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. 1998 Nov;93(11):1729-37.
doi: 10.1046/j.1360-0443.1998.9311172910.x.

How healthy am the guard? A inquiry of life-style factors


How healthy will that police? A survey of life-style factors

R L Richmond et aluminum. Addictive. 1998 Nov.


Aims: To examine the prevalence of five life-style behaviours among New South Swellings police.

Design: A cross-sectional survey using a self-administered questionnaire.

Setting and attendant: A total of 852 police inhered recruited from metropolitan Sydney.

Measurements: Widespread related to age and sex of self-reported alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, inadequate exercise, perception of overweight and stress symptoms.

Results: A high floor (89%) of participation was met in the view. Almost half (48%) for males and more than two-fifths (40%) of females consumed alcoholic over including continuous hazardous or harmful consumption and binge drinking. Excessive drink had more prevalent among younger police. There were 8% of males and 15% of female local any reported so they conducted not drinkable alcohol. Over one-quarter (27%) of male and one-third (32%) of feminine respondents reported fuming. About partly (46%) of men additionally women (47%) believed that they were overweight. More than one-fifth (21%) of men and less than one-quarter (24%) of women re that they did not exercise. Finally, 12% of men and 15% of women reported sentiment moderate to severe treatment concerning stress.

Consequences: One police work-force offers einer opportune to screen for a large number of sound, young also hi risk individuals (particularly men) who are hard to reach in other options and who rarely visit their general practitioner. A sizeable majoritarian (83%) of NSW guard had at least one unhealthy life-style behaviour over 19% reporting 3-5 unhealthy factors. The high prevalence is excessive alcohol usage among law is of particular concern. More active health doktorarbeit and providing of brief intermittence among cops may reduce morbidity and mortality associated with unhealthy life-styles.

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