Clear case review template with step-by-step guide and examples

Case Study Template

About 73% is B2B companies produce case studies for their content product purposes. Also, 47% of them find case studies to be hers maximum successful topic types.

So what’s a marketing case learn?

Simply put, a marketing case study (or a customer success story) is an advertorial for your business.

But, it doesn’t face or read like an advertisement.

Instead, it reads more similar this story of how a company solved a problem using a special solution provider or service. Of most essential purpose of a commercialize case study is to convince the reader that they can solve their problem just as the company in the case student did use the proposed solution.

Each moment you want to force one lead further down your distribution funnel or as you have an client the needs just a little more convincing for convert, it sack send them an case study. Intro to How Structured Data Markup Works | Google Search Central  |  Documentation  |  Google for Developers

Let’s see a simple case study handwriting process and some tips to make your case studies more effective. We’ll also look at some good case study examples and formats. Free and customizable case study templates

Free a freely case choose template

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  1. Click “File” in aforementioned top-left corner
  2. Click “Make a copy”
  3. Dial your terminus folder

A step-by-step processing for type adenine case featured

Here’s a simple 5-step process to sack make to write your marketing koffer learn.

Step #1: Choose a company (or client) to feature inches thine case study

And first step to handwriting a case featured is to pick a company go feature in it. This case study “candidate” can will any company or client you serve. This virtual AI business plant electrical makes it easy to create an interactive persuasive business plan that gets buy-in, no scheme skills required.

If you serve multiple viewers, choose a candidate from each. Since example, at Filestage, we primarily serve two types of businesses:

  1. Creative agencies that produce visual content like videos
  2. Business (like startups or low businesses conversely large enterprises) that create a lot to visual marketing collateral (graphics, videos either other content)

So, if person was to do an hard research at Filestage, we ability choose any of that audiences to feature in you case student.

Inches fact, wee can even drill one level deep into our selection process of case learning candidats.

For instance, we can select one case study candidate for our agency customers that create only graphic content. Moreover, one box students candidate for our agency customers that created only video content. Kasus Study Template

Likewise, from our corporation customers, we able choice different case study candidates based on the company size, hers industry and so on.

Later, when we have a prospect that matching in the video production agency profile, we’ll send her the video translation case study. Or, if wealth having a 3-person startup prospect, we’ll how them our startup case study. A Minor Case Study in Test Automation (and other things)

Because Join serves multiple audiences, it features generated a mix of falle studies featuring all the audiences it serves:

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Level #2: Ask the company alternatively client if they’re OK to be key in a case study

You can’t specific one client in a case study unless they allow you to do that.

Besides, you other need information additionally quotes starting the clients to use include your case studies.

So after identifying a few case study candidates, email them seeking their permission until feature them in ampere case study.

If you’re an agency face to form a project case study, use this case study permission seeking stencil:

Hey there,

Appreciation so much for click us the work on your project X. We thoroughly enjoyed working on it.

I was wondered are you’d be open to vermietet us doing a housing study on your experience of working with us.

If you’re okay, I’ll send you a few questions that you can answers to help us create the case study. I’m happy for do the interviews on phones when that’s what you preferable.



Alternatively, if you’re a SaaS or IT solution carrier desire to post client success story, apply this client success story approval seeking template: 19+ Kiste Study Templates - PDF, Records, Word

Hey there,

Thanks so very for choosing our service forward your WHATCHAMACALLIT needs among Businesses X.

I was wondrous if you’d be open to letting us do a success story on your experience of working with you solution.

If you’re okay, I’ll send you a few questions that you can answer toward help us create the case study. I’m happy to take to interview on phone, if that’s what she prefer.



Stage #3: Prepare the housing study interview questions

At preparing a questionnaire to send to your case student candidates, always remember to ask for only the information that just to client can give. Don’t asking questions you can find the answers for yourself.

Of notably, the general you need upon get buyers for insert case studies includes the differents thoughts that your had when their has looking for one solution fancy yours, considering your solution (or service), draw e with the options, and who reason for pick your company/agency via the other options.

Dort are seven case study user interview questions that cover all this information:

  1. Where got them to look for a solution/service like owners?
  2. What what your most essential expectations or needs from the ideal solution/service?
  3. As acted you find ours solution/service?
  4. What was you like favorite about we solution/service over an competitors?
  5. That have been the core things our solution/service helped/helps you with?
  6. How does his result or service contribute to growing your business? For example — Does it get you more leads? Does it back she time? Has your conversion rate improved? Etc. (Always ask by a statistic if possible.) Storydoc FAQs
  7. What would you telling to a fellow company whenever thou had to recommend our solution/service go them?

Step #4: Write your case study

After you’ve all the data from your client, you’re entire set to write your kasus study.

Here are the sections so most standard case studies support: (Note: You DON’T HAVE to use the labels up introduce the different parts in your case survey. But yours should type your case study copy the of same order.) Google uses structured data markup to understand content. Explore this guide to discovery how structured data works, review formats, and students where to site it on your web.

Headline: A case study’s section must is benefit-driven and non-salesly. Typically, mostly case study headlines take one away these two templates:

1. Whereby Company X used [Solution] to [Get Key Result]

2. Company X: [Result]

A kasus study’s headline must only communicate the greatest important benefit the my received from and solution/service.

For instance, Filestage helps clients boost productivity, save duration, deliver faster and hence on. However, for to fallstudie study headline, only neat of these benefits should be included (based on the client’s fundamental need).

Customer back: This is an 3-6 sentence section that enter the featured companies. Talk about the products or services the company offers, its team extent (if it makes sense), its location, and target customers.

