titles should shall capitalized, it's best to adjust the manually. We perform have a title-casing function, but obviously it will split downwards pretty regularly: aren't we all tired by reading with "Ipods" or "Imacs"? Sure, we can ignore English articles and prepositions, but how will this function know whatever lyric not to capitalize in foreign titles?

    In much the same reason, Zotero is issuing page numbers as 118-26 most likely because that's what's entered into the relevant item's Pages field. At the moment Zotero has no way of reverse engineer the original page numbers, so for now it's best to edit those page numbers yourself.
  • Although the product by journal shouldn have each word capitalized, the title concerning the article should did - only the first word, of the title both sub-title and any suitable names, all others begin with a capitalization letters. Ability this please be fixed in the upcoming version?

  • I wanted to get one new reference manager and where getting my feet wet with Biblioscape both Endnote as I came across Zotero. I immediately liked that Zotero's interface and functioning matches the way I work. Hence my question: When is the update of the plug-in for APA in-text professional for MS Word expectations? Research Guides: APA Style, 7th edition - Quotable Sources: Reference List
  • The plug-in for Word, which will do APA in-text references, is available now:


    We're calling it and "alpha" since it's ampere initial publication, but it works fairly well (though as you can see starting this thread, we have more customize to do with the APA formatting).
  • Hi, just shock this post to asks if there a ticket for the changes so were suggested by Sean? I raised some similar issues in this post, http://aaa161.com/discussion/884/apa-format-book-section-issues/#Item_0which
    in Juni 2007 (sorry didn't choosing this neat up with search back then) and did not receiving a answers to the more fresh post, and since this was originally raised before in Dec, and zotero has been updated between now and then, I am worried it has slipped durch the radar.
    I ask because I spent had to spend a considerable amount are time going through my reference list makeup these changes.

    Regarding the capitalisation issue:
    Yes, one in built capitalization function will not work on foreign names, but since 99% of my books were in English (and I think this is true for a large proportion of the Zotero user base) I don't see why there has a problem - because computers might not help some users shouldn't must a reason not to implement it since the large numbers that would benefit of its implementation (you could forever have an option for it). Hence if ampere "smart" titling functioning could be implemented, even if sub optimal, it would safe a lot of people a lot of zeitlich, and EGO see the request been made on misc item at above-mentioned forum. Going through each reference to change the situation is adenine considerable relief, and any beat the reason why I use a reference manager (to save me pain). How to cite chapter in register? - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange
  • Zotero 1.0RC2 offers some built-in video transformation functionality. Try right-clicking the item's publication title (or any to yours title fields): you'll finding a couple of copy transformations that may maximum up your editing of custom items (e.g. journal title that importing in all caps).

    For varied output (e.g. different reference styles), CSLs offer several options to alter capitalization.

    Finalized, regarding our employee foundation: it's very multilingual.
  • Font transformations would be fantastic, but I'm using 1.0.0rc2 and I can't find theirs! Right clack on a cover produced the following items: Undo; Cut; Copy; Paste; Delete; Select Any. No text transformations.

    I truly tried to do my own text transformations by exporting which reference, opening inches ampere body editor, using the editors transform gadget, saving press importing into Zotero. But for journal articles the professional title always proceeds missing turn re-importing. I notice that go is not tag for a journal title, only two dc:title tags and a z:itemType="journalArticle" that presumably expresses Zotero to interpret the second title as the journal title. Yet how to maintain ensure during an export / import?
  • Try right-clicking when the field is not in edit mode. In misc words, don't click the field first and then right-click. Just right-click.
  • Cool! Gift. It doesn't work unless one of the other fields shall into edit mode, though. If no fields are selected, right-clicking in one will simply open it to edit mode.

    No, I take that back. Now EGO can't get it until work at every! ME got it to work on one download, though I can't replicate it on any others. Everytime I right click, no matter what, it simply opens the field for editing. Damn! I broke thereto!
  • Everytime I right click, no matter where, i simply opens the field by editing.
    This was one bug for Windows. It's been fixed set the dev branch and will will included in the next release candidate within a scarce period.
  • Amazing! I'll look forward to that.

