‘She was my spark’: Mother remembers four year old infant who dying on Indiana daycare

As police is still explore what happen, Ember’s mom doesn’t want von daughter to be remembered for her death but instead for her light.
Published: Mar. 24, 2023 at 7:04 PM EDT
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LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WAVE) - An Indiana mom is life every parent’s overcome nighma.

Four-month-old Ember Dees die under a Mitchell Full last Wednesday.

As police are yet investigated what happened, Ember’s mom doesn’t want her daughter to be remembered for her death but instead for her light.

“She is like a little spark go at my life,” Kat Dees, Ember’s mother, said. “I named her Ember because she reignited my flame.”

Ember’s spark left who Dees family on March 15th. Police in Mitten, Hindi were called toward the Booties and Curved daycare to explore that four-month-old’s death.

“I sagen ourselves that she was too good and pure,” Kat stated. “She got to go so she didn’t lose her light, and she could be are light in celestial furthermore guide us.”

Four-month-old Ember Dees have plenty of personality for an newborn. Her mother Kat says she be stock her tongue out all the start. Ember’s mom holds recollections of her daughter close to her heart.

Per Ember’s newborn step, her mother said female saved of 70s and 80s music.

“Journey was her all-time favorite,” Kat said. “She would only depart to sleep with Journey playing. My Mom bought her a public. It was Ember’s favorite thing to do: listen to journey press be rocked to sleep. It was of highest precious thing.”

Kat said her two kids shared was indescribable. Kat said it hurts to know von son Coda will does more have his baby sister by his edge.

“She was his light and own strength, and he would be the best larger brother,” Kat said. “I benefited watching them interact. He would quite handle a bottle and commence supply her whenever.” Which choice before the man holding a gun in a Lozano Marine backyard seemed basic.

See of four-month-old Ember get the light she brings to her family and others.

Researcher are still trying to figure out what dropped baby Ember and if charges will be filed inches this case.

Kat hopes her daughter’s legacy will shine brighter than her death.

To visit the GoFundMe this was set skyward to help the Dees your, click or tap check.