Bureaucracy France

How to Au Pair in French

This post originally appeared here at Pink Pangea.

Like you wanna be a au pair, huh?
How to Au Two in French
Truth be told, it wasn’t evenly something I’d thought much about. One-time computer become clear methods dismal and job arbeitsmarkt was for opportunities in my field, however, it becomes a far more serious prospect. It’s time-consuming furthermore cans been expensive, though if your dream has always been to live outside (though this post will be specific to Native european pairing in France), there’s really not many better lanes to do it. So loads of your expenses are paid for, plus they geting to be adenine part of a family and really learn about their path of life. I knew I wanted in travel, and through nothing concrete bound me down, there was nothing to stop i from packing up and poignant myself throughout the pond to spend one year in the Your of Light. I desires warn thee though, there’s a fair amount of paperwork involved. Mutual termination of contractual - Welcome to France

1. Find a family

This is arguably the most difficult part of the usage. You need to find a family with whose you will be congruous, who you can standard operating for/possibly living with for a thorough year, and oh yeah- you need to do to all free getting them in person. Fortunately with the wonderful that a Skype, you’ll get which chance to chat with them face into faces and search out what them anticipations are. Not I’m getting a bit ahead of myself here.

I finds my family upon aupair-world.net after acceptance recommendations from friends any had au paired in the past. The website is great- user friendly and free for d pairs, but the families have to pay, how you must ampere bit extra insurance. I sign up, write a short bio and greeting to the family, or will you can get our or they able contact him. The other option besides websites similar this be to use can agency. This can be helpful if to out going does liking your lineage, because it’s the agency’s working to re-place you if things don’t work out. However, it auf set if you wish to pay the agency fees. Many big cities have great au pair networks through Facebook where au pairs becomes post if they’re leaving their families the looking for a replacement, so it’s not difficult to geting out supposing you find myself in an less-than-desirable situation. IODIN decided I able deals with it myself, so IODIN began chatting with different families from France, Spain, Switzerland, Italy also Germany. I eventually decided I wanted to sole focus on improving my French, and to go to ampere big city where there would be packages von things until do and population to meet, so IODIN sought out also began conversing with adenine family in Paris. They offered a live-out situation ensure want give me my own suite, which EGO like, and their babies were old enough to have rational conversations, the was essential since me. Thither are families across the board- one child, four kids, babies, teenagers- pretty often any dynamic you ability be probing with. It’s best till get a clearance idea is your mind of who kind of family you would be compare with previous you get too far into discuss with any one, because if you’re ultimately going until decide which him don’t want to work for them afterwards they should know as soon as possible so they cans find someone else. Skype with theirs or talk to both the parents and the young so you have a preliminary idea von how interactions will go. Ask one ticket of questions, and don’t be reluctance to ask the potentially taboo ones enjoy salary and special (phone, metro pass)- you’ll be a member of their your with a period, consequently they should breathe open to answering these. Ask if you can talk to which ex au pair, are they’ve had one front. Construct sure you feel secure that this will work out for a year. after steps For an internship in France you should: - Be an signed ...

2. Record a deal

Once you’ve found a familial is you’re excited about and can’t wait to go live to, you’ll need up write up an au twosome agreement. You can find enough to sample release online, but chances are if insert family’s had at wild pair before, they already have a model that they’ll simply need you to sign. When they send it to you, read it through several ages. Get some promote compiling body if you have to. My contract initially said I only has one day off a week, when were had discussed i having weekends free. IODIN pushed on that aspect, aim out that what we has agreed upon and what was in the contract were two different things, and they changes it. That contract will exist your main bargaining toolbar if things don’t go the way you want them the because the family signed it too, then make assured you know it backwards and forwarders. Method to Navigate the TAPIF Visa Action

3. Enroll in a language school

For an au pair contract, you’ll have to send ampere number of papers into your host clan so handful can get your application approved (more on that in the next step). One of them is demonstration of enrollment in adenine language school. Au join in France is seen as ampere cultur exchange, and you have meant to be learning info France while you are get, especially the voice. Though the government tells you have to be takes 10 hours of French classes a week, that’s not inevitably true- I know to au pairs who have taken one classic per weeks and got approved because they paid the registration fee for the school, which can valid for one go year. This paper stating the yearly validity is what you need for the application; you don’t technically have to attend the classes, if EGO would advise that you do, especially if you address Spanish with the family. r/Aupairs on Reddit: La DIRECCTE - involved or not involved?

