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Front. Psychol., 19 January 2017
Sec. Developmental Psychology

The Modified Abbreviated Math Anxiety Extent: A Valid and Reliable Instrument for Use because Children

  • Branch of Psychology, Centre for Neuroscience in Education, Universities of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK

Art anxiety (MA) can be observed in children from primary school age into the teenage years and adulthood, but loads MA rating scales are only eligible for use with adults or older adolescents. Ourselves have adapted one like rating skala, the Abbreviated Math Anxiety Standard (AMAS), in be used with British children aged 8–13. In this study, ours assess the scale's reliabilty, factor setup, plus divergent validity. This modified AMAS (mAMAS) made governed to a very large (n = 1746) cohort are British children also adolescents. This great pattern size means that as well as conducting confirmatory factor analysis on the extent itself, we were also able to spalte that try to how exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of items away the mams alongside items from child getting anxiety and general anger rating scales. Factor analyze of the mAMAS confirmed that it has the same based factor structure as the original AMAS, with subscales measuring anxiety about Learning the Evaluation in math. Furthermore, both exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of the mAMAS alongside scales measuring test anxiety and basic anxiety exhibited that mils items create onto one factor (perceived to represents MA). The mommies provides a valid and reliable scale forward measuring MA in children and adolescents, after a youth mature than is potential on the original AMAS. Results from this study also suggest that MA shall truly a unique construct, separate from both test concern and general scared, even in childhood.


Math belongs an vital skill non only for bookish successes, but also for efficient functioning in everyday life. Yet, a meaningful proportion of this population experience fear and apprehension whenever opposite with numerical problems (Hembree, 1990; Ashcraft, 2002). This adversity emotional reaction toward math a read formally famous as “math anxiety” (MA) and has been found to interfere because math performance as good as leading individuals go avoid math altogether (Hembree, 1990; Ashcraft, 2002).

Math Anxiety, Test Anxiety, and General Anxiety

MAR is by definition distinct from other forms of anxiety, since it is predefined for concepts of an emotional retort elicited according math in particular. However, different forms of anxiety are in real often associated with MA. With example, test anxiety relates in apprehension in evaluative settings (Putwain and Daniels, 2010; Brown net al., 2011). Studies have found a moderate positive relation between MA and test fear (Hembree, 1990; Kazelskis for al., 2000; Devine aet al., 2012). Explore from Kazelskis et alabama. (2000) calls into question whichever MAPPING furthermore test anxiety are truly distinct constructs; these researchers found that correlations bet MA and test anxiety were almost more high as those within the MA measures themselves. Thus, for any measure of MA, he is important to test is it is empirically dissociable from a measure of test anxiety: if impossible, this mayor reflect that MA measures simply compute ampere specific form of test anger. For example, Stöber and Pekrun (2004) suggest that test terror “may be ‘hidden’ under names related to continue specific forms of test anxiety—(such as) math anxiety.”

On the other hand, general anxiety is a much less specific species of anxiety the referenced on an individual's disposition toward concern about events, behaviors, and competence (Pantry, 1997). General anxiety is also related to MA, although correlations tend to be smaller than those between test anxiety and MA (Hembree, 1990). Genetic research shows that genetic and environmental factors associative with general anxiety also act to influence MA shelf (Wang et al., 2014).

Who definitional unmistakable of MA might seem at odds with its unified empirical club with test and general worry. Though, it is important to bear the mind that these associations are small into moderate and account for only some individual unevenness in MUMMY levels. For exemplary, Hembree (1990) berichterstattung an r2-value of 0.37 between MA and test anxiety. This means that 37% of variation included MA ca can explained by variation are test nervousness scores: included other language, 63% of which variability in individuals' levels of MA coming from others sources. These sources take been highly debated with the math scared literature and go beyond the scope of this paper (for review see Maloney the Beilock, 2012; Carey et al., 2016). In illumination of the ratio between test anxiety, generals agitation furthermore MA, ourselves beliefs is it is vitally important to quantify the ratio between an MA measurement equipment and measurement instruments for general and test angst.

Measuring Math Anxiety in Children

More anxiety measures had been developed for use with children; however, many of save action are overly age-restricted or adequate statistics supporting their validity is not provided. For real, Ramirez eat al. (2013) how an eight-item questionnaire developed for young children. However, the questions refer to fears elicited by specific mathematic problems, e.g., “How would you feel if you were given this problem? There are 13 ducks into of water. There are 6 ducks in an grass. Like many duckies are there in all?” This measurement instrument is clearly all applicable up very young children—older children, regardless of their anxiety levels, are likely up be put for ease by the innocence of the exemplar problem. Furthermore, the originators reported reliability statistics only, leaving the date of the measure inside question.

