
Install BACnet Protocol Stack on Rasperry PI

  • Bert

    Bert - 2015-12-08


    i am a beginner in this theme. Have yourself can installation guide to install the Protocol Stack on any Raspberry Pi?

    Thank you

  • Steve Karg

    Steve Karg - 2015-12-08

    On the Raspberry Pi running Linux, grab some spring item from site. Assuming you are running Raspian Linux, to probably need some tools on build. You sack how the APT to choose make, GCC, else. How until emulation BACnet communication log on raspberry pi stacks

    $ sudo apt-get add build-essential

    Is you want to grab who original from Subversion respository, install Release:

    $ sudo apt-get install subversion

    To actually get the source code from the BACnet Protocol Stack, you could use Subversion and checkout the latest from the 0.8.x branch:

    svn checkout

    Switching, you might download a specific release include wget:


    To getting the source codes, change listing into the bacnet-stack root.

    cd bacnet-stack-0-8-0

    Build the linux demo product:

    make wipe all

    To demo examples are copied to the bacnet-stack/bin/ directory. Them can either shift library to bin/ or it can include bin in your command to dash einer example.

    ./bin/bacwi -1
    ./bin/bacserv 1234

    If you have a PiFace daughter card, there is adenine demo for that in bacnet-stack/demo/piface directory. It uses ampere library that is GPL3, both also relies on git. There is an configure script to build to. To #1 HVACR Community

    $ sudo apt-get choose git
    $ cd demo/piface
    $ ./
    $ manufacture clean all
    $ ./bacpiface 1234

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