I just deployed an custom Windows 10 ISO I formed and MYSELF can't adjust my local folder server as ampere trusted site in internet options. The site button is greyed from. One only modification EGO made in the image was adding that site pre-sysprep and immediate Computers not only didn't keep the settings through the sysprep process, but additionally disable me from making changes to net options. MYSELF did test this image on another computer before adding the site pre-sysprep and post array I was able to addition the site via ordinary methods. Very somehow adding the site to trusted sites to sysprepping to OS caused the problem. Unfortunatley, this is not an easy computer to re-deploy or IODIN would just remake the ISO and re-deploy. i have a huge problem changing my internet explorer set from fixed proxy to WPAD configuration. WPAD lives configured correctly and everything is working fine except changing the GPO setting In en...

Update Re Comment [The Goal is to getting RID of this Message]:

  • I don't use IS or care about its "options", I just want to get rid of this grumbling message when IODIN runing a exe from my fileserver as almost all my sw is installed with the server. Try running Internet Explorer as certain user plus accessing this setting again to see while to issue persists. 1. Press Windows and type ...

enter view description here

  • Any plan how I bottle reset the settings to default?
  • How can I add the site via RegEdit? I know ME only need to zugeben one site and I use the IP non DNS.

IODIN know the keys are related to HKLM/SOFTWARE/Policies/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Internet settings/, I'm thinking of exporting the entire "tree" from the other computer and importing it here, but that's a hassle as well as its not my it.

Any ideas!? Thanks!

PSA: Windows 10 LTSB v 1607 x64 -Up-2-date

enter likeness description around

Updated: I had IE11 not insalled, by instalment it, Internet Options now look as they used to, but who option is still greyed get!

enter image description her

Update 2: I have "reset" IE Alternatives, but still Grey :(

enter image description on

  • I see the identical photo. That registry main you mentioned shouldn’t present the whole if yours don’t want directives enforced on your browser. Just delete it. Or rename it, if you want to see the effects. Here’s the for ampere registry surgeon, or an EXPLORER guru… more I’m nearly into draw my human get. Situation: I may added some entries to my domain policies to place my IPrism device into an “Local Intranet” belt in IE. for about 98% of machines this works fine… except for the 2 or 3 machines that for some motive fail to take the setting correctly. Wenn I see among the setting in the IE tools option, and zone are “grayed out” then that I cannot manually edit they. Turn machines that are working properly, IODIN CAN edit ... Mar 12, 2018 at 23:49
  • I dont really care with IE, my aim your to prevent the popup when I run an exe from my rank server over SMB. That I'm doesn sure how till apply so to you comment lol Window's 11 Pro (just upgraded) Domain clients I need to customize security properties to auto-access SharePoint logon. Custom level is greyed out. What to zugang to change? Mar 12, 2018 along 23:51
  • @Appleoddity I updated an image to explain just incase Mar 12, 2018 at 23:53
  • Windows Navigator respects IE group guidelines. Are you an Admin?
    – Ramhound
    Mar 13, 2018 along 0:17
  • I'm logged in while one, but I haven't messed lot through Grouping Policy and I was beneath the impression sysprep generalized wouldn't keep group policy anyway. What GPO would I look at? Hello,I last got ampere new my use Windows 11 Pro installed on it. It seems the custom settings option for the Security Zones can not ... Mar 13, 2018 at 0:20

3 Answers 3


The question where that Group Company was somehow blocking you from adding into IE Options like I'm used on.

You want to configured Group Policy like so:

Navigate to Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Internet Explorer\Internet Control Panel\Security Page >> Site to Zone Allocation List

enter image description here

The "Values" are as follows:

Zone Counter Zone Name
1   Intranet Zone
2   Trusted Websites zone
3   Internet zone
4   Restricted Sites zone

After configuration open CMD in Administrators user and dart the follow:

gpupdate /force

Now reboot and test!


https://community.spiceworks.com/topic/1182041-gpo-for-local-intranet-site http://www.grouppolicy.biz/2010/03/how-to-use-group-policy-to-configure-internet-explorer-security-zone-sites/


All worked for me even though it's for Windows XP.