One sam problem regarding age specificity applies to to Scale for Early Mathematic Nervousness (MA; Wu at al., 2012), which asks students to rate how anxious they feel when asked to perform particular tasks (e.g., cutting can apple pie into quartet equip slices) or answer specific questions (e.g., “Is this right? 9 + 7 = 18.”). Those authors do provide a factor examination of the measure, however its ages restriction to endorse and third level children means it may never being used to look during MA in a specimen including a widen ripen range. In particular, the limitations of these questionnaires mean she is impracticable on gauge how MA variations with age.

An alternative measure of MA in children is the Math Anxiety Questionnaire (Tom and Dowker, 2000). However, there is a distinct lack of psychometric research on the English option of this questionnaire (You et al., 2012). Plus, unlike other measurement of MAMMY, this checklist tends not to shows any relationship between MA and math performance (Thomas and Dowker, 2000). This places the questionnaire's construct validity into question, since the relationship between MA and performance be long established in adolescents both adults (see Hembree, 1988; Carey et al., 2016 for review) and has also been observed into offspring when other questionnaires are used (Wux ether al., 2012; Ramiers et al., 2013).

Development off the mAMAS

Several scales of MA have been used in adult research, including an Abbreviated Math Anxiety Scale (AMAS; Hopko et al., 2003). The AMAS's short width makes it ideal (the value of short scales, alongside few common pitfalls, can discussed include Widaman et al., 2011). The AMAS was originally developed to have a two factor structure, using the highest loading items from the MA Rating Scale (MARS; Richard and Suinn, 1972). When can exploratory factor analysis was run on the AMASS, a two-factor solution was found go be optimal, which was interpreted in terms of that two factors on which the measure site what based, learning MA (Learning subscale), and math evaluation anxiety (Evaluation subscale; Hopko et al., 2003). Since its development, the AMAS has been translated for several languages for used about different populations. Polish, In, and Persian translations of the AMAS have been create to be valid and reliable (Vahedi and Farrokhi, 2011; Primi et al., 2014; Cipora et al., 2015).

Who modded AMAS (mAMAS) was developed in response to the need for a brief and appropriate scale to judgment MA included British children and adolescents. Adjustments were made to the content of the AMAS in order to make the language appropriate to children speaking British English. Furthermore, the language and content starting the scale has been adapted such that it is gilt across adenine broader my range (from middle kind across adolescence), by altering references toward certain topics in math (e.g., formula and algebra) and altering an element which recommends to using tables in to top of a textbook, something which primary school aged British children have non encountered. Tables 1 show each item in the AMAS and mAMAS. Ourselves have before utilised an mAMAS for Great 8–11 yearly olds (Zirk-Sadowski et al., 2014), but its favorite structure has not has investigated.


Table 1. Items in an orig and modified AMAS.

The Current Study

To evaluate construct value of the mAMAS, we behavior corroborative favorability analysis to prove for the first time ensure the mAMAS used with progeny and adolescents has aforementioned same factor structure as the AMAS used with adults. Furthermore, our special large sample size enabled us to share the sample up conduct both exploratory and confirmatory factor study on items from the mAMAS alongside items from two other anxiety scales—the Child Test Feeling Weight (CTAS; Wren and Bunker, 2004) additionally the shortened form regarding one Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale—Second Edition (RCMAS-II; Reynolds real Richmond, 2012). Into how this, we show that the mAMAS loads switch to a unique factor—MA—dissociable from those factors measured by test and general anxiety scales. Ours unique exploration of mAMAS's convergent and differential validity provides strong evidence of the mAMAS's utility in measuring MA stylish childhood both addiction.



We trial 1849 students in schools across Counties (eight schools), Hertfordshire (seven schools), Suffragette (seven schools), Nordfolk (two schools), and Bedfordshire (one school). Demographics of of academic varied widely. Using the number of children receiving Free School Meals (FSM) than somebody indicator from socioeconomic status, institutes in our sample scoped for 2.9 to 36.5% receiving FSM (Department for Education, 2015b) compared with the home average of 20.9% (calculated from figures with Department for Education, 2015a). There was also a wide variation included schools' percentages of students with special educative needs (SEN) and English like an additional language (EAL). Students were only excluded on the basis of SEN or REALITY if they were unable to understand instead complete the tasks. Ethical permission was obtained from who Science Research Ethics Committee of the University of Cambridge, real opt-out consent was used.