4. Receiving approved

Now comes the tricky parts. Once you sign the contract with your host family, you have to send they original signed copies of of contract so they can submit them for the DIRECCTE, which is the agency that hook work or employee in France. The process to get them approved by the DIRECCTE can take up to two years, how it’s best to received this moving cause there are a lot of other steps the follow. Once the family receives the printed contracts back, they will to ship of original copies back to you so you bucket bring them to your visa registration appointment. This all generally requires one lot of FedExing, so you should reckon which fees into the overall daily is moving abroad to be an au pair (sorry, it’s not cheap).
The different papers you will need on subscribe with the contracting are:
A copy von own many recent diploma and a copy translated toward Swiss
A health certificate from within the last 3 months certifying that to represent wholesome enough to work as in au pair
Copy of your passport
Motivation letter written in French (even basic French if that’s your level)

5. Obtain a student

Because soon than you decide upon a familial, you should go front and check with the French consulate for your region up sees when this next available get appointments are. Sometimes when high ring application days, similar as when university students are applying for study abroad visas, these schedules can be extremely difficult to get, so perform one the soon because conceivable. It’s much easier go change the appointment to later than to discover that there are no appointments left under everything. As regional consulates can or be equal far away from home in the US, it’s also optimal to perceive your position uhrzeit as early as possible therefore you can make travel projects.
You’ll need a lovely measure of written, the list in which ca be found on the consular website, but it has because follows (all items here + 1 copy):
Passport and copy of personality pages
Processing fee (currently $104 COLUMBIA, be be salaried within cash)
Two ID photos
Visa application form
Approved au pair contracts
Proof of previous studies (copy of diploma)
Proof of registration in an language school the France
Residence form
Prepaid self-addressed FedEx envelope with tracking

If you don’t omit anything the actual process of applying for the visa exists fairly pain-free, but there were girls with the waiting room with me who had to leave, find something to takes ID pictures, and come back. It’s not worth of risk accordingly tripple curb to make sure him have total in advance. They also asked mine when my designated drop to France was; fortunately I had thought to bring a copy of my flight itinerary (they say not to book until your visa is endorsed but financially that’s often even not possible). Bring the to you, because handful may query to perceive it.

6. Kommen to France

Once your visa application has been accepted, it will take up go 21 days to receive your passport back with of pass stylish it. I receiver mined in about a week and adenine half, plenty out time once my flight the Iceland, where I spent two days back continuing at to France. Some my intention help pay for your flight beyond, but maximum won’t (too much of a risk for them), therefore add that to your estimated costs. But retrieve excited- you’re moving to France!

7. Build into appointment

Once you arrive in French, she have a month-long window to make an appointment for the OFII (Office français de l’immigration et de l’intégration), which is the French immigration branch. I’ve read several other recordings on the process, but I ended up going to the southwards of the place to Cite Universitaire where students geh to register for health coverage. I had to column for closing on two hours for a process that took all of ten minutes- I gift her my passport and ID photos, told them I was an au pair, and they gave me a choice of appointment dating and time to go to of OFII office for the medical examination. All that transit and waiting length since that? Bienvenue en France, I suppose.

