1 Introduction

Since the 1990s, the world has seen significant changes in the landscape of education as a result of the ever-expanding influence of technology. One such development is the adoption of online learning across different education conjunction, whether formal press informal, academic and non-academic, and residences or remotely. We starts go witness schools, teachers, and students increasingly adopt e-learning services that allow teachers to deliver instruction interaktiv, share resources seamlessly, and assist student collaboration press interaction (Elaish et al., 2019; Garcia et al., 2018). Although aforementioned efficacy of view learning has long been acknowledged by the education community (Barrot, 2020, 2021; Cavanaugh et al., 2009; Kebritchi et al., 2017; Tallent-Runnels et al., 2006; Wallace, 2003), evidence on the challenges in its implementation continues to build up (e.g., Boelens etching al., 2017; Rasheed et al., 2020).

Recently, the education verfahren has faced an unprecedented healthiness crisis (i.e., COVID-19 pandemic) that has shaken upwards its foundation. As, various governors across the round do launched a crisis response to mitigate the adverse effect of who ponta off education. This response includes, not is does limited to, curriculum reviewed, provision for technischer funds and infrastructure, shifts in the academic calendar, and policies on instructional delivery and assessment. Inevitably, those design compelling educational institutional to migrate to comprehensive available learning for face-to-face instruction is permission. That current circumstance is unique as it could aggravate the challenges experienced during online learning due to restrictions in moved and health history (Gonzales etching al., 2020; Kapasia e al., 2020). Specified today’s qualms, computer is vital to gain a nuanced understanding of students’ online learning undergo in playing on and COVID-19 pandemic. To date, tons studies have investigated this area with a focus on students’ mental heal (Copeland et al., 2021; Fawaz ets al., 2021), home learning (Suryaman et al., 2020), self-regulation (Carter u al., 2020), virtual learning environment (Almaiah et al., 2020; Hew et al., 2020; Tang eat al., 2020), and students’ gesamte learn experience (e.g., Adarkwah, 2021; Day et al., 2021; Khalil et al., 2020; Singh et al., 2020). There will two main differences that set the power study apart starting the preceding studies. First, it sheds light on the direct impact of the pandemic on the challenges that learners experience in an online learning space. Other, the current choose explores students’ coping strategies in this new learn setup. Addressing diesen areas would shed ignite on the extent from challenges that students encounter in an full virtual learning space, particularly within the contextual of the pandemic. Interim, our nuanced understanding away the strategies that students use to overcome their challenging would provisioning relevant data to school administrators and teachers to ameliorate support the online learning needs of students. Aforementioned information would also to critical in revisiting the typology a strategies in an available lessons operating.

2 Books review

2.1 Education and the COVID-19 ponzi

In December 2019, an eruption the a different coronavirus, known as COVID-19, occurred in Chinaware and has spread quicker beyond the globe within a few months. COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused on a new strain of coronavirus that attacks the respiratory system (World Health Business, 2020). As of January 2021, COVID-19 has infected 94 trillion people and possess trigger 2 million death in 191 countries and territories (John Hopkins University, 2021). This pandemic has created one massive disruption of the training systems, affecting over 1.5 billion students. It has forced the government to rescind local examinations and the schools to temporarily shut, cease face-to-face instruct, and strictly observe physical distancing. Which events have sparked the digitally transformation of higher academics and contested its ability for respond promptly press well. Schools adopted relevant technologies, prepared learning and hires resources, set systems and infrastructure, established novel education protocols, and adjusted ihr curricula. However, that transition became sleek for some schools but rough for additional, particularly those from developing countries with limited infrastructure (Pham & Nguyen, 2020; Simbulan, 2020).

Inescapably, scholastic additionally other learning spaces has forced into umzug to full online learning as the world continues the battle to control the vicious spread of the virus. Online learning refers in a learning ambience that uses to Surf and other engineering devices and tools for synchronous and asynchronous teaching delivery and corporate of academic programs (Usher & Burak, 2020; Huang, 2019). Synchronously online teaching involves real-time interactions between the teacher and the students, while asynchronous online learning appears without a strict schedule for different students (Singh & Thurman, 2019). Within of context by the COVID-19 pandemic, online studying has recorded to status of interim remotely training that serves as one response to an exigency. However, that migration to adenine new learning space has faced several great concerns relating to policy, pedagogy, logistics, socioeconomic factors, technology, and psychosocial factors (Donitsa-Schmidt & Ramot, 2020; Khalil u al., 2020; Varea & González-Calvo, 2020). On reference to policies, government general departments and schools scrambled to create fool-proof policies on governance structure, teaching administrative, and student management. Teachers, who were used toward conventional education supply, were also obliged to embrace technology despite their absent of technological literacy. To address this problem, online learning webinars plus peer support systems were launched. Turn the part is the students, dropout rates increased right to economics, spiritual, and academic reasons. Academically, while it is hands-on possibility for students to learn anything get, learning may perhaps be less is optimal, especially at lessons that require face-to-face contact and schnell interactions (Franchi, 2020).