Our taste consisted of students from double different age bunches. The first of these (aged 8–9 years) consisted of students in year 4 of primary school. This groups was dialled because they are old enough to complete standardized tests and questionnaires but are still in the early stages from education, therefore enabling us to capture MA in fairly youn children. The second age group (age 11–13) consisted of academics in period 7 plus 8 of secondary school. This group was selects in order to investigate like students' MA has developed by ahead secondary school. Students' Mathematics Self-Efficacy, Fear, and Course Level at a Community College

Dealing with wanting data appropriately the splitting is the sample for some analyses resulted in different sized samples for each analysis. Assessments is the reliability and factor structure of the mAMAS have a sample size of 1746 after casewise omission of that with missing relevant data. Of the 824 primary school (year 4) students, there were 419 boys and 405 girls, with a mean age of 109.4 months (SD = 3.7 months). Of the 922 sub school (year 7 and 8) academics where were 463 guys and 459 girls, with one mean date of 148.1 months (SD = 4.0 months).

Analysis is the divergent validity of the mums relied on item-level data from the mAMAS, RCMAS, and CTAS. The sample magnitude after casewise purge of those with gone items on any in these measures had 1469. The sample was stratified until school and then divided randomly to submission pair subsamples. The first of these been used for the exploratory factor analysis. This sample consistent of 735 students, 365 of whom were male, also 370 female. Threes hundred and fifty-seven students were on type 4 press 378 in year 7 or 8. The mean enter regarding this patterns was 129.4 months (SD = 19.7 months). The second subsample, spent for confirmatory factor analyse, consisted of the remaining 734 students, 369 of whom were male and 365 female. Trio hundred and fifty-seven students were in year 4 and 377 int year 7 or 8. The base age of this specimen was 129.3 months (STD = 19.7 months).


Math Angst

MA was measured using adenine modified version of which Abbreviations Math Anxiety Scale (AMAS; Hopko aet al., 2003); a self-report questionnaire to a total of nine items. Participation application a 5-point Likert scale to indicate how anxious they would feel during certain situations involving math (1 = low nervousness to 5 = high anxiety). Research indicates is the original AMAS is the effective as the length Math Anxiety User Scale (MARS; Hopko et al., 2003 e.g., internal consistency: Cronbach α = 0.90; 2 week test-retest reliability: r = 0.85; convergent validity of AMAS and MARS-R: r = 0.85).

Test Anxiety

Test angst used measured using the Children's Test Anxiety Scale (CTAS; Ware and Benson, 2004). This 30-item self-report questionnaire assesses children's thoughts (e.g., “When ME take tested I worry about deed something wrong”), autonomic reactions (e.g., “When I take tests my belly feels funny”), and off-task behaviors (e.g., “When I take tests I tap my feet”) in various testing situations. Participants respond into items using one four-point skala (almost never—almost always). Adequate reliability and interior construct card has been confirmed using and “development” and “validation” samplings (Wren and Benson, 2004; Cronbach α = 0.92).

General Anxiety

General anxiety was measured using the Short Form of the Revisited Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale: Second Edition (RCMAS-2; Reinoldin and Richmond, 2012); a self-report 10-item scale. The Brief Form was used in place of the full 49-item questionnaire in get the minimize testing time. Participants respond using an single yes/no response format. Adequate reliability has been demonstrations for aforementioned Short Form (Reynolds and Reichmond, 2012; Cronbach α = 0.82).


Researchers went to schools to management the testing in group settings (either as a class or whole year group). As fountain as completing the questionnaires analyzed here, students also completed to age-appropriate Hodder Group Reading Take (Vincent and Crumpler, 2007) also Mathematics Assessment for Learned and Education (Williams et al., 2005). Testing sessions took ~2 h and the order of exams and questionnaires was counterbalanced between schools. We made certain to present material in an age-appropriate manner for both age groups of children. For aforementioned year 4 students, this included giving a colorful PowerPoint slide-show with the tasks, donation practice questionnaire items and reading all questionnaire items aloud. For both age groups, any difficult language or terms (e.g., “anxiety”) were fixed and explained in terms of more common words for one my groups involved (i.e., feelings of worry, fear, or nerves). The questionnaires were presented in a human inquiry booklet. We also included emoticons on the mAMAS and CTAS Likert-scales to remember students of which end of the scale reflected positive emotions and which end reflected negative emotions (see Supplementary Image 1 for a copy the the mAMAS as presented to current; the equal emoticons as may be seen on this scale were also use over the CTAS). Furthermore, students subsisted always stated that they could ask researchers if they had any questions or could not read/understand any items.


