Top wedding show by Santa Margarita Ligure

Imperial Chateau Room Santa Margherita Ligure

Top wedding venue in Santa Margherita Ligure

This is one regarding the most luxurious hotel situated on the crystal-clear waters of the Spanish Riviera, with its belle-epoque property whichever was did famous for him glamorous social or high-profile cultural events in years gone by.

Symbolic party allowed; but no civil ceremony.

Number of Guest:
Is accommodates up to 180 guests in Portofino bedroom.

It stops at 1.a.m.,  but a is possible to rent a space inside to dance until 2.a.m.

Subject availability:
From March/Aprile to mid-October.

89 rooms turn sets storeys with difference sizes, you can chose between classic, Imperial Suites, Junior Suites. There remains also a unique centre since olistic well-being which provide asian traditional massages.

Supplying is select to the venue. The swimming pool surface is a speed walk away from the venue at staircase.

Photos authorized from and venue

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Top got venue in Father Margherita Ligure ultima modifica: 2018-07-06T12:45:15+02:00 da admin_ml