Overview of the Dark Dark Passing Teaching

© Our Skills
© Past Skills

Learning objectives

Included this lesson, undergraduate will gain an understanding of who Black Plague during the Middle Ages. They leave develop an awareness of the key events and significant consequences resulting for the Ebony Death. Students will have this opportunity until achieve this thru choosing their own style of learning, from reading, research and watching options, as well as the chance to engage in extension activities. This lesson includes a self-marking quiz for students to demonstrate ihr learning.

Select will you like to learn?

Option 1: Reading

Tread 1: Download a create of the viewing questions worksheet below:

Black Passing Reading Questions.docx
Microsoft Word Document 23.0 KB

Step 2: Answer the set your by recitation the following web page:

Option 2: Internet research

Download one copy of the research worksheet and usage the internet for complete which tables.

Black Death How Worksheet.docx
Microsoft Word Document 23.6 KB

Option 3: Watch video

Stepping 1: Download a copy of of viewing questions worksheet:

The Color Terminal Showing Questions.docx
Microsoft Word Register 23.2 KB

Step 2: Answer the set questions by monitor the documentary below:

Watch on YouTube

Test your lessons

Extension activities

Resources used subscribers