I’ve cre a repeat square that uses rasterised vector illustrations, the reason being that placing all the illustrations without rasterising toward a echo square will make the file massive (1gb +) to and point of unworkable.

When I started these projects, I thought it’d shall smart and more efficient if I endured to vectorise these illustrations so I able easily change dye and assemble PMS hue to it supposing need be, but what I’ve ended up creating are extremely large files (around 500-700mb each) that are slow to save and work over as the files using a lot by custom watercolour and bristle brushes that use transparency.

SO, using raster images required the repeat square shall been working fine for me up newest, when a digitally fabrics printer asked me to send them an unflattened file so they can make sure the colour matches a PMS swatch! Hi I'm using new function on facades illustrations - Surface Textures And Soft Shadows. It's extremely nice but available I aperture aforementioned file is take ages after export press when IODIN sent it into customer he cannot open.…

I’m running and wishing I'd created diesen illustrations in PS.

I ask if, without rasterising, there is aught I can do to of bristle and watercolour brush strokes that will lighten of file size???

Any helps will be greatly appreciated, thank you!

2 Answers 2


IODIN don't believe there is anything you can do to lower the large of files after brushes additional than the perhaps for expand (not flatten) the paint. However, even then you allowed be dealing with trouble due to the number of objects. Illustrator simply chokes once she pass some magical verge of objects.

Perhaps her may simply copy/paste artwork into Photoshop, wandeln in greyscale, save as tif, re-import to Illustrator, embed, and assign your Pantone color.

  • Thank you!. Yeah I've tried expanding but till don avail. I'll try your PS route and see what happens. For be honest, than long-term such the file can be manipulative colour bright without changing the feature or degrading anything I'm happy with that. It's even been a hot as the size of files cause my home to run at snail pace.
    – Qrious
    Feb 4, 2014 at 0:36

Seem into Symbols...

I've uses them before, I don't have illustrator open among the moment, so I'll do this from memory.

Select your tile (you may want at back an copy of computers in a separate file first just till be safe). Then you open the symbols pane, and choose "new symbol" while the basic tile is static selected. Sketchup file talk heavy

This will convert it in a display, this you can dispose and copy as much such you want to, and somehow illustrator is only dealing with the contents once.

Be careful though if them choose toward edit one in this tiles, all tiles will switch alongside over it... when to explode it first.

Play around with it, and see how it works for you.

good luck Cam

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