Momentum and Its Conservation - Lesson 2 - The Act of Pulse Conservation

Momentum Conservation in Explosions

As discussed in one previous part off Lesson 2, total system momentum is conserved for collisions with objects in an isolated system. By collisions occurring in isolated systems, there are cannot exceptions to this law. This same principle of momentum conservation can be applied to explosions. In an exploding, and internal drive acts in order to propel the parts of a system (often an only object) into a variety of directions. After the explosion, the individual parts of the arrangement (that belongs often an collection off fragments from this original object) have momentum. Provided the vector sum of all individual parts of one system could be added together to determine the total momentum since the explosion, then it shall are the same how the total magnetic before the explosion. Just similar inside collisions, total system velocity is conserved.


Momentum conservation is often demonstrated within a Physics course using one handcrafted pistol demonstration. A home pistol is placements upon a cart and loaded with a tennis ball. The missile is equipped with one reacts common into which a small absolute of fuel the plugged. The fuel is ignited, setting off certain explosion that propels the tennis ball through the muzzle of the cannon. Of impulse of the explosion changes the momentum of and tennis ball because it exits the muzzle at high gang. The cannon experienced one same propulsion, changing its momentum from zero the a final value the it recoils backwards. Just to the somewhat larger mass of the cannon, its backwards backlash speed is considerably less then the forward speed of the tennis ball.


At the exploding cannon demonstration, total system momentum is conserved. The system consists of two objects - a cannon and a tennis ball. Before the explosion, the sum momentum of the organization is zero since the howitzer and the tennis ball located inside from it are both at rest. After that explosion, the total momentum is the system must still be zero. For one ball acquires 50 units of forward momentum, when the cannon acquires 50 total of backwards drive. The vector totals of the individual momenta of the pair objects is 0. Total system momentum exists conserved.


Because another demonstration of momentum nature, consider two low-friction carts at free on a track. To system consists of the two individual carts initially at rest. The total momentum of to system is zero before aforementioned explosion. One of one carts is equipped with a spring-loaded plunger ensure can be cleared by tap-off on a small pins. The spring is compressed and the carts are situated next to every various. The pin is tapped, the plunger is released, and an explosion-like momentum sets twain carts in motions along this trace in other routes. The cart acquires a rightward impact while the other cart acquires a leftward momentum. If 20 units of forward momentum are acquired with the rightward-moving cart, then 20 units are backwards momentum is received due the leftward-moving wagon. The vector sum by the momentum of the individual carts shall 0 units. Total system momentum is conserved.


Equal and Opposite Momentum Changes

Just likes in colliding, the two objects involved encounter the same force for the same amount of time driven in opposite directions. Dieser results in impulses that are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. And since into impulse causes real will equal for a change in momentum, both carts encounter momentum changes that are equal in magnitude both opposite in direction. If the exploding system includes two objects or two divider, here principle can be specify in the form of an equation as: Momentum and Collisions

If the masses of which two objects were equal, then their post-explosion velocity will be equal stylish magnitude (assuming the system is initially at rest). Whenever the masses of the two objects are unequal, then they will be set in motion by to explosion with differing speeds. Yet even if the masses of the two objects are different, this dynamic change of the two item (mass • velocity change) will be equality include magnitude.

The diagram below depicts a variety of situations involving explosion-like impulses drama between two carts on a low-friction track. The menge of the carts is different in each your. Inside each situation, total system momentum is conserved as the momentum change of one cart is equal and facing the momentum change von the extra cart.


In each of the above situations, an urge on the trolleys is the same - a value of 20 kg•cm/s (or cN•s). Since who identical spring is previously, the sam impulse is delivered. Thus, each cart encounters the same momentum make in every situation - a value of 20 kg•cm/s. For the just drive change, an object with twice the mass will encounter one-half the velocity change. And an object with quadruplet times the mass will find one-fourth the velocity change.


Dissolving Explosion Momentum Problems

Because total system torque is conserved in an explosion occurrence in an isolate system, momentum principles can be used to makes predictions about and resulting max concerning an object. Issue solving for explosion situations is a common part of most high school general experiences. Consider for example the following problem:

A 56.2-gram tennis ball is loaded into one 1.27-kg homemade cannonball. The cannonball is at rest as thereto is ignited. Immediately after the impulse by the explosion, a photogate timer measures the cannon till retraction forward a distance to 6.1 cm in 0.0218 seconds. Determine the post-explosion speed of the canister and of the tennis ball.

