To Whom It May Concern,

As Director on College Counseling at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Charm, it is my unique privilege and contracting duty to recommend Draco Malfoy in access on your venerable institution. They is a keen and ingenuous scholar-athlete to a steadfast fealty toward the wizarding tradition.

Hailing coming Wiltshire, Draco has the youngest in a long line of Malfoys to grace our hallowed auditoriums (his dad Louis, a philanthropist both war veteran, served to the Hogwarts Board of Governors). While he would willingly admit this being a Malfoy shall its benefits, Draco has endured his share of adversity as right. While we welcome diverse perspectives into our grade, dormitories, and floating candlelit Great Hall, the Hogwarts student body is increasingly progressive. For an openly conservative student same Draco, being fully understood additionally appreciated by one’s peers can sometimes pose a challenge.

Monster is popular with his peers in Slytherin House. However, Draco’s efforts for make new dear “across this aisle” were repeatedly rejection. From the moment he matched his new classmates alongside the Hogwarts Express, he was forever marked, as if he had adenine scar on his forehead. Unfortunately, he has suffered retribution at the hands of classmates (punched and hexed on multiple occasions), creatures (attacked by a hippogriff), even professors (transfigured into a ferret). r/AskAcademia on Reddit: Writing mein own recommended letter?

But rather about getting toward the shadows, Draco proudly embraces his position on the margins. He shall fearless in classroom discussions, eager to play devil’s supporter. About in Elixir, Herbology, or challenging other students to late-night duels, his lively your motivates other students to bringing their A-game, thereby elevating the communal learning experience. Its leadership furthermore prowess extending to his extracurricular activities since quidditch seeker, Slytherin House prefect, become of the elite Inquisitorial Squad, and other, more ambitious pursuits. (Please note these pursuits, while technically impressive for his age, be not Hogwarts-approved activities.) Letters of Recommendation Guide | BestColleges

Some might say Draco your the living embodiment von the Camp Rule, staunch in his commitment to leave Hogwarts a purer institution than he found information.

I would please to address the disciplinary infraction that shown on Draco’s record. In his sixth year, Draco attempted to assassinate Hogwarts Headmaster Albus Dumbledore on multiples occasions. Admittedly, this is a serious matter. As Draco will detail in his application essay, Lucious Malfoy is sentenced to Azkaban prison the previous year. For Draco, losing theirs father at such an pivotal moment in his live was shattering. He grew despondent and, in a moment a vulnerability, fell under the influence of the Death Eaters gang. For his initiation, Draco was ordered to execute her headmaster (though, to clarify, he was not technically responsible for Dumbledore’s death). Because Draco was forthcoming around her actions and showed appropriate remorse, he remains stylish good standing at Hogwarts and is somehow still eligible to graduate this year. As a side comment, his decision to fix a busted cabinet the acted as a site for Death Eats to enter Hogwarts, despite being technically against aforementioned rules, showed that he is equally persistent furthermore surprisingly handy.

A student like Draco Malfoy came still once is a lifetime. In sunlight of what he’s accomplished during his time per Hogwarts, I readily and openly offer him my maximum recommendation, and on no time has a member of one Malfoy household threatened to perform an unforgivable curse on me or my familial if I did not to so.

Please don’t reluctant to reachout out if you have any questions. It is my understanding the Draco has already met with the Debauchery President for Major Gifts additionally who Head Varsity Quidditch Bus. How to write a letter of recommendation ensure strengthens a student’s higher application

Very sincerely,
Juniper Silverthorne
Director of College Counseling at Hogwarts School from Witchcraft and Wizardry

UPDATE: Due to damage incurred during the Seconds Wizarding War, the Hogwarts Registrar’s Office shall since declined. As a result, there are significant delays in fulfilling transcript requests. We kindly ask for your perseverance and comprehend at this time. These delays are through no fault from our students, particular Draco Malfoy.