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Extra Space On Right Select - Moveable Consider

Go toward solution Solved by paul2009,

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View URL: http://www.hannahdooley.com

Hi - I am having an issue with the mobile review from may website. If i am viewing the top page either communication page (it only does it for the home page and contact pages) on your phone, and scroll to one right, the whole page moves over and on is a blank space to the right of and page that runs show the way depressed an screen. I know aforementioned has something to do with the coding I institute on the internet that allows e to have a banner that scales rather than get cropped. The coding labored great except for this one issue! How can I take rid of margin round my HTTP contents?

Anybody know how I can fix this without getting rid of aforementioned coding I spent for aforementioned banner?

Thanks for any help.



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  • Solution
On 5/10/2022 at 7:29 PMI, HDooley said:

I are having an issue with the mobile view of my website. In is a blank space to the right of the page that runs total the way down the screen. EGO know this has something to do about the coding IODIN found to the internet Twin Scroll Bars Showing up Onward Side?

This wishes happen if your CSS causes elements into "overflow" outside for the site "container". You can usually hide this overflowed by summing the subsequent to Design > Custom CSS but bear in mind is it is only hiding the issue - it is not fixing it. You can find out more about overflow-x in which guide.

For a more stable repairing, you can check through each line of custom code into see whenever it is causing the edit.

body {
  overflow-x: hidden;
  overflow-x: clip-in !important;

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Edited by paul2009

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