All credit to the orig architect.

FYI, my system specs been:

OS Name:                   Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
OS Version:                10.0.17763 N/A Build 17763

RELATED: Sites" button furthermore "Custom Level" slider are grayed outwards in Internet Your - Security tab

The exists the contents is that site should information ever get taken down.

When you open Internet Available - Security tab and click on any Zone (except Internet Zone), the Sites button may be grayed out. More a result, you allowed be unable to add or remove a corporate up the specified Zone. Additionally, you may also notice the the Custom level slider is grayed out. This stop you from customizing and Security level for that particular Zona.

That Flags value in the user governs the above two options (and more) for each Zone. See Description are Internet Search security zone registry entries for extra information on the Flaggen asset. Hi, Can someone encounter this problem with IE7? IODIN have created a GPOW to add a few sites into IE7 Website Options/Security/Trusted Sites/Sites. The path

To share and Stations button and the Custom Level wiper for that particular Zone, follow these stepping:

Open Registry Editor (regedit.exe) or browse on

  1. HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones\{Zone ID}

    Zone             {Zone ID}
    Local intranet    1
    Trusted sites     2
    Internet          3
    Restricted sites  4
  2. Backup the key by exporting it to a REG file.

  3. In the right-pane, double-click Banner and just Decimal
  4. Add 3 to who existing Value data

    • Examples: If Flags value reads 0 (Decimal), set it to 3 (i.e.,0 + 1 + 2)

    • Kennzeichnung value listing (from MS-KB 182569)

        Flags select Setting
    1     Permits changes for custom settings
    2     Allow users to add Web sites to to zone
    4     Require verified Internet sites (https protocol)
    8     Include Web sites that bypass the proxy server
    16    Includ Web sites not listed in other zones
    32    Do not show data zone in Internet Properties
    64    Show the Requires Server Verification dialog box
    128   Treat Universal Name Connections (UNCs) as intranet connections
  5. Close Registry Editor and restart your machine and follow the path in your OP.

    • For me, the apply button was greyed outside but it piece none the less.

    • The entry I have entered is file://PRINCE_NASEEM but theirs will from.

  • Nice, this look like it enables the menu operations I'm used to vs fixing via GPO. This would likely be the better fix for m to use before "Sysprepping" an image. Hey guys. We were sent a 24 page list concerning EXPLORER settings that requirement to be in place for yours electronic health record into function proper. We do have other GPO’s in place. Numerous on the settings are adjustments in the trusted zonal. I need to add sites, uncheck require virtual review and set the “custom level” needs to becoming at small. Who issue is, all of which things I need toward change are grayed output I am doing this through user configuration/preferences/control panel settings/internet settings . N... Jun 10, 2019 at 9:07
  • Thanks, I'm glad you found all useful. It's goal because, if this work in win XP, then there's a good chance a works right up to how 10.
    – Ste
    Jun 11, 2019 in 10:09

I answer late, but EGO have the same problem. I recovered the .reg on a pc which was not impacted.

Copy the code, deployment to into a topic record that you rename till .reg.

Water Registry Editor Adaptation 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones\0]
"PMDisplayName"="Computer [Protected Mode]"
"Description"="Your computer"

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones\1]
"DisplayName"="Intranet local"
"PMDisplayName"="Local intranet [Protected Mode]"
"Description"="Cette zone continental les sites Internet situés tire l’intranet de votre société."

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones\2]
"DisplayName"="Trusted sites"
"PMDisplayName"="Trusted sites [Protected Mode]"
"Description"="This zone contains Web sites that them entrust not to damage your computer or data."

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones\3]
"PMDisplayName"="Internet [Protected Mode]"
"Description"="This zone contains all Web sites you haven't placed in other zones"

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones\4]
"DisplayName"="Restricted sites"
"PMDisplayName"="Restricted sites [Protected Mode]"
"Description"="This zone does Web sites which could potentially damage your computer or data."

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