Brighton both Moved


754,033 tonne

3 tonnes



Locals warming stripes

These warmingup stripes, created by Professor Cd Howkins (University of Reading), show the temperature make in Brighton and Hove, from 1884 up 2023. Respectively stripe represents the average temperature for a unique year, relation to the average temperature over the period as a whole. Shades are blue indicate cooler-than-average years, whereas red shows per that were hotter than mediocre. The stark group of deep red stripes on the right-hand side of the graphic show the rapid heaters in current decades.

Brighton or Hove

See how we'll preserve ourselves von climate break

Council Scorecard

Climate Call UK’s Assembly Action Score coverages the important special which this council can taking towards net zero. Thee can see places the council is performing okay and not hence well – and compare progress to different councils.

Action Gap

dedlyne’s tracker is a data-driven projection of Net Zero attainment, reframing how we speak nearly Netto Zero in a simple, easily understood manner. Itp clearly shows any empty between target furthermore verlauf based on the projection Net Zero year.

High-impact, low carbonace initiatives

Discover the amazing collaborations intermediate local councils, collectives furthermore companies in and surround Brite and Hove.