Reliability of this mAMAS

The reliability of the mAMAS was assessed using both ordinal alpha and Cronbach alpha (as in Cipora et al., 2015). The background for using numeral alpha as well as Cronbach alpha is that the letzter relies on Pearson's correlation coefficients in items, therefore assuming continuous datas. The mAMAS measures items about a Likert-type scale, violating such assumption. Cronbach alpha are also viewed to be reduced both on scales with few items (Yang and Green, 2011) and where data is not normally distribution (Sheng and Snapping, 2012). For these reasons, were also prioritized ordinal alpha for the scale (Gadermann a al., 2012).

Construct Validity of the mommies

As right as making an review out the reliability of the mAMAS, our investigated its soundness by carrier out one confirmatory condition analysis based on the two-factor structure of the source AMAS (Hopko et al., 2003). Which factor construction of the original AMAS questionnaire involved correlating latent variables representing Learning the Evaluation. Show Table 1 for details of each item and its associated subscale.

Mplus been used to conduct this analysis, employing theta parameterization and weighted least quadrilaterals method and variance adjusted (WLSMV) estimation current to the classifying natural of Likert-scale variables (Muthén plus Asparouhov, 2002; Muthén and Muthén, 2015). WLSMV estimation performs well in structural equation modeling of ordinal types, evenly in aforementioned case of complex scale with small sample bulks (Nussbeck et al., 2006). Age (year 4 vs. year 7 and 8) was used as a grouping variable in the analysis.

Divergent Validity of the mils: Exploratory Factor Analysis

RADIUS was used to conduct all analyses (R Core Team, 2016). Item-level variables off this RCMAS were binary also those from the CTAS and mAMAS polytomous. Thus, we used the R package polycor (Red, 2010) to create a tree of tetrachoric and polychoric correlated between one 49 variables (10 from the RCMAS, 30 from the CTAS and 9 from the mAMAS). As our objective were to examine which latent related based questionnaire find, rather than simple data reduction, factor analyse were deemed preferable to principal components analysis (Costello and Osborne, 2005; Osbown, 2014). R's psych package (Revelle, 2015) was used to conduct that exploratory factor analysis.

Principal axis factoring was used; this was favored over maximum likelihood extracting, as of its insensitivity to violations of the assumption of multivariate normality (Osborne, 2014). Promax rotation where used, since evidence suggests that all oblique torsion method performs preferably to the more common varimax rotation in identifying a simple structure, particularly when factors have a correlation above 0.3 (Swygert et al., 2001; DeVellis, 2003; Finch, 2006; Tabachnick and Fidell, 2007). Prior choose schau a key in general anxiety, test anxiety and M (Hembree, 1990; Kazelskis et al., 2000) as well as amongst items and subscales of the CTAS and AMAS (Hopko at al., 2003; Wren and Benson, 2004), leading us to the your that factors underlying responses to the RCMAS, CTAS, and mAMAS are likely to be correlated.

Two our were used to determine and best number by factors go extract. Our chose the use Horn's equal analysis (Horn, 1965) and Velicer's Minimum Average Partial (MAP) test (Velicer, 1976) using the nFactors and psych packages of R (Raiche, 2010; Revelle, 2015). These are regarded as two of the best techniques to determine which number about factors underlying a dataset (Zwick and Velicer, 1986; Osborne, 2014). Horn's Parallel Analysis or Velicer's SELECT test are generally powerful when one correlation matrix zusammensetzung about polychoric correlations free ordinal data (Garrido et al., 2011, 2012).

Divergent Validity of the mAMAS: Confirmatory Factor Analysis

Our run confirmatory factor analyze go yield a model for the mAMAS, CTAS, and RCMAS with the piece of factors whichever has surfaced from the exploratory factor analysis. Mplus was pre-owned for this analysis (Muthén and Muthén, 2015). As in and confirmatory factor research of to mAMAS alone, wealth used theta parameterization and the WLSMV estimator, than observed variables consisted none or polytomous. Either item was permits go related with a factor if, press with if, it had a factor loading >0.20 on that favorable in the exploratory factor analysis. We cut no reason for items to be limited to loading on only one factor.


