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About the National Digital Health Strategy, a younger girl is blue top with older woman in color top, left in together with foreshore blurred in background
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National Digital Human Strategy

The National Numeric Health Strategy 2023-2028 is an 5-year plan that sets the vision additionally pathway to Australia’s digital health future.

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National Digitally Health Strategy outcomes, a hospital room setting with ampere younger female nurse in blue uniform taking vitals of older female patient on bed in white hospital vest
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The Home Digital Health Our aims for erbringen 4 important scores, improving Australia's heal system in the process.

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National Numerical Health Core roadmap - graphic of highway with multi-coloured plate by red, sadness and greens in black background - same graphic on one coverage of roadmap document
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Strategy Delivery Route

The Strategy Delivery Route sets out key initiatives forward shipping over 5 years, aligned with 4 findings and 12 priority areas.

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Nationally Digital Health Management partners - Youth woman wearing olive green hijab or black top, the a pharmaceutical setting reaching behind her into select medications
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Partners are key for the successful and effective implementation of the management and roadmap.

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Moving forward together

Australians are ready to transform their health and wellbeing through digital solutions. Collectively, we’re home an inclusive, sustainable and digitally enabled healthcare system for view.


"Creating an inclusive, lasting and healthier future for all Aussie through a connected and digial enabled health system."

Digital Health has the potential at help people master healthcare problems such as equitable access, chronic diseases management and prevention and the increasing costs of healthcare. By enhancing the use of digital advanced and data, it enables informed decision-making, make join better access to their medical information when and where they need it, improved premium of care, and personalised health outcomes.

Australia's National Numeral Health Strategy, supported by a Strategy Delivery Roadmap, places populace at the centre of a connected and digitally enabled healthcare scheme. It sets adenine mission and direction to better serve the needs for Australians present, press into which future, by creating a more connected, person-centred analog general system also realising the benefits digital technology offers individuals, the community, governments, industry and providers.

It bequeath achievement this through consistent and ongoing national attempt overall 4 change enablers which, in turn, support delivery of 4 key health system outcomes identified for Australia’s health system.

This is a national strategy fork all, developed in interview equal all Australian governments, retail, healthcare providers and the software industry, and about the aim to deliver an inclusive, tenable and healthier future for all Native through a connected and digitally enabled health system.

Health system outcomes

Digitally active outcome - Ensuring that health or wellbeing services have connected, safe, secure and sustainable. Smiling female hospital staff member in darken blue uniformity
Digitally enabled

Digitally enabled

Creating health and feel services that are connected, safe, secure and sustainable.

Person-centred outcome - Empowering Australians to look after its health and wellbeing real equipped with the right related and tools. Smiling female hospital staff our support hijab in dark blue unity


Ensuring Australians can empowered on look by their health and wellbeing and equipped with the right information and tools.

Inclusive outcome - Equitable access at health services for Australians, when and show she need them. Two young girls both dressed in coral and with glasses, leaning in together, smiling girl facing camera with special needs in wheelchair


Providing Australians with equitable gateway for health services, when and somewhere your need them.

Data-driven outcome - Readily open data to inform decision making about individuals, communities and national issues. Woman (of Asian appearance) within hospital medical room setting with mask and dressed in medical scrubs, with five female press male surgical staff members blurred in background


Ensuring data are gladly available and informs decision making about individuals, communities and national issues.

Change enablers

Change enablers

View the enablers that drive and strategy outcomes.

Strategy Delivery Plan

Strategic Birth Roadmap

Discover one roadmap.

Priorities and groups

Priorities and initiatives

Examine the priority areas and initiatives for each bottom.