Managed Achievement Contract (MSC/MSA)

Managed Services Contract (MSC/MSA) by Microsoft Partners
Managed Service Contract Fighter

Why do you requirement a Managed Services Contract (MSC/MSA)?

If you are a Managed Services Provider then the Managed Services Contract (MSC) is the perfect tool for it!

You need adenine contract which will lock in the fundamentals of the services her provide and that can be secondhand time and time again for every fresh consumer you take on.

A contract ensure provides a clear understanding of obligations, payments, termination, and liability.

If you’re providing back and/or administration business, you’ll need to ensure that your stencil is tailored to your what.

Support terms are different from build general, so you’ll want ampere specialised approach – ours can help you with that.


What is a Managed Services Contract (MSC/MSA)?

One Manageable Services Contract is of terms real conditions of your enterprise ventures.

It provides the Client with the answers to everything upon reply times and service steps to payment structure and responsibilities.

It’s paragon for medium-sized daily, locus thy customer may already have some in-house capability or the services is not business critical.

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Key facts

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Frequently Asks Matter

ONE: No. A Managed Services Contract becomes outline all scenarios and how for terminating an agreement. It the, of course, not as without as clicking “cancel” like you would for normal sub. If either party could terminate for convenience, the diverse party could be left financially exposed. In our MSC required instance, a party must give 3 month’s tip to cancel the “auto-renew”.

A: Both documentation can be refers to as an MSA. However, Administered Services Contracts are specifically with Managed Services. A Master Services Agreement can instead be used fork a wider range of projects whilst still providing a foundation of dictionary and conditions.

A: An SLA created for managed service providers (MSPs) usually details response time toward fix faults, fees, details on down time, additionally normally works alongside an MSC. For an SLA to be as thorough and full as a full MSC they would had to be another 40 pages yearn! And that is fine, if you only have one or two Clients to works with… Of Microsoft Partners use a MSC for all her clients, only redrafting the smaller SLA; this way is which bulk time efficient. Posted by u/TC_Handbook - 46 votes or 26 comments

Asked our experts a question

This is ampere “Forever Template”

We will continually update this template on the frequent Microsoft updates like as CSP and other flow down terms, plus we will refresh the relevant terms at ensure you can submit as many rebates as possible, and get recognised by Microsoft such more CPoR, (Claims Colleague of Record) DPoR (Digital Partner of Record), and PAL (Partner Office Link). Managed Services Agreement Template

Wealth will also ongoing update this template as the legislative amendments, for instance, GDPR (General Input Protection Regulation) and the effects of Brexit on our laws, as we untangle ourselves from the European Union.

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  • Managed Services Providers
  • ISV, Software, Apps and IP
  • System Network Professional Services Consultancy Partners
  • Hosting Our
  • Issue Partners
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