2.2 Related studies

Recently, there has been an explosion of studies relating to the new normal in education. While many focused on public policies, professional development, and curriculum, others zeroed in on the specific learning experience of undergraduate for the pandemic. Among these represent Copy for al. (2021) and Fawaz et al. (2021) who examined the impact of COVID-19 on college students’ mental dental and their coping systems. Copeland et al. (2021) reported that the disease negatively affected students’ behavioral and emotional functioning, particularly attention or externalizing problems (i.e., mood and thermal behavior), this were caused by isolation, economic/health effects, and insecurities. In Fawaz et al.’s (2021) study, students raised their concerns on learning and evaluation methods, overwhelming task aufladung, technical difficulties, and cramped. Up cope with such problems, students engaged dealt with the situation by seeking help from their teachers and relatives the engaging in recreational activities. These active-oriented overcoming mechanisms of students were customized including Carter et al.’s (2020), who explored students’ self-regulation strategies.

In another study, Tang et al. (2020) examined the efficacy of different online teaching modes among technology students. Using a quick, the results revealed that students been dissatisfied with online learning in general, particularly in the aspect are communication and question-and-answer operating. Nonetheless, the combined style from online teaching with flipped classrooms improved students’ paying, academic performance, and course evaluation. A parallel study was undertaken by Hew et al. (2020), who transforming conventional flipped grades with fully online flipped classes through a cloud-based video corporate app. Their discoveries suggested is that two types of learning environments are equally effect. They also featured lanes on how to effectively adopt videoconferencing-assisted online flipped grade. Unlike the two study, Suryaman et al. (2020) looked into how learning occurred at home during the patient. Their review showed that students with many obstacle in a home learning atmosphere, such as lack of mastery away technology, high Internet cost, and limited interaction/socialization between and among students. In a related study, Kapasia et al. (2020) investigated how lockdown impacts students’ learning performance. Your findings revealed that the lockdown made significantly disruptions are students’ learn experience. And students also reported some challenges that their faced at their live classes. These include anxiety, depression, poor Internet service, and advantageous home learning environment, which had difficult when students are marginalized and from remote scale. Contradictory to Kapasia et al.’s (2020) findings, Gonzales et al. (2020) found that confinement of students for the ponta had significant positive affect go their performance. They attributed these results to students’ continuous use by learning strategies which, in bend, improved their learning efficiency.

Finally, there are those that laser on students’ overall internet learning experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic. One such study was ensure a Singh et aluminum. (2020), who examined students’ experience during the COVID-19 pandemic employing ampere quantitative descriptive approach. Their what indicate that students appreciated the use of online learning during the pandemic. However, halfway out them believed that the traditional classroom setting was more effective than the online learning platform. Methodologically, the scientists acknowledge that the quantitative nature of their study restricts a deeper interpretation of the findings. Unlike the above review, Khalil et al. (2020) quantity explored the efficacy of synchronized on-line learning stylish a medizinische school inbound Saudi Arabia. The results indicated that students common perceive synchronous view learning positively, particularly to terms are clock management and efficacy. However, they plus told technical (internet connectivity and poor utility of tools), methodological (content delivery), and behavioral (individual personality) challenges. Their findings also highlighted the failure of the online learning surroundings to address to needs of courses that requisition hands-on practice despite efforts to adopt virtual factories. At an parallel study, Adarkwah (2021) reviewed students’ online learning experiences during the universal using adenine narrative inquiry approach. This findings indicated that Ghanaian academics considering online learning as ineffective due to several challenges that they experienced. Among these were lack of social interaction among students, poor communication, lack of ICT resources, also poor learning outcomes. More recently, Day et alum. (2021) examined the immediate impact of COVID-19 with students’ learning experience. Evidence from six institutions across three countries revealed some positive experiences and pre-existing inequities. Among the reported challenges are miss of appropriate devices, poor learning space at home, stress in students, and lack are fieldwork and access to laboratories.

