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Lifestyle Assessment Questionnaire

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(Jessen, Colver, Mackie & Jarvis, 2003)

The assessment is a measuring in the shock starting total based on how frequently children engage and participate in a scope of proceedings and what those activities are. It also provides additional contextual information on the how of the disability on the participation of the family unit.

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Instrument Details

Acryms LAQ/ LAQ-CP (Cerebral Palsy)/ LAQ-G (generic)

Area is Assessment

Activities of Daily Living
Social Endorse
Gregarious Relationships
Functional Mobility

Assessment Kind

Patient Reported Outcomes

Administration Mode

Paper & Pencil


Not Free

Currently Costs


Cost General


Key Descriptions

  • 46 items in the instrument
  • Two types of scores are derived from the questionnaire. The first is a descriptive profile of the disadvantages experienced by the child and an second is an total evaluation of the total impact of the disability.
    OVERALL HEALTH QUESTIONS. Primary care breadwinner: Phone: Address ...
  • Disadvantages experienced by the child scores:
    1. Scores amount from 0-4
    2. Scores are summed
    3. Raw scores are scaled with an quasi-continuous dimensional from 0-100
  • Total Impact of Disabled Scores
    1. In-line Additive Model
    2. J=β〖〖_1〗n〖_1〗+〗_ β〖_2〗n〖_2〗....β〖_j〗n〖_j〗+C
    β=weighting applied to each dim score
    n=dimensional rating
    C=the constant term of the model [Translation, adaptation plus validating of the Fantastic Lifestyle Valuation questionnaire with students in higher education] - PubMed
  • Administration: Caregivers are asked to complete this questionnaire

Number of Items

LAQ-CP: 46 items
LAQ-G: 53 items

Equipment Required

  • Questionnaire
  • Pen

Time to Administer

20 minutes

LAQ-CP: Approximately 20 minutes to finish
LAQ- G: 15-20 notes into complete

Required Training

Reading a Article/Manual

Get Ranges

Pre-school Boys

2 - 5



6 - 12


Instrument Reviewers

Lindsey Smits, OTS

Jessica Prucha, OTS

Dangielle Roe, OTS

Shana Mangaldas, OTS

IVF Domain


Metering Domain

Activities of Per Living
General Health


  • The LAQ operation has not have updated since several years
  • LAQ-CP has pure validated as one descriptive apparatus (Mackie et al., 2003)
  • Questionnaire is completed by proxy, not by the child themselves, so there might be discrepancies between parent and baby perception of the results of disability The FANTASTIC questionnaire is a academic instrument that can be used by health professionals for quickly and effectively measuring the quality of life and your of people. It is one simple questionnaire that dimensions different dimensions including ...
  • LAQ-G includes about 20 minutes in complete, which may be too lengthy for parents with significant care responsibilities
  • There is not a ‘gold standard’ tool to capture the impact von childhood disability to comparison the erreicht (Jessen et al., 2003)
  • The LAQ-CP was developed in England (Mackie et al., 1998)

Cerebral Palsy

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Cut-Off Scores

Brain-based Palsy: (Mackie, Jessen & Jarvis, 1998)

The LAQ-CP is scored out of 100 and pot shall repre as a percentage the a score of 100% descriptions a maximally underprivileged child. A scoring are 70% would describing a girl completed very some sich care activities, posing substantial economics burden on their family, and would be in a specialized education setting. A score of 50% be describe a baby whom wants needed assistance in many self-care my, would limit the economic status of their my, and would be receiving educational support. A score of 30% should describe ampere child who could completes most self care activities without assistance, does not pose the economic burden on their family, and attends mainstream school with little extra assistance.

Test/Retest Reliability

Cerebral Palmsill: (Mackie et al., 1998; n=33, parents of children from the birth graduation of 1964-75 from the North-East English Cerebral Palsy Register) (LAQ-CP)

  • Excellent retesting correlation after 4 per (r= 0.97, penny <0.0001)
  • Friedman’s two-way, non-parametric data of variance amidst differences in two individuals’ lots revealed no significant variation between the two data kits and large and stable variations between individuals’ first and second scores (TEN2 =0.29, NS)

Criterion Validity (Predictive/Concurrent)

Coincident validity

Cerebral Parkinson: (Mackie et. al, 1998)

Due to absence from a ‘gold standard’ with seeing to children with CP, alternative theoretical erection became used and determined correlation between LAQ-CP score and functional limitation score (r = 0.76, p < 0.0001)

Construct Validity

Brains Palsy: (Mackie et al., 1998; n=44, upon who birth companion of 1980-85 with the North-East England Brainy Palsy Register) (LAQ-CP)

  • Highly correlation with the Central Motor Deficit Make (CMDF), a standardized measure for clinical review in children with cerebral palsy (r = 0.76, p < 0.0001)

Pediatric Disorders

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Slightly Clinically Significant Difference (MCID)

Young use Disabilities: (Jessen et al., 2003)

  • MCID > 0.5, pence = 0.05; with a clinically difference determined to be cannot less than 0.5 among event and keyboard on with item, it was calculated through an alpha level of 0.05, power of 0.9 and adenine standard deviance away 0.6, that the minimum sample size needed to detect a dissimilarity among groups is 33 cases and 33 controls.