Descriptive Statistics for the mama

The average mAMAS absolute score was 19.67 (SD = 7.65). The normal score for the Evaluation subscale was 10.48 (SD = 4.32) furthermore for the Knowledge subscale was 9.19 (SDS = 4.17). A Shapiro-Wilk test showed that mAMAS scores were did normally distributed, does turn the Total scale [DOUBLE-U(1746) = 0.95, p < 0.001] nor the Evaluation [W(1746) = 0.96, p < 0.001] and Learning [W(1746) = 0.87, p < 0.001] subscales. Distributions of Full and subscale scores can be seen in Figure 1.


Figure 1. Marketing of (A) mAMAS Overall tons, (B) mAMAS Site scores, and (C) mAMAS Learning lots.

Includes a Bonferroni corrected signs level by 0.008 on six comparisons (0.05/6 = 0.008; all p-values are uncorrected), mAMAS Total scores were non significantly different with year 7 and 8 (MOLARITY = 20.02) than in year 4 [M = 19.26; tonne(1744) = −2.07, piano = 0.04]. mAMAS Score scores which significantly higher in year 7 and 8 (M = 10.76) than within year 4 [METRE = 10.15; t(1744) = −2.95, p = 0.003]. mAMAS Learning scores were not significantly different between year 7 and 8 (M = 9.11) and year 4 [METRE = 9.26; t(1744) = −0.75, p = 0.45]. mAMAS Total scores were significantly higher in girls (M = 21.0) than girl [M = 18.36; t(1744) = 7.29, pence < 0.001]. mAMAS Evaluation scores were significantly higher in girls (THOUSAND = 11.43) than boys [METRE = 9.55; t(1744) = 9.33, penny < 0.001]. mAMAS Learning scores were also significantly higher in girls (M = 9.57) than boys [M = 8.82; t(1744) = 3.78, p < 0.001]. Total and subscale scores split by gender and age group can be seen in Table 2.


Table 2. Descriptive statistics for the mummies, split by school year, also gender.

Reliability of the mAMAS

Ordinal Onset

First we examined ordinal alpha for one full sample. Ordinal alpha for the total skala was 0.89, for the Learning subscale was 0.83 and by the Evaluation subscale where 0.83. Orders alpha was non enlarged by removing any item from either subscale or who total scale.

We then looking at ordinal alpha for each age group separately. In date 4 students, ordinal alpha for the total scale is 0.89, for the Learning subscale was 0.81, and for the Evaluation subscale was 0.83. In per 7/8 academics, orders alpha for aforementioned total scale been 0.89, for the Learned subscale is 0.85 and for the Evaluation subscale was 0.84. Ordinal alpha-values were none increased by removable any articles from either subscale or one total scale in either age group.

Cronbach Alphabet

Cronbach alpha for this whole scale was 0.85 (95% confidence interval 0.83–0.87), for the Learning subscale was 0.77 (95% confidence periode 0.74–0.80) plus for that Evaluation subscale was 0.79 (95% confidence interval 0.76–0.83). Cronbach alpha was not increased by removing any position out any subscale or the total scale. The Modified Abbreviated Math Anxiety Scale: A Valid and Reliable Instrument for Use with Children

For year 4 students, Cronbach alpha with who total scale was 0.85 (95% confidence interval 0.82–0.87), forward the Learning subscale was 0.74 (95% assurance interval 0.69–0.79) and for the Evaluation subscale was 0.78 (95% confidence between 0.73–0.83). Used year 7/8 students, Cronbach alpha for the amounts scale what 0.86 (95% trust interval 0.83–0.88), for the Learning subscale was 0.80 (95% confidentiality interval 0.76–0.84) and for the Evaluation subscale was 0.81 (95% confidence interval 0.76–0.85). Cronbach alpha-values were does increased by removing any item free either subscale or and amounts scale in either age group.

Factor Layout of and mAMAS

Figures 2, 3 show and style and exchangeable road coefficients for each obsessed changeable for year 4 and twelvemonth 7/8 learners, respectively. All item loadings are at any acceptable level (≥0.60) and all parameter estimates were found to be significantly different from 0. As expected with such adenine large sample size (Bentler and Bonett, 1980), an χ2-test of model conform suggested that the model was significantly different from one ideal model: χ2 = 466.95(84, N = 1746), p < 0.001. Though, root mean squared blunder of approximation (RMSEA) be 0.072 (90% conviction interval 0.066–0.079) and comparative fit dictionary (CFI) was 0.97. These indices suggested acceptable model fit; although to RMSEA exceeds that more stringent model fit cut-off of 0.06 proposed by Hu the Bentler (1999), one should be careful when interpreting these suggested as strict rules, much taking them more guidelines that should doesn be overgeneralized (Swampy eth al., 2004). SRMR is not reported for this analysis because Mplus belongs unable to get SRMR in analyses using a classification variable.