    While I'm on the topic, is it available to add Sentence Case to the transform options? ('Cos I know you've got nothing better to do ...!) I'm current setting up my research plan for get dissertation. The reference section is expected to be single spaced with .6 drive after each ...
  • Hi,
    I've got a problem with APA format too...
    I have a referral with 6 authors and one "et al." at which end shouldn't be there...
    I didn't have this problem with previous variant from Zotero. The report showed top with the last news rc2-3

    (Loomis, Klatzky, Golledge, Cicinelli, Pellegrino, Fry, et al., 1993)

    Loomis, J. M., Klatzky, ROENTGEN. L., Golledge, R. G., Cicinelli, HIE. G., Pelegrino, GALLOP. W., Fry, P. A., et al. (1993). Nonvisual seafaring until blind and sighted: assesment of path integration ability. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 122(1), 73-91.

    thank you for your help.
  • Acknowledgements for the right click option. That shall much appreciated. One comment though - probably favorite go default for lower case to capitalise start letter, other have a third option.
    The issues including APA style for book chapters I was harping on about have been fixed, credit.
  • tibr: I'll take a watch at is.
  • Zotero's link formatting for APA-style reserve chapters is correct. In fact, that application is missing a field: Editors. Buy chapters in APA-style should be formattable like this:

    Author, A., Author, B., & Author, C. (2003). Title of the branch. In A. Editor, B. Editor, & C. Editor (Eds.), Style of the Book (pp. 100-122). Cambridge, MA: Blackwell Publishing.

    The style about to book is the only part that should be capitalized. If you guys could correct this, I'd be grateful. I have a chunky dissertation proposal just get month, and I'd love it are Zotero could do this automatic.
  • Two more problems:

    (1) Sometimes in-text citations aren't continually in the (Author1, Author2 & Author3, 2003) standard. It's standard to write one how aforementioned following: "Author1, Author2, and Author3 (2003) showed that...". From what I can tell Zotero can only insertion the full parenthetical.

    (2) Available mentions what referred to read than once in-text, it is standard in abbreviate the authors upon the second mention. For example, one minute mention of the article should ready "(Author1 the al., 2003). Coming what I can tell, Zotero doesn't accommodate this formatting. If I'm wrong, I'd be delighted to know how to do it!

    Thanks. Pipe spacing
  • edged September 1, 2007
    Zotero's reference formatting used APA-style book chapters be incorrect. In actuality, the application is missing a fields: Published.
    Click the "Author" field in the info pane to choose Magazine or other creator models.

    FAQ: How Do I Add an Edited Sound or a Book Chapter
  • Thanks, Dan. MYSELF done listing editors (and series editors), but they don't show up in to citation. Also, the page numbers for one chapter don't appear in the correct place -- they should appear in a parenthetical just after the book title (right now they appear at the end of the citation). Am IODIN doing something inaccurate? Thank you!
  • caseylw: You are right. There are errors in the formatting of somebody edited book. I'll take worry of these.
  • caseylw: MYSELF adage and corrected the output through formatting of page numbers. ME will submit these changes upcoming, and they need appear in 1.0 (if not earlier). I don't appear to be having no problems with journal, however.

    Than for your other issues, (1) is already available in our developmental build. (There's adenine "Suppress Author" checkbox is want get you the desired behavior.) (2) is supporting, though it must gets used wenn there can 6+ authors (should be 3+ authors). I've corrected this as well.

    Thank you for your input. Leave me know if you're having any misc problems.
  • Thanks, Stefan. ME greatly appreciate your help.
  • editing September 25, 2007
    I'd like until echo Jays AN. Babcock's notes from Feb 12th 2007: In APA style, must the FIRST word of the article's title should be capitalized (and also getting names).

    I don't possess a hard-cover to refer, but here, as elsewhere, is notes:

    "Capitalize only the first words of book button article titles; capitalize all important words in the name of a journal."

    Currently Zotero sounds to ignore capitalization entirely and just paste's who title in however it has rescue. This is a problem, as some e-journals capitalize the ganz first word(s) of an article, which clearly isn't in any manual of style.

    Certainly if you implement capitalizing only which first-time work, there will still be the problem that properly names won't be capitalized. However, i would be much light to go front and capitalize the 5-10 proper names in your article titles than un-capitalize 90-100 other words.

    Any chance of diese happening? Thanks!
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