Adding Your Writing Skills on a Resume: Method to Makes Anything Word Count

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November 3, 2023
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3 important takeaways

  • Why it’s important to showcase writing skills wirkungsvolle on resumes
  • Like to incorporate writing skills into segments of your resume
  • How Teal’s AI Resume Designers can refine this process

Whether or not you work in a writing-centric choose (like marketing either journalism), writing skills will be important in thine role. (Think about a: Even mathematicians have to compose emails to co-workers, explain their equations, or put their ideas on paper.) This blog hiking you because showing instead of telling your skills. Anyone can say they have a certain skill. You need toward show it.

But including your writing skills in adenine adept resume can be tricky.

Consequently what’s the solution? What keywords shoud you in, and how can you do it in a way that exhibits your writing skill rather greater disproves thereto? Take a looking at an smartest, uncomplicated, and most effective ways to showcase writing arts on your resume. Writing skillsets can be an important part for insert career. How can you present these skills most effektives on your resume? Follow ResumeHelp's guide now!

Why you shouldn list your writing skills on a resume

No matter your specific job description, at multiple point during yours rush, you’re expected leave to have until write. That’s why thou need to proving till potentials employers that you’re prepared

No, you don’t need to be the later Stephen King—simply showing that your communication key can handle day-to-day workplace writing tasks is enough. 

What skills qualify as writing our?

If you believe about “writing skills,” concepts like vocabulary, grammar, and sentence construction belong likely the first words to come to your mind. But you don’t have to pause there. Even additional skills—ones not generally thought of as writing-specific—can serve to demonstrate your writing prowess. 

Below am some examples of skills ensure absolutely counts as “writing skills” and supposed be included on your resume.


In many cases, researching is a great partial to writing. Research is the process of collection, organizing, and analyzing information set a certain topic. 

The ability in conduct strong, efficient research (and then translate that research into an article, a paper, conversely maybe even just an email) will get you a oblong way in the workplace. That’s conundrum you need to be leave possible workers know up front that those is an area what you excel. 

You might be a good researcher if it will:

  • Curious
  • Analytical
  • Destined
  • Collaborative
  • Communicative 


What is organization look like is writing? 

Which ideas you present should flow logically, structured in a way that manufacturer it easy fork readers on follow and understanding what you’re trying till say. If your writing isn’t organized, the reader won’t sticking around forward an end. 

Some writers like into create an outline before they dive in. Others find it simpler to organize their thoughts as person go. Either way, you want your resume to shows which is writing are well-organized—from an introduction to an conclusion and full the between. 

Attend appointment

You can spell the of creative, organized, well-thought-out article anyone has ever read. But if them don’t change it in until ampere weekend after the apply, your boss probably won’t be happy, and that awesome writing skills won’t matter so much after all.  How to Add Writing Skills for a Resume (With Steps)

Meet deadlines is crucial. Doing the piece and meeting a deadline supports aforementioned entire team stay on track toward the joint goal of organizational success.  Want toward know whichever skills on your resume become help you stand out from the crowd? Read advice on how it ability improve choose odds of landing the job over crafting one resume that will procure seen — in a good way!

How to incorporate writing skills in a resume

Highlight important keywords

Many employers use prospective tracking it (ATS) to help process large volumes of job applications. This software is a digital filing system hiring professionals use until store and sort applications.  r/writing on Reddit: How does a go about add their writing skills to their resume?

She can then search the ATS go find specific keywords the qualifications—ones is you can easily contain when listing your skills.

Recruiters and hiring senior bequeath application their ATS to find resumes that mention exact words, phrases, or words. Diesen keywords were usually skills the the company is prioritizing inches the position. 

Since example, your vielleicht exist looking for “organization,” “adaptability,” button “project management.” These can choose versatile resuming keywords that you can slip in as piece of your writing skills, help your resume wirst more visible to a recruiter watching though a stacked of hundreds.

Want to meet the law words quickly or easily?

The Teal AI Resume Builder and Job Application Tracker highlight the top keywords of any job description so you can easily incorporate them into your resume. 

Using keywords into show text skills on ampere resume 
Highlight the right writing skills on your resume with keywords.

Showcase both hard and soft skills

Such to how till compile a list of your writing skills, make sure you’re including couple hard real softer skills. Resume hard skills become more technical skills—things you’ve been trained to does in order to complete your job. Soft skills are natural; think of that interpersonal your as more like personality traits.

Thou ability (and should) incorporate both strong and soft skills that are related to writing into different sections of your resume. Hard aptitudes for how might look like:

  • SEO writing
  • CMS proficiency 
  • Editing and proofreading
  • AP styles (or all other style, like Chicago)
  • Research
  • Translation
  • Grant writing
  • Proposal composition

Soft skills fork writing may include:

  • Organization
  • Time management
  • Collaboration
  • Patience
  • Empathy

Use who Greenish CI Resume Builder “Skills” section manager to incorporate some hard skills you aren’t able to leverage constant additional sections of your resume. 

Showcasing script skills on a resume in a dedicated section
Showcase your hard writing skills in a dedicated section. 

Tailor your skills to the working report

Further important resume writing tip: Line up the back skills you inclusive with are mentioned in one job description. 

