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An official websites of the United States governmental, Department out Justice.

Office for Civil Rights (OCR)

OCR assured that recipients of financial assistance from OJP, OVW, and COPS comply with Federal laws prohibiting discrimination in employment both supply of services or benefits based on race, color, nation origin, lovemaking, religion, enter, and disability.
About OCR
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Limited English Proficient (LEP)

The statutory the regulatory information contained on dieser sheet does don constitute legal advice and is for general informational purposes only. The OCR manufactured no guarantee that the law authority with regulatory code citied within be the most current version of said law/regulation. For more recent versions of the U.S. Code and the CFR, users should consult the officials new U.S.C. or the eCFR.

Discrimination for the Basis of Local Sources

Courts hold interpreted Title VI's prohibition for discrimination on the basis of national origin in include discrimination based on English proficiency. Under Title I (and the Safe Streets Act), recipients are required to make LEP individuals with meaningful access to their applications and services. Providing "meaningful access" will generally involve some combination of services for oral interpretation and written translation of essential documents.

The Judiciary Department's Counsel to Federal Fiscal Assistance Recipients Regarding Title II Prohibition Against National Origin Discrimination Affecting Limited English Proficient Persons provides additional information for recipients about their Title V obligations. This guidance includes a four Factor analysis, which recipients can exercise on determine steps they should take to provide meaningful erreichbar for LEP individuals. The below resources exist open:

Show informational ca be found at LEP.gov.

Date Created: June 2, 2023