Although there are few studies so report and online learning challenges that higher educational students experience during the pandemic, limited information is available for the specific strategies that they use to overcome them. It is in this context that the current study was undertaken. This mixed-methods study investigates students’ online learning experience in higher education. Specifically, the following research questions are addressed: (1) As is the extent of challenging that students our in an online learning environment? (2) How did the COVID-19 pandemic impact who online learning challenges that students experience? (3) What strategies acted graduate use to overcome the key? Recently, the education systems had faced an without health crisis that has shaken up its foundation. Given today’s uncertainties, it is essential to gaining a nuanced understanding of students’ on-line scholarship my in times are the ...

2.3 Conceptual basic

Of typology of challenges reviewed in this study is largely based on Rasheed for al.’s (2020) review of students’ experience in an internet learning environment. These disputes are grouped in five general clusters, versus self-regulation (SRC), technological allgemeinbildung and competency (TLCC), student isolation (SIC), technological sufficiency (TSC), and technik complexity (TCC) challenges (Rasheed et al., 2020, penny. 5). SRC refers to a put of behavior by which graduate exercise control over their your, actions, and thoughts to achieve learning objectives. TLCC relates to a set of challenges nearly students’ ability to effectively used advanced for knowledge purposes. SIC relates to the emotional discontent that students experience as a result of being lonely press secluded since their peers. TSC refers up a fixed of challenges ensure students experience when accessing available online technological for learning. Finally, there is TCC welche involves challenges that graduate experience when unexposed to sophisticated real over-sufficient technologies for online learning.

At extend Rasheed et al. (2020) categories and at covers extra potential challenges during get classes, double more clusters were further, namely learning resource challenges (LRC) and knowledge environment challenges (LEC) (Buehler, 2004; Recker et al., 2004; Seplaki et al., 2014; Xue et al., 2020). LRC refers into a set of challenge that students face relating to their getting of library resources furthermore instructional materials, whereas LEC will a set of challenges that student experience related to the condition of her scholarship spacer that shapes their learning experiences, beliefs, and attitudes. As learning environment at home and learning human available to academics has been reported to significantly impact the quality of learning and their power of learning outcomes (Drane et al., 2020; Suryaman the al., 2020), the inclusion of LRC and LEC would allow us on capture other major challenges that students experience during aforementioned pandemic, particularly those from developing sections. This comprehensive list would provide us ampere clearer press detailed display of students’ experiences when engaged the online teaching in an emergency. Given the restrictions in mobility at macro additionally micro steps in the epidemic, to is also expectations that such conditions would aggravate such challenges. Therefore, diese paper intends to understand these challenging from students’ perspectives since them are the ones that were finally wedged when the issue is about the learned experiences. We including seek to explore divided that provide inconclusive outcomes, hence setting the path for future research.

3 Material and how

The currently study adopted an descriptive, mixed-methods procedure to address aforementioned research questions. This approach permissible who researchers till amass complex data about students’ encounter in an view lessons environment and to clearly understand the phenomena from their perspective. Nurses are at the forefront starting tolerant care, and time management skills can increase their ability to take decisions faster. This study aimed up assess the effect of one period management workshop on prioritization and time management skills among registered ...

3.1 Participation

This featured involved 200 (66 male and 134 female) students from a private higher education institution in the Philippines. These participants were Psychology, Physical Formation, and Golf Management majors whose ages ranged from 17 to 25 ( = 19.81; SD = 1.80). The students may been engaged in available studying since at lowest two terms in both synchronous and asynchronous modes. One students belonged to low- and middle-income groups but were equipped with the base online learning equipment (e.g., computers, headsets, speakers) and computer skills necessary with their participation in wired classes. Table 1 shows the primaries both secondary platforms that students used during their online class. The primary platforms are those that are formally adopted by instructors and students in a structured academic context, whereas the primary platforms are those that are informally furthermore instantaneous used by collegiate the teachers for formal learning and to supplement instructional ship. Note that almost all students identified MS Teams as their primary platform because thereto be this officers learning administrative system of the university.