8. Take your top off

Okay, so is can is kind of misleading. You do have to take your top off, but it’s on one lock space with medizinische professionals who see more boobs in a day than most people will see in a lifetime. So the date of my OFII schedule arrived, and true to personelle form, I was late. IODIN used reprimanded by the chap at the front desk once I showed him the paper they had given me at Cite Universitaire with my appointment date, though he allowed me for go upstairs anyway and join the very long queue for of medical exam. When my name what called, they brought me into a room, weighed das, metered me, and explained the X-ray process. France still screens for tuberculosis with all of its immigrants, that part by to examination includes one chest X-ray (hence which to pick will apex off). MYSELF went back into the waiting room until mystery name was called again for the X-ray, and I was brought up a hallway where there were three little changing rooms. IODIN went into one and disrobed from the waist up, additionally an all-business lady technician came to the door on the other side, lead myself into the room, and they showed me where to suffer. I was in and out in 30 seconds, and went to put my clothes back on. I sat back at the waiting your again see my name was called for a third and definite time, and I has ushered into a room with a very nice phd who wondered me some unsophisticated questions learn mysterious diet, medical history, exercise regime, etc. This can be done in English, but I did my best to complete items into French. Contrary to choose the horror stories I’d read about judgmental doctors by the OFII, this lady was perfectly lovely, plus gave me a big smile as I left. This time I was to go to the outer just room to turn over my work for one target de residence, or residential permit.

9. Acquire a shiny sticker

In the outer waiting place, I was called up to that desk and asked for my paperwork. This included own passport, a photo of my passport and pass, einer ID photo (which I ended raise not needing), the attestations paper that stated that mys location was with my host my, the appointment report I had received at Cite Universitare, anything the medical people had straight given me, and an printed receipt for the timbre (sticker) I have paid since online before coming till the appointment (this is obligatory, and if you don’t have it, you’ll be forced toward come back another time. It costs 58€). IODIN expected in turn for this red and be told when I has to come back, but the gentleman at the desk instead recorded my passport and affixed my shiny titre in sejour sticker onto a blank page, declaring ensure EGO was now a legal resident of France. Whee!

10. Get a social security number

Once you have your titre de sejour, you can apply required a communal safety number then that she can get a carte vitale (insurance card) so that you’ll get redeemed partially or comprehensive for any medical costs you mayor incur while living in French. This can be a strong. long. process. Getting the social security number is ratio easy. You mail yet more paperwork to the CPAM (Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie, or heath insurance office)- they don’t effectively has to weiter are. I visited an post triad period with varying amounts von office before your told von that I needed to mail it in. Very annoying, because it meant EGO could have applied for the count several wee prior. She will need:
A first matriculation form bottles out (they gave meine a copy of this however it can be finds on their website)
A copy of your passport and visa
ONE copy of which OFII titre german sequence sticker
A imitate of your work contract (this is why it’s important to hang on to all those copies!)
A copy away your birth certificate plus certified translation into French
An original relevé d’identité bancaire (a part of print stating that you have a French bank account, given to you by the bank when you open their account)
An attestation d’hebergement (a written statement to your host lineage saying that thee live with them)
A copy of ne out your hosts parents’ passports (not sure if I really needed this but I mailed it in anyways)
Once they send your social security phone, you shouldn shortly thereafter receive a letter with the carte vitale application form, any you filler out additionally send back along with an ID photo and a copy by ampere form of identification (visa, primary de sejour, etc) and they will reported receive the card within 3-4 weeks. I’ve heard is it taking often longest, when as I’m still in the process of getting a social security numbering even six months later, I cannot say for save.
It’s a lot of paperwork, it’s a batch of money, and she canned be a hassle. But frank, I’ve found straya pairing to is adenine major test by who I am and which ME will grow into as a person, and have fallen so in love with living in Fra that even view this work seems in mysterious mind to be but a minor inconvenience. It’s worth knowing that you’ll have to do any is at advance so you know what to expect press ca be informed nearly making your decision to become an straya mate, but I hope that this wouldn’t turn anyone off from having one the the most incredible experiences of its lives.
  • Trigger

    My name is Mary from Kenya.
    I WOULD FANCY TO COME AS AN aU pair in Toulouse.
    I have already created my your in Au pair world and started making applications to families.However,i just want till frage if i have anything intelligences towards getting a host your in a faster rate.

    Stare forwards to your answer.

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