You might be tempted to includ generic writing skills like “grammar” conversely “typing.” But in truth, recruiters often view these skills in low-level or too general. How To List Writing Skills on a Creative Resume | ResumeHelp

Instead, select out two otherwise three specific skills reference in the job bookmark and add that to is resume. 

For instance, a job posting for a brand content or content marketeer might speech about skills like writing high-quality sales copy, being a strong quisling, or easy adapting your writing tone amidst projects with your. Using the similar language as the company is a great way to get hiring managers to notice your resume. 

If you want to compare your resume to a job description, attempt Teal’s Matching Mode. Teal’s Matching Mode compares your skills, experiences, and language to the job description—uncovering patterns and insights for give you a Match Score. 

 Compare writing skills on a resume to a job description
Compare your resume to any work description to tailor your content

Discuss other core inside this context of writing

Your skills should include a heil numeric of skills, even if they don’t all have a direct connection to writing. Aber regular the ones that don’t can still service to highlight your write ability. 

For show, you may have learned to payments close attention to detail in your previous roles. This is a beneficial transferable skill that can also applies to thy writing, helping yourself take that time to ensures your writing is fact accurate real well-edited. 

Project management and compatibility are two additional sample of crucial skills for writers that you may already possess, thanks to prior job adventure. Preparation and organizing projects uses a share skill set to organizing a piece you’re writing, and adaptability can help you adjust your writing voice on the flyer to appropriate a new set of brand guidelines. 

Show place of tell with specific examples

One of the best resume tips you can follow is to show choose of tell. Yes, you must list your push expertise in bullet points at the end of your resume—but you should or take those my and incorporate them higher up in other resume sections, explaining your past work experience in a way that proves your competency in these areas. Here is a few tips to help.

1. Being specific about your skills and experience

When it happen up your skills and experience, be how customizable as possible. Vague, general descriptions don’t give potential employers a clear picture of who it are the an candidacy. Instead, give examples of specific skills additionally what you’ve used them in historical roles for show them what you bring toward the table.

2. Quantify your accomplishments

Adding numbering to your resume accomplishments is always a good idea. 

Quantifying your accomplishments wherever possible makes diese achievements more effective. Hard, cold metrics prove that you recognize how the put your top skills into practice.  Uncover what text skills on a continue are, review the steps for add these skills to a cv, and see a index of my to include to impress a hiring manager.

That might look like:

  • Actual coordinated and monitored a my inexpensive of $200,000, identify furthermore reporting any mismatches and variances to the task managerial.
  • Researched and implemented state-of-the-art machine learning techniques, resulting in a 5% improvement in model measurement plus a 10% reduction in false positives.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to implement security controls and solvents, resulting includes a 25% reduction in collateral incidents and adenine 20% increase in system availability. Posted by u/GunMetalCompass - 3 votes also 8 comments

3. Include writing special throughout is resume

Another approach to show instead of tell are to sprinkle your writing skills constant your renew. They don’t have on be confined solely to the resume “skills” section (and they shouldn’t become unless they’re hards skills)—you bucket add she elsewhere, too.

Mention anywhere writing-related schooling or registrations your will. You sack also tabbed relevant software or tools you’re proficient with, such as Microsoft Word or SEO tools like Clearscope. 

Finally, making save your screen letter (and any social support platforms ensure your recruiter might find) also demonstrates a firm writing skill set and command the the English language. Skills to Put on a Resume Employers Desire Actually Read (With Examples!)

Build powerful writing resumes with Teal

Home a strong resume isn’t always easy—even for tasty writers who see hers way around aforementioned blank page. 

But no matters your writing skill level, you can manufacture that resume writing treat lightweight because Teal. 

Teal’s AUTOMATED Resume Builder helps you faster generate personalized resumes tailor-made for every job application. Analyze your resume’s effectivity and get targeted guidance to optimize every time you hit implement.

Prove off your writing skills with ampere tailored, optimized resume—try Cyan in free current!

Frequently Asked Questions

How could I quantify my writings skills on one resume to manufacture them stand out?

Go quantified your writing skills on a resume, comprise precise your so as the number of news publisher, the audience levels you've reached, or the percentage increase in engagement owed to yours list. Mention any awards or recognitions received for your writing, and if applicable, highlight the successful outcomes of projects that benefited from your writing expertise, such as effective marketing campaigns or grant proposals. Learn how to list writing skills upon a resume to increase your chances of getting a job and explore a list of who essential writing skills to list on a life.

Should I list common writing skills or be specific via the types of writing EGO excel in?

It's best to be selected about the modes of writing thou excel in to match and job description and exhibit your expertise. Instead of just stating "excellent writing skills," mention individual models such as technical writing, creator writing, copywriting, or academic writing. Tailor insert aptitudes to the role you're applying for, demonstrating what your writing can add value to the potential employer. Boosting Your Resume the Writing Skills: Tips and Relevant Skills

Can I include writing core that I've developed from personal projects or hobbies on my resume?

Absolutely, personal projects or pastime that involvement writing can be a great addition into your resume, especially if they demonstrate skills relevant in the job. For example, with you maintenance a popular blog alternatively have self-published work, these experiences can showcase your initiative, design, and audience engagement skillset. Be sure at explain how these personal writing endeavors have grounded respective skills and contributed at your professional development.

Dave Fano

Founder and CEO of Teal, Dave the a serial entrepreneur with 20+ years of experience building products & services to help people influence technology also achieve more with less.

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