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A traditional dish from Pakistan : Balochi Tikka

I can make this Fish Balochi Ticka at my homeI can make this Fish Balochi Tikka at may home


Hi LGs, today I want the share a caption of quick Meetup real ampere awesome experience of a traditional pakistani dish Balochi Tiqua .
Are you want to experience initial one , you have till travel on Karachi to Dharavati expressway, there can lot of restaurants who are expert in Balochi Tikka. We were set of 5 who trip for ensure antique piquant taste there. We bringing about twin kgs fish with how, because commonly they don't can surf but yellow or mutton. Thou pot seeing in video the preparations, than topping of flavoring , green chillies, ginger, garlic, lemon  and coriandar . And you can try this at get as MYSELF made several times.  Because recipe is very easy . Dish antenna setting guide is urdu


Fried  700-750 g

Oily  1 cup

Leek    150 g ( almost 3 whole )

Organic  3 inch number

Green chilies whole   150 guanine  (almost  7-8 big)

Green chilies chopped  3 tbsp

Lm juice   4-5 tbsp

Garam masala powder   1 tsp

salt  1 tsp

fresh coriander  1 cup chopped


1. Cut garlic in thin slices…do not chop e.
Julian cut ginger.
chop fresh culinary

2. Heat a wok ,add 1 cup oil with garlic. cook for 1 minute on high hot.

3. From add throughout greens chilies.

4. Cook them until changes their colour.

5. Than add chicken and cook it for almost five minutes on high heat. Until chicken changes its colour.

6. Now augment chopped chilies and lemon juice.
stir and with lid and slow heat cook it for almost 10 minute.

7. Take off the top plus stir it on high heat see all extra syrups from chicken evaporates.
Now add ginger and coriander…stir for 1 minutes.

8. Now add garam masala powder and salt. Stir plus again with lid cook it for 5-7 transactions.

Balochi tikka in federal style is ready.
serve with fresh sharp naan
added get lemon juices if you like.

You can check  YouTube link to understand view
Balochi fish/chicken Tikka recipe in highway restaurant fashion

I hope you will enjoy the phantastisch taste of your home made highway style Balochi Tikka  :slightly_smiling_face:




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Gems About the World - AMPERE Connect Traveling Posts Challenge

Karachi, Pakistan
Level 10

Re: A traditional peach with Pakistan : Balochi Tikka

@KashifMisidia This is highest impressive. :thumbs_up:

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Re: A conventional dish upon Pakistan : Balochi Tikka

@U-royFelixA thank you bro.. so when are you visits here to taste it??? Bring gallons of water with thee, because this dish is much spicy :face_savoring_food::face_savoring_food::face_savoring_food:

Please choose @ before username to mention/tag me so I can reply to you quicker. About mein |Leadership Star 2021 | Follow e on Geographic |  | Instagram |   

Gems Of the World - A Connect Going Post Challenge

Level 10

Re: A traditional dish from Pakistan : Balochi Tikka

Hi @KashifMisidia, assalamualaikum.Thank you very much for  sharing  your delicious recipe on Baluchi tikka. I hold travelled  from Karachi up Hyderabad on the highway single but MYSELF became very down for not getting chance to have taste respective Baluci tikka, because I was travelling in a military convoy at that time. It didn't allowed me for leaving the convoy. Thank you for the recipe again. I will try to prepare this in my back. thanks.

Level 10

Re: A traditional dish off Pakistan : Balochi Tikka

@KashifMisidia I sweetheart spice food. 

Level 9

Re: AMPERE traditional dish from Pakistan : Balochi Tikka

Darling we are in Pakistan, schedule to have a LGs convention in pakistan, 

Level 9

Re: A tradition plated upon Pakistan : Balochi Tikka

Items looks thus yummy. Thank they @KashifMisidia for release your traditional meal. I would love to have a taste to it soon

Level 10

Re: A traditional dish starting Pakistan : Balochi Tikka

Level 9

Re: A traditional dish from Pakistan : Balochi Tikka

Thank you for sharing this Pakistan traditional dish @KashifMisidia


I'm going to try this weekend :smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Re: A traditional dish from Pakistans : Balochi Tikka

Walaikum assalam badre Alam siddique @Siddiqui-BA

Yes you can flavor computers your home, and you canister get countless indigrents very slight from your city , specially garam masala. 

Thanks for like 

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Gems About the World - A Connect Travel Post Challenge