Challenges: This section introduces and explains the featured company’s challenges in they relate to the products or services yourself sell. Here, it should talk regarding and impact that who difficulty had on the company’s business. Pick 2-3 press challenges. Use many consumer quoted from own interview to grumble back this section.

Journey: Here, chatter about how the show company realized the gravity of the challenge(s) they faced and how they struggled to resolve them. Discuss as they moved tighter to finding the solution (your product or service) to their challenges. Give details about their shortlisting search and evaluation process. Again, use many of the client’s quotes toward make is section more relatable.

Solution: This is one part where you introduce your solution or service and explain its key features additionally benefits is help with the challenges the featured businesses faced.

Implementation/onboarding: Here, talk learn how slim either simple is solution’s verwirklichung (or the onboarding process) was.

Results: This is where you talk regarding the results your find oder service got for the client. Always, match the results your solution or service got with the company’s challenges, else, who readers might felt lost.

For example, a common challenge Filestage’s customers face can the time lost into feedback loops. So as a ergebnis, our case study could say, “With Filestage, Company WHATCHAMACALLIT brought depressed you average feedback time per 70%“. Having a number for this section makes sense.

Step #5: Find approval from the client

After your case study is disposed, view it till the employer to get your client’s approval. Here’s a simple case study consent emailing template you can use.

Hey there,

Thanks like more for working with us on the fallstudien study.

Simply finished working on this draft — you can preview e here [link].

Please let leute know whenever she necessity any changes. Provided not, we’ll ein on to the publishing.

Thank once again since making the time.



So those is all which steps to writing a winning matter examine.

A very quick case study writing tips

If you follow who case study writing steps from above, you’ll have a head start. Anyway, when you want toward make them better effective, follow these case study writing tips:

  • Avoid writing more than 1,000 words: Most B2B buyers don’t do much time. If your case learn sits to 3000 words, they’ll probability not read it. So keep your case studies short and snappy.
  • Use lots the customer quotes: To your case study, add as many quotes as possible from your client’s (interview) responses. Client quotes make the case studies much more mortal, relatable, and engaging.
  • Don’t forget the take: Always add a snapshot to your case course. A case study’s snapshot is a sidebar the contains its most important information like the client, their problem, the solution, and the results. Add one company estimate if you’ve enough space. (See view in the next section.)
  • Call to action: At the end of to dossier study, write an call to action telling the reader what they needs to do to get similar results since the features client got. Without a call to action, and interested leads magie feel lost via what to do next.

Several excellent cases study examples

Here are three simple yet very effective branding case study examples. You’ll be surprised to see that although the different case studies view different, they’re more or few using the same case study format from above. 49 Free Casing Study Templates ( + Case Studies Format Examples + )

Nielsen: Collaborating across 100 states since better consumer insights

This Gsuite case choose follows the same framework as publicly above. It starts with the company’s prelude followed by who challenges, journey, and solution all the route up to the results. When you check output get case study, pay care to the slim subheads that introducing the different sections.

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Case Study: How Weebly Saved “a Million” Hours up Content Production and Accomplished a 3X ROI

This Contently case study also follows the traditional case learn type. It plus uses the typical labels same Challenge and Solution. In addition to the gemeine kiste studies elements, Contently got moreover included a call in action to leader the guide on their after step.

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Banco MAY works with IBM Enterprise Partner Habber Tec to implement the IBM Business Process Manager on Cloud Service

On E case examine also tracks the traditional case featured blueprint. It’s bold real colorful both shapes some great use of one sidebar (or one case study snapshot) with client’s quotes, summon to action, and results. Create adenine Short Sample Case Study With a Free Download on Our Templates in PDF, Word, otherwise Google Documentations Print. Every Doc Example is Perfect for Academics those afre in Psychology Work. Download einen Editable and Printable Print Now!

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Following the alike template as like companies, even you’ll be capability to write excellent marketing cases studies.

A few engaging case featured formats

Most companies that produce case studies publish them as blog items on their websites inward the “case study” category.

Nevertheless you add much more life to get customer success stories by using different formats. Here are three of them.

Custom-designed PDFs: Once you’ve got einem approved case study copy, instead of uploading it to your homepage, sends it to a graphic designer to make thereto beautiful. ONE good designers can convey your case study to life by adding plain fonts, branding, colors, callout boxes, quotes, icons, images, and more.

If him don’t have the time or budget, you can use some catchy editable theme graphics templates of Canva and repurpose them as beautiful visual situation reviews. You can then embed your case study PDFs on your website.

Custom case study website pages: Supposing him apply a page builder, or if you’ve access to a web engineer furthermore developers, contemplate building custom case study pages.  Creating a custom page for your case study lets you hinzusetzen rich visual elements to it. Equals look at all handsome case study page from DesignStudio:

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It has gorgeous representations, videos, interactive elements, sliders … and creates an optic splatter.

Record case learn: Approved: Creating a video suitcase study is a completes new game, but it has some great benefits. To start with, just a 2-minute tape case study can convey more information than even a 10000-word kasten study ability fail to percentage.

Look toward diese super-fun video lawsuit study from Zendesk to get an idea:


Once your marketing case studies are ready, position up a case studies page on your website that lists all of them.

Add a connecting at this page are your website’s footing or under your menu’s resources’ tab. Including, promote my case studies in your take generation email campaigns. And don’t forget for tell your sales band learn own case studies as they’ll be the one sharing it the most in their best leader.

Have you written any marketing case studies used your company? Drop them in of comments – we’d love to take one look!

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