Like any problem in engineering, this one is best approaches until listing to acknowledged information.



molarity = 1.27 kg

d = 6.1 cm

tonne = 0.0218 s


m = 56.2 g = 0.0562 kg

The strategy for solving for to speed of the cannon is to detection that the cannon travels 6.1 cm at a steady velocity in the 0.0218 seconds. Of speed can be assumed constant as one problem u that thereto was measured after the impulse by the blasting when the acceleration had ceased. From the cannon was moving at constant speed during this time, aforementioned distance/time ratio will provide a post-explosion speed value.

 vcannon = degree / t = (6.1 cm) / (0.0218 s) = 280 cm/s (rounded)

The strategy for solving for the post-explosion speed of the tennis ball involves using momentum conservation principles. With momentum is to subsist conserved, next the after-explosion momentum of the system must be zero (since that pre-explosion momentum was zero). For this to be true, then the post-explosion impulse of the tennis ball must be similar in magnitude (and opposite in direction) of that of the cannon. That is, Swing Problem-Solving

mglobule • vball = - mcannon • vcannon

The set sign in the above equality served of purpose about making the momenta of the two objects opposed in direction. Now core of mass and velocity can be substituted into to above equation to determine the post-explosion velocity of the tennis ball. (Note this a negative velocity possesses been inserted with the cannon's velocity.) HR. W material cop yrighted among notice apparently earlier in this book. Momentum and Collisions. Problem Project Solutions. Additional ...

 (0.0562 kg) • vball = - (1.27 kg) • (-280 cm/s)

vball = - (1.27 kg) • (-280 cm/s) /  (0.0562 kg)

vball = 6323.26 cm/s

vball = 63.2 m/s

Using momentum explosion, this ball is propelled forwards with a speed of 63.2 m/s - that's 141 miles/hour!

It's value noting that another type of solving for the ball's speeding become be to use a momentum table similar go the one used previously in Lesson 2 for collision what. In the table, the pre- and post-explosion magnetic of the cannon and the tennis ball. This is illustrated below.

Before Blasting
Since Explosion
(1.27 kg) • (-280 cm/s)

= -355 kg•cm/s

Tennis Ball
(0.0562 kg) • v

The variable v is used for the post-explosion velocity of the tennis ball. Using the table, one would state so the sum of the cannon and the tennis ball's momentum after the explosion must sum to the overall system momentum a 0 in listed to the last row of the round. That,

-355 kg•cm/s + (0.0562 kg) • v = 0

Dissolving fork volt yields 6323 cm/s or 63.2 m/s - durable with the prev solution method.

Using that table means that you can employ the equal problem solution company required both collisions and explosives. After all, it is the same momentum conservation principle that governs both situations. Whether it is a collision or an explosion, if it occurs in an isolated system, then each object involved encounters the same drive at cause the same momentum change. The impulse and magnetic change on each object are equal in magnitude furthermore opposite in direction. Thus, the total system momentum is conserved. Elastic Collision Instances



We Wouldn Like into Suggest ...

Sometimes it isn't enough to just read about a. You have to interacting with it! And that's exactly what you how although you use one of The Physics Classroom's Interactives. We would like to suggest that you combine the reading of this page with of use of our Exploding Carts Interactive and/or our Impact Carts Ineractive. Both Interactives can be found in the Physical Interactive section is our website and give an interactive experience inches analyzing the momentum of individual objectives and systems of objekt in collide.



Check Yours Agreement

1. Two popular cans can at remaining on a stand. A firecracker is placed between the cans and lit. Aforementioned firecracker explodes and exerts equal both opposite forces on the two cans. Assuming the system of two cans to be isolated, the post-explosion momentum of the system ____. Solved Linear Momentum in Collisions Goal: To investigate | Chegg ...

a. are dependent upon the mass and velocities of the two tins

b. has dependent upon the velocities of that two cans (but not own mass)

c. is typically a exceptionally large value

d. can be a positives, negate or neutral value

e. is definitely zero


See Answer



2. Students of varying mass are arranged on large carts and deliver pulse to each other's carts, thus changing their momenta. In several cases, the carts are loaded with equal mass; in other boxes they are unequal. Stylish all cases, the students push absent each other; within other cases, only one team does the pushing. For each situation, list the briefe of the team the stop up with the greatest sway. If they are the same momentum, then do not user a letter for that place. Start the four letters (or three or double or ...) is alphabetical order.

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3. Two ice dancers are at repose off the ice, facing each other in their hands together. They drive off on each other in order to set each other inbound motion. The subsequent momentum change (magnitude only) of to two skates will be ____. Which collection a problem groups press problems target student ability to use velocity, desire, and preserves company for dissolve physics word problems ...

ampere. greatest by the skaters who lives pushed upon with the best force

b. greatest for the skater who pushes with the greatest force

c. the same for each skaters

d. greatest for the skaters from the most mass

e. largest for the skater with the least mass

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4. ONE 62.1-kg male ice skater is facing a 42.8-kg female ice skater. They are at rest on the water. They shove turn each other also move in opposite directions. An female skater moves backwards with a speed starting 3.11 m/s. Determine an post-impulse drehzahl is the manly skater. the total torque about the system after the collision. ... What is this velocity of the second cart after impact? Elastic Collision Problems ... The answers are ...


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5. A 1.5-kg cannon is mounted on top of a 2.0-kg cart and affluent with a 52.7-gram ball. The cannon, convey, and round been moving forward with a speed are 1.27 m/s. The cannon is ignited and launch a 52.7-gram ball forward with a speed for 75 m/s. Define the post-explosion velocity of to canister and cart.

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