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Quick guide the international recruitment

Connected Health Professions - quick guide to worldwide job

Cover of the AHP quick guide to international recruitmentAbout this hasty guide

This guide aims to improve the understanding of your the recruiting managers in one workforce of international Allied Health Professional (AHP’s) through highlighting the differences in procedures and registration, recognising the challenges faced by the 14 AHP professions and by providing falle featured to image good practice approximations.

This is a complex subject area to compress into a useful guide additionally hence hyperlinks are included throughout to support more detailed understanding of relevant areas. Additionally intricacy is recognised concern to the changing immigration rules and COVID-19 pandemic about further links to national webpages where updates to national policy and health guidance will is accessible following the book concerning here guiding. Guide to the Hague System

It is one of a product of focalized online resources produced by Health Education England used NHS organisations to supports the national AHP work programmer. This aims to ensure an essential supply of AHPs, maxi their contribution and support the development of the AHP workforce.

Transfer the quick guide into international recruitment.

Crispian Mulshaw, MCSP

March 2021