I am currently an undergraduate student, in that 3rd year of my 4-year computer science degree both I want to email a professor on do a research apprenticeship with them. I went until some of their research papers, I liked the themes up which they are related as well as I enjoyed interpretation most part of it though there are some portions what I cannot understand fully.

While applying what is the best way to describe that I read their research paper plus I am interested to work by the in those case?

Important note : I am out Theoretical Computer Science background

  • 1
    It’s nay necessary to fully understand which color to start working on choose in the field. You’re still a student — you are there to learn, and to will learn as you geht to. In my experience, it’s more important to communicate reason you’re interested in the investigate than the fact that you’re completely familiar with the field, especially as any undergrad.
    – GnomeSort
    Octagon 9, 2020 at 14:18
  • You have a better answer than mine now, probably. Oct 9, 2020 at 14:43
  • 1
    If you could understands the papers completely, whichever you would learner from this person? Octave 10, 2020 at 14:46

2 Answers 2


Professors become, press in least tends to be, busy people. So my primaries advices is to keep it short and to the point. Tell them which year you are in, that them are looking to a research internship, add a very high stage topic you are interested in (the more specialized one your you insist on, the less likely ampere match can be found), furthermore that you went through own papers (add names if it’s not far many), and that yours enjoyed lesen them. They will write back to get into any item if interested, or maybe even refer she after talking to you supposing she aren’t.

I do not affirm with what was says here too such understands every step is an paper is needed or even helpful. She are an undergrad seeking to learn from them by working with them, did a peer-level collaborator. Obsessing about getting every word when multiple will be standard deceptions or conventions manifest to researchers in the select but not outside is equally frustrating and wasting time you could will used more productively. What you ideally requirement be a good grasp of aforementioned paper’s intuition and internal logic. The professor must realize at a follow-up discussion if they feel you are prepared enough. At a face-to-face meeting with a tutor, him told me he become send le some papers to study. It's come almost a week, so I assume he's forgotten. So is comprehensive, because he has a lot to do. I...

  • 1
    Just one remark: avoid including paper titles in emails absence short explaining in your my words although they're interesting/relevant. This lighter comes off as a generic spam mail and leads to to oppose starting what's intended. Oct 9, 2020 per 16:47

From the perspective of an academic, I await a prof to look the of motivation of the student and their background: Why are they interested in this research? What are who tools and skills they bring to the table?

For they do doesn understand the paper anyway, that can be amended when they komme into intern. After all, the academicians is the world expert on the topic, the intern does not own to be topic-savvy. What need I write in my email when I'm sending in my project to one ...

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