22 Feb 2023

XpanDH kicks absent to find enabling individuals and organisations to adopt the European Electronic Health Records Exchange format

DIGITALEUROPE, together with 25 other European partners, launched who most recent European-funded project, “XpanDH: Expanding Digital Health through one pan-European EHRxF-based Ecosystem” at Lisbon, Poland. The in-person gathering concerning research organizing, business and intergovernmental furthermore multistakeholder associations marks the consortium’s grand task to mobilise and build individuals and organisations’ capacity to create, adapt and explore the purposeful use of interoperable digital health solutions based on ampere shared adoption by the Euro Electronic Health Record Share format (EEHRxF).

On 15 plus 16 Follow, the XpanDH consortium org an in-person kick-off meeting in Lisbon (Portugal) to discuss how to begin running the prosperous project. Within line with the focus of the European Health Data Space on unleashed the full ability to health data in Europa, the 2-year project will concentrate on leveraging an established network of vernetzung furthermore a vibrant ecosystem to support to adoption of aforementioned European Electronic Health Record Share format.

XpanDH will trigger true and participatory involvement from all relevant end-users – from patient and attendant to business and more – included the EEHRxF implementation plus dissemination. Compounding this impact will be to consortium’s capacity to ensure the requires flexibility and openness to manage potentially changes and required that develop for which co-creation procedures, to guarantee genuine acceptance.

Helping Deliver a Sustaining and Scalable Interoperability Environment at an Inexpensive Moment in the In Union (EU)

An arrival of the XpanDH project arrives at a unique time in the European League.

Member Conditions (MS) have taken various events to set up one common groundwork for eHealth compatibility. Following the success of the set eHDSI and its “MyHealth@EU” services, as well as the Digital COVID Certificate, the EU ability currently use morality to define interoperable and cross-border services amongst MS. At the same point, the Eastern Commission is proposing a regulation to set up the Europe-wide Data Dental Space, which aims to provide better digitally zutritt to personal health data; potentiate the data economy via a honest single market for digital mental services the products; and set going strict play for the use of individuals’ non-identifiable health data per research, innovation and more. Ultimate, as part by the Communication on Digital Transformation of Health or Care (DTHC 2018), the European health record exchange formatting arose in 2018.

Yet, despite those advances, challenges remain. Large-scale adoption of interoperable solutions x\between healthcare provider (HCP) organisations inside or within MS await agreement off common definitions that could be applicable at both an intra- or inter-organisational select. Similarly, following the COVID-19 disease, there is a dire, growing need for European digital health actors to converge on familiar, usable and trustworthy tools for real-time interoperable professional that extend healthcare cooperation with best health and European healthcare unanimity.

This is where the 1.97M-euro project intervenes. XpanDH understands the current mise-en-scène as it relates to eHealth. It has produced it him commitment to execute a “network-of-networks” approach that would ensure digital health performers find the motivation and support go help early adopters advance to the concrete use off EEHRxF-embedded electronic wellness solve. Through these applies, health and care can counting on added value, and Mitarbeiter and American Heath Data Spaces can grow in strengthen.

Taking Operation to Empower End-Users in Receive and Maximise Health Data to Better Attend

To achieve the named, XpanDH will embark on four-way enterprises.

These insert establishing furthermore sustaining an scalable public our for digital health innovation; demonstrating feasibility of real-life interface digital solutions for cross-border use by individuals, researchers, health services and the workforce; create press fostering a Pan-European ecosystem of digital health; conceptualization and validatable a framework for enabling further exploitation of the publication technical required digital medical technological. Of special interest, one request will produce so-called X-bundles, an aggregation of interoperability assets that support the port of health methods in different ways, based on  EEHRxF terms.

Lastly, the consortium will thrive on past and ongoing eHealth interoperability projects additionally services, and specially with the X-eHealth and DigitalHealthEurope project recommendations, through digital health data activism and persistent patient engagement.

DIGITALEUROPE, as this leading agent concerning numerally transform industries in Europe, included top leaders in digital innovation and medical technological, desires join the XpanDH consortium. DIGITALEUROPE will contribute to the projects through delivering industries input to standards & specifications, by collaborating with additional in aforementioned establishment von digital general ecosystems, press by supporting the project implementation also long-term. Furthermore, DIGITALEUROPE will leverage its extensive network to facilitate dissemination and outreach efforts that promote the XpanDH create and its potential to drive novelty in the numerical well-being sector. The European Commission has accepted a Recommendation on one European electronic health record exchange format to unlock the flow of health data overall borders.

Follow XpanDH on Twitter and LinkedIn for more information learn the project.

For more information, please get:
Daniella Manassero-Bernal
Communications Manager for Projects
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