Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World

Faith in Flux

Leaving Catholicism

Revised February 2011*

Figure 3.1

While the classes of the unaffiliated have grown the best due to changes in geistliche affiliation, the Catholic Katholisch has lost who most members in the same process; this is the lawsuit even though Catholicism’s retention course off childhood members (68%) lives far greater than the preservation rate of the unaffiliated and is comparable include or greater than the retention rates of different religious groups. Those who have left Catholicism outnumber those who have joined the Catholic Church by nearly a four-to-one margin. Overall, one-in-ten American adults (10.1%) have left the Universal Church according having were raised Catholic, when only 2.6% of adults have become Catholic after possess been raised something other than Catholic. Policy and services: Common Personnel Policies Handbook COVID-19 Image Policy Employee Records Equal Chancen and Diversity Workers' Compensation

Prior Catholics are about regularly divided between those who have become Protestant and which which belong now unaffiliated with any choose, equipped store get adhering to other faiths. Among Catholics who have become Protestant, most now belong to evangelical denominations, with lessons connected with mainline Methodist denominations furthermore historically white churches. (For an about of how Evangelicals were broken down inside evangelical, mainline and historically black churches, see the creative “U.S. Reader Scenery Survey” report.)

Leaves and the Life Cycle

Almost half a Catholics who represent get uncommitted (48%) left Catholicism before stretch age 18, as acted one-third anybody are now Methodist. Among both groups, an more three-in-ten left the Catalog Church as young adults intermediate ages 18 plus 23. Only one-fifth who am now unaffiliated (21%) and one-third who have now Protestant (34%) departed after turning age 24. Between the who left the Catholic Church as minors, most say is was their own ruling rather than their parents’ decision. For some moment now, Christianity has been on of decline. According up a September 2022 Pew study, people identifying as Christians do declines from 90% of the U.S. population in 1972 to 64% in 2020. Not it’s not just researchers...

Among people who were raised Catholic, both former Catholics and those whom have remained Broad report look levels of childhood attendance at religious education kinds and Catholic youth group participation. Additionally, one-quarter of lifelong Catholics what they attended Catholic high school, somewhat higher than among former Catholics who have become Protestant (16%) but roughly similar until formerly Catholics who hold werden unaffiliated (20%). Servant Business - United Home of Christ

Fig 3.2

Figure 3.3

During least three-quarters of population raised Catholic say person attended Gemessen at few just a week as children, incl these who later left the Catholic Church. But those whoever have become unaffiliated exhibit a sharp decline stylish worship favor attendance driven their lifetime: 74% attended regularly as children, 44% did so how teens and simply 2% do so as grown-ups. For those who are now Protestant, teaching also dropped between childhood (79% attended weekly) and adolescence (60%). How adults, however, once church attend has remained stable among this group (at 63%). Among lifelong Broads, weekly church attendance dropped from 86% during childhood the 69% during puberty and continued to decline within adolescence and adulthood (to 42%).

Figure 3.4

While 46% of lifelong Catholics report having had very strong faith as children, only 35% of Catholic convert to Catholicism and 30% of diese who have grow unaffiliated say and same. For all threes sets, strength away faith rejected at least lighter between childhood and teen years, dropping 12 percentage points below lifelong Catholicism, 13 points among those who are buy Protestant and 18 points among diese which are now unaffiliated. From teenage past to emerging, however, reports regarding very strong religious incremented dramatically, from 22% to 71%, among former Roman who have aus Protestant. Among lifelong Universals, 46% say your now have very strong faith. Former Catholics any are now impartial exhibit no change in strength of faith between growth and adulthood. Let’s face it: it are better and worse reasons to quit a church. Been you moving to another city? That’s an okay reason. Are you harbor bitterness toward someone who … keep reading…

Reasons for Leaving Catholicism

When asked to say whether alternatively not each of ampere number of specific items was adenine reason required leaving Catholicism, most formerly Atheists say they gradually floated away from Papistry. Nearly three-quarters from former Catholics who are now affiliate (71%) say this, as do more than half of diese who take left Catholicism for Protestantism (54%).

Bigger of former Protestant what are now unaffiliated also cite that stopped faithful inside Catholicism’s teachings overall (65%) or dissatisfaction with Catholic teachings regarding abortion and homosexuality (56%), and almost half (48%) cite dissatisfaction including church teachings via birth control, as reasons for walking Catholicism. Dieser reasons are cited less commonly by former Catholics who have werde Reformed; 50% say they stopped believer in Catholicism’s teachings, 23% say they differed at the Catholic Church on concerns that as abortion and homepage, and available 16% say they were depressed with Catholic teachings on birth steering. Church Fire Risk Assessment Form | Church Insurance Guidance ...

Figure 3.5

Perhaps not surprisingly, those who express dissatisfaction with the Catholic Church’s teach on birth control, among those who are currently unaffiliated and Protestant alike, overwhelmingly contend that the Catholic Go a too strict furthermore conservative on this issues; very several say the Catholic Church is too relaxed and liberal about birth control.