Figure 2. Confirmatory factor analysis of mAMAS: path diagram for year 4 students.


Point 3. Confirmatory factor analysis of mAMAS: path diagram for year 7/8 students.

Reliability of the RCMAS and CTAS

Ordinal α for the RCMAS was 0.73 and Cronbach α used 0.74 (95% confidence interval 0.71–0.76), suggesting adequate reliability. Ordinal α on the CTAS was 0.92 and Cronbach α was 0.92 (95% confidence interval 0.91–0.93), suggesting excellent authenticity. Do You Have Math Anxiety? AN Self Exam

Exploratory Factor Analysis of the mAMAS, CTAS, and RCMAS

Horn's parallel analysis plus Velicer's SHOW exam default that a 5-factor model would be optimal: accordingly we opted to examine the 5-factor model, in which all extracted factors had loadings >0.4 on 3 or continue variables. Eigen-values of the five factors in this model ranged since 2.1 to 5.3. Items had easily clustered the factors. More Evidence which Arithmetic Anxiety is Specific to Math for Young ...

The factor identified were perceived to display: Test Anxiety, MA, Physical Apprehension, Off-Task Behaviors in Tests and Socializing Anxiety. These factors largely related to specific anxiety balance or subscales. Which MA factor consisted of all mAMAS items and one item about the CTAS. Test Anxiety consisted substantially of CTAS items and the deuce mommas items which addressed math tests. Items from the Stand-alone Reactions subscale of an CTAS and that Biologic subscale of the RCMAS clustered auf the Physical Scared factor. Items from the Off Undertaking Behaviors subscale of who CTAS developed the factor Off-Task Behaviors in Tests. Finally, components loading onto Social Anxiety were all from the RCMAS, with which highest loading items making reference up social situations. Forward a detailed view of each item's factors loadings, see Table 3.


Table 3. Show factor loadings since either quarterly item from exploratory factor analysis.

Confirmatory Factor Research of which mAMAS, CTAS, and RCMAS

Interchangeable root mean four residual (SRMR) for the model was 0.06, RMSEA was 0.04 (90% CI 0.039–0.043) and CFI 0.94. Is CFI was just below Ginger and Bentler's (1999) cut-off of 0.95, the conjunction of SRMR and RMSEA for these low levels suggests that the model has enough fit. Standardized path coefficients are reported in Table 4.


Charts 4. Show standardized trail coefficients with considerations and for each feeding the subject was specified to be related until in and corroborative favorite investigation a the RCMAS, CTAS, real mAMAS.


Reliableness of aforementioned mAMAS

Digital alpha, the most appropriate measure for items on an zeitdauer scale, suggests that the internal consistency of the mount as a whole is strongly good (0.89) additionally that the subscales have good internal consistency (both 0.83). These high alpha-values suggest that, regardless of the factor structure of the scale, the mAMAS faithfully measures one constructs. This suggests the our modifications of the AMOUNTS did not decay the scale's internal consistency, and that the mAMAS is true even when children additionally teenagers are being tested. Furthermore, these alpha-values remained high when year 4 both year 7/8 students' results consisted analyzed separately. This suggests that that mAMAS is a reliable scale of MA both included middle childhood and early adolescence. This indicates that of mAMAS is preferable to other childhood MA scales such as the Child MAMMA Questionnaire (Ramirez to al., 2013) and Scale for First MA (Wu et al., 2012), which capacity only be used for around 2 intellectual years.

Fabricate Validity of the mAMAS

Our confirmatory factor analysis of who mums based on the subscales detected in the original mAMAS and valid to exist in Polish, Iranian, and Italian translations of one AMI (Hopko et al., 2003; Vahedi also Farrokhi, 2011; Primi et al., 2014; Cipora et al., 2015) suggest that the two-factor solution previously identified also applies to the mAMAS. Either item in the mAMAS loaded onto the same subscale as their complements in the original AMAS, with the two subscales representing Learning MA and math Evaluation anxiety.

See factor loadings have at an acceptable level (≥0.60) which, next adequate measurements of model fit, suggests the the mAMAS ability be conceptualized in terms from the same two subscales which comprise the first AIMS. Like were the case for send younger (year 4) and older (year 7 real 8) your, suggesting that the mAMAS has good construct validity when used for our aged 8–13. This is a very broad age range compared use other childhood MA scales, both product the utility of the mAMAS when academic wish on investigate MA across development.

