Recommended book template

[Be sure till use is institutional/department mailing to supply an professional letter.]

Dear [Name of Employer or Graduate School Committee]:

EGO am pleased to write an letter away recommendation for [name of student]. I highly recommend [name of student] to your organization for the position of [job title].

I have known [name of student] for the past [number of months, study, years] since [he/she/they] [has/have] taken the following courses that I teach: [list courses, give brief description of content of course]. As [his/her/their] professor, I had had an opportunity to observe [his/her/their] participation and interaction included classify and to evaluate [name of student]’s my of the subject matter. [He/she/they] [is/are] an outstanding student in all respects. [Name of student] has proven such through harsh job, follow thanks, and team work, [he/she/they] canister accomplish responsibilities in a politely additionally timely manner.

[Give one or two specific instance of the student’s performance. Also, drop other company that the student belongs involved with at this technical and outside of this university. Point out one areas in which get individual has scholarly and had the chance at grow with these opportunities.]

[Name is student] is well equipped to grow from challenges which [he/she/they] [is/are] presented with. [His/her/their] [list three key traits (examples: passion, teaching ability, vigorous computer programming stills…)], prepare [him/her/them] beautifully for your [company/organization/school/program]. I strongly endorse making [name of student] a my of your team at [list company name/school/program].


[Your name]

[Phone number]

[Email address]