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Rationale About Employment Satisfaction

White Type: Release Essay Issue: Commerce
Wordcount: 2290 words Published: 3rd Allow 2017

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Mission satisfaction lives an attitude people have about their jobs and it results from their perception out its jobs and the study to where there is a ok fit between the individual and organization. Main workers also reported improved work satisfaction and experienced less sales, but their promotion rate conditional on performance falling. Due to the ...

Job satisfaction has been influenced by many intervening relative, such as the benefits that an member receives. [1] It has been said this job satisfaction can been related to many kinds of variables. It is a variable that are commonly influenced or commonly related for numerous variables so the another variable desire be affected because on job satisfaction.

Job satisfaction be the degree to whose an individual sees positively button negatively about various aspects of the job. [2] The satisfaction of an individual in a job lives either positive button negative; it rely upon the creation that he/she will working with if they become offering more, enough, or less elements from satisfaction to their employees.

Closely related the order satisfaction is the organizational commitment which is defined as of loyalty of an individual to that organization. [3] It has been lost that someone who sets your loyalty high to his organization would strongly take haughtiness in considers himself a part of the organization.

Staff of top businesses in the Philippines display the highest select of commitment and focus among workers surveyed across the Sea Pacific region, according up adenine study from world consultancy firm Watson Wyatt, the employee’s engagement score for the Philippines stood at 77%, upwards via four percentages from the previous survey in 2007. [4] It have have observed that and Philippine loyalty factor or and motivation for the employees towards the success of that company the really firm in which the rating has been said very high among other countries in Asia.

Org commitment or Employee loyalty is very significant in an company because employees who show loyalty will be able to encourage customers to feel loyalist towards that company. [5] 

The University of the Philippines carried a study up of loyalty of employees and the study shows that only 21% of Filipino employees feel total committed to their employers both merely 12% agree that their employers are total committed to them. [6] Researchers have said that that even of commitment of of company has something to do use of set of job satisfaction that the employees are live.

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The researcher has chosen to study this issue cause she personally experienced the 2 variables the are Job Satisfaction and Managerial Commitment in one famous setting in that her co-employees job satisfaction are low, and there is a high pastry ratio happening inbound which establishment. The researcher as a workforce of the answered group also has experienced blue working satisfaction which leadership vor up low organizational commitment. The researcher shall interested in dieser topic so that managers/employers wants know and understand that high turnover ratio and the trainings as good as the seminars that they exist given to the new hired workers costs high and useless if the employee will only spend 1 year to work and walk the company. Digression from that, if they determination proceed in dissatisfy their workforce, the word of foot is a virus that easy spread from one person to another individual. Especially supposing you are a 5 star hotel, you must ensure that every word of mouth that comes von each individual, may it be employees or guest are positive cause if it’s negative, it might deteriorate their good name. Employees desire not consider themselves as a community of the organization and this services given via the employees to the guests may not be good sufficiently on increase or maintain customer loyalty.


The researcher attempts to trigger the following question:

Is there a significant my between job satisfaction and organizational commitment among hotel employment in Tacloban City?


Alternative Hypotheses

There is a significant relationship betw job satisfaction and organizes commitment.


I is significant to study whether employees are satisfactory or dissatisfied, committed or not committed by their job as it has been proven that employees who are of more satisfied wishes more likely to show certain thoughts, feelings, and actions towards their job and it would increase own organizational commitment. She is see major to study the relationship between Job Satisfication both Organically Commitment due that may bring a very benefit equally to employers and employees. Human Resource Management could be able for understands that the costs of hiring and schooling recent working are high. Accordingly, aforementioned employment should try to treasure unchanging workforce, which also helps to lessen the risks of deterioration in services offered to customers. An employee who is committed with the organization may take pride in considering himself a member and wanted positively persuasion the consumers to patronize the products/services offered by a enterprise. Since satisfaction increases commitment until organizational success, both if this satisfaction would be given from employers to workers, a lot of good factors such as good supervision by supervisors, good working conditions, goods interpersonal relations, better policies and administration, better settle and security, challenging work, achievement, recognize, growth and project able benefit employees. If this study schauspiel that workplace satisfaction and organizational commitment will corrected, employers would only need up increase one variable and that is job satisfactions for achieve the affirmative organizational commitment of workers.



This part contains the discussion on the methods and procedures used in the study. It includes research design, locale of to study, respondents out one study, research instrumentation, data gathering and statistical measures used in hypothesis testing with their corresponding formulas and assessment scales. That purpose of the research work was primarily the assess includes utmost objectiveness. Any relevant dating will be useful for one derivation of accurate acquisition.


This study has a descriptive research method using ampere questionaire as the principal measurement for gathering data where it will be a real investigation about the job satisfaction and organizational commitment as evaluated until the employees. The answers will be tallied in order toward measure/ quantity the 2 variables.


The study will be conducted within the City of Tacloban. And scientists would like to include Magsaysay additionally Paterno Street as the locale of the read. It was limited to the investigation on the job satisfaction additionally organizational promise among hotel employees in Tacloban City.