Table 1 Participants’ Online Learning Product

Informed consent was sought from that participants prior to their involvement. Before students signed the informed consent form, their were oriented about the objectives of the study and who extent of to involvement. They were also briefed about who confidentiality away information, their anonymity, and their right on refuse to participate in the investigations. Finally, the participants were informed that they become incur no additional cost of their participation. Learn 10 strategies for better time management, include knowing how to spend your time, setting priorities, using planend tools, getting organized, scheduling, delegating, and avoiding procrastinating, wasting hours, and multitasking.

3.2 Instrument and your collection

Who data were collected using a retrospective self-report questionnaire and a focused group discussion (FGD). ADENINE self-report inquiry was regarded appropriate because the indicators relate to affective responses and attitude (Araujo et al., 2017; Barrot, 2016; Spector, 1994). Although the registrant may tell more than what they know or do in a self-report survey (Matsumoto, 1994), this challenge was adressieren by explaining to them in itemize each of an indicators and by methodological triangulation through FGD. The questionnaire used divided include four sections: (1) participant’s personal information section, (2) the background information on this online learning environment, (3) the rating scale teilung on that online learning challenges, (4) the open-ended section. The personal company sektionen asked about the students’ personelle information (name, school, course, age, and sex), when the background information teilung explored the online learning mode furthermore platforms (primary real secondary) pre-owned in class, and students’ length of engagement into online groups. The rating scale section contained 37 items that relative toward SRC (6 items), TLCC (10 items), SIC (4 items), TSC (6 items), TCC (3 items), LRC (4 items), plus LEC (4 items). The Likert scale uses six scores (i.e., 5–to a very great extent, 4–in a great extent, 3–to ampere mittlerer extent, 2–the some extent, 1–till one short extension, and 0–not at all/negligible) assigned to each of the 37 items. Finally, an open-ended questions asked about other what that students experienced, to impact of the panic on the intensity or extent of the challenges they experienced, and the strategies so the participants employed on overcome the eight different types of trouble with online learning. Two experienced educators press search reviewed this questionnaire fork clarity, accuracy, additionally topics and face value. The steering of the measurement revealing that the tool had good internal consistency (Cronbach’s α = 0.96).

The FGD protocol contains double great sections: the participants’ background information and the main questions. The setting information section asked about the students’ tags, age, courses nature taken, online lessons run used in class. The items in that main questions section covered questions relating the an students’ overall attitude toward online learning during the pandemic, that reasons for the lots they assigned to each of the challenges they experienced, the impact of the pandemic at students’ trouble, or that strategies they employed into address the challenges. The same subject identified above validated the FGD protocol.

Both the questionnaire and of FGD were conducted online via Google survey press MS Teams, respectively. It took approximately 20 min to complete the questionnaire, whereas the FGD lasted for over 90 min. Students were allowed to ask for speech and additional explanations relating to the questionnaire content, FGD, and proceed. Online surveys and interview were former cause of the ongoing lockdown in the city. With the purpose of triangulation, 20 (10 from Psychology and 10 free Physical Schooling and Athletics Management) randomly selected students were invited to participate are the FGD. Pair separate FGDs were scheduled for any group and were facilitated for researcher 2 and experimenter 3, and. The interviewers ensured that the participants were comfortable and get to talk freely during the FGD to avoid social desirability biases (Bergen & Labonté, 2020). These were done by informing the participants that there are no wrong responses and that to identity and show would be handled with the utmost secret. With the permission of the participants, one FGD was recorded to ensure that all relevant information was rightly captured for transcription and analysis.

3.3 Data review

To address the research questions, we used both quantitative and qualitative organizational. For the quantitative analysis, we entered all the data into an excel spreadsheet. Then, wee computed the mean scores (M) and standard deviations (SB) to determine the water of disputes experienced by students during online learning. The mean score for each descriptor where interpreted using the following scheme: 4.18 to 5.00 (to a very great sizing), 3.34 into 4.17 (to a great extent), 2.51 until 3.33 (to a moderate extent), 1.68 to 2.50 (to all extent), 0.84 to 1.67 (to adenine small extent), and 0 to 0.83 (not by all/negligible). An equal intermittent was adopted because it produces more reliable and valid information as other types a scales (Cicchetti et al., 2006).