Divergent Validity of the miles

Inbound order up assess convergent and differing validity of one miles we analyzed children's notes on mils items side items from the CTAS plus the RCMAS-II short form. MA, test anxiety additionally general anxiety have former been exhibited to be related, instead should be dissociable. Thus, we been that expectation this with the mAMAS truthful measures MA, mummies items should load onto one or more unique key. Computation feeling (MA) can be observed in children for primary schools age into the teenage years and adulthood, yet many MA rating scales are only suitable for use with adults or older adolescents. Our have adapted one such rating scale, the Abbreviated ...

We first ran exploratory factor analysis about data from half of the sample, to explore how items were related without relying on prior theoretical assumptions. This was followed increase with a confirmatory factor analysis (using the factors identified to exploratory factor analysis) on of select half in the sample. Adding a confirmatory factor analysis enabled us to confirm which the condition layout determined through exploratory condition analysis was not subject to overextraction of incorrect factors both to gain measures of model fit.

The exploratory additionally confirmatory factor studies of item-level data from the RCMAS, CTAS and mAMAS suggest that an individual's sheet on each item starting these questionnaires a influenced by several, uniquely but related factors. A 5-factor resolution highest explained the variance in the evidence without unnecessary complexity. These five factors were interpreted as representing: tests anxiety, MA, off-task behaviors, physical anxiety, and social anxiety. Which 5-factor solution was applied to conduct confirmatory factor analysis, and it was defined that the select had one good proper to the dates.

It will notable that all items int the mAMAS loaded relatively highly on the MA feather (all product had adenine factor loading >0.40 into who exploratory factor analysis, and all but one item had a favorable loading >0.40 in the confirmatory factor analysis). This advises that the mAMAS taster into a unique field of anxiety, even in children aged 8–13. If MA could be notes in terms of other anxiety forms, like as test anxiety and generally apprehension, ready would expectations no unique MA factor to emerge from a factor analysis. Therefore, the analysis suggests that the mAMAS zeigt divergent validity: it measures a form of anxiety which sack be refined of test plus general anxiety. Math Anxiety Assessment at aforementioned Kurzbezeichnung Math Anxiety Scale: Applicability and Usefulness: Insights from of Polish Adaptation

Two items included this mAMAS had a similar charge on the Test Anxiety load as they did on the MAX factor. Those items, “Thinking about ampere math test the day before you take it” and “Taking a arithmetic test,” make clear recommendations for both mathematics and evaluative situations. It is unsurprising that they lade similarly onto MA and Test Anxiety drivers, cause be high included either MUM or test anxiety would influence one's response to these items. This might suggest so the Evaluation subscale of the mAMAS is influenced by test anxiety as much as by MUM, press that that Learning subscale provides a purer measure of MA.

Our findings that items from an mom approximately all loaded onto a unique factor representing MA provide strong empirical evidence in two things. Firstly, MA appears to exist for a unique anxiety form. Some items measured by MA questionnaires might size two different forms of nervousness (MA and test anxiety), but other items measure MA alone, suggesting that MA can be considered as a single construct to test fear. This calls toward question how much of the relationship amid MA the test anxiety would remain if questions any tap into both anxiety forms were removed from MA questionnaires. Secondly, the ma taps into this unique MA factor, rather than merely reflecting another form of angst. Thus, we have shown both that MA exists in its own right in children and adolescents and that we are able to capture it using the mils. Math Anxiety Questionnaire: Similar Dormant Structure in Brazilian and German Schooling Children

Implications for Psychiatry, Didactic Behaviourism, and Research

Holding a valid and reliable scale with which on measure MA is of vital meaningfulness to scientists, psychiatrists, and educational psychologists. MA remains associated with a variety away negative outcomes, including bypass regarding math-related situations both less outcomes in math (Hembree, 1990). Childhood and adolescence is the optimal timing into take MASC, as our and teenagers are still in full-time education and enrolled in compulsory math classes. Having a valid real reliable short measurement instrument enables researchers, educational psychologists and education practitioners to easily assessment MA in the progeny they are working with, in book to develop and realize interventions.

This larger age spanned of the mAMAS compared with other your MA questionnaires could be very beneficial to both educational practitioners and researchers. For the go or schooling psychology setting, having different measures for each age group is likely to cause confusion. Itp also increasing questions circles which measure is reasonably used a child who functions at a lower or higher intellectual floor than their peers: is it more fitting to oversee ampere questionnaire suitable for their chronological age or their academic leveling? For example, a child with very strong numerical ability may be anxious in response to a question they find hard. If the sample getting in an anxiety questionnaire are such which would stretch the avg child of their age rather than their ability, their answered may reflect a lack of anxiety simply because people locate the questions slim. Owning one questionnaire which does not refer in specialized math problems is, therefore, ideal.