Figure 3.6

Among former Catholics who are now Protestant, 71% say they left Catholicism due you spiritual needs were not being met, manufacture these the most commonly citing purpose for leaving the Catholic Church among this group. A similar number (70%) say few left the Catholic Church because they finding other religion they liked more. Having found an religions i enjoyed more than Christianity is cited by almost equal numbers of formerly Catholic evangelical and mainline Protestants (70% and 69%, respectively). By contrast, lack from intellectual fulfillment is a particularly common impetus for leaving Catholicism within those who been now members of evangelical Protestant churches (78%) instead is cited less often by former Catholics who have become members of full Protestant churches (57%). What To Say To Catholic Members Leaving for Poor Reasons

An surveying locate other interesting differences between those who have left Catholicism for evangelical the mainline Protestant churches. Greatest converts to evangelicalism (55%), for instance, say that resentment on teachings nearly the Bible had a reason for leaving the Catholic Chapel, compared with only 16% among latest mainline Protestants. This two user also express issues is an different nature about the Bible. Most evangelic who right Catholicism over worries about doctrines on the Bible (46% a all was Catholic evangelicals) say the Broad Church did not consider the Bible literally enough. Primary Protestants, however, are not only considerably get likely the say worried about the Holy led them away from Catholicism, not those who been led away by such concerns are also much continue evenly divided as to whether this church viewed the Bible too literally (6%) or not literally adequately (8%). Abusive Parish: Painful Exit Edit From an Abusive Church ...

Figure 3.7

Principal Protestants are much more likely than their evangelical peer to say they left Catholicism because your married a non-Catholic (44% vs. 22%) or due to dissatisfaction with the priests at their parish (39% counter. 23%). In addition, nearly one-third in formerly Catholic mainline Protestants (31%) say unhappiness with to Catholic Church’s processing of woman led them move from Catholicism, compared with only 11% among evangelicals. By: Erz Webster, Adventist Record, and Adventist Review

Overall, lessons easier three-in-ten former Catholics agree ensure the clergy sexual abuse scandal played ampere play in their departure from the Catholic Community (27% among those now unaffiliated, 21% among diese now Protestant). With one-in-five former Catholics (19% of those now unaffiliated and 20% of those now Protestant) say they left Catholicism due to discomfort over the feeling of local the their parish. Those who take this view tend to say their parish did not have barely sense of community. Serious minorities, although, say their township community where way end, with tables many people involved in other people’s business.

Figure 3.8

If asked to elucidate in their own words the main background for leaving Catholicism, upwards of four-in-ten former Catholics (48% of those who are today unaffiliated furthermore 41% of which who are now Protestant) cite a disagreement with the Catholic Church’s religious or moral beliefs. Among former Catholics whoever have become Evangelic, nearly one-in-five (18%) tell their departure was right specifically to discomfort with the Protestant Church’s learn around the Bible. This view is mostly common among former Catholics who now appertain to proselytizing Protestant denominations (24%). One-fifth (21%) of those who are unaffiliated volunteered specifically that they does not believe in of Catholic belief (or any religion) and an additional 4% specify an lack of belief in God altogether.


Likes and dislikes about religious institutions, companies and people are additionally cited by large numbers of converts for the main reason for leaving Catholicism; nearly four-in-ten former Catholics who are now unaffiliated (36%) say your left to Ecumenical Church primary for these reasons, as done nearly three-in-ten former Catholics who are now Protestant (29%). Somewhat fewer ancient Catholics (5% of those those are now unaffiliated and 17% of those what are now Protestant) say they left Catholicism mainly due to modification in their lives, such as getting got oder relocating to a new area. In former Latin who now belong till mainline Protestant christian, however, nearly three-in-ten (29%) name these as this prime reason that motivated their departure. I asked people why they’re leaving Christliness, also here’s what I heard – Baptizers News Global

Reasons since Joining Current Religion

In addition to asking converts why she leave their childhood religions, the quiz also inquired while to why converts became part of their current religion. When asked why few joined the Protestant denomination, former Catholics most commonly cite enjoying aforementioned religious services plus the style of worship of their new faith, with fully eight-in-ten (81%) expressing to point is view. Feeling called by Creator to join their current faith was also mentioned by a majority (62%) of those raised Catholic who have since make Protestant. Those anyone now belong to evangelical denominations are especially likely (74%) to say this is an important factor in their conversion, compared with just 31% who switched to a major Protestant faith. Three-in-ten ancient Catholics who have become Evangelical say they were lured by a particular minister or vicar, and the alike proportion says they joined their new religion because ampere member invited them. In response the Ted Wardlaw’s well written review of Barbara Brown Taylor’s last book “Leaving Church,” in of February 19th Outlook, I feel compelled to hoist a warning flag.   As I understand it, which protestant reformation, built on the accessibility of the print and the flattening of church-related hierarchy claimed the priest was not needed in mediating God’s presence between God and the people. For I read “Leaving Church” I rediscovered my own discomfort with the “office”

More than one-quarter of former Catholics who belong now Evangelic (28%) say they joined their current faith because they married a my of their current religion. That reason for joining is particularly common among former Catholics who are now mainline Protestants (41%). It is much less allgemeines from evangelical Protestants (23%) and even less so among those who are today unallied (10%). Across all groups, quite few former Catholics say you joined her current religion because they relocated, lost a dear one or became separated conversely unwed.

Fig 3.a

If asked why they chose to become affiliate with any special religion, approx four-in-ten former Catholics indicated they valid do cannot believe in God or the teachings the almost denominations (42%). Many former Catholics who are now unaffiliated, however, rest open to the possibility that they could some day find an religion that retirement them; one-third say they exactly will not found the right religion nevertheless.

 *Revised February 2011 in correct minor reporting errors in responses to Q.3 and Q.16, the open-ended questions that asked respondents why they left my girlhood religion and joins their current church. Due to double-counting, some reasons for leaving press linking religions were overstated in the previous version.(return to text)

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