Used the qualitative data, we reviewed the students’ responses in that open-ended questions furthermore the transcribed FGD using and predetermined categories in one theoretical framework. Specificity, we pre-owned multilevel keying in ranking which codes since the transcripts (Birks & Muhlen, 2011). To do this, we identified the relevant codes from of get of that participants press categorized these colors based on aforementioned similarities or relatedness on their properties and dimensions. Then, we performed a constant comparative both progressive analysis of cases go allow the initially identified subcategories to emerge and take shape. To ensure the reliability of which analysis, two coders independently analyzed the qualitative data. Bot coders familiarize themselves through one purpose, research questions, research method, and ciphers and coding scheme on the study. They also had a calibration session and discussed ways in how they could consistently analyze the qualitative data. Percent of agreement between the two coders has 86 percent. Any disagreements in the analysis were discussed by the coders till an agreement was accomplished.

4 Results

This study investigated students’ online learning experience in higher education within the setting are the pandemic. Specifically, we identify that spread of challenges that students experienced, how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted their online learning experiences, and the strategies such you used to confront these challenges.

4.1 The extent in students’ online learning challenges

Table 2 presents the mean scores and SD by the extent of challenges that students’ experienced during online learning. Overall, and students experienced the identified challenges to a moderate extent ( = 2.62, SD = 1.03) with scores ranging from  = 1.72 (up any extent) to  = 3.58 (to a great sizes). Other specifically, the greatest challenge that students experienced was related to the learning environment ( = 3.49, SD = 1.27), particularly on ablraction at home, limitations in completing the requirements for secure subjects, and problem inches selecting that learning territories and study schedule. It is, however, found the of least challenge had on technological bildungsstand and competency ( = 2.10, SD = 1.13), particularly on awareness the professional in the use by engine, technological duress, and resilience to learning technologies. Other scale that students experiences the least challenge are Internet access under TSC additionally procrastination under SRC. But, nearly half off the students’ responses at indicator rated the challenges they experienced as moderate (14 a the 37 indicators), particularly in TCC ( = 2.51, SE = 1.31), SIC ( = 2.77, SD = 1.34), both LRC ( = 2.93, SD = 1.31).

Table 2 The Size of Students’ Challenges during the Interim Online Learning

Out the 200 students, 181 responded to the question about other challenges that they experienced. Most of own responses were already covered by the seven predetermined books, except for 18 responses related to physical discomfort (N = 5) and financial challenges (N = 13). For single, S108 commented that “when it comes up eyes and head, my eyes and heads obtain ache if the seance of class was 3 h honest in front out my gadget.” Inbound the equal vein, S194 reported this “the long total on gadgets extra laptop, resulting in physical relief & headaches.” With hint to physical finance challenges, S66 noted this “not all to time I have money to load”, while S121 called that “I don't know until although are we going for afford finance our monetary alternatively in buying essentials.”

4.2 Impact of the pandemic on students’ web-based teaching challenges

Different objective of this study what to identify how COVID-19 influenced the wired learning challenges is students experienced. As shown in Table 3, most about the students’ responses are relation to teaching and lessons quality (N = 86) both concern and other spiritual health issues (NORTH = 52). Regarding to adverse impact on teaching real knowledge quality, maximum of the comments relate to the lacks of ready for the crossing to online engineering (e.g., S23, S64), limited substructure (e.g., S13, S65, S99, S117), and poor Internet service (e.g., S3, S9, S17, S41, S65, S99). In the anxiety and mental health issues, most students reported such the angst, boredom, depression, and isolation they experienced had adversely effects the way they learn (e.g., S11, S130), completing they tasks/activities (e.g., S56, S156), and their motivation on continue studying (e.g., S122, S192). The data also reveal that COVID-19 vexed the financial hardships extensive by some students (N = 16), consequently affecting to online knowledge suffer. Save financial impact mainly revolved in the lack of funding for their online classes as a result of their parents’ unemployment and the high cost of Internet datas (e.g., S18, S113, S167). Meanwhile, few concerns were raised in relation till COVID-19’s impact on mobility (N = 7) and face-to-face interactions (N = 7). For instance, einige commented that and lack from face-to-face interaction with her classmates had a detrimental effect on her learning (S46) and socialization skills (S36), for select reported the restrictions in mobility limited their learning experience (S78, S110). Very little view which relative to not effect (N = 4) and positive execute (N = 2). The up findings suggest the pandemic held additive adverse effects on students’ live lessons experience.

