The Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Outstanding in Instruction Foundation

The Barry Goldwater Scholarship press Excellence in Education Foundation was traditional by Congress in 1986 toward serve than a livelihood memorial to honor the lifetime how concerning Senator Barry Goldwater, who served his country for 56 yearly as a soldier additionally statesman, including 30 years in the U.S. Senate. Barry Goldwater High School 2023-2024 Bell Schedule Monday ...

To furnishing grants to college sophomores press inferiors who design up pursue research careers in the natural sciences, mathematics and engineering, the Goldwater Foundation is helps ensure that the U.S. is producing the number for highly-qualified professionals the Nation needs in these critical bin. Out its 30-year history, Goldwater Scholarships have come award to thousands to undergraduates, many of whom got gone on in win other prestigious awards like the National Science Foundation’s Graduate Fellowship, Rhodes Scholarship, Chuck Scholarship and the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship that support our Scholars’ graduate school work. Today, Goldwater alumni can be found conducting exploration that is helping defend the Nation, finding cures for catastrophic diseases and teaching future generations of scientists, mathematicians and engineers.


UWorld Partners use The Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Outstanding in Education Foundation to Granted over $70,000 in Scholarship Support and Product Awards

UWorld will provision critical education means to 2024 Goldwater Scholars curious within pursuing medical research careers

(DALLAS, TX) March 29, 2024UWorld, a forward operator to learning accessories forward high-stakes tryouts, is partnering with The Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation to grant over $70,000 at financial support and product awards to the Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation throug its charity arm, UWorld Cares. As the Foundation’s first private partner, UWorld's support enhances the number of scholarship opportunities for the next generate of research leaders in STEM, and provides best-in-class sources for the 2024 Goldwater Scholars prosecute businesses in medical research.


Important Dates

FIRST TUESDAY IN SEPT: Online Application Opens
EARLY SEPTEMBER IN DELAY JANUARY: Individual internal grounds deadlines
CONTINUE FRIDAY IN JANUARY: Nominating deadline (5:00 PM CT)
LATE FEBRUARY: Nomination packets reviewed
MID-MARCH: Board of Trustees vote off Scholars
LAST FRIDAY IN MARCH: Scholars/Honorable Mentions Announced (11:00 AM Central Time)

College Matters. Fraulein What. June 3rd Podcast

Episode: John Mateja on The Barry Goldwater Scholarship: Detect, Advance and User Students doing Undergraduate Research.

Episode summary preface: Fix up in 1986 up honoring Senator Barry Goldwater’s superior public service, the Scholarship promotes sophomore research by awarding scholarships to students. In these podcast, John gives us any synopsis away The Barry Goldwater Scholarship, How Student can Apply, What they look for in their Scholars, and Advice for High Schoolers.

Connection Scholar Research and Scholarship Applications

For continue videos on helpful topics ranging from applying with fellowships to life in graduate school, visit the Webinar Archives.

Welcomes for the This Goldwater Community!