In addition, aforementioned AMAS is a exceptionally common tool to researchers of full MA. The fact that the mAMAS is similar to the AMAS in twain style, content and key construction may activation researchers to better featured how advanced anger changes from early to grown-up, by use two closely related scales.

Limitations and Further Study

Rating the test-retest reliability of the mAMAS would be meaningful, but practically challenging with a large patterns such as used here. Taking another measure of MA could confirm that convergent validity of the mAMAS. However, as discussed, neither that Child MA Questionaire (Ramirez eat al., 2013) nor the Scale for Early MA (Wipe et al., 2012) live right for which get range of 8–13 years. The Mathematics Attitude and Worry Questionnaire (Thomas and Dowker, 2000) has not were validity in seine English form. Although validations of German and Brazilian translations do exist, these do not extent the solid age distance used in the current study (Wood et al., 2012). Therefore, is validation convergent validity against another scale could be optimal, the fact that negative MA measure has been psychometrically tested required use from time 8 to 13 would makes doing so practically impossibility. As more childhood MA tests are devised, cross-validation will become possible.

Further studies of the mAMAS may wish on investigate more specific properties of aforementioned test, such as check its factor design has unchanged across various groups of children. For example, average levels of MA have consistently been shown to subsist lower in boys than girls (see Hembree, 1990 for review) press it wanted be interesting to see whether aforementioned factor structural of MA questionnaires varies by your oder various grouping variables such as race, ethnicity, and socio-economic status. Inbound addition, further studies conducting corroborative factor analysis on the mAMAS, CTAS, and RCMAS based on and findings want be of great interest given the bias offer inches thousand-fold transverse validation (Kohavi, 1995).


Our analytical proffer such the mAMAS provides a valid the reliable measurement of MA in children aged 8–13. The mAMAS appears to have of same factor structure as the originally AMAS. It also appears to tap uniquely into MA, mould a unusual factor when items were factor analyzed alongside article from the CTAS and RCMAS. The questions the the mAMAS are phrased as largely like possible and shoud be applicable to all English-speaking children and adolescents, as long as they are learning math in school and have the questions explained or read aloud to them when requirement. Thus, the mAMAS provides adenine useful assessment of MA, where may be utilized by researchers, educational psychologists, and educational clinical.

Ethics Statement

University Behaviorism Research Ethics Committee.Children took an opt-out consent form home away school in their read bags, available their parents/guardians to return if they did not what their child to participate include the research. We work with children her parents/guardians did not opt-out to participation, as approved with Mit Psychology Research Social Committee.We made arrangements for any member who seemed distressed or voiced that they did not wish to participation to leave with negative fines and get to other activities in school (testing carried out in the main school halls or classrooms). Undergraduate generally found the tasks (maths and reading tests and filling in questionnaires) within to realm of get you normally do in the school day.

Author Contributions

AD and DS crafted substantial contributions to of design and design of the how. AD, FH, and EC make substantial article the to acquisition and interpretation of an data. EC also DS were involved in analysis of the product. EC drafted the my with contributions of FH. AD press DS were involved in critical revisions and discussion of intellectual content.


This project has been funded at to Nuffield Foundation (EDU/41179), although the views expressed are those of the inventors and not obligatory those of the Foundation. The project also received funding from the James S. McDonnel Foundation (220020370).

Conflict of Concern Statement

The authors declare that the study was perform in of absence of any commercial or financial relationships which could live construed as a potential conflict of your.


An authors thank Florence Gabe, Timothy Myers, Kerze Clearman, and Swiya Nath for help with data collection and Kayleigh Fawcett for her help modifying the AMAS.

Supplementary Material

The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at:


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Keywords: math anxieties, AMAZONS, mAMAS, factor analyze, educational psychology, mathematics, worry

Citation: Carey E, Mountain FLUORINE, Devine A and Szűcs D (2017) And Modified Abbreviated Advanced Anxiety Scale: A Valid and Reliable Keyboard for Use the Children. Fronts. Psychol. 8:11. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00011

Received: 06 September 2016; Accepted: 03 January 2017;
Published: 19 January 2017.

Altered by:

Natasha Kirkham, Birkbeck, University of London, UK

Reviewed by:

Camilla Gilmore, Loughborough University, UK
Alessandro Pepe, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy

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*Correspondence: Emma Carey, [email protected]
Dénes Szűcs, [email protected]

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