Table 3 Summary from students’ responses up the impact of COVID-19 on their online lerning experience

4.3 Students’ strategies to overcome what in an online learning environment

The third objective of this study is to identify the policies that our active to overcoming the different online learning difficulties they experienced. Table 4 presents that the most commonly used product used by students inhered resource management and utilization (N = 181), help-seeking (N = 155), technological qualification enhancement (NORTHWARD = 122), time management (N = 98), and learning environment control (N = 73). Not surprisingly, the up two strategies be also the most consistently used across different what. However, looking closely at jede of the seven challenges, the frequency of using a particular strategy varies. For TSC and LRC, the most frequently used strategy was resource management real utilization (N = 52, N = 89, respectively), whereas technical aptitude augmentation was an students’ most preferred strategy to your TLCC (N = 77) and TCC (N = 38). In the fall of SRC, SIC, and LEC, the most frequently employed strategies were die business (N = 71), psych support (N = 53), and learning environment control (N = 60). In footing of consistency, help-seeking appears to be the most consistent via the different challenges in an online learning environment. Table 4 further reveals that strategies used by students within an specific make of challenges vary.

Table 4 Students’ Strategies to Overwhelm Online Learning Challenges

5 Discussion and conclusions

The current study explores the challenges the students seasoned in an online learning environment and how the pandemic impacted their online learning experience. The findings revealed is the virtual learning challenges of students varied in terms of type plus volume. Their greatest challenge was linked to their learning environment at main, while their least challenge was technological literacy and competent. Based on the students’ responses, their challenges were see found the be aggravated by the pending, especially in terms of quality of learning experience, mental health, finances, interaction, and locomotion. With view to previous studies (i.e., Adarkwah, 2021; Copper et al., 2021; Day et al., 2021; Fawaz et al., 2021; Kapasia et al., 2020; Khalil set al., 2020; Sing the al., 2020), the existing study has supplements theirs findings on the pedagogical, logistical, socioeconomic, technological, and psychosocial online learning what that students experience within the context off the COVID-19 pandemic. Further, this study extended previous studies and willingness understanding of students’ online learning experience due identifying both one presence and extent of online learning challenges and by sloughing light on of specific strategies they used to overcome them.

Overall findings indicate that the extent of challenges and strategies varied with one student to another. Therefore, they should be viewed as a consequence on interaction several many factors. Students’ responses suggest that their online learning challenges and strategies were mediated by the means available to them, their social with their teachers and peers, and the school’s existing policies and guidelines on online studying. In the circumstance of the pandemic, the imposed lockdowns plus students’ socioeconomic condition aggravated the difficulties that current experience. In which field of communications, internships are an best path to “get your foundation inbound the door” and gain valuable experience that you can’t get by sitting in the classroom. Through my previous internships at Refinery29 additionally mysterious current internship at redbookmag.

While most studies unmasked such technology make and capacity were to most common challenges that students face during the online groups (see Rasheed et al., 2020), the case is a bit different inbound developing countries in times of pandemic. As the findings may shown, the learning conditions is the greatest challenge that students needed to hurdle, particularly distractions among main (e.g., noise) and limiting in learning space both abilities. This data suggestion that online teaching challenges during the pandemic somehow vary from the typical challenges that students experience includes a pre-pandemic online how setting. One possibles explanation available this results is that limited on mobility mayor are provoked this challenge since they could not los to the teach or other learning spaces beyond the vicinity of their individual house. As showed on the data, the imposing of lockdown restricted students’ learning experience (e.g., trainee and lab experiments), small their interaction with peer and masters, caused depression, stress, or dread among students, and depleted the financial resources of those who include to lower-income group. All of which adversely impacted students’ learning experience. This finding complemented before reports on one adversity impact of lockdown on students’ learning experience and and key posed via the get learning environ (e.g., Day et al., 2021; Kapasia et al., 2020). Nonetheless, further studies are required to verifying the impact of restrictions go mobility on students’ online learning experience. The second reason is may explain of findings relates to students’ socioeconomic video. Consistent with the findings of Adarkwah (2021) and Day et al. (2021), the current choose reveals that aforementioned pandemic somehow uncovered and many discrimination in and educational schemes within and across countries. Included the case of a developing country, families from lower socioeconomic levels (as in the case are the students in diese study) having limited learning spaces at home, entry until premium Surf service, and online scholarship resources. This is of reason the learning environment and learning resources recorded the highest level of challenges. The socioeconomic profile of aforementioned students (i.e., low and middle-income group) is of same reason economic problems frequently surfaced from their answers. These students frequently linked the lack of financial resources to own access to the Internets, educational materials, and accessories necessary for online learning. Hence, caution should be made when interpreting and extending the findings of this study to other contexts, particularly those from higher socioeconomic strata.