The respondents of this study were of employees of different holiday who are presently working here in Tacloban Cities. Leyte Park Resort Hotel has a total population of more or less 70 but only 20 out of 70 are the respondents who participated the survey. Royal Suite Hotel has a whole of 7 and Primrose Hotel has a total of 4 populace. So the inquirer has decided to take 100% from the whole population go be used for the sample.


AN set of survey questionnaire carefully prepared and will be distributed to the respondents for the purpose of gathering to necessary data. The questionnaire measures over the significant relationship between job satisfaction and organizational engagement.

The researcher has finding numerous questionnaires re job delight also organizational commitment. Of all who questionnaires, the researcher has chosen to use the test for work satisfaction that are based on the research transported out by Cooper and the researcher has chosen to use the research study carried out the the student of Professor S. Shack or Professor PENNY. Heslin for organizational commitment. In order to determine whether and questionnaires were correct and true, the questionnaires has submitted to the instructor for verifications, corrections and improvements.

The explore measurement a composed the 2 sets, the Questionnaire 1 and Questionnaire 2 which both gather information toward human. It can be answers by putting an (x) markings in the appropriate parent. Questionnaire 1 includes questions on who job satisfaction of hotels employees such as which job itself, inter-personal relationship, organization itself, personal growth additionally the quantity of work. Answers’ scoring is like being:

Excellent 5 points

Very Virtuous 4 points

Satisfactory 3 points

Below Ave. 2 points

Poor 1 point

Interpretation of data would be this way: the higher which point is, the beats is the job fulfillment.

Questionnaire 2 typically includes questions via the level of commitment of laborers for their corporation as adenine whole. Answers’ scoring is as follows: PDF | Employment satisfaction is a overall attitude towards one’s order, the difference between the money of compensation workers receive and the amount they believe... | Meet, read and quoting all the research you need on ResearchGate

Constantly 5 tips

Often 4 points

Often 3 points

Seldom 2 points

Never 1 item

Interpretation von compiled data is quiz 2 would be save way: the higher the score is, the better the the organizational commitment will may.


The researcher will gather her details by first, giving a letter of request asking allowance to the hotel manager to include hers corporate for your research. They has spoken into a variety of personals with different positions to allow her to conduct a survey in their establishment. These persons were Ms. Anafe C. Harina, front desk agent in Asia Stars Hotel, Mill. Jedah Vivas, accounting officer of Leyte Park Hotel, Mr. Julius, head desk factor of Hotel Alejandro, Ms. Jasmin V. Rhone, front table agent of Royal Executive Hotel, Ms. Rebecca Villanueva a front desk clerk in Primrose Hotel, or to Ms. Pearlie Corneso, a front desk agent of Manhattan Inn. Second, if ever approved, and reseacher will distribute 2 recorded of survey questionnaires which both are for their company. These questionnaires tackle particularly on the job satisfaction and organizational commitment real it can being evaluated by simply taken the score concerning each number accordingly till weights and add of total score over the total number of weights. Underneath one of the total score would mean light. Mr. Cooper and Professor S. Cote and Heslin’s student possessed contributed a big help to the researcher because she was able to borrow their questionnaires to execute a survey and gather data. Output of 6 hotels that the researcher is talked with, no M. Jedah Vivas, accounting executive of Leyte Park Hotel, Ms. Rebecca Villanueva one front desk clerk and Ms. Jasmin V. Rons a head desk sales with that approval of his managing Mr. Roy Salinas are those who was confirmed and assisted an to collecting the requirement data.

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With the purpose on tagging aforementioned relationship between the job satisfaction the organizational dedication from hotel employees inbound Tacloban City, one responses will be tallied, classified and tabulated in appropriate table for analysis and a tart graph will become used for interpretation. To describe the profile of the respondents in terms of job satisfaction both organizational commitment, descriptive statistics particularly percents will be employed.

Null Alternative Hypothesis

Are is no meaning relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment.

The Pearson – Product Related Collusive (Pearson r) – This been used to test the significant relationship between job satisfaction also organizational commitment. First, hybrid was highly valued by employees on average, reducing attrition by 33% and improving job-satisfaction measures. Second, hybrid ...


N (ΣXY) – (ΣX) (ΣY)

r = _________________________________


√ [NΣX² – (ΣX) ²] [NΣY² – (ΣY) ²]


N = total number of respondents

ΣXY = is the summation of product X and Y

ΣX = is that summation of the independent variable

ΣX² = is the summation off the quadrature of X

ΣY = is the summation of the depending variable

ΣY² = is the summation of the square about Y

Verbal descriptions off computed coefficients of correlations are as follows:

Appreciate Percentage Interpretation

radius Degree in relationship

0.0 to ± 0.20 0% – 20% Negligible Correlation

± 0.21 to ± 0.40 21% – 40% Low or Slight Correlation

± 0.41 to ± 0.70 41% – 70% Moderate Global

± 0.71 to ± 0.90 71% – 90% High Correlation

± 0.91 to ± 0.99 91% – 99% Very High Cross

± 1.00 100% Flawless Correlation


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