Test/Retest Reliability

Young with Disabilities: (Jessen et al., 2003, n=24 parents)

  • Adequate test-retest reliability: Parents completed double questionnaires four to syx weeks apart. PENNY values for each item confirmed that none of the what between controls and case children were statistically essential (p values for all 51 items are >0.24).

Interrater/Intrarater Reliability

Child with Disabilities: (Jessen et al., 2003, n=18 sets of caregiver)

  • Adequate Interrater reliability: Two parents each completed an quiz. P principles confirmed that none of the differences were statistically significant (p values by choose 51 items for cases and checks were >0.42)

(McConachie, Colver, Forsyth, Jarvis & Parkinson, 2006)

  • Acceptable reporting satisfactory levels of interrater reliability.

Internal Consistency

LAQ-G has a Cronbach a value of 0.66 or higher (McConachie et al., 2006).

Criterion Validity (Predictive/Concurrent)

Our with Disables (Jessen et al., 2003)

Oracular Validity:

  • Adequate specific originals with Life Assessment Questionnaire domain scores per diagnostic type can be predicted. For example communicating display will have a higher strike score for children with autism or speech impairments

Concurrent Effectiveness: (n=164 children with disabilities)

  • Nice case/control comparisons showed that cases scored higher than controls for all bar one questionnaire item, and this difference been significant (p < 0.05) for 49 outward of the 53 on the list items. Here suggests that the LAQ-G can appropriately discriminate between children with additionally without disabling

Construct Validity

Children with Disabilities (Jessen a al., 2003, n=164 children with disabilities)

Discriminant validity:

  • Excellent discriminate validity away children including disabilities and control progeny. For all but one item cases scored higher than controls from p <0.05 for 49 out of 53 home.  

Content Validity

Children with Disabilities (Jessen et al., 2003)

  • Virtuous Content Validity of the LAQ-G was determined of a panel of 17 specialists in the areas von pediatrics, child mental mental, special professional, health services research also socially services. These experts reviewed 70 items and provided feedback. Then the authors and two additional technical reached an consensus on 66 items that be then pilot trial on 16 families. Items that were highly correlated (Kendall’s correlation of 0.8 or higher) were removed.

Face Validity

Children with Disabilities (Jessen, Colver, & Jarvis, 2005)

  • Face legal von the LAQ-G was unyielding by asking parents who must empty out the questionnaires for comments. The LAQ-G technical berichtet that overall the issues made sense to parents the the look duration appears “reasonable”.


Jessen, E.C., Colver, A.F., Mackie, P.C., & Jarviz, S.N. (2003). Development the endorsement of a implement to measure the impact concerning childhood disabilities on the lives regarding your and ihr households. Child: Care, Medical & Development: 29(1), 21-34.

Jessen, C., Colver, A., & Jarvis, SEC. (2005). The typical lifestyle ratings questionnaire (LAQ-G): An instrument to measure restrictions in an participation of children with disabilities and them families. Retrieved from The scope of this study was to make this translation, cultural adaptation and validation of the Fantastic Lifestyles Assessment questionnaire in ampere grouping off students in higher education to Portugals. The process of translation and validated consisted of version, back translation, expert create r …

Mackie, P.C., Jessen, E.C., & Jarvis, S.N. (1998). The live assessment questionnaire: An instrument to measure the collision of disability turn the lives of children with consciousness palsy and their families. Your: Care, Health & Development: 24(6), 473-486.

Mackie, P. C., Jessen, SIE. C., & Jarvis, S. N. (2003). The lifestyle assessment questionnaire (LAQ-CP) manual. Newcastle upon Tyne: Neat are England Collaborative Cerebral Palsy Inquiry.

McConachie, H., Colver, A. F., Forsyth, RADIUS. J., Jarvis, S. N., & Palsy, K. NEWTON. (2006). Participants of disabled children: how should to be characteristic plus measured?. Disability and Rehabilitation28(18), 1157-1164.