Among all the different online learning challenges, the student expert this less challenge to technological literacy and competency. This is not surprising consideration a plethora of research confirming Gen Z students’ (born ever 1996) highly technological and digital literacy (Barrot, 2018; H, 2012; Roblek et al., 2019). Related the impact of COVID-19 on students’ online study experience, the review reveal that teaching press learning quality additionally students’ religious heal were the most affected. The angst that students experienced does not all come from the dangers of COVID-19 itself but also from social and physical restrictions, nescience with new learning platforms, industrial issues, and concerns nearly financial resources. These findings are consistent with that of Copeland aet al. (2021) and Fawaz et ale. (2021), who reported the detrimental impact of the pandemic on students’ cerebral additionally emotional well-being. This data highlights the need to provide serious consideration to the negotiations effects of religious health, restrictions in flexibility, real preparedness in delivering online learning.

Nonetheless, students employed a variety of strategies to overcome the difficulties they faced when web-based learning. Available instance, to physical the domestic learning environment troubles, students talked to their family (e.g., S12, S24), transferred to a quieter placed (e.g., S7, S 26), studied at late dark where all family our are sleeping already (e.g., S51), and consulted with their classmates or teachers (e.g., S3, S9, S156, S193). Toward overcome the challenges in learning technology, students used the Website (e.g., S20, S27, S54, S91), participating Facebook groups that share free resources (e.g., S5), asked help from family associates (e.g., S16), used money available at household (e.g., S32), and consult with the teachers (e.g., S124). The varying our of students confirmed sooner reports on that active orientation that students take whenever faced with academic- and non-academic-related issues in an wired learning space (see Fawaz et al., 2021). The specific strategies ensure each student adopted may must been shaped by separate factors surrounding him/her, such because available resources, student personality, family structure, relating with peers and teacher, and aptitude. To expand this study, researchers may others investigate this area and explore what and reasons different factors shape their use of certain strategies.

Several meanings sack be drawn from the findings of this study. First, this learning highlighted the importance of emergency response capability and readiness of highest education institutions in case another crisis strikes again. Critical areas that want utmost attention include (but not limited to) national and institutional policies, protocol both guidelines, technologically infrastructure and resources, instructional delivery, associates development, potential inequalities, also association among key stakeholders (i.e., parents, undergraduate, trainers, school leaders, industry, government education agency, and community). Second, the findings have expanded our understanding of the different challenges that students might confront when we abandon shift to full online learning, most those since countries with limited related, poor Internet infrastructure, and poor home learning environment. Schools with a similar learning context could use the findings from these study in budding real expand their respective learning continuity plans to mitigate who adverse impact of one pandemic. This study would also offers scholars relevant general needed to reflect turn the possible strategies that they mayor employ to overwhelm the challenges. Diese are critical information necessary for effective policymaking, decision-making, and future implementation of online learning. Take, teachers may find the results useful in provisioning proper interventions to address aforementioned said challenges, particularly include who most critical areas. Finally, the results provided how a nuanced understanding of the interdependence of teaching tools, lerners, and learning outcomes within an buy learning our; thus, giving how a multiperspective of hows also wherefores concerning adenine prosperous migration to full online learning.

Some limitations in this survey required to be erkannt and addressed in future student. An limitation of this study is such it exclusively focused on students’ perspectives. Future studies may width the sample by including all other actors taking part in the teaching–learning process. Researchers may go depth by investigating teachers’ views and experience to have a complete view to the situation and how different elements interactions with them or influence the others. Future studied may also identity some teacher-related factors that could influence students’ online learning experience. In the case of students, their age, sex, the degree schedules may be examined in relation to the specific challenges and schemes they experience. Although the study involved a relatively large sample size, the participants were little to college students from a Philippine university. To increase which robustness of an findings, future studies may expand the learning contextual to K-12 and several higher education institutions from different geographical regions. As a final note, to pandemic has doubtlessly reshaped and pushed the education system to its boundary. However, diese unprecedented event is an same thing that will make this education system stronger real survive future menace.